CKeditor, colour of text seems to be not retained although HTML is correct, how to resolve? - ckeditor

I am using CKEditor 4.4.5.
Users use the text colour icon to change the colour of a word which works fine. When one checks the underlying HTML, it shows:
<p><span style="color:#FF0000">test </span></p>
However when clicks the "source" icon again to return to the standard non HTML view, the colouring has gone, although the underlying HTML is still correct. If you take this HTML and render it in a browser it will work correctly. So it seems that CKEditor is not able to render text colour correctly, unless freshly changed using the text colour icon.
We had customers thinking that the colour had not changed, and then trying to fix the issue in the HTML, which resulted in the total corruption of the HTML due to human error.
Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

As for CKEditor it might so happen that Advanced Content Filter will strip undesired tags / attributes.
If you don't have colorbutton plugin, CKEditor will strip this span (see standard demo).
You have 2 simple solutions:
Add colorbutton plugin.
Simply add to your config:
config.extraPlugins = 'colorbutton';
Add ACF proper rule.
config.extraAllowedContent = 'span{color}';
For more informations about ACF see Content Filtering (ACF).


Drupal 8 stripping style attributes from table tags

I'm using Full HTML filter, with CKEditor. The following filters are enabled:
Align images
Caption images
Track images uploaded via a Text Editor
Collapsible text blocks
Note that Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML is NOT enabled.
when I add a style attribute to a table element in Ckeditor using the Source view, specifically "width=75%", it is stripped when the page is rendered. When I edit the page again and go to Source view, the style tag is there.
What is stripping it on render?
I believe inline styles are removed by default for security reasons. But, there has been a lot of discussion about this issue on over the past few years. If you're looking for a workaround and accept the risk, here are two approaches I have found:
How to fix: CKEditor is removing style attributes. Drupal 8.
Refactor Xss::attributes() to allow filtering of style attribute values
Fair warning: I have not personally implemented either of these.
Inline style is stripped by default with Basic HTML formatter. Unless you have a specific reason why you don't want to turn on Limit allowed HTML tags I highly recommend that you do because it gives you a lot of control over what tags you and others can use in the wysiwyg. In addition, it allows you to add a "Styles" button with pre-configured styles so you don't have to insert inline CSS code repetitively.

How to show Ckeditor document in read only mode as in edit mode without the editor

How can I show documents created with Ckeditor in read only so that they as much as possible like in the editing mode but without having to create the editor for each message?
In my project users can send messages to each other among many other things and they create the messages using Ckeditor. I would to render message threads in readonly mode without having to create the Ckeditor for each message. Doing that would be slow and would consume a lot of vertical space. Another problem with that approach is that removing the toolbar removes formatting. I would like to just have the messages in div tags and add a class to them and then include Ckeditor css file. Or also acceptable would be to have one element with certain class whose children would get the Ckeditor styles. Before putting the messages in the html response I do whitelisting on the server so the docs are safe to put inside for example a div tag.
I solved this by wrapping the message in an iframe element and added dynamically a style element that links to the Ckeditor style sheet. Now the message gets Ckeditor styles and I don't need to create the editor at all in the read only state and the rest of my page unaffected by the Ckeditor styles.

CKEditor and HTML in Xpages

I am understanding this better but still not there yet.
I have a notes document with a rich text field. I want to edit it in Xpages, so that the user can enter text for an email that an agent will generate. The idea is that the user should be able to enter styled text, hopefully including pasted graphics, and this is saved to the rich text field in such a way that a later agent can copy that field to the body of an email.
On the form I have checked the field "Store contents as HTML and MIME.
In the Xpage I have bound the CKEditor directly to the field (can bind it to a scope variable if necessary).
The code in my agent is as follows:
Set rtItmFrm = emlDoc.getFirstItem("Body")
Set rtItmTo = New NotesRichTextItem(mail,"Body")
Set rtItmTo = rtItmFrm.Copyitemtodocument(mail,"Body")
Any further suggestions on reading up on MIME/CKEditor etc would also be much appreciated.
I just discovered how to modify the CKEditor in Xpages (the Rich Text Control). I have the full menu and one or two more things turned out. However, I am really puzzled by how it treats HTML. I would like to put a template for a nice HTML email (like a newsletter). Anything even a little complicated it munges and the output is messed up.
I read enough online to understand that it is not supposed to be a HTML editor, but I am really having trouble getting the results I want. I would love to put some basic skeleton HTML in there, but everything but the simplest code doesn't work.
Is there anyway to import HTML and it not get messed up using this editor?
as Per and Stephan said, Have a look at ACF filtering that is 'server side' (This is not related to CKEditor itself, but it is related to XPages).
If you have a look at the inputRichText control you will see 2 properties.
These properties determine how to filter Html on the way in to your data, and also on the way out.
This can be used to strip styling out, and also to prevent dangerous tags like some bad code here etc.
By Default the htmlFilter is set ACF (Active Content Filtering) if you look at the default rules, you will see it strips things like 'margin' out.
see /properties/acf-config.xml-sample
There is a filter called 'identity' which means don't filter anything, however beware if you use this you are not protected from and maliciously entered html.
You should look into defining your own set of rules for your ACF filter, this way you can choose which elements to remove. There is a section in Mastering XPages book about this.
If you still have any trouble, then there are some settings in CKEditor config which also control ACF (totally separate to XPages server side)
I don't think CKE changes the HTML, it is the writing back to a RT field.
Try and bind your RichText Editor to a scoped variable instead of a RichText field. This way you have access to the raw HTML and can use that to generate a MIME email. You might want to have a look at Mustache for mail merge.
Use this article series as starter how to prepare CK editor to make this possible.
And as Per mentioned: check the filtering.

CKEditor changing content automatically

Found a very similar question here: CKEditor classes being stripped
I am using CKEditor 4.2, and I have found it automatically changes content/formats.
For example I have a plugin which automatically creates a new page and a link to it in the text editor, if I create a new page called 'newPage' it creates this code:
<p> </p>
<p><a class="wiki_page_link" href="newpage">newpage</a></p>
This is shown when I click the source button on the CKEditor, now if I click it again, it shows the button again but it's different, AND if I click the source button to view the source code again it displays this code:
<p> </p>
Now I don't know why CKEditor has automatically changed the link, but now the link won't work. And this is occurring a number of times, for example if I add a new link using the same plugin then the original 'newPage' link is automatically changed. If I have an image of set n x m width and height then load the CKEditor then the width and height are discarded and the image is set to it's default size. If a title is set to be in the center and the CKEditor is used to change the page this centering is defaulted to the normal left of the page.
Any advice would be appreciated,
Thank you
I have finally found a solution to this. The reason it took me so long is because links like this:
CKEditor classes being stripped
to the CKEditor website always say you turn CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent to 'true' and it only provides examples to trying to turn off individual plugins, but I needed to disable it over the entire system.
To disable Advanced Content Filtering throughout the entire CKEditor - in the config.js file insert the line:
config.allowedContent = true;
Hope this helps someone else.

Content attribute in CSS to show image icon

While creating and learning bootstrap page. I came across the content attribute of css I read few articles and I got how it works. But following code snippet shows me an image icon but the content attribute value really isn't the image url but a code. I'm not clear as how we can show the image without the url and where is the image coming from? i:before {
content: "\e001";
Following is the html element to show an image icon using above css:
<span class="test glass"><i></i></span>
But what is "\e001" is that an image code or something else?
they are utf8 codes. there are plenty of sites describing the glyphs for different standard fonts but you can also define your own font set with whatever images you choose as whatever character.
if you use a webfont, from fontello for example but are plenty of sites like that one, you can define what image to use as character \e0001 and whenever you want to use that image, you must make sure you use that font-face for the element and use the utf8 code to display the image. in html it would be someting like <span class="iconfont"></span>. if you add the image with css then is like in your example.
