SQL Plus change current directory - oracle

How does one change the current directory in SQL Plus under windows.
I am trying to write a script with several "# filename" commands.
I know that one can open a script with the File --> Open command, which will change the current directory, but I am looking for a way to do this automatically unattended.
Based on Plasmer's response, I set the SQLPATH environment variable in Windows, and got something that's good enough for me. I did not try to set it with the HOST command (I doubt that it will work).
Pourquoi Litytestdata's answer is a good one, but will not work for me (the directories are too far apart). And of course Guy's answer that it cannot be done is also correct. I will vote these two up, and accept Plasmer's answer.

Here is what I do.
Define a variable to help you out:
define dir=C:\MySYSTEM\PTR190\Tests\Test1
You can't cd in SQL*Plus (you can cd using the host command, but since it is a child process, the setting won't persist in your parent process).

I don't think that you can change the directory in SQL*Plus.
Instead of changing directory, you can use ##filename, which reads in another script whose location is relative to the directory the current script is running in. For example, if you have two scripts
then script1.sql can run script2.sql if it contains the line
See this for more info about ##.

Could you use the SQLPATH environment variable to tell sqlplus where to look for the scripts you are trying to run? I believe you could use HOST to set SQLPATH in the script too.
There could potentially be problems if two scripts have the same name and both directories are in the SQLPATH.

I don't think you can!
/home/export/user1 $ sqlplus /
> #script1.sql
> HOST CD /home/export/user2
> #script2.sql
script2.sql has to be in /home/export/user1.
You either use the full path, or exit the script and start sqlplus again from the right directory.
oraenv .
cd /home/export/user1
sqlplus / #script1.sql
cd /home/export/user2
sqlplus / #script2.sql
(something like that - doing this from memory!)

With Oracle's new SQLcl there is a cd command now and accompanying pwd.
SQLcl can be downloaded here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sqlcl/overview/index.html
Here's a quick example:
NOT_SAFE>!ls *.sql
db_awr.sql emp.sql img.sql jeff.sql orclcode.sql test.sql
db_info.sql fn.sql iot.sql login.sql rmoug.sql
SQL>cd sql
SQL>!ls *.sql
003.sql demo_worksheet_name.sql poll_so_stats.sql
1.sql dual.sql print_updates.sql

Have you tried creating a windows shortcut for sql plus and set the working directory?

I think that the SQLPATH environment variable is the best way for this - if you have multiple paths, enter them separated by semi-colons (;). Keep in mind that if there are script files named the same in among the directories, the first one encountered (by order the paths are entered) will be executed, the second one will be ignored.

Years later i had the same problem. My solution is the creation of a temporary batchfile and another instance of sqlplus:
In first SQL-Script:
set echo off
spool sqlsub_tmp.bat
prompt cd /D D:\some\dir
prompt sqlplus user/passwd#tnsname #second_script.sql
spool off
host sqlsub_tmp.bat
host del sqlsub_tmp.bat
Note that "second_script.sql" needs an "exit" statement at end if you want to return to the first one..

for me shelling-out does the job because it gives you possibility to run [a|any] command on the shell:
in short see the current directory:
change it
!cd /path/you/want


Run a remote bash script on a Mac using PuTTy

I want to run a bash script on a mac remotely from a batch script on a windows machine. On Windows I have this:
#echo off
echo bash /applications/snowflake/table-updater/test2.sh; exit>tmp_file
putty -ssh User#remote_machine -pw password -m tmp_file
And here is test2.sh on the remote machine
# test2.sh
7za x table-apps.zip -y -o/Applications/snowflake/applications
When the batch file runs it logs in successfully, but for some reason fails to run the bash file. However the bash file runs fine from mac terminal, where it unzips the files perfectly. What could be happening here?
Please note test2.sh is actually in Applications/snowflake/table-updater as specified in the batch file. And the tmp file does write fine as well. My aim is to have a script to access a further 10 remote machines with the same directory structure.
Thanks in advance
The standard program which resembles the scriptable Unix command ssh in the PuTTy suite is called plink, and would probably be the recommended tool here. The putty program adds a substantial terminal emulation layer which is unnecessary for noninteractive scripting (drawing of terminal windows, managing their layout, cursor addressing, fonts, etc) and it lacks the simple feature to specify a command directly as an argument.
plink user#remote_machine -pw password /Applications/snowflake/table-updater/test2.sh
From your comments, it appears that the problem is actually in your script, not in how you are connecting. If you get 7za: command not found your script is being executed successfully, but fails because of a PATH problem.
At the prompt, any command you execute will receive a copy of your interactive environment. A self-sufficient script should take care to set up the environment for itself if it needs resources from non-standard locations. In your case, I would add the following before the 7za invocation:
which augments the standard PATH with the location where you apparently have 7za installed. (Any standard installation will take precedence, because we are adding the nonstandard directory at the end of the PATH -- add in front if you want the opposite behavior.)
In the general case, if there are other settings in your interactive .bashrc (or similar shell startup file) which needs to be set up in order for the script to work, the script needs to set this up one way or another. For troubleshooting, a quick and dirty fix is to add . /Users/you/.bashrc at the top of the script (where /Users/you should obviously be replaced with the real path to your home directory); but for proper operation, the script itself should contain the code it needs, and mustn't depend on an individual user's personal settings file (which could change without notice anyway).

SQL*Plus ## behaviour with spaces in the parent script path

I have to
Call sql-script
Exit sqlplus
So, I've created a sql-script run.sql:
set def on
conn &2
For example, I have some sql-scripts in a folder "c:\folder with spaces\":
a) install.sql with contents:
prompt Hello
b) and of course I have a.sql and b.sql files in the folder with some actions.
So, I try to run my script:
sqlplus /nolog #"Path_to_Run\run.sql" \"c:\folder with spaces\install.sql\" user/pass#server
And I got an output:
SP2-0310: unable to open file "c:\folder.sql"
So, it can open install.sql, but cannot open ##a.sql. He tries to run such script:
#c:\folder with spaces\a.sql
But how can I place quotes here? He should run the script a.sql inside the folder "c:\folder with spaces\".
You could split your parameters so that run.sql contains
set def on
conn &2
host cd "#3"
And invoke it with
sqlplus /nolog #"Path_to_Run\run.sql" \"c:\folder with spaces\" install.sql user/pass#server
Note that it might need some tuning, it does not work on my computer because of cygwin messing with its own cd.
Thanks to Alex Poole, the answer is in documentation
SP2-0310 Error when Calling a SQL Script in Another Script using ## and the Path to the Parent Script Contains Spaces (Doc ID 745780.1)
And there are three solutions:
Use the 8dot3 notation. E.g. Use PROGRA~1 instead of "Program Files".
Avoid saving the sql scripts on a path containing spaces in the folder names.
cd to the directory containing the script instead of providing the full path when invoking the script in SQL*Plus.
First method doesn't work for me in Windows 7 (there are a lot of work to set up 8dot3 in Win7). I get:
>cd c:\folder~1
The system cannot find the path specified.
Second method doesn't work for me too, I cannot operate these folders. I have to use them as is.
And the third method works fine (but in another way than in the previous message):
cd "c:\folder with spaces"
sqlplus /nolog #c:\run\run.sql install.sql user/pass#server
So, you have to change dir before sqlplus, host cd doesn't work.
Thank you, guys.

navigate through folders using shell script

I am new to shell scripting. I have saved the script file as script_hdl in my home directory. From my home directory, I want to navigate using the script in the following order: cd ../../site/edu/ess/project/user/rark444
and then open a new tab from this new location in the terminal.
I used this as my script:
alias script_hdl="cd ../../site/edu/ess/project/user/rark444"
I run the script like this
But I don't see any response in the terminal. I feel I am missing something but I don't know what is it. Thanks in advance for your help.
You have two ways to change directory here.
The first one is to write a script, in such a way that you can run other command after cd. It works without the alias command: let's say you remove it.
cd command is proper to the running process. When you execute your script, the following happen:
your shell spawns (forks as) a new shell process executing your code. The main process wait for its child to finish;
this new child process actually does change its own working directory with your cd command, then quits (it's over)
the original shell process stops waiting and prints the prompt again. But this process has not changed directory (only the child process did)
To perform what you want, (remove the alias command, then) call your script as follows:
source script_hdl
or with following shortcut:
. script_hdl
meaning that you want the instructions to run in the same shell process.
The second way to change directory is to use an alias. But you should not write your alias definition in a random script file, add it in your ~/.bashrc instead (this file is run each time you open a shell).
alias script_hdl="cd ../../site/edu/ess/project/user/rark444"
to reload ~/.bashrc:
. ~/.bashrc
And then don't try to execute from the file, just launch your alias as if it was a normal command:
Looks like you are trying to set up an alias. You can do this by editing your .bash_profile file in your home directory (if it's not there you can create one and then run "source .bash_profile" after editing it) and make an entry like alias script_hdl='cd ../../site/edu/ess/project/user/rark444' and then run "script_hdl" from your terminal.
For more info on alias you can follow the link mentioned by Paul.
Make sure the spelling is correct as unix is case sensitive and that you have permissions. First try it on the command line to ensure that it works, if there is an error it will appear on the command line as sometimes scripts hide the errors and messages. If it works then copy the text to the script file and don't use alias.
Here is the correct usage of alias

Execute Batch Script From Environment Variable

I've set an system environment variable called find which points to a batch script. I did this so that in Win command prompt i could type %find% and it would execute my script. It works the only problem is it only works once, my script takes a parameter or requires user input (have tried both), and then it is as if the %find% is temporarily overwritten, and the %find% of course no longer works, until i reopen the command window. Basically it works once and that's it!
How can i make it work every time? i want to execute my script using the environment variable over and over again at will without reloading the command window.
I created a batch script with the following code:
#ECHO off
echo hello
and added a environmental variable called TEST that points to the script. I have no problem executing the script using the environmental variable multiple times.
Can you please provide some information or code of what your script does?
Remember that find is a MS-supplied utility.
Try using a different name. And show us your batch - even possibly describe what happens when it "no longer works." Games of 20-questions are tedious.
The problem is that the Batch script uses a variable with the same name, so after it run for the first time the variable value is overwritten and no longer works. To prevent this to happen, insert a setlocal command at beginning of the Batch file; this way, when the script ends all variables are reset to the values they had before the script run. This method also delete all new variables defined in the Batch script, so it keep the environment clean.
If your intention is to override the behavior of the existing find.exe utility, you could add the location of the script to the global path variable before your System32 folder (where find.exe is located). For example, let's say your script is C:\Scripts\find.bat. If your path variable is currently set to this:
...then you would change it to this:
Beware though... doing this could break other scripts that use the find command (if they don't use the absolute path to find.exe).
If you are just wanting an easy way to run your alternate find command, you could just give it a different name as the others have suggested, then add it to the end of the path or place it in the System32 folder. That would save you from having to type the percent signs at least.

How can I automatically set environmental variables when files from a particular directory are executed?

I would like to set environmental variables in bash whenever I use a script in the ~/project/bash folder
currently, to run scripts in this folder, I have to run:
cd ~/project/bash
. ./project/bash/env.vars.sh
first, I would like these variables to be automatically set, preferably when either the scripts are used or the user changes to ~/project or therein.
I am not aware of anything that will do something when a script is executed. The closest thing I can see to what you need is to put:
. ./project/bash/env.vars.sh
on the start of each of the scripts.
If that is an option for you, you can create a special user which would have the above line in its ~/.bashrc, so the environment gets set up automatically on login.
