How does WinDbg itself work? - windows

I have recently started windows driver development. I am wondering how does it actually debug my driver. The setup I have is --> Win7 as host, XP as guest on VMware, and I am debugging through serial port.
The research I have done:
I found only this link saying very few things that I am talking about.
I already know how debugger works on single OS, in that case debugger is also on the same OS, so it knows which process is running. That is understandable. But here, debugger is on entirely different OS, an entirely different environment. I just say file->open source files and I AM able to put breakpoints!! Moreover when I load driver, it actually breaks there. I mean why../How? How does XP's kernel comes to know(drivers are extension to kernel, atleast WDM, don't know about WDK) that there is source code of this driver? and that also outside its control(environment)? I mean I can have 10 files open with breakpoint in them, but it works beautifully, I am not able to fail/fool it.
So what I am thinking is like, whenever we add source to windbg on Win7, it creates the binary from that source, and whenever XP is going to load any binary, it checks if this is the binary that windbg is waiting for. what is confusing in above link is, Vikrant is saying that debugger asks kernel(XP) that it is willing to debug a process --> Bus HELLO... process is running on XP, and windbg on Win7 and does not know name or id of process. It has source code, but consider a case where there is a driver which is build out of 300 files, and just one, probably simplest file is open in windbg, how it matched that this source code is of the driver being run?

#Kjelll answer is correct. Here is the full scenario, including explanation to your comment:
PDB files have line information. This is a mapping from each (file,line) location to address (RVA - relative virtual address).
When you set a break point on a source file, WinDBG checks whether this source file correspond to a current address. If it is - it sets the breakpoint. Otherwise, it becomes a "future breakpoint" (not sure whether Microsoft uses this terminology).
When a new binary is a loaded, the agent on the client communicates with the host, informs it about the binary. At this point - WinDBG will try to allocate a PDB file.
WinDBG will start at the PDB location embedded within the file. You can see this value by using this command line: windbg -dump -pdbpath xxx.sys. This should explain how WinDBG will find a symbol file even if not on the .sympathy path (that I believe answers your comment to Kjell).
WinDBG will then search at the .sympathy.
Once symbol is find, it will look at all future breakpoint, and if applicable will set an actual breakpoint.

I think your link explain your question pretty well, but you have probably not realized what the mechanism of the pdb do for the debugger. The windbg on your host OS uses the pdb file to translate line nubers in the source files to addresses in your guest OS (xp) . Then the the debugger agent uses this address to set break points (Int 3) in the guest OS.This is much in the same way as a local debugger do to a local process.


windbg log system calls

I want to log all system calls from winlogon.exe. I have already setup up connection between WinDbg on the host computer and kernel debugger in virtual machine, and every thing work perfect, except one thing - I cannot load logexts extension, which can be used to log all system calls. The problem is when I am trying to load logexts, I get a error:
> .load logexts
The call to LoadLibrary(logexts) failed with error 2.
Please check your debugger configuration and/or network access
I tried to debug notepad.exe, and this extension worked perfectly, so I think problem not in debugger itself. My question is can I log system calls in WinDbg by myself, without any additional libs, such as logexts?
Logexts is an extension for user mode and does not work in kernel mode. From WinDbg help:
One way to activate Logger is to start CDB or WinDbg and attach to a user-mode target application as usual. Then, use the !logexts.logi or !logexts.loge extension command.
(emphasis mine) and also
[...] that loads and initializes Logexts.dll in the target application process.
WinDbg's help does not mention "kernel" anywhere near logexts.dll.

How is WinDbg used, what exactly is it, and does it relate to .dmp files?

In the past, I have heard references to parsing .dmp files using WinDbg (I think - I might be wrong).
I have also done fairly extensive debugging with the help of .map files, and I have done extensive debugging using standard logical heuristics and the Visual Studio debugger.
However, occasionally, the program I am developing crashes and creates a .dmp file. I have never been able to interpret the .dmp file. A while ago, I posted a SO question regarding how to interpret .dmp files ( How to view .dmp file on Windows 7? ), but after somewhat significant effort I was unable to figure out how to interpret .dmp files using the answer to that question.
Today, I was viewing an unrelated SO question ( C++ try/throw/catch => machine code ), and a useful comment underneath the accepted answer has, once again, made reference to WinDbg.
If you really want to find this out though, it's easy - just trace
through it in WinDbg
I would like to follow this advice. However, for me, it's not easy to "just trace through it in WinDbg". I've tried in the past and can't figure out what exactly this means or what to do!
So, I'm trying again. "For once and for all", I would like to have plain-and-simple instructions regarding:
What is WinDbg
Assuming WinDbg is related to .dmp files, what exactly is a dump file and how does it relate to WinDbg (and correct me if my assumption is wrong)
How do you create .dmp files and, correspondingly, how do you use WinDbg to analyze them (again, correct me if I'm wrong about the relationship between WinDbg and .dmp files).
If you could please answer this question from the "starting point" of a programmer who ONLY has Visual Studio installed and running.
WinDbg is a multipurpose debugger. It can debug a live process by attaching, set breakpoints, etc like you would with any other debugger. It can also analyze crash dump files as well, which are .dmp files. It functions by you giving it commands.
A .dmp file is a memory dump of something. What that something is depends on what the memory dump is for. It could be for a process, for example. It could also be for the kernel. What is in the memory dump depends, too. In your case, it's probably what your process looked like at the time of it crashing. What the memory dump contains can vary depending on the dump type.
There are various ways. On Windows Vista+, Server 2008+ - you can do it right from the task manager. Right click the process, and click "Create Memory Dump". WinDbg can make a memory dump from a live process too by using the .dump command. Other tools like adplus can be used to automatically create a memory dump on certain conditions, like when a process exceeds a memory or CPU threshold, or when it crashes.
WinDbg can open a Crash Dump easily enough. What is important is that you get your symbols loaded correctly, first. Usually in the form of .pdb files or from a symbol server (though not necessary, or always possible, it is greatly helpful).
Once you have WinDbg running, take a look at the list of commands available to poke around in your crash dump.
WinDbg is a Gui version of the command line debugger cdb.exe, both are user-process and kernel mode debuggers, it uses DbgHelp.dll to issue commands to your application or NT kernel (you can also do the same as it has an api).
.Dmp files are memory dumps of varying detail, some can have minimal detail enough for call stacks of all threads, whilst others will put the entire user-mode memory, handle information, thread information, memory information etc.. see this for more info. So dump files have nothing to do with WinDbg, other than it can open them, incidentally you can open .dmp files in Visual Studio
Like #vcsjones has already stated you can do this using task manager (at least you can from Vista onwards), you can use procdump, you can do this once WinDbg is attached, I usually do a full mini dump like this: .dump /ma c:\mem.dmp, you can also set Windows to do this when a crash happens using Dr. Watson
However, you must have the symbols for Windows and your application in order to be able to generate sensible call stacks, note that for obvious reasons you cannot step through or set breakpoints in a a memory dump, you can only do this for a live process. You can also have WinDbg attach non invasively, so Visual Studio could be attached and you can attach WinDbg non invasively and use the toolset in WinDbg to assist debugging.
For me the main advantage of WinDbg is its free, it is a small download and install, it is fast, it has a very rich toolset for diagnosing problems that are either difficult or impossible to do using visual studio.

reason for crashing of the windows

I wrote some program which uses information about (reads via Windows) hardware of the current PC (big program, so I can't post here code) and sometimes my windows 7 crashes, the worst thing is that I have no idea why, and debug doesn't help me, is there any way to receive from windows 7 some kind of log, why it crashed? thanks in advance for any help
The correct (but somewhat ugly) answer:
Go to Computer->Properties, go to 'Advanced System Settings'.
Under startup and recovery, make sure it is set to "Kernel memory dump" and note the location of the dump file (on a completely default install, you are looking at C:\windows\memory.dmp)
You optimally want to install Windows Debugging tools (now in the Windows SDK) as well as setting the MS Symbol store in your symbol settings (
Once youv'e done all that, wait for a crash and inspect memory.dmp in the debugger. Usually you will not see the exact crash because your driver vendors don't include symbols, but you will also generally get to see the DLL name that is involved in the crash, which should point you to what driver you are dealing with.
If you are not seeing a specific driver DLL name in the stack, it often indicates to me a hardware failure (like memory or overhead) that needs to be addressed.
MS has a good article here at technet that describes what I mentioned above (but step by step and in greater detail)
You can also look at the event log as someone else noted, but generally the information there is next to useless, beyond the actual kernel message (which can sometimes vaguely indicate whether the problem is driver or something else)

Symbols, in Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows?

What is the need/use of 'symbols' in the Microsoft debugger?
I spent some time trying to figure out the debugger a while back and never was able to get it making any sense (I was trying to debug a server hang...). Part of my problem was not having the proper 'symbols'.
What are they? And why would I need them? Aren't I just looking for text?
Are there any better links out there to using it than How to solve Windows system crashes in minutes ?
You need symbols in order to translate addresses into meaningful names. For example, you have locations on your stack at every function call:
Symbols allows the debugger to map these addresses to methods
0x00003791 myprog!methodnamea
0x00004a42 myprog!methodnameb
When you build a debug version of a program, the compiler emits symbols with the extension .PDB. It also contains line information so you can do source code debugging, etc..
You need to set your symbol search path correctly for the debugger to pick this up. IN the command window you can do
.sympath c:\symbols;c:\temp\symbols
in order to have it search for the .PDB in these directories. It will also look in the same directory that the executable is ran from.
It also might be helpful to use the Microsoft public symbols server so that you can resolve OS binaries such as NTDLL, GDI, etc.. with this path at the beginning:
.sympath SRV*c:\websymbols*;c:\symbols
You will need to create c:\websymbols first.
On the Windows binary architecture, the information needed for debugging (function names, file and line numbers, etc.) aren't present in the binary itself. Rather, they're collected into a PDB file (Program DataBase, file extension .pdb), which the debugger uses to correlate binary instructions with the sorts of information you probably use while debugging.
So in order to debug a server hang, you need the PDB file both for the server application itself, and optionally for the Windows binaries that your server is calling into.
As a general note, my experience with WinDbg is that it was much, much harder to learn how to use compared to GDB, but that it had much greater power once you understood how to use it. (The opposite of the usual case with Windows/Linux tools, interestingly.)
If you just have the binary file, the only info you can typically get is the stack trace, and maybe the binary or IL(in .NET) instructions. Having the symbols lets you actually match that binary/IL instruction up with a corresponding line in the source code. If you have the source code, it also lets you hook up the debugger in Visual Studio and step through the source code.

Finding out why a process is spending time in the kernel in win32

I'm compiling a vc8 C++ project in a WinXp VmWare session. It's a hell of a lot slower than gcc3.2 in a RedHat VmWare session, so I'm looking at Task Manager. It's saying a very large percentage of my compile process is spent in the kernel. That doesn't sounds right to me.
Is there an equivalent of strace for Win32? At least something which will give me an overview of which kernel functions are being called. There might be something that stands out as being the culprit.
Windows Resource Kit contains a tool called kernrate. It's a sampling profiler. It can profile entire system or a particular process. By default, its resolution is on a module level, but can be tuned down to several bytes. You should be fine with default resolution as you'll see which modules/drivers are consuming most of the time.
Here is some info regarding its use.
Not exactly strace, but there is a way of getting visibility into the kernel call stack, and by sampling it at times of high CPU usage, you can usually estimate what's using up all the time.
Install Process Explorer and make sure you configure it with symbol server support. You can do this by:
Installing WinDebug to get an updated dbghelp.dll
Set Process Explorer to use this version of dbghelp.dll by setting the path in the Options | Configure Symbols menu of Process Explorer.
Also in the same dialog, set the symbols path such that it includes the MS symbol server and a local cache.
Here's an example value for the symbol path:
(You can set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable to the same value to have the debugging tools use the same symbol server and cache path.) This path will cause dbghelp.dll to download symbols to local disk when asked for symbols for a module that doesn't have symbols locally.
After having set up Process Explorer like this, you can then get a process's properties, go to the threads tab, and double-click on the busiest thread. This will cause Process Explorer to temporarily hook into the process and scan the thread's stack, and then go and look up the symbols for the various return addresses on the stack. The return addresses's symbols, and the module names (for non-MS third-party drivers) should give you a strong clue as to where your CPU time is being spent.
VmWare support should be address that question. It's probably somewhere in the VmWare implementation.
You can use for example IrpTracker that give you an idea what is going on in the kernel.
Another option is using kernel debugger i.e WinDbg. If the cpu load very high just randomly breaking in the debugger and looking on the call stack can give you an idea who is the driver behind the cpu load. But as i stated i will guess that it will be some VmWare component. It worth to check if the problem persist on same computer on WinXP without emulation.
