IVR development [closed] - hosting

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to build an IVR application (possibly 10 Phone lines). I am entirely new to this domain and am familiar with some concepts, Can someone please provide me with some links/advice on how I can go about building the IVR system?
Also, I need to know the exact process, whats involved, if I need to rent phone lines? etc., If I want to provide a hosted IVR service to my clients, what do I need.
any advice is much appreciated.
Many Thanks

Is this programming related?


Free trading platforms for learning FIX protocol [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm learning the FIX protocol, I was a bit interested in this topic, do you know any free platforms, API FIX where I could connect for free, not as a company and start receiving orders, sending etc.
There is FixSim which allows to connect for free for one hour per day.
Disclaimer: I've never tested it and am in no way affiliated with them.

How to monitor complete website [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can any one suggest me a that monitors websites(.net,php),mobile apps(ios,android).I googled but i'm not able to find best solution.
Use http://newrelic.com/
Analyze your software. Awesome-ize your business.
Built by people who deeply understand the challenges in running a modern software business, our SaaS Platform collects your data wherever it lives. All our products and capabilities fully integrate, giving you real-time information on every aspect of your software. So you can take action—instantly and intelligently.
Please find the demo for your references.

example of an application that uses a JBDC [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i want to practice my programming skills and want to design a program that implements a JBDC, can someone give me some ideas of some fun beginner level programs can i design?
HiAs a beginner level try this . Then take a scenario like write a web/desktop application for employees to manage their information like addresse, timings,mobile number. Ultimately it's nothing but crud application.

Where can I find documentation on Skype Desktop API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The Skype desktop API was being closed, but they've reversed that decision. I'm now not able to register as a developer (http://developer.skype.com/) as they're 'not accepting new registrations'.
I need to start looking into this as I want to develop a call recording component for Mac (and Windows, but most importantly Mac).
So is there a mirror for the documentation somewhere so that I know how this works? And is there any example code for this?
A comment in this question seems to imply that they provide both tracks of audio readily so I believe that once I can get this info, it should be quite a simple task!
Turns out the Wayback Machine has my answer:
Who would have thought it? ;)

Software Development Team HUD [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I read an article a while back about a development company that had a dedicated Monitor to display a web app that charted completed task by team member, kind of like a sales chart for software development. I'm thinking of implementing something like this but I can't for the life of me find that article or that tool. I think it was a ruby on rails tool, but I can't be sure.
Does this ring a bell with anybody? can you point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!
found it!
