Algorithm that Generates Unique Serial Number for Each English Word - algorithm

For an application I need to generate unique serial numbers for each English word.
What would be the best approach?
One constraint is serial number generation algorithm should be very effective in an ordinary desktop computer.

Do you have a list of all possible words? If yes, start from 0 at the first word and increment the serial by 1 for each word.
If not then a simple way to guarantee they are unique is to use the word itself as the serial. For example, ABC = 0x41 0x42 0x43 = 4276803.
As suggested in the comments there are other ways (that however require more work), such as compressing the words first with, for example, Huffman.
This of course gets awkward with long words: The serial of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis would require around 100 digits, for example.
Otherwise you can use a hash, but there is no guarantee it will be unique for all English words.

You appear to be asking about a perfect hashing function. If so, take a look at this Wikipedia article, and at the gperf utility.

Here is an algorithm (in python) that allows you to code and decode any combination of lowercase letters:
def encode(s):
r = 1
for i in len(s):
r = r * 26 + (ord(s[i]) - ord('a'))
return r
Using 64 bits you can code up to 12 letter words. You can use the remaining unused serials as in index to a table containing low-frequency very long words.

Just use a 64-bit hash function, like Fowler-Noll-Vo. You're not likely to get collisions using a 64-bit integer, as this gives you 2^64 possible values, and there are certainly way less than that many words in the English language. You'd need to normalize each word, of course, (convert to lower-case, etc.)

Do you really need it to be 'serial'? if not - did you try to use the various hash algorithms? Several of them are built into .NET (MD5 and SHA1 if I remember correctly). I am not sure which one will be good enough especially with short strings

Are you looking for every word, or every word in the English dictionary? Are you using standard words - i.e. from the Oxford English Dictionary or are slang words included too? I guess what I'm getting at is: "How big is your dictionary"? You could use an MD5 hash which has a theoretical possibility of collisions - albeit 1 in billions of hashes that may collide - although, I can't say I'd understand the purpose of using a hash over using the actual word. Unless perhaps you're wanting to calculate the serial client side so that it's referencing a correct dictionary item on the server side without having to parse the dictionary looking for its serial. Of course - the word obviously has to be sufficiently unique in order for us to understand it as humans, and we're way more efficient at parsing the meaning of words than a computer is at doing the same.
Are you looking to separate words that look the same but are pronounced differently? Words that look and sound the same but have different meanings? If so, then you're going to come unstuck with a hash, as the same spelling with a different semantic will produce the same hash, so it won't work for this scenario. In this case you'd need some kind of incremental system. If you add words after the fact to the dictionary, will they be added at the end and just given the next serial number in sequence? What if that word is spelled the same as another word but sounds different or sounds the same but has a different semantic? What then?
I guess it depends on the purpose of the serialization as to what would be the most suitable output for your serial number and hence what would be the most efficient algorithm.
The most efficient algorithm would probably be to split your dictionary into the same number of chunks as you have processors and have a thread on each processor serialize the words in its chunk recombining the output from each thread at the end. This (in theory) would work at a speed slightly slower than O(n/number of processors) in real world performance, however I think for mathematical correctness that's still O(n) because you still have to parse the whole dictionary once to serialize each word.
I think the safest way to go is:
Worry about what you've got now
Order them in the most logical sequence (alphabetically?)
Number them in sequence
Add new words (whether spelled the same or not and having different semantics) at the end; give them the next number in the sequence, regardless of their rightful place in the dictionary alphabetically.
This way you don't have to worry about leaving spaces in the serial numbers to account for insertions between words, you don't have to worry about reindexing any dependent data to account for changes in indexes when words are inserted, you just carry on as normal. You don't have to worry about collisions, and you still get the most efficient indexing mechanism for storage purposes meaning you're not storing MD5 hashes that are potentially longer than the original word - which makes no sense for real world use.
If you need to access the dictionary alphabetically, just sort by the word, otherwise, don't.
I still think I'm at a loss as to the necessity of serializing the word - except for storage purposes where you can store your dictionary and link tables by the word's key.

I wonder if an answer is even possible.
Are color and colour the same word? Do they get one serial number or two?
Are polish and Polish the same word?
Are watch (noun) and watch (verb) the same word?
Are multiply (verb) and multiply (adverb) the same word?
Analysis (singular noun) and analyses (plural noun) are not the same word. Are analyse (plural verb) and analyze (plural verb) the same word? Are analyses (singular verb) and analyzes (singular verb) the same word? Are analyses (singular verb) and analyses (plural noun) the same word?
Are wont and won't the same word?
Are Beijing and Peking the same word? Or maybe they aren't English, since Londres and Frankreich aren't English, but then what is the English word for the capital of the Middle Country?

About about MD5 hash algorithm. Do something like this:
serialNumber = MD5( ToLower ( english word ) )


How can I generate a unique identifier that is apparently not progressive [duplicate]

A few months back I was tasked with implementing a unique and random code for our web application. The code would have to be user friendly and as small as possible, but still be essentially random (so users couldn't easily predict the next code in the sequence).
It ended up generating values that looked something like this:
Unfortunately, I was never satisfied with the implementation. Guid's were out of the question, they were simply too big and difficult for users to type in. I was hoping for something more along the lines of 4 or 5 characters/digits, but our particular implementation would generate noticeably patterned sequences if we encoded to less than 9 characters.
Here's what we ended up doing:
We pulled a unique sequential 32bit id from the database. We then inserted it into the center bits of a 64bit RANDOM integer. We created a lookup table of easily typed and recognized characters (A-Z, a-z, 2-9 skipping easily confused characters such as L,l,1,O,0, etc.). Finally, we used that lookup table to base-54 encode the 64-bit integer. The high bits were random, the low bits were random, but the center bits were sequential.
The final result was a code that was much smaller than a guid and looked random, even though it absolutely wasn't.
I was never satisfied with this particular implementation. What would you guys have done?
Here's how I would do it.
I'd obtain a list of common English words with usage frequency and some grammatical information (like is it a noun or a verb?). I think you can look around the intertubes for some copy. Firefox is open-source and it has a spellchecker... so it must be obtainable somehow.
Then I'd run a filter on it so obscure words are removed and that words which are too long are excluded.
Then my generation algorithm would pick 2 words from the list and concatenate them and add a random 3 digits number.
I can also randomize word selection pattern between verb/nouns like
the case needn't be camel casing, you can randomize that as well. You can also randomize the placement of the number and the verb/noun.
And since that's a lot of randomizing, Jeff's The Danger of Naïveté is a must-read. Also make sure to study dictionary attacks well in advance.
And after I'd implemented it, I'd run a test to make sure that my algorithms should never collide. If the collision rate was high, then I'd play with the parameters (amount of nouns used, amount of verbs used, length of random number, total number of words, different kinds of casings etc.)
In .NET you can use the RNGCryptoServiceProvider method GetBytes() which will "fill an array of bytes with a cryptographically strong sequence of random values" (from ms documentation).
byte[] randomBytes = new byte[4];
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
You can increase the lengh of the byte array and pluck out the character values you want to allow.
In C#, I have used the 'System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName() : String' method... but I was generating salt for debug file names. This method returns stuff that looks like your first example, except with a random '.xyz' file extension too.
If you're in .NET and just want a simpler (but not 'nicer' looking) solution, I would say this is it... you could remove the random file extension if you like.
At the time of this writing, this question's title is:
How can I generate a unique, small, random, and user-friendly key?
To that, I should note that it's not possible in general to create a random value that's also unique, at least if each random value is generated independently of any other. In addition, there are many things you should ask yourself if you want to generate unique identifiers (which come from my section on unique random identifiers):
Can the application easily check identifiers for uniqueness within the desired scope and range (e.g., check whether a file or database record with that identifier already exists)?
Can the application tolerate the risk of generating the same identifier for different resources?
Do identifiers have to be hard to guess, be simply "random-looking", or be neither?
Do identifiers have to be typed in or otherwise relayed by end users?
Is the resource an identifier identifies available to anyone who knows that identifier (even without being logged in or authorized in some way)?
Do identifiers have to be memorable?
In your case, you have several conflicting goals: You want identifiers that are—
easy to type by end users (including small), and
hard to guess (including random).
Important points you don't mention in the question include:
How will the key be used?
Are other users allowed to access the resource identified by the key, whenever they know the key? If not, then additional access control or a longer key length will be necessary.
Can your application tolerate the risk of duplicate keys? If so, then the keys can be completely randomly generated (such as by a cryptographic RNG). If not, then your goal will be harder to achieve, especially for keys intended for security purposes.
Note that I don't go into the issue of formatting a unique value into a "user-friendly key". There are many ways to do so, and they all come down to mapping unique values one-to-one with "user-friendly keys" — if the input value was unique, the "user-friendly key" will likewise be unique.
If by user friendly, you mean that a user could type the answer in then I think you would want to look in a different direction. I've seen and done implementations for initial random passwords that pick random words and numbers as an easier and less error prone string.
If though you're looking for a way to encode a random code in the URL string which is an issue I've dealt with for awhile then I what I have done is use 64-bit encoded GUIDs.
You could load your list of words as chakrit suggested into a data table or xml file with a unique sequential key. When getting your random word, use a random number generator to determine what words to fetch by their key. If you concatenate 2 of them, I don't think you need to include the numbers in the string unless "true randomness" is part of the goal.

Algorithm to reform a sentence from sentence whose spaces are removed and alphabets of words are reordered?

I was looking around some puzzles online to improve my knowledge on algorithms...
I came upon below question:
"You have a sentence with several words with spaces remove and words having their character order shuffled. You have a dictionary. Write an algorithm to produce the sentence back with spaces and words with normal character order."
I do not know what is good way to solve this.
I am new to algorithms but just looking at problem I think I would make program do what an intellectual mind would do.
Here is something I can think of:
-First find out manually common short english words from dictionary like "is" "the" "if" etc and put in dataset-1.
-Then find out permutation of words in dataset1 (eg "si", "eht" or "eth" or "fi") and put in dataset-2
-then find out from input sentense what character sequence matches the words of dataset2 and put them in dataset-3 and insert space in input sentence instead of those found.
-for rest of the words i would perform permutations to find out word from dictionary.
I am newbie to it a bad solution?
this seems like a perfectly fine solution,
In general there are 2 parameters for judging an algorithm.
correctness - does the algorithm provide the correct answer.
resources - the time or storage size needed to provide an answer.
usually there is a tradeoff between these two parameters.
so for example the size of your dictionary dictates what scrambled sentences you may
reconstruct, giving you a correct answer for more inputs,
however the whole searching process would take longer and would require more storage.
The hard part of the problem you presented is the fact that you need to compute permutations, and there are a LOT of them.
so checking them all is expensive, a good approach would be to do what you suggested, create a small subset of commonly used words and check them first, that way the average case is better.
note: just saying that you check the permutation/search is ok, but in the end you would need to specify the exact way of doing that.
currently what you wrote is an idea for an algorithm but it would not allow you to take a given input and mechanically work out the output.
Actually, might be wise to start by partitioning the dictionary by word length.
Then try to find the largest words that can be made using the letters avaliable, instead of finding the smallest ones. Short words are more common and thus will be harder to narrow down. IE: is it really "If" or "fig".
Then for each word length w, you can proceed w characters at a time.
There are still a lot of possible combinations though, simply because you found a valid word, doesn't mean it's the right word. Once you've gone through all the substrings, of which there should be something like O(c^4*d) where d is the number of words in the dictionary and c is the number of characters in the sentence. Practically speaking if the dictionary is sorted by word length, it'll be a fair bit less than that. Then you have to take the valid words, and figure out an ordering that works, so that all characters are used. There might be multiple solutions.

Creating a suggested words algorithm

I'm designing a cool spell checker (I know I know, modern browsers already have this), anyway, I am wondering what kind of effort would it take to develop a fairly simple but decent suggest-word algorithm.
My idea is that I would first look through the misspelled word's characters and count the amount of characters it matches in each word in the dictionary (sounds resources intensive), and then pick the top 5 matches (so if the misspelled word matches the most characters with 7 words from the dictionary, it will randomly display 5 of those words as suggested spelling).
Obviously to get more advanced, we would look at "common words" and have a dictionary file that is numbered with 'frequency of that word used in English language' ranking. I think that's taking it a bit overboard maybe.
What do you think? Anyone have ideas for this?
First of all you will have to consider the complexity in finding the "nearer" words to the misspelled word. I see that you are using a dictionary, a hash table perhaps. But this may not be enough. The best and cooler solution here is to go for a TRIE datastructure. The complexity of finding these so called nearer words will take linear order timing and it is very easy to exhaust the tree.
A small example
Take the word "njce". This is a level 1 example where one word is clearly misspelled. The obvious suggestion expected would be nice. The first step is very obvious to see whether this word is present in the dictionary. Using the search function of a TRIE, this could be done O(1) time, similar to a dictionary. The cooler part is finding the suggestions. You would obviously have to exhaust all the words that start with 'a' to 'z' that has words like ajce bjce cjce upto zjce. Now to find the occurences of this type is again linear depending on the character count. You should not carried away by multiplying this number with 26 the length of words. Since TRIE immediately diminishes as the length grows. Coming back to the problem. Once that search is done for which no result was found, you go the next character. Now you would be searching for nace nbce ncce upto nzce. In fact you wont have explore all the combinations as the TRIE data structure by itself will not be having the intermediate characters. Perhaps it will have na ni ne no nu characters and the search space becomes insanely simple. So are the further occurrences. You could develop on this concept further based on second and third order matches. Hope this helped.
I'm not sure how much of the wheel you're trying to reinvent, so you may want to check out Lucene.
Apache Lucene Core™ (formerly named Lucene Java), our flagship sub-project, provides a Java-based indexing and search implementation, as well as spellchecking, hit highlighting and advanced analysis/tokenization capabilities.

YouTube URL algorithm?

How would you go about generating the unique video URL's that YouTube uses?
YouTube uses Base64 encoding to generate IDs for each video.Characters involved in generating Ids consists of
(A-Z) + (a-z) + (0-9) + (-) + (_). (64 Characters).
Using Base64 encoding and only up to 11 characters they can generate 73+ Quintilian unique IDs.How much large pool of ID is that?
Well, it's enough for everyone on earth to produce video every single minute for 18000 years.
And they have achieved such huge number by only using 11 characters (64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64) if they need more IDs they will just have to add 1 more character to their IDs.
So when video is uploaded on YouTube they basically randomly select from 73+ Quintilian possibility and see if its already taken or not.if not use it otherwise look for another one.
Refer to this video for detailed explanation.
Using some non-trivial hashing function. The probability of collision is very low, depending on the function, the parameters and the input domain. Keep in mind that cryptographic hashes were specifically designed to have very low collision rates for non-random input (i.e. completely different hashes for two close-but-unequal inputs).
This post by Jeff Attwood is a nice overview of the topic.
And here is an online hash calculator you can play with.
There is no need to use a hash. It is probably just a quasi-random 64 bit value passed through base64 or some equivalent.
By quasi-random, I mean it is just a one-to-one mapping with the counting integers, just shuffled.
For example, you could take a monotonically increasing database id and multiply it by some prime near 2^64, then base64 the result. If you did not want people to be able to guess, you might choose a more complex mapping or just pick a random number that is not in the database yet.
Normal base64 would add an equals at the end, but in this case it is implied because the size is known. The character mapping could easily be something besides the standard.
Eli's link to Jeff's article is, in my opinion, irrelevant. URL shortening is not the same thing as presenting an ID to the world. Instead, a nicer way would be to convert your existing integer ID to a different radix.
An example in PHP:
$id = 9999;
//$url_id = base_convert($id, 10, 26+26+10); // PHP doesn't like this
$url_id = base_convert($id, 10, 26+10); // Works, but only digits + lowercase
Sadly, PHP only supports up to base 36 (digits + alphabet). Base 62 would support alphabet in both upper-case and lower-case.
People are talking about these other systems:
Random number/letters - Why? If you want people to not see the next video (id+1), then just make it private. On a website like youtube, where it actively shows any video it has, why bother with random ids?
Hashing an ID - This design concept really stinks. Think about it; so you have an ID guaranteed by your DBM software to be unique, and you hash it (introducing a collision factor)? Give me one reason why to even consider this idea.
Using the ID in URL - To be honest, I don't see any problems with this either, though it will grow to be large when in fact you can express the same number with fewer letters (hence my solution).
Using Base64 - Base64 expects bytes of data, literally anything from nulls to spaces. Why use this function when your data consists of a number (ie, a mix of 10 different characters, instead of 256)?
You can use any library or some languages like python provides it in standard library.
import secrets
id_length = 12
random_video_id = secrets.token_urlsafe(id_length)
You could generate a GUID and have that as the ID for the video.
Guids are very unlikely to collide.
Your best bet is probably to simply generate random strings, and keep track (in a DB for example) of which strings you've already used so you don't duplicate. This is very easy to implement and it cannot fail if properly implemented (no duplicates, etc).
I don't think that the URL v parameter has anything to do with the content (video properties, title, description etc).
It's a randomly generated string of fixed length and contains a very specific set of characters. No duplicates are allowed.
I suggest using a perfect hash function:
Perfect Hash Function for Human Readable Order Codes
As the accepted answer indicates, take a number, then apply a sequence of "bijective" (or reversible) operations on the number to get a hashed number.
The input numbers should be in sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.
Typically you're hiding a numeric identifier in the form of something that doesn't look numeric. One simple method is something like base-36 encoding the number. You should be able to pull that off with one or another variant of itoa() in the language of your choice.
Just pick random values until you have one never seen before.
Randomly picking and exhausting all values form a set runs in expected time O(nlogn): What is O value for naive random selection from finite set?
In your case you wouldn't exhaust the set, so you should get constant time picks. Just use a fast data structure to do the duplication lookups.

Algorithm wanted: Find all words of a dictionary that are similar to words in a free text

We have a list of about 150,000 words, and when the user enters a free text, the system should present a list of words from the dictionary, that are very close to words in the free text.
For instance, the user enters: "I would like to buy legoe toys in Walmart". If the dictionary contains "Lego", "Car" and "Walmart", the system should present "Lego" and "Walmart" in the list. "Walmart" is obvious because it is identical to a word in the sentence, but "Lego" is similar enough to "Legoe" to be mentioned, too. However, nothing is similar to "Car", so that word is not shown.
Showing the list should be realtime, meaning that when the user has entered the sentence, the list of words must be present on the screen. Does anybody know a good algorithm for this?
The dictionary actually contains concepts which may include a space. For instance, "Lego spaceship". The perfect solution recognizes these multi-word concepts, too.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Take a look at for a simple algorithm. The article uses Python, but there are links to implementations in other languages at the end.
You will be doing quite a few lookups of words against a fixed dictionary. Therefore you need to prepare your dictionary. Logically, you can quickly eliminate candidates that are "just too different".
For instance, the words car and dissimilar may share a suffix, but they're obviously not misspellings of each other. Now why is that so obvious to us humans? For starters, the length is entirely different. That's an immediate disqualification (but with one exception - below). So, your dictionary should be sorted by word length. Match your input word with words of similar length. For short words that means +/- 1 character; longer words should have a higher margin (exactly how well can your demographic spell?)
Once you've restricted yourself to candidate words of similar length, you'd want to strip out words that are entirely dissimilar. With this I mean that they use entirely different letters. This is easiest to compare if you sort the letters in a word alphabetically. E.g. car becomes "acr"; rack becomes "ackr". You'll do this in preprocessing for your dictionary, and for each input word. The reason is that it's cheap to determine the (size of an) difference of two sorted sets. (Add a comment if you need explanation). car and rack have an difference of size 1, car and hat have a difference of size 2. This narrows down your set of candidates even further. Note that for longer words, you can bail out early when you've found too many differences. E.g. dissimilar and biography have a total difference of 13, but considering the length (8/9) you can probably bail out once you've found 5 differences.
This leaves you with a set of candidate words that use almost the same letters, and also are almost the same length. At this point you can start using more refined algorithms; you don't need to run 150.000 comparisons per input word anymore.
Now, for the length exception mentioned before: The problem is in "words" like greencar. It doesn't really match a word of length 8, and yet for humans it's quite obvious what was meant. In this case, you can't really break the input word at any random boundary and run an additional N-1 inexact matches against both halves. However, it is feasible to check for just a missing space. Just do a lookup for all possible prefixes. This is efficient because you'll be using the same part of the dictionary over and over, e.g. g gr, gre, gree, etc. For every prefix that you've found, check if the remaining suffixis also in the dictionery, e.g. reencar, eencar. If both halves of the input word are in the dictionary, but the word itself isn't, you can assume a missing space.
You would likely want to use an algorithm which calculates the Levenshtein distance.
However, since your data set is quite large, and you'll be comparing lots of words against it, a direct implementation of typical algorithms that do this won't be practical.
In order to find words in a reasonable amount of time, you will have to index your set of words in some way that facilitates fuzzy string matching.
One of these indexing methods would be to use a suffix tree. Another approach would be to use n-grams.
I would lean towards using a suffix tree since I find it easier to wrap my head around it and I find it more suited to the problem.
It might be of interest to look at a some algorithms such as the Levenshtein distance, which can calculate the amount of difference between 2 strings.
I'm not sure what language you are thinking of using but PHP has a function called levenshtein that performs this calculation and returns the distance. There's also a function called similar_text that does a similar thing. There's a code example here for the levenshtein function that checks a word against a dictionary of possible words and returns the closest words.
I hope this gives you a bit of insight into how a solution could work!
