ASCII - Whats the point of it? - ascii

I always wanted to ask this, I know that ASCII uses numbers to represent characters like 65 = A
Whats the point? computer understand when i press A is A why we need to convert to 65?

You have it backwards: computers understand when you press an A because of codes like ASCII. Or rather, one part of the computer is able to tell another part of the computer that you pressed an A because they agree on conventions of binary signals like ASCII.
At its lowest level, each part of the computer "knows" that it is in one of two states - maybe off and on, maybe high voltage and low voltage, maybe two directions of magnetism, and so on. For convenience, we label these two states 0 and 1. We then build elaborate (and microscopic) sequences of machinery that each say "if this thing's a 1, then do this, if it's a 0 do this".
If we string a sequence of 1s and 0s together, we can write a number, like 1010; and we can make machinery that does maths with those numbers, like 1010 + 0001 = 1011. Alternatively, we can string a much longer sequence together to represent the brightness of pixels from the top left to bottom right of a screen, in order - a bitmap image. The computer doesn't "know" which sequences are numbers and which are images, we just tell it "draw the screen based on this sequence" and "calculate my wages based on this sequence".
If we want to represent not numbers or images, but text, we need to come up with a sequence of bits for each letter and symbol. It doesn't really matter what sequence we use, we just need to be consistent - we could say that 000001 is A, and as long as we remember that's what we chose, we can write programs that deal with text. ASCII is simply one of those mappings of sequences of bits to letters and symbols.
Note that A is not defined as "65" in ASCII, it's defined as the 7 bit sequence 1000001; it just happens that that's the same sequence of bits we generally use for the number 65. Note also that ASCII is a very old mapping, and almost never used directly in modern computers; it is however very influential, and a lot of more recent mappings are designed to use the same or similar sequences for the letters and symbols that it covers.


Bitmasking--when to use hex vs binary

I'm working on a problem out of Cracking The Coding Interview which requires that I swap odd and even bits in an integer with as few instructions as possible (e.g bit 0 and 1 are swapped, bits 2 and 3 are swapped, etc.)
The author's solution revolves around using a mask to grab, in one number, the odd bits, and in another num the even bits, and then shifting them off by 1.
I get her solution, but I don't understand how she grabbed the even/odd bits. She creates two bit masks --both in hex -- for a 32 bit integer. The two are: 0xaaaaaaaa and 0x55555555. I understand she's essentially creating the equivalent of 1010101010... for a 32 bit integer in hexadecimal and then ANDing it with the original num to grab the even/odd bits respectively.
What I don't understand is why she used hex? Why not just code in 10101010101010101010101010101010? Did she use hex to reduce verbosity? And when should you use one over the other?
It's to reduce verbosity. Binary 10101010101010101010101010101010, hexadecimal 0xaaaaaaaa, and decimal 2863311530 all represent exactly the same value; they just use different bases to do so. The only reason to use one or another is for perceived readability.
Most people would clearly not want to use decimal here; it looks like an arbitrary value.
The binary is clear: alternating 1s and 0s, but with so many, it's not obvious that this is a 32-bit value, or that there isn't an adjacent pair of 1s or 0s hiding in the middle somewhere.
The hexadecimal version takes advantage of chunking. Assuming you recognize that 0x0a == 0b1010, you can mentally picture the 8 groups of 1010 in the assumed value.
Another possibility would be octal 25252525252, since... well, maybe not. You can see that something is alternating, but unless you use octal a lot, it's not clear what that alternating pattern in binary is.

Algorithm/Hashing/Creative Way To Map Beyond 2 Alphanumeric Characters Combinations

I have a system that is confined to two alphanumeric characters. Some simple math shows that we get 1,296 combinations if we use all possible permutations 0-9 and a-z. Lower case letters cannot be distinguished from upper case, special characters (including a blank character) cannot be used.
Is there any creative mapping, perhaps to an external reference, to create a way to take this two character field significantly beyond 1,296 combinations?
Examples of identifers would be `00, OO, AZ, Z4, etc.'
I'm afraid not, no more than you could get a 3 bit number to represent more than 8 different numbers. If you're interested in the details you can look up information theory or Kolmogorov complexity. Essentially with only 1,296 combinations then you can only label 1,296 possible pieces of information.
As an example, consider if you had 1,297 things. All of those two letter combinations would take up the first 1,296 so what combination would be associated with the next one? It would have to be a repeat of something which you had earlier.
Shor also has some good material on this, and the implications of that sort of thing form the basis for a lot of file compression systems.
You could maybe squeeze out one more combination if you cheat, and allow a 'null' value to represent a different possibility, but thats not totally relevant to the idea of the question.
If you are restricted to two characters taken from an alphabet of 36, then you are limited to 36² distinct symbols, that's it.
More context is required to find workarounds, like stealing bits elsewhere, using symbols in pairs, breaking the case limitation, exploiting the history of transations...
The precise meaning of "a system that is confined to two alphanumeric characters" needs to be known to be able to suggest a workaround. Is that a space constraint? Do you need the restriction to 2 chars for efficiency? Does it need to work with other code that accepts or generates 2 char indexes?
If you have up to 1295 identifiers that are used often, and some others that occur only occasionally, you could choose an identifier, e.g. "ZZ", to indicate that another identifier is following. So "00" through to "ZY" would be 1295 simple 2-char identifiers, and "ZZ00" though to "ZZZZ" would be a further 1296 combined 4-char identifiers. (Or "ZZ0000" through to "ZZZZZZ" for a further 1296*1296 identifiers ...)
This could work for space constraints. For efficiency, it depends on whether the additional check to see if the identifier is "ZZ" is too expensive or not.

Bash string compression

I'd like to know how I can compress a string into fewer characters using a shell script. The goal is to take a Mac's serial number and MAC address then compress those values into a 14 character string. I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'd like to hear if anyone has any suggestions.
Thank you
Your question is way too vague to result in a detailed answer.
Given your restriction of a 14 character string output, you won't be able to use "real" compression (like zip), due to the overhead. This leaves you with simple algorithms, like RLE or bit concatenation.
If by "string" you mean "printable string", i.e. only about 62 or so values are usable in a character (depending on the exact printable set you choose), then you have an additional space constraint.
A handy trick you could use with the MAC address part is, since it belongs to an Apple device, you already know that the first three values (AA:BB:CC) are one of 297 combinations, so you could save 6 characters (plus 2 for the colons) worth of information into 2+ characters (depending on your output character set, see above).
The remaining three MAC address values are base-16 (0-9, A-F), so you could "compress" this information slightly as well.
A similar analysis can be done for the Mac serial number (which values can it take? how much space can be saved?).
The effort to do this in bash would be disproportionate though. I'd highly recommend a C (or other programming language) approach.
Cheating answer
Get someone at Apple to give you access to the database I'm assuming they have which matches devices' serial numbers to MAC addresses. Then you can just store the MAC address and look it up in the database whenever you need the serial number. The 64-bit MAC address can easily be stored in 12 characters with standard base64 encoding.
Frustrating answer
You have to make some unreliable assumptions just to make this approachable. You can fix the assumptions later, but I don't know if it would still fit in 14 characters. Personally, I have no idea why you want to save space by reprocessing the serial and MAC numbers, but here's how I'd start.
Simplifying assumptions
Apple will never use MAC address prefixes beyond the 297 combinations mentioned in Sir Athos' answer.
The "new" Mac serial number format in this article from
2010 is the only format Apple has used or ever will use.
Core concepts of encoding
You're taking something which could have n possible values and you're converting it into something else with n possible values.
There may be gaps in the original's possible values, such as if Apple cancels building a manufacturing plant after already assigning it a location code.
There may be gaps in your encoded form's possible values, perhaps in anticipation of Apple doing things that would fill the gaps.
Abstract integer encoding
Break apart the serial number into groups as "PPP Y W SSS CCCC" (like the article describes)
Make groups for the first 3 bytes and last 5 bytes of the MAC address.
Translate each group into a number from 0 to n-1 where n is the number of possible values for something in the group. As far as I can tell from the article, the values are n_P=36^3, n_Y=20, n_W=27, n_S=3^3, and n_C=36^4. The first 3 MAC bytes has 297 values and the last 5 have 2^(8*5)=2^40 values.
Set a variable, i, to the value of the first group's number.
For each remaining group's number, multiply i by the number of values possible for the group, and then add the number to i.
Base n encoding
Make a list of n characters that you want to use in your final output.
Print the character in your list at index i%n.
Subtract the modulus from the integer encoding and divide by n.
Repeat 1 and 2 until the integer becomes 0.
This results in a total of 36^3 * 20 * 27 * 36 * 7 * 297 * 2^40 ~= 2 * 10^24 combinations. If you let n=64 for a custom base64 encoding
(without any padding characters), then you can barely fit that into ceiling(log(2 * 10^24) / log(64)) = 14 characters. If you use all 95 printable ASCII characters, then you can fit it into ceiling(log(2 * 10^24) / log(95)) = 13 characters.
Fixing the assumptions
If you're trying to build something that uses this and are determined to make it work, here's what you need to do to make it solid, along with some tips.
Do the same analysis on every other serial number format you may care about. You might want to see if there's any redundant information between the serial and MAC numbers.
Figure out a way to detect between serial number formats. Adding an extra thing at the end of the abstract number encoding can enable you to track which version it uses.
Think long and careful about the format you're making. It's a lot easier to make changes before you're stuck with backwards compatibility.
If you can, use a language that's well suited for mapping between values, doing a lot of arithmetic, and handling big numbers. You may be able to do it in Bash, but it'd probably be easier in, say, Python.

What are the design decisions behind Google Maps encoded polyline algorithm format?

Several Google Maps products have the notion of polylines, which in terms of underlying data is basically just a sequence of lat/lng points that might for example manifest in a line drawn on a map. The Google Map developer libraries make use of an encoded polyline format that churns out an ASCII string representing the points making up the polyline. This encoded format is then typically decoded with a built in function of the Google libraries or a function written by a third party that implements the decoding algorithm.
The algorithm for encoding polyline points is described in the Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format document. What is not described is the rationale for implementing the algorithm this way, and the significance of each of the individual steps. I'm interested to know whether the thinking/purpose behind implementing the algorithm this way is publicly described anywhere. Two example questions:
Do some of the steps have a quantifiable impact on compression and how does this impact vary as a function of the delta between points?
Is the summing of values with ASCII 63 a compatibility hack of some sort?
But just in general, a description to go along with the algorithm explaining why the algorithm is implemented the way it is.
Update: This blog post from James Snook also has the 'valid ascii' range argument and reads logically for other steps I wondered. E.g. the left shifting before storing which makes place for the negative bit as the first bit.
Some explanations I found, not sure if everything is 100% correct.
One double value is stored in multiple 5 bits chunks and 0x20 (binary '0010 0000') is used as indication that the next 5 bit entry belongs to the current double.
0x1f (binary '0001 1111') is used as bit mask to throw away other bits
I expect that 5 bits are used because the delta of lat or lons are in this range. So that every double value takes only 5 bits on average when done for a lot of examples (but not verified yet).
Now, compression is done by assuming nearby double values are very close and creating the difference is nearly 0, so that the results fits in a few bytes. Then this result is stored in a dynamic fashion: store 5 bits and if the value is longer mark with 0x20 and store the next 5 bits and so on. So I guess you can tweak the compression if you try 6 or 4 bits but I guess 5 is a practically reasonable choice.
Now regarding the magic 63, this is 0x3f and binary 0011 1111. I'm not sure why they add it. I thought that adding 63 will give some 'better' asci characters (e.g. allowed in XML or in URL) as we skip e.g. 62 which is > but 63 which is ? is really better? At least the first ascii chars are not displayable and have to be avoided. Note that if one would use 64 then one would hit the ascii char 127 for the maximum value of 31 (31+64+32) and this char is not defined in html4. Or is because of a signed char is going from -128 to 127 and we need to store the negative numbers as positive, thus adding the maximum possible negative number?
Just for me: here is a link to an official Java implementation with Apache License

Why Huffman Coding is good?

I am not asking how Huffman coding is working, but instead, I want to know why it is good.
I have the following two questions:
I understand the ultimate purpose of Huffman coding is to give certain char a less bit number, so space is saved. What I don't understand is that why the decision of number of bits for a char can be related to the char's frequency?
Huffman Encoding Trees says
It is sometimes advantageous to use variable-length codes, in which
different symbols may be represented by different numbers of bits. For
example, Morse code does not use the same number of dots and dashes
for each letter of the alphabet. In particular, E, the most frequent
letter, is represented by a single dot.
So in Morse code, E can be represented by a single dot because it is the most frequent letter. But why? Why can it be a dot just because it is most frequent?
Why the probability / statistics of the chars are so important to Huffman coding?
What happen if the statistics table is wrong?
If you assign less number or bits or shorter code words for most frequently used symbols you will be saving a lot of storage space.
Suppose you want to assign 26 unique codes to English alphabet and want to store an english novel ( only letters ) in term of these code you will require less memory if you assign short length codes to most frequently occurring characters.
You might have observed that postal code and STD codes for important cities are usually shorter ( as they are used very often ). This is very fundamental concept in Information theory.
Huffman encoding gives prefix codes.
Construction of Huffman tree:
A greedy approach to construct Huffman tree for n characters is as follows:
places n characters in n sub-trees.
Starts by combining the two least weight nodes into a tree which is assigned the sum of the two leaf node weights as the weight for its root node.
Do this until you get a single tree.
For example consider below binary tree where E and T have high weights ( as very high occurrence )
It is a prefix tree. To get the Huffman code for any character, start from the node corresponding to the the character and backtrack till you get the root node.
Indeed, an E could be, say, three dashes followed by two dots. When you make your own encoding, you get to decide. If your goal is to encode a certain text so that the result is as short as possible, you should choose short codes for the most frequent characters. The Huffman algorithm ensures that we get the optimal codes for a specific text.
If the frequency table is somehow wrong, the Huffman algorithm will still give you a valid encoding, but the encoded text would be longer than it could have been if you had used a correct frequency table. This is usually not a problem, because we usually create the frequency table based on the actual text that is to be encoded, so the frequency table will be "perfect" for the text that we are going to encode.
well.. you want assign shorter codes to the symbols which appear more frequently... huffman encoding works just by this simple assumption.. :-)
you compute the frequency of all symbols, sort them all, and start assigning bit codes to each one.. the more frequent a symbol is, the shorter the code you'll assign to it.. simple as this.
the big question is: how large the window in which we compute such frequencies should be? should it be as large as the entire file? or should it be smaller? and if the latter apply, how large? Most huffman encoding have some sort of "test-run" in which they estimate the best window size a little bit like TCP/IP do with its windows frame sizes.
Huffman codes provide two benefits:
they are space efficient given some corpus
they are prefix codes
Given some set of documents for instance, encoding those documents as Huffman codes is the most space efficient way of encoding them, thus saving space. This however only applies to that set of documents as the codes you end up are dependent on the probability of the tokens/symbols in the original set of documents. The statistics are important because the symbols with the highest probability (frequency) are given the shortest codes. Thus the symbols most likely to be in your data use the least amount of bits in the encoding, making the coding efficient.
The prefix code part is useful because it means that no code is the prefix of another. In morse code for instance A = dot dash and J = dot dash dash dash, how do you know where to break reading the code. This increases the inefficiency of transmitting data using morse as you need a special symbol (pause) to signify the end of transmission of one code. Compare that to Huffman codes where each code is unique, as soon as you discover the encoding for a symbol in the input, you know that that is the transmitted symbol because it is guaranteed not to be the prefix of some other symbol.
It's the dual effect of having the most frequent characters using the shortest bit sequences that gives you the savings.
For a concrete example, let's say you have a piece of text that consists of 1024 e characters and 1024 of all other characters combined.
With 8 bits for code, that's a full 2048 bytes used in uncompressed form.
Now let's say we represent e as a single 1-bit and every other letter as a 0-bit followed by its original 8 bits (a very primitive form of Huffman).
You can see that half the characters have been expanded from 8 bits to 9, giving 9216 bits, or 1152 bytes. However, the e characters have been reduced from 8 bits to 1, meaning they take up 1024 bits, or 128 bytes.
The total bytes used is therefore 1152 + 128, or 1280 bytes, representing a compression ratio of 62.5%.
You can use a fixed encoding scheme based on the likely frequencies of characters (such as English text), or you can use adaptive Huffman encoding which changes the encoding scheme as characters are processed and frequencies are adjusted. While the former may be okay for input which has high probability of matching frequencies, the latter can adapt to any input.
Statistic table can't be wrong, because in general Huffman algorithm, analyze hole text at the beginning, and builds frequent-statistics of the given text, while Morse has a static symbol -code map.
Huffman algorithm uses the advantage of a given text. As an example, if E is most frequent letter in English in general, that doesn't mean that E is most frequent in a given text for a given author.
Another advantage of Huffman algorithm is that you can use it for any alphabet starting from [0, 1] finished Chinese hieroglyphs, while Morse is defined only for English letters
So in Morse code, "E" can be represented by a single dot, because it is the most frequent letter. But why? Why is it a dot because of its frequency?
"E" can be encoded to any unique code for a specific code dictionary, so it can be "0", we choose it to be short to save memory, so the average bytes used after encode is minimized.
Why is the probability / statistics of the chars so important to Huffman coding? What happens if the statistics table is wrong?
why do we encode? save space right? Space used after encode is freq(wordi)*Length(wordi), it is what we should try to minimize, so we choose to assign words with high prob short code greedly to save space.
If the statistics table is wrong, then the encoding is not the best way to save space.
