Occam text animation - occam-pi

I'd appreciate it if someone would explain to me the principles of text animation in occam-pi. Thanks.

You'll want to import the course library, and use cursor.x.y to move the cursor around the screen to draw, or overwrite with whitespace bits of text which will result in animation.
I.e., in order to move cursor to 3, 3:
#INCLUDE "course.module"
cursor.x.y( 3, 3, scr )
-- where scr is your screen channel
and then just write to the screen the usual way
out.string( 'asdf', 0, scr )


ORACLE REPORTS - Frame printed in the middle of another frame, does not respect the order on the layout editor

My problem is that I have a frame that should be showed on the end of my report.. But when it's printed, the frame goes to the middle of it, right in the center of another block.
For example, on the layout editor:
when I print:
m_5 ← Note the difference
As I told you in a previous question you asked, you'll have to fix it within the layout editor.
pay attention to frames' positions,
what belongs to what
if necessary, move them forward or backward; sometimes several steps are required
it is easier to spot what goes where if you paint frames into different colors. Once everything is OK, remove colors
maybe you'll have to anchor one frame to another

Greensock library morphSVG animation

I am trying to make an animation that will fill a tube with liquid and then start moving the liquid inside. I am using an SVG with 3 main paths, the first one is liquid with short height, which then I morph to become the liquid with long height, then I want to "repeat" the morph between the other 2 paths to make it look like the liquid is moving, however when i move from one path to the other using morphSVG, I can't go back to the previous path, so my other morphSVG statement isn't executed.
Here's link to my code:
As can be seen, I am able to move from one path to the other using:
TweenMax.to("#redSecondary", 2, {morphSVG: "#redPrimary", delay: 2})
But I can't then use this: TweenMax.to("#redPrimary", 2, {morphSVG: "#redSecondary"})
Any idea will be helpful.
It seems like it was just a logic issue in your code - your setTimeout() was alternating between animating #redPrimary and #redSecondary (targets), but you never changed what they were animating TO. So it worked the first time...and that's it. Every subsequent call was just duplicating the exact same movement (tweening to the current values...thus no motion).
I wonder if this is what you were looking for: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/gvzMLG?editors=0010
Note: as a convenience, MorphSVGPlugin automatically records the original path data for the element so that if you ever want to animate back to it (like to("#redPrimary", 2, {morphSVG:"#redPrimary"}), it knows to grab that. It's all automatic :)
So if you want to repeatedly bounce between those morphs, a simple TimelineMax is probably the easiest way. Get rid of all that setTimeout() stuff and just do this:
var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1, delay:2});
tl.to("#redPrimary", 2, {morphSVG:"#redSecondary", ease:Power1.easeInOut})
.to("#redPrimary", 2, {morphSVG:"#redPrimary", ease:Power1.easeInOut});
Does that help? I'm not entirely sure that I understood your goal properly with the animation, but hopefully this nudges you in the right direction.
Happy tweening!

Delphi use of CopyRect from bmp to image

I have such code
buffer.Canvas.CopyRect(rect(0,0,buffer.Width,buffer.Height), target.Canvas, rect(0,0,buffer.Width,buffer.Height));
And it won't work.
There are better ways to load image, but I want to play with them.
The main reason is to load smaller images,
So it's correct to copy canvas rect, but it not shows single pixel...
Objects are initialized and scaled except for target which I want to contain more than one image.
I supose there is no need for writing what types are objects, all needed are classes procedures that shows what are what.
I wonder whats wrong? I tried many ways, but simple nothing.
Please help.
Probably source is TImage, buffer is TBitmap, target is also TImage (you should mention it in your question so we don't have to guess).
In this case, the second line would work only when you load from .BMP because only these have bitmap populated. If you have .png or .jpeg instead, the second line would erase the actual picture and replace it with empty bitmap... Not very intuitive behaviour but it's documented at least.
To work with arbitrary graphic, you should use TCanvas.Draw method which in turn calls TGraphic.Draw(). As you can see from description, it draws the graphic you loaded into the canvas at given rectangle. Something like that:
target.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, source.Picture.Graphic);
If you want to scale arbitrary picture, it could be done this way:
buffer.Width := source.picture.Width;
buffer.Height := source.picture.Height;
buffer.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
buffer.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, source.picture.Graphic);
//so we at last have bitmap containing our image in original size
target.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, NewWidth, NewHeight), buffer.canvas, Rect(0, 0, buffer.Width, buffer.Height));
Here NewWidth and NewHeight are image size we want.
By the way, you don't need source: TImage if it is just temporary object to load from file. TPicture would be enough:
var pic: TPicture;
pic := TPicture.Create;
buffer.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, pic.Graphic);

Animating XY Line in TecPlot

I'm an environmental engineer using TecPlot to plot come charts with some input data, let me explain my problem.
I'm studying the evolution of a river bed with a Fortran code which I wrote. As a output the code gives a detailed stratigraphy going some centimeters under the soils surface. Basically the output file looks like this:
0.03500000000 -0.18093000000 -0.17093000000 -0.16093000000 -0.15093000000 ...
0.10500000000 -0.18100000000 -0.17100000000 -0.16100000000 -0.15100000000 ...
0.17500000000 -0.18107000000 -0.17107000000 -0.16107000000 -0.15107000000 ...
0.24500000000 ...
and so on.
The first column is the x variable (horizontal evolution) and has 200 data.
The other columns are the evolution on the vertical coordinate.
So basically for each line we have, starting from the second colon, an horizontal line drawn thanks to 400 values.
For example if I plot the entire first column with the entire first row what I get is just a line on the plot.
For each time step my Fortran code create an output file which gives a plot with all the substrate lines.
What I want to do, and I really don't know how to do it, is animating this plots in order to have, for each time step of the animation, the ENTIRE plot with ALL THE LINES.
What I've done in TecPlot so far is:
1) import all the output files
2) put them in the XY Line plot of TecPlot using one zone for each output file I have (file 1 -> 1:ZONE001, file 2 -> 2:ZONE001, file 3 -> 3:ZONE001 and so on)
3) trying to turn them into contour plot (no results)
3.2) trying to animate them with XY Line plot animation (too bad, it animates every single line...)
I hope that I've been enough thorough to let you helping me.
I would appreciate each contribution and I thank You for each -even short, small- answer.
Best regards
Assuming you have already loaded the file, and have multiple zones. you can animate the mappings by Animate -> Mappings.., As far as
trying to animate them with XY Line plot animation (too bad, it animates every single line...)
is concerned, you need Map Skip value more than 1, to skip the mappings (lines). The animation can be saved as video or image sequences from the same dialogue box, by pressing the small video button besides the play rewind and forward buttons enter image description here

CGPathContainsPoint: And if i scaling up or down ???

question is....
i need to handle tap gesture.
Now, i have a lot of paths builded by CGPath (each path has an ID), and by CGContextAddPath i create and fill my planimetry. Whether i tap on a path, i wish that right ID is shown.
So, i'm using CGPathContainsPoint in touchbegin to do this but, if i scale up or down my planimetry by CGAffineTransform, CGPathContainsPoint method returns wrong information (FALSE) also if i touch on a (scaled) path.
How can i fix it ?!
I tried by adding CGAffineTransform element as second argument of CGPathContainsPoint method but point touched isn't scaled too, so, nothing happens (instead, the same problem with translation is fixed by this same way!).
Here you can find the CODE semplified
Sorry for my english ( i'm italian ) :P
Thx in advance
OK! I found the problem !!!
I have to apply the inverse function!!
If i scale by 10, i have to scale the point by 1 / 10.
For translation if i drag by 10, i have to drag back by -10 (for rotating the same i think).
