How to set g:text style to bold font in a Windows Gadget? - windows-7

I'm developing a Vista/Win7 Desktop Gadget that uses a translucent g:background (doc) area with g:text (doc) on top. I'm adding the text via addTextObject (doc), and this all works as expected.
However, I can't figure out how to set that text to bold style. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this directly via the exposed properties that I can see, and I can't use regular text + CSS in this case due to the fact this text is placed onto a g:background object.
I have also tried specifying a bold font directly, such as Arial Bold (doesn't work) instead of Arial (works).
So how can this be done?
Edit: I have tried setting font-weight:bold for both the body and the g:background object that parents my text; no luck.

See Flip Calendar, by Jonathan Abbott. His code is usually well commented so maybe you can get some ideas from that.
The source of my information was from the early days of Vista Beta 2 where that was the official word from MS. I also found the following response to a thread on the MSDN forums regarding the Flip Calendar gadget itself:
The gadget has options for setting bold font on the day of the month (a g:text object) but on closer inspection it doesn't work. Sorry about that. The MS guys have been known to be wrong as well on one or more occasions. I can honestly say that I don't use the g:text object.
This means your only (well, non activex route) option is VML text, which provides a lot of flexibility on layout. However, you will have to place it on a fully opaque area of the gadget which is probably why you wanted to use the addTextObject in the first place. Gary Beene's site really helped me out when I was getting started, but it doesn't go into any detail on the v:textbox element and the v:textpath element, though the MSDN documentation goes into enough detail on these.
If you need to place the text on a non-fully opaque area of the gadget, then you could still go the VML route and place an image behind the text that acts as a shadow, starting out fully opaque and fading to fully transparent. This is how Microsoft does text in window title bars with aero enabled.
Alternatively, you could create an ActiveXObject that draws the text you need in the font you want and saves the image to a temporary file in the gadget folder. Then you set that to the src of an addImageObject. I've done something similar in a gadget and it's fast enough not to be noticeable. You can also set min/max dimensions so shrinking/stretching to fit becomes a breeze.


Replacing fonts in Powerpoint view does not replace font

I have a PowerPoint template. When this template was passed off It included some special fonts that I needed to remove because it was throwing warnings when users opened them up.
When I use the "replace fonts" feature it does not remove the font. I deal a lot with the XML properties of these templates because some of the content is generated dynamically when a report is run. I can still see in the slides the font is present
<a:buFont typeface="Poppins"/> the other is <a:buFont typeface="Noto Sans Symbols"/>
Which both appear to be bullet list fonts? There are no lists in the view though...
Removing it from the XML itself is not an option because when I update the template again it will override that and given that doesn't happen often I will have forgotten all about this. I need to fix this in the template so I can then export it out.
I have edited all the text I can see to either Ariel or Calibri but this Poppins font is still in there and I have no idea how to get it out.
Specifics are
Powerpoint version is 16.36
The program is actually Powerpoint for Mac (if that matters)
If anyone solved a similar issue and can give me some direction it would be much appreciated.
The buFont tag means that font is being used for a bullet rather than actual text. Probably a text level somewhere uses a custom bullet specced with this font. Each content or text placeholder can have up to 9 text levels, you may hove to create 9 levels using Home>Indent More to find the right one.
Start with the Slide Master (View>Slide Master>the larger thumbnail at the top). Then check each placeholder on each Layout (smaller thumbnails below the Master). Finally, check each multilevel placeholder on each slide, in case this was added with local formatting.
My go-to technique is to unzip the presentation into the XML files and do a find and replace on them. That's the quickest way to replace fonts, which can be tucked away in all kinds of obscure places in a presentation. On a Mac, this takes a bit of preparation to avoid problems caused by the OS. If you regularly create PowerPoint files, it may be worth it to set this up. Here's my article on this: OOXML Hacking: Editing in macOS. Look for the part about using a USB or network drive that is set to not create hidden .DS_Store files. Then use a text editor like BBEdit to do multi-file find and replace operations on the font name.
I have PowerPoint 16.39 on my MacBook Pro. Try to click on PowerPoint in the upper left. Then Preferences, then the Save icon. At the bottom you'll have Font Embedding. If you un-check this option, it should not save fonts to the template anymore.

Has anyone been able to nicely integrate the ACE editor into reveal.js?

This is the closest I've seen to that, and even it doesn't do a particularly good job; it certainly doesn't integrate (if it can even be said to do so) as well as the the highlight.js blocks reveal.js supports by default (which aren't responsive and lack a bunch of the other nice features of ACE).
I tried naively embedding an ACE textbox in a slide myself, and it didn't work out well. Reveal changed the size of the thing, but even after fixing that (and setting "text-align:left") the visual cursor didn't align with the actual cursor, and the editor warning icon was tiny.
The problem with ACE and reveal.js is the are the css attributes zoom or transform: scale() which reveal uses to fit the content to the screen. ACE requires pixel fonts and does not use the scaling in calculating mouse cursor positions.
I made a small fork and added a reval.js specific check for the editor.
This fixes the problem for my use cases.
My way of solving those issues is embedding ACE in an iframe instead of using it directly. I wrote a reveal.js plugin that makes embedding an ACE editor easy:

Display of Asian characters (with Unicode): Difference in character spacing when presented in a RichEdit control compared with using ExtTextOut

This picture illustrates my predicament:
All of the characters appear to be the same size, but the space between them is different when presented in a RichEdit control compared with when I use ExtTextOut.
I would like to present the characters the same as in the RichEdit control (ideally), in order to preserve wrap positions.
Can anyone tell me:
a) Which is the more correct representation?
b) Why the RichEdit control displays the text with no gaps between the Asian Characters?
c) Is there any way to make ExtTextOut reproduce the behaviour of the RichEdit control when drawing these characters?
d) Would this be any different if I was working on an Asian version of Windows?
Perhaps I'm being optimistic, but if anyone has any hints to offer, I'd be very interested to hear.
In case it helps:
Here's my text:
快的棕色狐狸跳在懶惰狗1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
apologies to Asian readers, this is merely for testing our Unicode implemetation and I don't even know what language the characters are taken from, let alone whether they mean anything
In order to view the effect by pasting these characters into a RichEdit control (eg. Wordpad), you may find you have to swipe them and set the font to 'Arial'.
The rich text that I obtain is:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\fs22\u24555?\u30340?\u26837?\u33394?\u29392?\u29432?\u36339?\u22312?\u25078?\u24816?\u29399?1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0\par\pard\'a3 $$ \'80\'80\cf1\lang2057\fs16\par}
It doesn't appear to contain a value for character 'pitch' which was my first thought.
I don't know the answer, but there are several things to suspect:
There are several versions of the rich edit control. Perhaps you're using an older one that doesn't have all the latest typographic improvements.
There are many styles and flags that affect the behavior of a rich editcontrol, so you might want to explore which ones are set and what they do. For example, look at EM_GETEDITSTYLE.
Many Asian fonts come in two versions on Windows. One is optimized for horizontal layout, and the other for vertical layout. That latter usually has the same name, but has # prepended to it. Perhaps you are using the wrong one in the rich edit control.
UPDATE: By messing around with Wordpad, I was able to reproduce the problem with the crowded text in the rich edit control.
Open a new document in Wordpad on Windows 7. Note that the selected font is Calibri.
Paste the sample text into the document.
Text appears correct, but Wordpad changed the font to SimSun.
Select the text and change the font back to Calibri or Arial.
The text will now be overcrowded, very similar to your example. Thus it appears the fundamental problem is with font linking and fallback. ExtTextOut is probably selecting an appropriate font for the script automatically. Your challenge is to figure out how to identify the right font for the script and set that font in the rich edit control.
This will only help with part of your problem, but there is a way to draw text to a DC that will look exactly the same as it does with RichEdit: what's called the windowless RichEdit control. It not exactly easy to use: I wrote a CodeProject article on it a few years back. I used this to solve the problem of a scrollable display of blocks of text, each one of which can be edited by clicking on it: the normal drawing is done with the windowless RichEdit, and the editing by showing a "real" RichEdit control on the top of it.
That would at least get you the text looking the same in both cases, though unfortunately both cases would show too little character spacing.
One further thought: if you could rely on Microsoft Office being installed, you could also try later versions of RichEdit that come with office. There's more about these on Murray Sargent's blog, as well as some interesting articles on font binding that might also help.
ExtTextOut allows you to specify the logical spacing between records. It has the parameter lpDx which is a const pointer to an array of values that indicate the distance between origins of adjacent character cells. The Microsoft API documentation notes that if you don't set it, then it sets it's own default spacing. I would have to say that's why ExtTextOut is working fine.
In particular, when you construct a EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record in EMF, it populates an EMR_TEXT structure with this DX array - which looking at one of your comments, allowed the RichEdit to insert the EMF with the information contained in the record, whereby if you didn't set a font binding then the RTF record does some matching to work out what font to use.
In terms of the RichEdit control, the following article might be useful:
Use Font Binding in a Rich Edit Control
After character sets are assigned, Rich Edit scans the text around the
insertion point forward and backward to find the nearest fonts that
have been used for the character sets. If no font is found for a
character set, Rich Edit uses the font chosen by the client for that
character set. If the client hasn't specified a font for the character
set, Rich Edit uses the default font for that character set. If the
client wants some other font, the client can always change it, but
this approach will work most of the time. The current default font
choices are based on the following table. Note that the default fonts
are set per-process, and there are separate lists for UI usage and for
non-UI usage.
If you haven't set the characterset, then it further explains that it falls back to ANSI_CHARSET. However, it's most definitely a lot more complicated than that, as that blog article by Murray Sargent (a programmer at Microsoft) shows.

Get the word under the mouse cursor in Windows

Greetings everyone,
A friend and I are discussing the possibility of a new project: A translation program that will pop up a translation whenever you hover over any word in any control, even static, non-editable ones. I know there are many browser plugins to do this sort of thing on webpages; we're thinking about how we would do it system-wide (on Windows).
Of course, the key difficulty is figuring out the word the user is hovering over. I'm aware of MSAA and Automation, but as far as I can tell, those things only allow you to get the entire contents of a control, not the specific word the mouse is over.
I stumbled upon this (proprietary) application that does pretty much exactly what we want to do:
Somehow they are able to get the exact word the user is hovering over in almost any application (It seems to have trouble in a few apps, notably Windows Explorer). It even grabs text out of obviously custom-drawn controls, somehow. At first I thought it must be using OCR. But even when I shrink the font so far down that the text becomes a completely unreadable blob, it can still recognize words perfectly. (And yet, it doesn't recognize anything if I change the font to Wingdings. But maybe that's by design?)
Any ideas as to how it's achieving this seemingly impossible task?
EDIT: It doesn't work with Wingdings, but it does work with some other nonsense fonts, so I've confirmed it can't be OCR.
You could capture the GDI calls that output text to the display, and then figure out which word's bounding box the cursor falls in.
Well, for GDI controls you can get the position and size of the control, and you can usually get the font info. For example, with static text controls you'd use WM_GETFONT. Then once you have that you can get the position of the mouse relative to the position of the control and use one of the font functions, perhaps something like GetTextExtentPoint32 to figure out what is under the cursor. I'm pretty sure the answer lies in that direction...
You can run dumpbin /imports on the other application and see what APIs they are calling.

Why alt attribute shows for a split second in Firefox?

I'm working with Course Management System Moodle and in the admin the folder tree (which uses folder icons) displays for about a second the alt attribute given (In this case "Open Folder") then it hides and shows the image when the image is ready.
The system is kind of slow so I assume Firefox thinks at first that the images don't exist.
This is a problem because during that split second the layout stretches to fit the wider words making it look unprofessional in my opinion.
Is there a way I can hide this tag without having to remove the alt tags? (which would be labor intensive) maybe using JQUERY or CSS.
displays for about a second the alt attribute given (In this case "Open Folder") then it hides and shows the image when the image is ready.
Yes, that's what alt text is for: it provides a textual alternative for when the image isn't available — whether that's because there's an error, or images are turned off in the browser settings, or, in this case, the file just hasn't arrived yet.
Is alt text really what you want? Unless the image in question actually contains the words “Open Folder”, the above is inappropriate alt text. If we're talking about one of those little plus/minus icons that opens a tree, a better alt text would be ‘+’. “Open folder”, as a description of what the image does (as opposed to what it contains), would be better applied to the ‘title’ attribute used for tooltips.
Note that if you're using Quirks Mode and the image has a fixed size specified, Firefox will use a ‘broken image’ icon with the alt text overlaid and cropped inside, instead of the plain alt text on its own. This is to match IE's old behaviour. But you don't really want to use Quirks Mode, and in the common case where the fixed size is small, the cropping makes the alt text unreadable and useless.
This is a problem because during that split second the layout stretches to fit the wider words making it look unprofessional in my opinion.
I'd recommend: getting over it. That's how the web rolls, any page can move about a bit as it renders progressively. For images you should only ever see it happen once, then the image will be cached and will appear straight away. If it doesn't, there's something wrong with the cacheing setup.
Depending on what kind of layout you are talking about, you can perhaps fix that to not respond to the changing image size, too. For example if using a table, setting “table-layout: fixed” on the table and “width: (some number of)px” on the top row's image cell will make it stick to that width even if the text inside is smaller. Possibly causing the alt text to run over into the next cell though, mind.
If the images are part of the layout, I'd recommend moving them to CSS. You should also optimize your images wherever possible whether they are CSS or otherwise. You could also move your JavaScript files to the bottom of the page where possible as they block parallel downloads. In general, applying a lot of the techniques here would probably help.
If the images have to be a certain width, give them an explicit width.
