Is there any logic behind ASCII codes' ordering? - char

I was teaching C to my younger brother studying engineering. I was explaining him how different data-types are actually stored in the memory. I explained him the logistics behind having signed/unsigned numbers and floating point bit in decimal numbers. While I was telling him about char type in C, I also took him through the ASCII code system and also how char is also stored as 1 byte number.
He asked me why 'A' has been given ASCII code 65 and not anything else? Similarly why 'a' is given the code 97 specifically? Why is there a gap of 6 ASCII codes between the range of capital letters and small letters? I had no idea of this. Can you help me understand this, since this has created a great curiosity to me as well. I've never found any book so far that has discussed this topic.
What is the reason behind this? Are ASCII codes logically organized?

There are historical reasons, mainly to make ASCII codes easy to convert:
Digits (0x30 to 0x39) have the binary prefix 110000:
0 is 110000
1 is 110001
2 is 110010
So if you wipe out the prefix (the first two '1's), you end up with the digit in binary coded decimal.
Capital letters have the binary prefix 1000000:
A is 1000001
B is 1000010
C is 1000011
Same thing, if you remove the prefix (the first '1'), you end up with alphabet-indexed characters (A is 1, Z is 26, etc).
Lowercase letters have the binary prefix 1100000:
a is 1100001
b is 1100010
c is 1100011
Same as above. So if you add 32 (100000) to a capital letter, you have the lowercase version.

This chart shows it quite well from wikipedia: Notice the two columns of control 2 of upper 2 of lower, and then gaps filled in with misc.
Also bear in mind that ASCII was developed based on what had passed before. For more detail on the history of ASCII, see this superb article by Tom Jennings, which also includes the meaning and usage of some of the stranger control characters.

Here is very detailed history and description of ASCII codes:
In short:
ASCII is based on teleprinter encoding standards
first 30 characters are "nonprintable" - used for text formatting
then they continue with printable characters, roughly in order they are placed on keyboard. Check your keyboard:
upper case sign on number caps: !, ", #, ...,
signs usually placed at the end of keyboard row with numbers - upper case
capital letters, alphabetically
signs usually placed at the end of keyboard rows with letters - upper case
small letters, alphabetically
signs usually placed at the end of keyboard rows with letters - lower case

The distance between A and a is 32. That's quite round number, isn't it?
The gap of 6 characters between capital letters and small letters is because (32 - 26) = 6. (Note: there are 26 letters in the English alphabet).

If you look at the binary representations for 'a' and 'A', you'll see that they only differ by 1 bit, which is pretty useful (turning upper case to lower case or vice-versa is just a matter of flipping a bit). Why start there specifically, I have no idea.

'A' is 0x41 in hexidecimal.
'a' is 0x61 in hexidecimal.
'0' thru '9' is 0x30 - 0x39 in hexidecimal.
So at least it is easy to remember the numbers for A, a and 0-9. I have no idea about the symbols. See The Wikipedia article on ASCII Ordering.

The code itself was structured so that
most control codes were together, and
all graphic codes were together. The
first two columns (32 positions) were
reserved for control characters.[14]
The "space" character had to come
before graphics to make sorting
algorithms easy, so it became position
0x20.[15] The committee decided it was
important to support upper case
64-character alphabets, and chose to
structure ASCII so it could easily be
reduced to a usable 64-character set
of graphic codes.[16] Lower case
letters were therefore not interleaved
with upper case. To keep options open
for lower case letters and other
graphics, the special and numeric
codes were placed before the letters,
and the letter 'A' was placed in
position 0x41 to match the draft of
the corresponding British
standard.[17] The digits 0–9 were
placed so they correspond to values in
binary prefixed with 011, making
conversion with binary-coded decimal


ASCII - Whats the point of it?

I always wanted to ask this, I know that ASCII uses numbers to represent characters like 65 = A
Whats the point? computer understand when i press A is A why we need to convert to 65?
You have it backwards: computers understand when you press an A because of codes like ASCII. Or rather, one part of the computer is able to tell another part of the computer that you pressed an A because they agree on conventions of binary signals like ASCII.
At its lowest level, each part of the computer "knows" that it is in one of two states - maybe off and on, maybe high voltage and low voltage, maybe two directions of magnetism, and so on. For convenience, we label these two states 0 and 1. We then build elaborate (and microscopic) sequences of machinery that each say "if this thing's a 1, then do this, if it's a 0 do this".
If we string a sequence of 1s and 0s together, we can write a number, like 1010; and we can make machinery that does maths with those numbers, like 1010 + 0001 = 1011. Alternatively, we can string a much longer sequence together to represent the brightness of pixels from the top left to bottom right of a screen, in order - a bitmap image. The computer doesn't "know" which sequences are numbers and which are images, we just tell it "draw the screen based on this sequence" and "calculate my wages based on this sequence".
If we want to represent not numbers or images, but text, we need to come up with a sequence of bits for each letter and symbol. It doesn't really matter what sequence we use, we just need to be consistent - we could say that 000001 is A, and as long as we remember that's what we chose, we can write programs that deal with text. ASCII is simply one of those mappings of sequences of bits to letters and symbols.
Note that A is not defined as "65" in ASCII, it's defined as the 7 bit sequence 1000001; it just happens that that's the same sequence of bits we generally use for the number 65. Note also that ASCII is a very old mapping, and almost never used directly in modern computers; it is however very influential, and a lot of more recent mappings are designed to use the same or similar sequences for the letters and symbols that it covers.

How many numbers can we store with 1 bit?

I want to know how many characters or numbers can I store in 1 bit only. It will be more helpful if you tell it in octal, hexadecimal.
I want to know how many characters or numbers can I store in 1 bit only.
It is not practical to use a single bit to store numbers or characters. However, you could say:
One integer provided that the integer is in the range 0 to 1.
One ASCII character provided that the character is either NUL (0x00) or SOH (0x01).
The bottom line is that a single bit has two states: 0 and 1. Any value domain with more that two values in the domain cannot be represented using a single bit.
It will be more helpful if you tell it in octal, hexadecimal.
That is not relevant to the problem. Octal and hexadecimal are different textual representations for numeric data. They make no difference to the meaning of the numbers, or (in most cases1) the way that you represent the numbers in a computer.
1 - The exception is when you are representing numbers as text; e.g. when you represent the number 42 in a text document as the character '4' followed by the character '2'.
A bit is a "binary digit", or a value from a set of size two. If you have one or more bits, you raise 2 to the power of the number of bits. So, 2¹ gives 2. The field in Mathematics is called combinatorics.

Does Unicode have a code point for a garbled digit?

I'm looking for a placeholder glyph to display "insert any digit here", to tersly communicate in limited GUI space that a range of numbers is meant.
For decimal numbers I would use x, e.g.
1xx - room numbers on first floor
2xx - room numbers on second floor
but my ranges are hexadecimal, so
0x00xx - IDs reserved for future use
0x01xx - IDs reserved for development
0x02xx - IDs managed by team Bravo
looks a bit odd, as the x would have two different meanings.
There is no Unicode character that simply means "any digit here". Unicode does offer an extensive range of symbols to choose from though, which will not be confused with 'x'. An underscore has the benefit that, in many fonts, it has the same width as a numeral. If you choose something more exotic, like ◌ DOTTED CIRCLE or ⯑ UNCERTAINTY SIGN, just ensure that it will be present in the font used for your interface.

Why Huffman Coding is good?

I am not asking how Huffman coding is working, but instead, I want to know why it is good.
I have the following two questions:
I understand the ultimate purpose of Huffman coding is to give certain char a less bit number, so space is saved. What I don't understand is that why the decision of number of bits for a char can be related to the char's frequency?
Huffman Encoding Trees says
It is sometimes advantageous to use variable-length codes, in which
different symbols may be represented by different numbers of bits. For
example, Morse code does not use the same number of dots and dashes
for each letter of the alphabet. In particular, E, the most frequent
letter, is represented by a single dot.
So in Morse code, E can be represented by a single dot because it is the most frequent letter. But why? Why can it be a dot just because it is most frequent?
Why the probability / statistics of the chars are so important to Huffman coding?
What happen if the statistics table is wrong?
If you assign less number or bits or shorter code words for most frequently used symbols you will be saving a lot of storage space.
Suppose you want to assign 26 unique codes to English alphabet and want to store an english novel ( only letters ) in term of these code you will require less memory if you assign short length codes to most frequently occurring characters.
You might have observed that postal code and STD codes for important cities are usually shorter ( as they are used very often ). This is very fundamental concept in Information theory.
Huffman encoding gives prefix codes.
Construction of Huffman tree:
A greedy approach to construct Huffman tree for n characters is as follows:
places n characters in n sub-trees.
Starts by combining the two least weight nodes into a tree which is assigned the sum of the two leaf node weights as the weight for its root node.
Do this until you get a single tree.
For example consider below binary tree where E and T have high weights ( as very high occurrence )
It is a prefix tree. To get the Huffman code for any character, start from the node corresponding to the the character and backtrack till you get the root node.
Indeed, an E could be, say, three dashes followed by two dots. When you make your own encoding, you get to decide. If your goal is to encode a certain text so that the result is as short as possible, you should choose short codes for the most frequent characters. The Huffman algorithm ensures that we get the optimal codes for a specific text.
If the frequency table is somehow wrong, the Huffman algorithm will still give you a valid encoding, but the encoded text would be longer than it could have been if you had used a correct frequency table. This is usually not a problem, because we usually create the frequency table based on the actual text that is to be encoded, so the frequency table will be "perfect" for the text that we are going to encode.
well.. you want assign shorter codes to the symbols which appear more frequently... huffman encoding works just by this simple assumption.. :-)
you compute the frequency of all symbols, sort them all, and start assigning bit codes to each one.. the more frequent a symbol is, the shorter the code you'll assign to it.. simple as this.
the big question is: how large the window in which we compute such frequencies should be? should it be as large as the entire file? or should it be smaller? and if the latter apply, how large? Most huffman encoding have some sort of "test-run" in which they estimate the best window size a little bit like TCP/IP do with its windows frame sizes.
Huffman codes provide two benefits:
they are space efficient given some corpus
they are prefix codes
Given some set of documents for instance, encoding those documents as Huffman codes is the most space efficient way of encoding them, thus saving space. This however only applies to that set of documents as the codes you end up are dependent on the probability of the tokens/symbols in the original set of documents. The statistics are important because the symbols with the highest probability (frequency) are given the shortest codes. Thus the symbols most likely to be in your data use the least amount of bits in the encoding, making the coding efficient.
The prefix code part is useful because it means that no code is the prefix of another. In morse code for instance A = dot dash and J = dot dash dash dash, how do you know where to break reading the code. This increases the inefficiency of transmitting data using morse as you need a special symbol (pause) to signify the end of transmission of one code. Compare that to Huffman codes where each code is unique, as soon as you discover the encoding for a symbol in the input, you know that that is the transmitted symbol because it is guaranteed not to be the prefix of some other symbol.
It's the dual effect of having the most frequent characters using the shortest bit sequences that gives you the savings.
For a concrete example, let's say you have a piece of text that consists of 1024 e characters and 1024 of all other characters combined.
With 8 bits for code, that's a full 2048 bytes used in uncompressed form.
Now let's say we represent e as a single 1-bit and every other letter as a 0-bit followed by its original 8 bits (a very primitive form of Huffman).
You can see that half the characters have been expanded from 8 bits to 9, giving 9216 bits, or 1152 bytes. However, the e characters have been reduced from 8 bits to 1, meaning they take up 1024 bits, or 128 bytes.
The total bytes used is therefore 1152 + 128, or 1280 bytes, representing a compression ratio of 62.5%.
You can use a fixed encoding scheme based on the likely frequencies of characters (such as English text), or you can use adaptive Huffman encoding which changes the encoding scheme as characters are processed and frequencies are adjusted. While the former may be okay for input which has high probability of matching frequencies, the latter can adapt to any input.
Statistic table can't be wrong, because in general Huffman algorithm, analyze hole text at the beginning, and builds frequent-statistics of the given text, while Morse has a static symbol -code map.
Huffman algorithm uses the advantage of a given text. As an example, if E is most frequent letter in English in general, that doesn't mean that E is most frequent in a given text for a given author.
Another advantage of Huffman algorithm is that you can use it for any alphabet starting from [0, 1] finished Chinese hieroglyphs, while Morse is defined only for English letters
So in Morse code, "E" can be represented by a single dot, because it is the most frequent letter. But why? Why is it a dot because of its frequency?
"E" can be encoded to any unique code for a specific code dictionary, so it can be "0", we choose it to be short to save memory, so the average bytes used after encode is minimized.
Why is the probability / statistics of the chars so important to Huffman coding? What happens if the statistics table is wrong?
why do we encode? save space right? Space used after encode is freq(wordi)*Length(wordi), it is what we should try to minimize, so we choose to assign words with high prob short code greedly to save space.
If the statistics table is wrong, then the encoding is not the best way to save space.

Counting words from a mixed-language document

Given a set of lines containing Chinese characters, Latin-alphabet-based words or a mixture of both, I wanted to obtain the word count.
To wit:
this is just an example
should give 10 words ideally; but of course, without access to a dictionary, 例子 would best be treated as two separate characters. Therefore, a count of 11 words/characters would also be an acceptable result here.
Obviously, wc -w is not going to work. It considers the 6 Chinese characters / 5 words as 1 "word", and returns a total of 6.
How do I proceed? I am open to trying different languages, though bash and python will be the quickest for me right now.
You should split the text on Unicode word boundaries, then count the elements which contain letters or ideographs. If you're working with Python, you could use the uniseg or nltk packages, for example. Another approach is to simply use Unicode-aware regexes but these will only break on simple word boundaries. Also see the question Split unicode string on word boundaries.
Note that you'll need a more complex dictionary-based solution for some languages. UAX #29 states:
For Thai, Lao, Khmer, Myanmar, and other scripts that do not typically use spaces between words, a good implementation should not depend on the default word boundary specification. It should use a more sophisticated mechanism, as is also required for line breaking. Ideographic scripts such as Japanese and Chinese are even more complex. Where Hangul text is written without spaces, the same applies. However, in the absence of a more sophisticated mechanism, the rules specified in this annex supply a well-defined default.
I thought about a quick hack since Chinese characters are 3 bytes long in UTF8:
for each character:
if character (byte) begins with 1:
add 1 to total chinese chars
if it is a space:
add 1 to total "normal" words
if it is a newline:
Then take total chinese chars / 3 + total words to get the sum for each line. This will give an erroneous count for the case of mixed languages, but should be a good start.
However, the above sentence will give a total of 2 (1 for each of the Chinese characters.) A space between the two languages would be needed to give the correct count.
