Umbraco server error after install - installation

I downloaded umbraco and used the web platform installer. Everything went though okay and it installed SQL Express 2008 and a new directory under the default website in IIS. However when I launch the website I'm redirected a dead page as below.
What do I do next?
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /install/default.aspx
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3603; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3082

Umbraco must be installed as a root website, It cannot be installed as a sub directory or virtual directory under a website.
There are plans to support this in future although I'm not sure if a date has been given.
For more info see this post on

In the install wizard.
When you are asked to type in new web application and web site name, just leave them empty.
See this install guide

I just made a fresh and plain installing with the follow requisites and solved this problem:
Add and configured the website in IIS port 80
Pointed physical path to wwwroot
Configured the authentication
Unziped the Umbraco files in the root of server (wwwroot)
This solved but I don't exactly why.


Unable to access page ashx

I have to test a Web Service with visual studio 2015, using IIS.
I have a project "MyWebService", this project contains a page "myPage.ashx". When I start the project my chrome explorer starts on page localhost - /. There I can see all file in the project.
But when I click on myPage.ashx I got an error 404 :
HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
I changed the property "browse to URL" to ~/myPage.ashx but there is no difference. I'm very new to web services and I need help to know where I have to looking for.
.ashx file extension might not be defined in your IIS.
See official documentation on Microsoft site How to: Configure an HTTP Handler Extension in IIS.

Index.html file generated by apidoc.js shows a 404 error after deploying web api app to server

I used apidocjs to setup the documentation of my web api app. Everything works fine on my machine when I run my web api in visual studio but not on the server I deployed the app to.
I get a 404 error when I navigate to the index.html generated by apidocjs.
I think it's an issue with IIS.
I need suggestions on how to resolve this?
Ok. Found the problem kind of silly.
I did not include the ~ symbol as part of the path in my anchor tag.
Before I had
I added ~
and problem solved!!!
What I did earlier solved the problem on the deployment i did to my local IIS but not on my remote server.
I had move my static html file into the Content folder of my web-api, edited the link to look like this and the problem was resolved.
Got this from here. Ordinary html links in mvc razor

Joomla backend not shown correctly

I'm using Joomla 2.5 and the backend is not shown correctly. It seems that the template is not loaded correctly.
This is my page:
The page as such is shown correctly but as you see, the backend isn't...
Try doing this:
Rename the admin templates folder on the host server (for a backup)
FTP transfer of an admin template folder from another Joomla site and then copy it from the FTP location using a file manager into the admin templates folder.
You could have a corrupt file or just missing some files from installation. This has happened to people before and by doing these two steps it seemed to solve their issue.
Hope this works out for you.
You probably have a fatal error. Go to configuration.php and change error reporting to development. This will render the error to the browser (alternatively check your apache error log). I predict you probably have a plugin problem -- perhaps your host updated PHP version for example. Whatever it is, deal with that problem.

Posting site to IIS - cannot find files

I have created a small site, on IIS express all is working fine. I have created on IIS new application and deployed the package to the folder. the server side is webapi. the bundle configuration is loading fine when i try to enter the home page, how ever the java script files which are referenced on the cshtml page cannot be found
<script src="~/Client/lib/require/require.js" data-main="../../Client/app/requireConfig"></script>
i am getting -
/Client/lib/require --> 404 cannot be found
and the bundle which works
how can I over come it?
I think i know what might be the cause, i had the same problem myself
in you visualstudio, the js file was running on a url like this
now you published it, and added it as an application to your default site, you would have given it an alias (e.g) "testsite"
meaning that in reality the file is hosted at
but in reality your site is looking for it (because of the ~) at
http://localhost/client/lib etc etc
Edit in response to comment:
rather than removing the ~ (which you will need to navigate you back to the url root), i would rather just include your app name in the bundles virtual path, like this:
bundles.Add(new styleBundle("~/yourAppName/Content/css")) ....... etc
I also came across this post, I haven't tried it myself but it seems an interesting alternative to my method.
Fixing Relative CSS Paths when using .NET MVC 4 Bundling

xampp - no longer loads local website but always redirects to internet version of site

I have a website that is live and a version that I am working on locally using XAMPP. For some reason every time I try to load:
it goes to the internet version. This has only started happening. All services are started. XAMPP is working for all other sites that I am working on locally.
Check your site settings as I believe you're having the url in your website set to the live version.
This can have alot of reasons.
What does your windows host file have for redirect rules (C:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/host) I assume that you use Windows because you said "xampp", correct me if im wrong)
Check for header(); redirects within your websites php scripts.
Do you have a v-host entry redirecting you to another url in your v-host config of your apache?
Check if you have any hard-coded url's? or redirects? in the project that are redirecting to the live version.
