Problem "F5" Debugging ASP.NET Web Application Project with VS2008 on Vista - visual-studio

I'm working with a .NET3.5 Web Application project in Visual Studio 2008 on Vista Ultimate. I'd rather use IIS7 than Cassini as my local test web server. I have the website setup in II7 and every thing is served with no problems.
However, I'd like to use the VS debugger hooked up to F5 instead of manually attaching to the process. So in my HOSTS file, I have:
In my website project's "Web" settings, I have:
"Use Local IIS Web server" is selected
Project Url is ""
Override application root URL is ""
Also, in IIS, I've bound to on port 80. In addition, the account used to run the IIS server is a member of the Administrators group and I run VS2008 as Administrator.
However, starting my project with debugging yields this error:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The IIS worker process for the launched URL is not currently running.
Any ideas why I can't get VS debugging to work with IIS?

Problem solved. Instead of binding to, I changed it to "All Unassigned" and I'm back in business :)

We fixed it by replacing "::1
localhost" by " localhost" in
the hosts file.
Found this in the ASP.Net Forums:
Not sure it will help but worth a try...


IISExpress keeps refusing connections from custom domain

Tried both Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 with the latest updates, different web apps (.NET Framework and .NET Core based). IISExpress is 10.0, Windows 10 Pro.
When I run a web app like http://localhost:49217, it works. If it's http://mydomain:49217, I get "mydomain refused to connect". At the same time, if I do "ping mydomain", it's successful.
I did:
"mydomain" in hosts file
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:49217:mydomain" /> in applicationhost.config (both replacing localhost entry and keeping both localhost and mydomain)
made sure that this is the actual applicationhost.config (as there are many locations of them in different Visual Studio versions). For instance, when I change settings directly in Visual Studio, I see that this file gets updated.
"netsh http add urlacl url=http://mydomain:49217/ user=everyone" under Admin privileges
I tried to run Visual Studio as Admin and also running IISExpress directly (also as Admin):
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"c:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe" /config:"c:\solution_path\.vs\config\applicationhost.config" /site:"solution"
Starting IIS Express ...
Successfully registered URL "http://localhost:49217/" for site "solution" application "/"
Successfully registered URL "http://mydomain:49217/" for site "solution" application "/"
Successfully registered URL "http://*:49216/" for site "solution" application "/"
Registration completed for site "solution"
I then see incoming connections when it's localhost but not mydomain.
I tried to turn off Windows Defender Firewall for Private and Public networks, to no avail.
What else can I do?
I now tried to run one of web apps (.NET Core one) under Kestrel and this worked from the start, I can access http://mydomain:49217 just fine. It's only IISExpress which isn't working, and I have to to use IISExpress, Kestrel is not an option for me.
You could install our free VS extension called Conveyor (in Tools->Extensions). It will open a new port that will accept connections from other host names.
Eg. it will open port 45455, then you can go to http://mydomain:45455
You won't need the binding changes anymore, but you will need to keep the hosts file change of course. Also you can signup for tunneling if you want to use one of our subdomains to access over the internet.

How to debug ASP site without port number on VS 2012 Express

I'm trying to debug an ASP.NET 4.0 web site using Visual Studio Express 2012. I've configured the project settings to use the local IIS web server which was installed with VS. I need to use IIS so that urlrewritingnet will work.
I need to run the site locally without a port number. Currently it runs as http://localhost:4652/ which breaks some of the routines since they reference Request.Url.Host. This results in attempts to access resources using http://localhost/.
There is a lot of code to this site and it would be extremely easier and quicker (I think) to just configure my local debug to run on localhost instead of localhost:4652. Is there a way of doing this?
Since it's IIS Express installed with VS there is no configuration manager for IIS. When I click PROJECT -> mysite Properties and change the Project Url (under Use Local IIS Web Server) to http://localhost/ I get a warning that reads:
The local IIS Express URL http://localhost/ specified for Web project mysite has not been configured. To keep these settings you need to configure the virtual directory. Would you like to create the virtual directory now?
When I click on Yes, I get another dialog box saying:
Unable to create the virtual directory http://localhost/
Does anyone know if this should or should not work and if it can work, how do I do it?
You can go to "user/documents/iisexpress/config" then open applicationhost with notepad or other relevant editor then go find "bindings" then change the value of bindingInformation into "*:80:localhost". Done
Its really simple. You need to attach the IIS process to the visual studio and browse the website.
Below article guides to achieve this.
Its always a good practice to do a unit test of web apps to local iis while developing.

Visual Studio 2010 change from localhost to full computer name/domain

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and I would like change debugging environment from the localhost to my full computer name/domain. Does anyone have some step by step instructions on how to do this? (I would also like to set it up as the default for all new projects plus how to change it in existing projects). I am new to using visual studio and programming in general.
I found this post Visual Studio 2010 - Change localhost to custom domain in the forum but it wasn't clear to me on how to make the change. I went to the project properties web tab and attempted to set up local IIS Web server but got the following error:
"ASP.NET 4.0 has not been registered on the Web server. You need to manually configure your Web server for ASP.NET 4.0 in order for your site to run correctly."
I am not ever sure if that was the correct way of going about doing this. I just need my debug url address to go from:
For fixing the iis web server, I am not really sure what was done...our IT department worked on that. For setting up the local IIS webserver in visual studio I did the following: In the web project properties, under the web tab, I choose "Use Local IIS Web server, in the project URL, I put the full computer domain and told it to create a virtual directory.
Got it. Our IT came to the rescue — he fixed some issues with the ASP.NET not accessing 4.0 correctly. Then I set up the "Use Local IIS Web server" correctly and it worked like a charm.

Problem running MVC3 under IIS 7.5

I am trying to make Visual Studio 2010 to run my project under a local instance of IIS 7.5 instead of starting the web development server. There is no problem deploying it to IIS, but when i try to browse to the site, it's like the routes never been registered in IIS because i get error "The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory." when i try to browse "http://localhost/returnjson", and when i browse "http://localhost/returnjson/Home/Index" i get error 404. And there is nothing wrong with the routes in my project, it works under web development server. What could be the problem?
It's hard to say what's wrong here but there are a couple of things you could try.
You could be looking at the wrong application. IIS comes pre-configured with a default application that acts as a catch all. Any unmapped domain name will end up there. So, by default when you visit localhost you'll end up there.
If you deployed your application into a new IIS site, make sure you bind it a proper domain name like myapp.local. Then add that domain name to your hosts file (%Windows%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts) and map it to IP
Another thing that could be wrong is that your IIS configuration is a bit screwed up. It happens sometimes. You can fix that with aspnet_regiis like so:
aspnet_regiis -ir
This tool is located under:
Right click on your MVC3 project and select Publish. Publish it to the Filesystem and select a folder on your hard drive.
Navigate to your published folder and copy everything in it.
It's a pain in the keister but you can get through it.
Your folder in C:\inetpub\wwwroot should look like this after pasting your published application into the wwwroot:
Can you confirm that your folder looks like this?
You could also try out IIS Express in stead of IIS 7.5
IIS Express is a lightweight, self-contained version of IIS optimized for developers. IIS Express makes it easy to use the most current version of IIS to develop and test websites. It has all the core capabilities of IIS 7 as well as additional features designed to ease website development

Need to name websites on localhost running on different Ports

I have my development PC on Windows 7 for ASP.NET and running Visual Studio 2010 and IIS 7 (NOT using the development web server). I have created multiple websites on different ports on my PC. E.g. http://localhost:8080 points to Website A. But when I open the site in Visual Studio, the project name shows as http://localhost:8080, as follows.
I would like to change that name to http://WebsiteA or http://WebsiteA:8080. Some identification.
I edited hosts and added WebsiteA
Ping works fine. Also browsing WebsiteA:8080 works fine. But when I try opening the site (http://websitea:8080) in Visual Studio, it says Web site does not have Frontpage server extensions installed.
Is there any way to at least rename what's shown in the project list in Visual studio. I just need an identification on each website. I have about a dozen project and more may be added.
IIS in Windows 7 allows you to have named virtual hosts. You can use that to separate out your sites. Visual studio cooperates with the naming of the virtual hosts. You will need to configure your visual studio project to operate against IIS (for debugging and running) rather than the visual studio built in web server.
Managed to find a way. This is what I did. Went to IIS Management, Created a new Website - Give it a name WebsiteA, Choose the folder where the web is located and give it a Host Name - WebsiteA. Click OK
Then go to Application Pools. You'll see your Host name there. Change the ASP.Net version to 4.0 or whatever you want. Then add a hosts entry WebsiteA.
Now you can add http://WebsiteA in Visual Studio.
Thanks for all the help guys
