DbgPrint in Memory Dump? - windows

I have a driver that directly avoids the BSoD and turns the screen of Windows Vista into black with few colourful dots and stripes. I am finding a memory dump on the system afterwards and DbgView is wonderfully showing me a stack trace (stating that this might be a garbled stack and some parts might be incorrect). Pity is, the commands found in the stack are nowhere to be seen in the part of the code that is obviously breaking down the whole thing. (I can leave our the whole routine, but not parts of it.)
Does someone know a way to get debug messages either into the memory dump or out of the serial port to read them in an external debugger? (My testsystem stall if the debugger is connected, but this might be me not knowing enough on the how and why of remotely connected kernel debugging.)
I would like to get to know the point where my code fails, because browsing through code seems fine to me is getting a little futile and I could need a hint.

Description from MSDN on how to setup your debugging session.
The setup procedure is :
Setup 2 PCs, the first with your develop environment and the second which is the debug target. (Vista+Vista64 worked best for me)
Setup a debugger connection by either using a Firewire cable or a Null-Modem cable. (Null-Modem works almost always, but Firewire is better from a performance standpoint. USB is expensive and didn't work out of the box for me ...)
Setup the target computer to boot in 'debug' mode MSDN
Having WinDbg running and waiting for a kernel connection, boot the target computer in debug mode.
While boot up, WinDbg should print messages about the target system. Here you will see DbgPrint messages etc. (All DbgPrint is disabled per default in Vista (not in XP), and you must enable it link)
You can set breakpoints in modules in WinDbg by defining breakpoints.
PS: bcdedit sometimes fails to setup the debug mode. I have no clue why. But there seems a certain order in which you must tell it the debug parameters. Trying different combination's does work wonders ... .
You can use commands in WinDbg when you break into the process. A couple of interesting ones :
lm displays all modules currently loaded
lm m pattern displays all modules satisfying the search condition (e.g. "lm m kernel32*"
x module_name!function_name_pattern lists the symbols in the module (e.g. "kernel32!Create*")
bl lists all currently set breakpoints
bp module_name!function_name sets a breakpoint at the start of the function specified.
bc * deletes all breakpoints
.hh bp displays the help for "bp"
.reload /u x.sys reloads the x.sys module debug settings. (this is helpful when you want to rebuild your project, and get a 'could not create x.pdb ...' message).
Enable all DbgPrint output under Vista :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Debug Print Filter]


Attach to specific process using IDA + WINDBG in kernel debugging

I want to debug a specific process on a remote system and the only way i can do that is to use the kernel debugging method.
It works pretty good with just WINDBG, but i think ida can give me the extra edge i need for a better reversing experience.
So far debugging with windbg was successfull but now when i am using the windbg plugin in ida:
what i am actually experiencing is that i cant get the extra analysis from ida, all i can do is attach only to the process it self (only one available to attach to). and in the Modules window all i can see is the ntkrpamp.exe, which i assume is the kernel process.
i can use all WINDBG regular commands like !process 0 0, etc.. and can debug normally but nothing shows in the IDA window
I have never debugged dynamically using IDA but i can see it is possible..
could it work aswell in a kernel debugging session?
I just noticed it is possible to analyze a model if i set a breakpoint with the windbg plugin and when IDA hits that breakpoint, this module is added to the IDA Modules windows.
It would be a lot easier if i could just analyze it without pre-putting a breakpoint on the specific module and waiting for it to hit.

What are options for debugging WFP callout driver

I am new to kernel mode windows driver development and having issues getting debug information out of the WFP callout samples. I am looking for either more options or tips of what I am doing wrong with the options I have been trying.
To start with I downloaded the WFP sampler and followed the instructions in it's description. I am using a Windows 8.1 x64 host and a Windows 7 x64 target connected via a simulated serial cable. They are both VirtualBox VMs.
The primary command I am debugging with is
WFPSampler.Exe -s PROXY -l FWPM_LAYER_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V4 -aaid "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -pla -v
Where is the IP address of a diffrent network interface than the routing table is endign traffic to. I also used the following inspect command as recommended by the instructions:
"netsh wfp show state" shows the callout and filter associated with the expected layer
However I never got any messages from traceview as per the last steps of those instructions. Tracelog had similar lack of output. This was true with or without WPP tracing enabled on the driver project. I also tried higher verbosity, all to no effect.
Additionally the remote debugger in visual studio either stopped at "Driver Post Install Actions (x64) (possible reboot): Pass" or "Waiting to reconnect..." rebooting the target did not cause more output in the Debugger Immediate Window (the Output window never got any output). Rebooting the target VM did not get any unusual prompts (some things I read implied it should). The reconnect checkbox when setting up the debugger sometimes caused it to get past the "Waiting to reconnect..." prompt, other times it was not needed. I set a number of breakpoints that should have been hit including one at the top of every classify function and none were ever hit.
I tried to debug with WinDbg, but well, frankly I can't find the documentation about how to use this tool. I start it on the target machine and chose kernel debug, local. then I get a prompt that tells me the symbol search path is invalid and no clue what I am supposed to set it to. Any documentation on how to use this tool as opposed to just installing it may be helpful if it lets me debug these callout drivers.
Finally of course I tried just debugging it based on symptoms and I find that the examination callout does nothing as far as I can tell, while the proxy callout just eats all traffic from the targeted application, with one caveat. That caveat is that when I target firefox or chrome with the proxy callout and try to launch that app it fails to launch a UI and the partially started process cannot be killed from task manager.
I assumed that behavior may be the result of the sample failing to check FwpsQueryPacketInjectionState but modifying as best I can figure out that should be used does not seem to change the behavior.
So in short I am stuck and need direction please?
I started experimenting with the WFPSampler and also discovered that tracing didn't work. Oddly enough, there was a lot of additional code to make WPP tracing work on multiple OS's, but the sample doesn’t capture any trace events. So I debugged it and found the call to the nt!WmiTraceMessage always passed 2 as the TRACE_HANDLE. This seemed bad. Safe it to say, this wasn't exactly straight forward to unscramble WPP macros and then finally find the origin in the .vcxprog file. The definition of WPP_COMPID_LEVEL_LOGGER(COMPID,LEVEL)=2 is incorrect. While I was there, I also converted the DbgPrintEx Levels to match Tace_Level by adding 2 so Error/Warning match the model.
Complete the following steps for SysLib/WFPSampler and Sys/WFPSamplerCalloutDriver
Open the Project
Right Click on WFPSamplerCalloutDriver
Unload Project
Right Cick on WFPSamplerCalloutDriver
Edit WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.vcxproj
Type: WppPreprpocessorDefinitions
Change this definition in both places in the file:
<WppPreprocessorDefinitions>WPP_COMPID_LEVEL_LOGGER(COMPID,lvl)=(WPP_CONTROL(0).Logger),;WPP_COMPID_LEVEL_ENABLED(COMPID,lvl)=(WPP_CONTROL(0).Level >= lvl+2)</WppPreprocessorDefinitions>
Save the File
Right Cick on WFPSamplerCalloutDriver
Click Reload Project
I believe if you adopt this model of using DbgPrintEx as your trace function, you can switch to WPP without editing the entire project. However, I still think it's better to just convert in your program.
Not exactly an answer to this question, I never got a debugger working, but an explanation of why the wfpsampler sample didn't work for proxying by ALE layers. The end goal of this project.
In the Proxy callout there were these lines (i think before my refactor they were in the PerformProxySocketRedirection method):
if (ipProtocol == IPPROTO_TCP)
pBindRequest1->portReservationToken = (pRedirectData)->pProxyData->tcpPortReservationToken;
else if (ipProtocol == IPPROTO_UDP)
pBindRequest1->portReservationToken = (pRedirectData)->pProxyData->udpPortReservationToken;
udpPortReservationToken or tcpPortReservationToken should have been initialized by a call to CreatePersistentUdpPortReservation or CreatePersistentTcpPortReservation and this is handled in a helper function named HlprWinSockCreatePortReservation, but said helper function is never called, from anywhere in the entire solution. Those fields are never set, anywhere, ever.
Additionaly, that value only needed set if the local port was being changed, but that block of code executed regardless.
remove these lines, and so long as you don't change the local port, the ale redirect sample works as you would expect including changing the outgoing interface if you change the local IP. If you do need to change the local port, you will have to use HlprWinSockCreatePortReservation to initialize the appropriate port reservation token variable in the PROXY_DATA. This must be done in user mode, so you need to do it in the service when setting up the filter.
Disclaimer: I think that is the only important change, but if you are here for a solution to this problem know that while tracking this down without a working debugger i changed a ridiculously large amount of code so there may have been more to it I forgot over the course of the last few weeks. But I did go back and verify that that block was always called and those fields were never set in the original.

How does WinDbg itself work?

I have recently started windows driver development. I am wondering how does it actually debug my driver. The setup I have is --> Win7 as host, XP as guest on VMware, and I am debugging through serial port.
The research I have done:
I found only this link saying very few things that I am talking about.
I already know how debugger works on single OS, in that case debugger is also on the same OS, so it knows which process is running. That is understandable. But here, debugger is on entirely different OS, an entirely different environment. I just say file->open source files and I AM able to put breakpoints!! Moreover when I load driver, it actually breaks there. I mean why../How? How does XP's kernel comes to know(drivers are extension to kernel, atleast WDM, don't know about WDK) that there is source code of this driver? and that also outside its control(environment)? I mean I can have 10 files open with breakpoint in them, but it works beautifully, I am not able to fail/fool it.
So what I am thinking is like, whenever we add source to windbg on Win7, it creates the binary from that source, and whenever XP is going to load any binary, it checks if this is the binary that windbg is waiting for. what is confusing in above link is, Vikrant is saying that debugger asks kernel(XP) that it is willing to debug a process --> Bus HELLO... process is running on XP, and windbg on Win7 and does not know name or id of process. It has source code, but consider a case where there is a driver which is build out of 300 files, and just one, probably simplest file is open in windbg, how it matched that this source code is of the driver being run?
#Kjelll answer is correct. Here is the full scenario, including explanation to your comment:
PDB files have line information. This is a mapping from each (file,line) location to address (RVA - relative virtual address).
When you set a break point on a source file, WinDBG checks whether this source file correspond to a current address. If it is - it sets the breakpoint. Otherwise, it becomes a "future breakpoint" (not sure whether Microsoft uses this terminology).
When a new binary is a loaded, the agent on the client communicates with the host, informs it about the binary. At this point - WinDBG will try to allocate a PDB file.
WinDBG will start at the PDB location embedded within the file. You can see this value by using this command line: windbg -dump -pdbpath xxx.sys. This should explain how WinDBG will find a symbol file even if not on the .sympathy path (that I believe answers your comment to Kjell).
WinDBG will then search at the .sympathy.
Once symbol is find, it will look at all future breakpoint, and if applicable will set an actual breakpoint.
I think your link explain your question pretty well, but you have probably not realized what the mechanism of the pdb do for the debugger. The windbg on your host OS uses the pdb file to translate line nubers in the source files to addresses in your guest OS (xp) . Then the the debugger agent uses this address to set break points (Int 3) in the guest OS.This is much in the same way as a local debugger do to a local process.

reason for crashing of the windows

I wrote some program which uses information about (reads via Windows) hardware of the current PC (big program, so I can't post here code) and sometimes my windows 7 crashes, the worst thing is that I have no idea why, and debug doesn't help me, is there any way to receive from windows 7 some kind of log, why it crashed? thanks in advance for any help
The correct (but somewhat ugly) answer:
Go to Computer->Properties, go to 'Advanced System Settings'.
Under startup and recovery, make sure it is set to "Kernel memory dump" and note the location of the dump file (on a completely default install, you are looking at C:\windows\memory.dmp)
You optimally want to install Windows Debugging tools (now in the Windows SDK) as well as setting the MS Symbol store in your symbol settings (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff552208(v=vs.85).aspx)
Once youv'e done all that, wait for a crash and inspect memory.dmp in the debugger. Usually you will not see the exact crash because your driver vendors don't include symbols, but you will also generally get to see the DLL name that is involved in the crash, which should point you to what driver you are dealing with.
If you are not seeing a specific driver DLL name in the stack, it often indicates to me a hardware failure (like memory or overhead) that needs to be addressed.
MS has a good article here at technet that describes what I mentioned above (but step by step and in greater detail) http://blogs.technet.com/b/askcore/archive/2008/11/01/how-to-debug-kernel-mode-blue-screen-crashes-for-beginners.aspx
You can also look at the event log as someone else noted, but generally the information there is next to useless, beyond the actual kernel message (which can sometimes vaguely indicate whether the problem is driver or something else)

Invoke Blue Screen of Death using Managed Code

Just curious here: is it possible to invoke a Windows Blue Screen of Death using .net managed code under Windows XP/Vista? And if it is possible, what could the example code be?
Just for the record, this is not for any malicious purpose, I am just wondering what kind of code it would take to actually kill the operating system as specified.
The keyboard thing is probably a good option, but if you need to do it by code, continue reading...
You don't really need anything to barf, per se, all you need to do is find the KeBugCheck(Ex) function and invoke that.
For manually initiated crashes, you want to used 0xE2 (MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH) or 0xDEADDEAD (MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH1) as the bug check code. They are reserved explicitly for that use.
However, finding the function may prove to be a bit tricky. The Windows DDK may help (check Ntddk.h) - I don't have it available at the moment, and I can't seem to find decisive info right now - I think it's in ntoskrnl.exe or ntkrnlpa.exe, but I'm not sure, and don't currently have the tools to verify it.
You might find it easier to just write a simple C++ app or something that calls the function, and then just running that.
Mind you, I'm assuming that Windows doesn't block you from accessing the function from user-space (.NET might have some special provisions). I have not tested it myself.
I do not know if it really works and I am sure you need Admin rights, but you could set the CrashOnCtrlScroll Registry Key and then use a SendKeys to send CTRL+Scroll Lock+Scroll Lock.
But I believe that this HAS to come from the Keyboard Driver, so I guess a simple SendKeys is not good enough and you would either need to somehow hook into the Keyboard Driver (sounds really messy) or check of that CrashDump has an API that can be called with P/Invoke.
Name: CrashOnCtrlScroll
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1
I would have to say no. You'd have to p/invoke and interact with a driver or other code that lives in kernel space. .NET code lives far removed from this area, although there has been some talk about managed drivers in future versions of Windows. Just wait a few more years and you can crash away just like our unmanaged friends.
As far as I know a real BSOD requires failure in kernel mode code. Vista still has BSOD's but they're less frequent because the new driver model has less drivers in kernel mode. Any user-mode failures will just result in your application being killed.
You can't run managed code in kernel mode. So if you want to BSOD you need to use PInvoke. But even this is quite difficult. You need to do some really fancy PInvokes to get something in kernel mode to barf.
But among the thousands of SO users there is probably someone who has done this :-)
You could use OSR Online's tool that triggers a kernel crash. I've never tried it myself but I imagine you could just run it via the standard .net Process class:
I once managed to generate a BSOD on Windows XP using System.Net.Sockets in .NET 1.1 irresponsibly. I could repeat it fairly regularly, but unfortunately that was a couple of years ago and I don't remember exactly how I triggered it, or have the source code around anymore.
Try live videoinput using directshow in directx8 or directx9, most of the calls go to kernel mode video drivers. I succeded in lots of blue screens when running a callback procedure from live videocaptureing source, particulary if your callback takes a long time, can halt the entire Kernel driver.
It's possible for managed code to cause a bugcheck when it has access to faulty kernel drivers. However, it would be the kernel driver that directly causes the BSOD (for example, uffe's DirectShow BSODs, Terence Lewis's socket BSODs, or BSODs seen when using BitTorrent with certain network adapters).
Direct user-mode access to privileged low-level resources may cause a bugcheck (for example, scribbling on Device\PhysicalMemory, if it doesn't corrupt your hard disk first; Vista doesn't allow user-mode access to physical memory).
If you just want a dump file, Mendelt's suggestion of using WinDbg is a much better idea than exploiting a bug in a kernel driver. Unfortunately, the .dump command is not supported for local kernel debugging, so you would need a second PC connected over serial or 1394, or a VM connected over a virtual serial port. LiveKd may be a single-PC option, if you don't need the state of the memory dump to be completely self-consistent.
This one doesn't need any kernel-mode drivers, just a SeDebugPrivilege. You can set your process critical by NtSetInformationProcess, or RtlSetProcessIsCritical and just kill your process. You will see same bugcheck code as you kill csrss.exe, because you set same "critical" flag on your process.
Unfortunately, I know how to do this as a .NET service on our server was causing a blue screen. (Note: Windows Server 2008 R2, not XP/Vista).
I could hardly believe a .NET program was the culprit, but it was. Furthermore, I've just replicated the BSOD in a virtual machine.
The offending code, causes a 0x00000f4:
string name = string.Empty; // This is the cause of the problem, should check for IsNullOrWhiteSpace
foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcesses().Where(p => p.ProcessName.StartsWith(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
Check.Logging.Write("FindAndKillProcess THIS SHOULD BLUE SCREEN " + process.ProcessName);
r = true;
If anyone's wondering why I'd want to replicate the blue screen, it's nothing malicious. I've modified our logging class to take an argument telling it to write direct to disk as the actions prior to the BSOD weren't appearing in the log despite .Flush() being called. I replicated the server crash to test the logging change. The VM duly crashed but the logging worked.
EDIT: Killing csrss.exe appears to be what causes the blue screen. As per comments, this is likely happening in kernel code.
I found that if you run taskkill /F /IM svchost.exe as an Administrator, it tries to kill just about every service host at once.
