XUL - textbox problem - firefox

I am writing a Firefox extension. When a user highlights and right clicks a selected text on a webpage, the extension captures the text and displays it in a textbox (xul window). The textbox shows the correct formating (like the line breaks, spaces, * for li tags.). But the problem happens when i try to store the textbox value in a variable. The line breaks are gone.
var selText = document.getElementById("txtboxSelectedText").value; //
Can anybody help?
Thanks a lot.

Is this a real textbox or a rich text editor like tinyMCE or open wysiwyg?
In a real textbox there are linebreaks. In the rich text editors, they are really iframes with html content... what looks like a line break is really a <br/> tag.
The reason I suspect this is you can't have li tags (and their associated bullet points) inside a normal textbox


Why form class is highlighted as red?

Can somebody tell me which the cause of form class that highlighted as red? What's the meaning of this? I can't get rid of it. I already close the form at the end of the line. But when I view the page source this is what look like.
This is your editor trying to be helpful by highlighting the form tag.
As you're writing HTML make sure you're using an editor that supports more than PHP, like Atom or Sublime Text. Or tell your editor that you're editing HTML.

CKEditor: Paste into editable field in widget

I have a CKEditor widget resembling a tab-module.
As editables I have defined a span.title and div.content.
When I am in editing mode inside a span.title and then paste something using CTRL+V, the span gets broken and I have two spans. As if it gets divided on whatever position I paste.
When I am in editing mode inside a div.content and then paste something using CTRL+V, the contents of the clipboard are correctly inserted into that div.
Is it because span is an inline-element and div is a block-element and CKEditor doesnt allow pasting into inline-elements?
Can I somehow change this behaviour?
CKEditor allows pasting of block and inline elements (keep in mind that content filtering (ACF) can be used which also affects pasting) so it is probably not the issue in this case.
I would also make sure that the content which you are trying to paste does not contain any HTML which may cause the behavior you described.
If you could provide widget HTML/template or code which you are using I will be glad to investigate this issue in more depth.
I had this issue when trying to have a <cite> element as an editable. Trick was to tweak the CKEDITOR.dtd properties.
// This prevents the pasting from splitting parent element.
delete CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty.cite;
// This tells the editor to allow editing in this element.
CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable.cite = 1;
I imagine this would affect the behavior of all <cite> elements in any editor currently loaded. Not ideal in all cases for most elements, but for our requirements for a blockquote/pullquote widget, the <cite> element is only allowed inside our <blockquote> elements in any editor.

What does the mozdisallowselectionprint attribute in PDF.js do?

Firefox' built-in PDF viewer, PDF.js, has a mozdisallowselectionprint attribute on the <html> tag. What does this attribute do?
The mozDisallowSelectionPrint attribute was added to Firefox to allow web pages to disable the print selection option in Firefox.
Normally, when you select text in a document and then open the print dialog (Ctrl + P or Cmd + P), you can choose the option "Selection" under "Print range".
Because of the way PDF.js works, selecting this option when viewing a PDF document would either result in empty pages being printed or, for large documents, a browser crash.
In bug 830278 it was therefore decided to allow web pages, including the PDF viewer, to disable the option to print selections by adding this attribute to the HTML tag..
(source: broward.edu)
mozDisallowSelectionPrint is available from Firefox 19 and onwards.

CKeditor, colour of text seems to be not retained although HTML is correct, how to resolve?

I am using CKEditor 4.4.5.
Users use the text colour icon to change the colour of a word which works fine. When one checks the underlying HTML, it shows:
<p><span style="color:#FF0000">test </span></p>
However when clicks the "source" icon again to return to the standard non HTML view, the colouring has gone, although the underlying HTML is still correct. If you take this HTML and render it in a browser it will work correctly. So it seems that CKEditor is not able to render text colour correctly, unless freshly changed using the text colour icon.
We had customers thinking that the colour had not changed, and then trying to fix the issue in the HTML, which resulted in the total corruption of the HTML due to human error.
Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
As for CKEditor it might so happen that Advanced Content Filter will strip undesired tags / attributes.
If you don't have colorbutton plugin, CKEditor will strip this span (see standard demo).
You have 2 simple solutions:
Add colorbutton plugin.
Simply add to your config:
config.extraPlugins = 'colorbutton';
Add ACF proper rule.
config.extraAllowedContent = 'span{color}';
For more informations about ACF see Content Filtering (ACF).

Entering custom HTML-code in EZ Publish's TinyMCE will not work

I've added the "html"-button to TinyMCE on an EZ Publish site so that the users can write custom html into the xmlblock-field. But html-code with div-, img- and other tags get stripped when the user saves. If I use the ''-tag I assume that the html-code inside will be rendered as viewable html-code on the web page, instead of actual html-content.
How can I enable html-editing in the ezoe?
This is what I'm trying:
Click the html-button in TinyMCE.
Write html-code:
<div style="text-align:left; width:496px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">
<img id="Image-Maps_fottoey" src="some url.jpg" width="496" height="249" alt="" />
Click "Publish". When viewing the page it has no trace of the html-code from step 2.
I've tried to add the following to my override content.ini.append.php:
as per http://acidre.com/blog/ez-publish-saisir-du-contenu-directement-en-html/ but that doesn't help.
It works now with the changes that I made to content.ini.append.php. This change adds "html" as a literal option and gives you a new icon in the editor, which Nicolas pointed me to (looks like a sheet of paper and is on icon row 2, first section before the Omega-icon.
When you add the html-source in the purple edit field, the editor will create links if it discovers that you've pasted inn urls. These links are blue in the editor. You must break these links with the "Break link"-icon to the far right on icon row 1. There should be no blue hyperlinks in the editor when you save. If you've managed this, the published page should display your custom html nicely :)
The usual way of enabling literal HTML in eZ Online Editor (based on TinyMCE) in eZ Publish is to uncomment the
configuration directive in an override of content.ini. A bit more of information here : http://share.ez.no/forums/setup-design/custom-tag-stop-while-running/comment64177.
Then, the literal tag should be available to editors through the literal button in TinyMCE (this button looks like a text sheet). The dropdown proposed in the pop-up menu shows 'html'.
Allowing raw html requires a few editorial guidelines and full trust in editors, but i am sure you are aware of this.
