Extreme slow PC if logged on as domain user remotely - windows

I'm using windows XP to do the development.
Since I working remotely from home, I found a serous problem, some applications for instance MS excel, even just open up the start menu became to extremely slow .
If I logged into the local pc without domain then the problem fixed, my domain user account has 300 mb local user profile.
Anybody know how to fix this?

The problem is caused by My documents, as it is been referred to the domain server which is unavailable.


VM & MS access - ExportWithFormatting PDF not working while in background

I have a problem that i have a difficult time explaining, which makes any online search very hard. Here is my dilema.
I'm migrating a VM. The purpose of this machine is to compile send out daily/weekly/monthly reports. I know there are other ways (like Power BI) but this is the situation we are in right now. The older machine has win10 pro and office 365 installed while the new has win10 enterprise version and office 2016 installed. This machine runs 24/7 in the background running specific tasks (via system scheduler app) at given times, that is it's a Virtual machine and has done so without issues since it was created. The reason for the migration is because we need to domain change and bring the machine under a new corporate policy and we don't want to do this on a live server.
We've set it the VM's the same way, same programs and same settings. Everything seams to be running smooth expect for this one thing, and here is the problem i have a hard time to explain or figure out:
MS Access will update the tables and the computer will run the tasks as set but it will not export the data to pdf unless i have a remote desktop connection open. Will not export the pdf's otherwise. MS Access uses a autoexec macro where the pdf export is set with ExportWithFormatting. This works without issues on the old server.
We thought this to be a permission or user specific issue at first but even re-creating the tasks did not work and changing paths. Otherwise also i expect we would have problems with tables updating, specially since it works when you have an active remote desktop conn running.
I'm lost and therefore hoping this community will be able to help or guide me to a solution.
I believe that we found the reason for this. It was caused by windows easy print and the printer drivers of the machine. It worked for some reason differently between the servers. after reinstalling the printer drivers and a few restarts it started working. It exports now from access again.
This is at least solved.

Odd AD workstation access issue

After working with Windows Server since NT 3.51, this was kind of a first for me. Here's the scenario.
After no issues accessing a Windows Server 2012 R2 network share for 2 years, a Win 7 Pro workstation all of a sudden can access the mapped drive to the share, but cannot see all subfolders underneath it. Only one is visible, not the other 20 or so.
When I log out as the user and login as the domain admin account, the issue persists on the workstation. Just this one workstation.
Nothing has changed in terms of the share or NTFS permissions on the server-side of things.
I look in the server event logs as well as the workstation's and don't see anything striking.
I removed the workstation from the domain and add it again. The issue still persists.
The workaround is that I created a second share to the same resource on the server-side of things. Mapping a different drive letter to this new share, the workstation can see everything again.
My only guess would be some sort of old school SAM database corruption or something? I recall years ago I had a Windows 2000 Server that would lose Computer Browser functionality due to some odd SAM database corruption. The only solution back then was to reboot the server. It was the PDC and couldn't even browse its own network shares.

Windows 7 DCOM not seeing interactive user

I'm troubleshooting an issue having to do with Think N Do and Windows 7. I set the DCOM settings up as the manufacturer said they need to be. However, computers aren't connecting to each other. I have the computers set to automatically log on to an account at boot. This account is never logged out of.
What I'm finding is when I open a RDP to the computers they suddenly start to communicate with each other. As if it's finally seeing an interactive user. From my understanding of things by having an account automatically log on at boot that account is then the interactive user. Leaving RDP open at all times is not an option. Sometimes the customer forgets and closes out of the RDP session by Xing out of it, they don't log off so the program is still running in the background.
Does anyone have any idea what this could be? It's an issue at a couple customer locations for me.

Remote debugging across domains

I have two machines in two different domains. On both I have VS 2005 installed. I want remote debug between them. Without authentication it is possible but I want to debug managed code. I don't want to debug directly since it is really crappy machine.
When I try to attach with debugger I get message "The trust relationship between this workstation and primary domain failed." Any idea how to overcome this ? I tried tricks with adding same local username on both machines but with no luck.
EDIT: I have same local users on both machines. I started both VS2005 and Debugging monitor with RunAs using local users. I turned Windows Auditing on debug machine and I see that local user from VS2005 machine is trying to logon. But he fails with error 0xC000018D (ERROR_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_FAILURE)
Gregg Miskely has a blog post on this. You might get it to work if both local accounts have the same user name and password. You might also try dropping your good box from it's domain so that you are going from a workgroup to a domain rather than domain to domain.
I seem to remember that I have sometimes found it useful to use RunAs when you run msvcmon (or whatever it's called this week - the remote debugging stub anyway), to force it to start as the user which you have set up to be the same on both machines.
I would guess that on the machine you're running VS on, you will also need to log in as the local user rather than a domain user (or start VS with RunAs).
I have never understood why this needed to be so hard, given that unmanaged debugging is so much easier, and must expose every security hole that managed debugging could.
The blog post wasn't totally clear that this would work, but I was able to run Visual Studio as my domain account and still debug a process on a machine that was not on a domain.
I have a physical development machine PHYSICAL on a Active Directory domain DOMAIN. I'm logged in and running Visual Studio as DOMAIN\employee.
I have a virtual machine VIRTUAL that is not attached to an Active Directory domain at all. This is the machine running the process I want to debug.
Like the blog post says, create local accounts PHYSICAL\employee (on PHYSICAL) and VIRTUAL\employee (on VIRTUAL). They both must be Administrators and have the same password as DOMAIN\employee.
The remote debugger and the process to debug must be run on VIRTUAL while logged in as VIRTUAL\employee. Then on PHYSICAL while logged in as DOMAIN\employee I can use "Attach to Process..." and connect to VIRTUAL to get a process list.

Vista Business Login and RDP Problems

At work, I running Vista Business on a lavishly new PC, which runs great excepting two issues. In order of annoyance, but not importance:
When I reboot the machine, the Windows Splash is presented asking me to Press Ctrl + ALT + DELETE so I can logon. It takes three to five minutes and seceral key presses for me to be prompted to select my user account. After which, everything works like a charm.
As part of my duties with the firm, I am responsible for emergency work on a rotating basis and deploying patches during off-business hours. I have been given an older laptop with XPSP2 (downloading 3 for kicks right now) which I use for browsing with the intention of RDP to my desktop in the offices. If I am connected at the domain through conventional means, I am able to RDP. However, if I am using an existing broadbad connection with VPN, I am not able to get access. I am able to access other servers, desktops running a variety of OS'es including Vista.
So umm any ideas guys?
as for 2 - this happens with some proprietary VPN software (i.e. Cisco). My solution was to perform my work duties in a Virtual PC (which doesn't need its normal LAN abilities) and do my other network/internet tasks in the physical machine.
I have a Vista at work and uses my home PC to rdc in for support work. I do not experience your problem 1 so I cannot offer any advice. For your second problem have you tried the IP address instead of the machine name? We have situations where sometimes the dns resolution in the office network is not accurate.
Do you have remote access enabled, either on the machine, via group policy?
If not, you might have to go into the Control Panel\System and Maintenance\System and choose Remote Settings (from the menu on the left).
That will show you the options for Remote Deskop, including Don't allow connections, Allow connections from any version of Remote Desktop, and Allow connections from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (which might be the hang up you are experiencing over the VPN).
Good Luck.
I have to chalk this up to "something wierd with my laptop" as I was able to download RoyalTS and connect to the machine just fine. I had Remote connections permitted, firewall disabled, McAffee gone and others could access the machine.
The advice garnered above is excellent and useful for your typical rdp connections
