When does Erlang's parallelism overcome its weaknesses in numeric computing? - performance

With all the hype around parallel computing lately, I've been thinking a lot about parallelism, number crunching, clusters, etc...
I started reading Learn You Some Erlang. As more people are learning (myself included), Erlang handles concurrency in a very impressive, elegant way.
Then the author asserts that Erlang is not ideal for number crunching. I can understand that a language like Erlang would be slower than C, but the model for concurrency seems ideally suited to things like image handling or matrix multiplication, even though the author specifically says its not.
Is it really that bad? Is there a tipping point where Erlang's strength overcomes its local speed weakness? Are/what measures are being taken to deal with speed?
To be clear: I'm not trying to start a debate; I just want to know.

It's a mistake to think of parallelism as only about raw number crunching power. Erlang is closer to the way a cluster computer works than, say, a GPU or classic supercomputer.
In modern GPUs and old-style supercomputers, performance is all about vectorized arithmetic, special-purpose calculation hardware, and low-latency communication between processing units. Because communication latency is low and each individual computing unit is very fast, the ideal usage pattern is to load the machine's RAM up with data and have it crunch it all at once. This processing might involve lots of data passing among the nodes, as happens in image processing or 3D, where there are lots of CPU-bound tasks to do to transform the data from input form to output form. This type of machine is a poor choice when you frequently have to go to a disk, network, or some other slow I/O channel for data. This idles at least one expensive, specialized processor, and probably also chokes the data processing pipeline so nothing else gets done, either.
If your program requires heavy use of slow I/O channels, a better type of machine is one with many cheap independent processors, like a cluster. You can run Erlang on a single machine, in which case you get something like a cluster within that machine, or you can easily run it on an actual hardware cluster, in which case you have a cluster of clusters. Here, communication overhead still idles processing units, but because you have many processing units running on each bit of computing hardware, Erlang can switch to one of the other processes instantaneously. If it happens that an entire machine is sitting there waiting on I/O, you still have the other nodes in the hardware cluster that can operate independently. This model only breaks down when the communication overhead is so high that every node is waiting on some other node, or for general I/O, in which case you either need faster I/O or more nodes, both of which Erlang naturally takes advantage of.
Communication and control systems are ideal applications of Erlang because each individual processing task takes little CPU and only occasionally needs to communicate with other processing nodes. Most of the time, each process is operating independently, each taking a tiny fraction of the CPU power. The most important thing here is the ability to handle many thousands of these efficiently.
The classic case where you absolutely need a classic supercomputer is weather prediction. Here, you divide the atmosphere up into cubes and do physics simulations to find out what happens in each cube, but you can't use a cluster because air moves between each cube, so each cube is constantly communicating with its 6 adjacent neighbors. (Air doesn't go through the edges or corners of a cube, being infinitely fine, so it doesn't talk to the other 20 neighboring cubes.) Run this on a cluster, whether running Erlang on it or some other system, and it instantly becomes I/O bound.

Is there a tipping point where Erlang's strength overcomes its local speed weakness?
Well, of course there is. For example, when trying to find the median of a trillion numbers :) :
Just before you posted, I happened to notice this was the number 1 post on erlang.reddit.com.

Almost any language can be parallelized. In some languages it's simple, in others it's a pain in the butt, but it can be done. If you want to run a C++ program across 8000 CPU's in a grid, go ahead! You can do that. It's been done before.
Erlang doesn't do anything that's impossible in other languages. If a single CPU running an Erlang program is less efficient than the same CPU running a C++ program, then two hundred CPU's running Erlang will also be slower than two hundred CPU's running C++.
What Erlang does do is making this kind of parallelism easy to work with. It saves developer time and reduces the chance of bugs.
So I'm going to say no, there is no tipping point at which Erlang's parallelism allows it to outperform another language's numerical number-crunching strength.
Where Erlang scores is in making it easier to scale out and do so correctly. But it can still be done in other languages which are better at number-crunching, if you're willing to spend the extra development time.
And of course, let's not forget the good old point that languages don't have a speed.
A sufficiently good Erlang compiler would yield perfectly optimal code. A sufficiently bad C compiler would yield code that runs slower than anything else.

There is pressure to make Erlang execute numeric code faster. The HiPe compiler compiles to native code instead of the BEAM bytecode for example, and it probably has its most effective optimization on code on floating points where it can avoid boxing. This is very beneficial for floating point code, since it can store values directly in FPU registers.
For the majority of Erlang usage, Erlang is plenty fast as it is. They use Erlang to write always-up control systems where the most important speed measurement that matters is low latency responses. Performance under load tends to be IO-bound. These users tend to stay away from HiPe since it is not as flexible/malleable in debugging live systems.
Now that servers with 128Gb of RAM are not that uncommon, and there's no reason they'll get even more memory, some IO-bound problems might shift over to be somewhat CPU bound. That could be a driver.
You should follow HiPe for the development.
Your examples of image manipulations and matrix multiplications seem to me as very bad matches for Erlang though. Those are examples that benefit from vector/SIMD operations. Erlang is not good at parallellism (where one does the same thing to multiple values at once).
Erlang processes are MIMD, multiple instructions multiple data. Erlang does lots of branching behind pattern matching and recursive loops. That kills CPU instruction pipelining.
The best architecture for heavily parallellised problems are the GPUs. For programming GPUs in a functional language I see the best potential in using Haskell for creating programs targeting them. A GPU is basically a pure function from input data to output data. See the Lava project in Haskell for creating FPGA circuits, if it is possible to create circuits so cleanly in Haskell, it can't be harder to create program data for GPUs.
The Cell architecture is very nice for vectorizable problems as well.

I think the broader need is to point out that parallelism is not necessarily or even typically about speed.
It is about how to express algorithms or programs in which the sequence of activities is partial-ordered.


How to allocate more cpu usage to a program

I am running only one program on my computer to crunch numbers, and it takes up about 25% CPU (all other built-in applications are less than 4% CPU). Since this is the only program I am running, how do I raise the CPU percentage from 25% to 40%? I know changing the priority doesn't really help that much, or the affinity. I am using Windows 10. Thanks for help!
Distributing a demanding computational task (aka number crunching) among multiple processors or cores is usually not a trivial challenge. Likelihood of success depends upon how easy it is to divide the problem into sub-problems, each of which either doesn't need to communicate with each other or need a sufficiently small amount of communication such that communication overhead does not spoil all the speed gain you theoretically could get by using multiple processors.
Being as it is, this is usually a case-by-case decision. If you are lucky there is a special library for your problem domain for you ready to use.
Examples of problems that lend themselves to parallelization (quite) well are
video encoding (different time sections are practically independent of each other and can be encoded separately)
fractals like Mandelbrot (any area of the fractal is completely independent of the others)
explicit structural mechanics equations like crash solvers (solution volumes interact only across surface boundaries, so some communication between processors is necessary, but not much)
Examples of things that don't go so well with parallelization:
dense matrix inversion (maximum dependence of each component from every other component)
implicit structural mechanics equations, like nonlinear equilibrium solution (requires matrix inversion to solve, so same problem as before)
You (probably) can't do that.
The reason that you cannot do that is probably that the program you run is Single-Threaded and you have a Quad-Core-Processor. 25% is a quarter of a whole (processor). This means that one core of your Four-Core-Processor is fully used - resulting in a 25% usage.
Unless you can make your software Multi-Threaded (that means using multiple cores parallely) you are stuck with this limit.

When should I use parallel-programming?

What could be a typical or real problem for using parallel programming? It can be quite challenging to implement. On the internet they explain how to use it but not why.
Performance is the most common reason to use parallel programming. But: Not all programs will become faster by using parallel programming. In most cases your algorithm consists of parts that are parallelizable and parts, that are inherently sequential. You always have to reason about the potential performance gain of using parallel programming. In some cases the overhead for using it will actually make your program slower. Have a look at Amdahl's law to learn more about the potential performance improvements you can reach.
If you only want some examples of usage of parallel computations: There are some classes of algorithms that are inherently parallel, see this article the dwarfs of berkeley
Another reason for using a multithreaded application architecture is it's responsiveness. There are certain functions which block program execution for a certain amount of time, i.e. reads from files, network, waiting for user inputs, etc. While waiting like this does not consume CPU power, it often blocks or slows program flow.
Using threads in such case is simply a good practice to make the code clearer. Instead of using (often complex or unintuitive) checks for inputs, integrating those checks into program flow, manual switching between handling input and other tasks, a programmer may choose to use threads and let one thread wait for input, and the other i.e. to perform calculations.
In other words, multiple threads sometimes allow for better use of different resources at your computer's disposal: network, disk, input devices or simply monitor.
Generalization: using multiple threads (including parallel data processing) is advisable when the speed and responsiveness gains outweigh the synchronization costs and work required to parallelize the application.
The reason why there is increased interest in parallel programming is partly because the hardware we use today is more parallel. (multicore processors, many-core GPU). To fully benefit from this hardware you need to program in parallel.
Interestingly, parallel processing also improves battery life:
Having 4 cores at 1Ghz draws less power than one single core at 4Ghz.
A phone with a multicore CPU will try to run as much tasks as possible simultaneously, so it can turn off the CPU when all work is done. This is sometimes called "the rush to idle".
Now, some programs are more easy parallelize than others. You should not randomly try to parallelize your entire code base. But it can be a useful excersise to do so even if there is no business reason: then you will be more ready the day when you really need it.
There are very few problems which can't be solved more quickly by a parallel program than by a serial program. There are very few computers which do not have multiple processing units.
I conclude, therefore, that you should use parallel programming all the time.

Performing numerical calculations in a virtualized setting?

I'm wondering what kind of performance hit numerical calculations will have in a virtualized setting? More specifically, what kind of performance loss can I expect from running CPU-bound C++ code in a virtualized windows OS as opposed to a native Linux one, on rather fast x86_64 multi-core machines?
I'll be happy to add precisions as needed, but as I don't know much about virtualization, I don't know what info is relevant.
Processes are just bunches of threads which are streams of instructions executing in a sequential fashion. In modern virtualisation solutions, as far as the CPU is concerned, the host and the guest processes execute together and differ only in that the I/O of the latter is being trapped and virtualised. Memory is also virtualised but that occurs more or less in the hardware MMU. Guest instructions are directly executed by the CPU otherwise it would not be virtualisation but rather emulation and as long as they do not access any virtualised resources they would execute just as fast as the host instructions. At the end it all depends on how well the CPU could cope with the increased number of running processes.
There are lightweight virtualisation solutions like zones in Solaris that partition the process space in order to give the appearance of multiple copies of the OS but it all happens under the umbrella of a single OS kernel.
The performance hit for pure computational codes is very small, often under 1-2%. The catch is that in reality all programs read and write data and computational codes usually read and write lots of data. Virtualised I/O is usually much slower than direct I/O even with solutions like Intel VT-* or AMD-V.
Exact numbers depend heavily on the specific hardware.
Goaded by #Mitch Wheat's unarguable assertion that my original post here was not an answer, here's an attempt to recast it as an answer:
I work mostly on HPC in the energy sector. Some of the computations that my scientist colleagues run take O(10^5) CPU-hours, we're seriously thinking about O(10^6) CPU-hours jobs in the near future.
I get well paid to squeeze every last drop of performance out of our codes, I'd think it was a good day's work if I could knock 1% off the run-time of some of our programs. Sometimes it has taken me a month to get that sort of performance improvement, sure I may be slow, but it's still cost-effective for our scientists.
I shudder therefore, when bright salespeople offering the latest and best in data center software (of which virtualization is one aspect) which will only, as I see it, shackle my codes to a pile of anchor chain from a 250,00dwt tanker (that was a metaphor).
I have read the question carefully and understand that OP is not proposing that virtualization would help, I'm offering the perspective of a practitioner. If this is still too much of a comment, do the SO thing and vote to close, I promise I won't be offended !

Algorithms FPGAs dominate CPUs on

For most of my life, I've programmed CPUs; and although for most algorithms, the big-Oh running time remains the same on CPUs / FPGAs, the constants are quite different (for example, lots of CPU power is wasted shuffling data around; whereas for FPGAs it's often compute bound).
I would like to learn more about this -- anyone know of good books / reference papers / tutorials that deals with the issue of:
what tasks do FPGAs dominate CPUs on (in terms of pure speed)
what tasks do FPGAs dominate CPUs on (in terms of work per jule)
Note: marked community wiki
[no links, just my musings]
FPGAs are essentially interpreters for hardware!
The architecture is like dedicated ASICs, but to get rapid development, and you pay a factor of ~10 in frequency and a [don't know, at least 10?] factor in power efficiency.
So take any task where dedicated HW can massively outperform CPUs, divide by the FPGA 10/[?] factors, and you'll probably still have a winner. Typical qualities of such tasks:
Massive opportunities for fine-grained parallelism.
(Doing 4 operations at once doesn't count; 128 does.)
Opportunity for deep pipelining.
This is also a kind of parallelism, but it's hard to apply it to a
single task, so it helps if you can get many separate tasks to
work on in parallel.
(Mostly) Fixed data flow paths.
Some muxes are OK, but massive random accesses are bad, cause you
can't parallelize them. But see below about memories.
High total bandwidth to many small memories.
FPGAs have hundreds of small (O(1KB)) internal memories
(BlockRAMs in Xilinx parlance), so if you can partition you
memory usage into many independent buffers, you can enjoy a data
bandwidth that CPUs never dreamed of.
Small external bandwidth (compared to internal work).
The ideal FPGA task has small inputs and outputs but requires a
lot of internal work. This way your FPGA won't starve waiting for
I/O. (CPUs already suffer from starving, and they alleviate it
with very sophisticated (and big) caches, unmatchable in FPGAs.)
It's perfectly possible to connect a huge I/O bandwidth to an
FPGA (~1000 pins nowdays, some with high-rate SERDESes) -
but doing that requires a custom board architected for such
bandwidth; in most scenarios, your external I/O will be a
Simple enough for HW (aka good SW/HW partitioning).
Many tasks consist of 90% irregular glue logic and only 10%
hard work ("kernel" in the DSP sense). If you put all that
onto an FPGA, you'll waste precious area on logic that does no
work most of the time. Ideally, you want all the muck
to be handled in SW and fully utilize the HW for the kernel.
("Soft-core" CPUs inside FPGAs are a popular way to pack lots of
slow irregular logic onto medium area, if you can't offload it to
a real CPU.)
Weird bit manipulations are a plus.
Things that don't map well onto traditional CPU instruction sets,
such as unaligned access to packed bits, hash functions, coding &
compression... However, don't overestimate the factor this gives
you - most data formats and algorithms you'll meet have already
been designed to go easy on CPU instruction sets, and CPUs keep
adding specialized instructions for multimedia.
Lots of Floating point specifically is a minus because both
CPUs and GPUs crunch them on extremely optimized dedicated silicon.
(So-called "DSP" FPGAs also have lots of dedicated mul/add units,
but AFAIK these only do integers?)
Low latency / real-time requirements are a plus.
Hardware can really shine under such demands.
EDIT: Several of these conditions — esp. fixed data flows and many separate tasks to work on — also enable bit slicing on CPUs, which somewhat levels the field.
Well the newest generation of Xilinx parts just anounced brag 4.7TMACS and general purpose logic at 600MHz. (These are basically Virtex 6s fabbed on a smaller process.)
On a beast like this if you can implement your algorithms in fixed point operations, primarily multiply, adds and subtracts, and take advantage of both Wide parallelism and Pipelined parallelism you can eat most PCs alive, in terms of both power and processing.
You can do floating on these, but there will be a performance hit. The DSP blocks contain a 25x18 bit MACC with a 48bit sum. If you can get away with oddball formats and bypass some of the floating point normalization that normally occurs you can still eek out a truck load of performance out of these. (i.e. Use the 18Bit input as strait fixed point or float with a 17 bit mantissia, instead of the normal 24 bit.) Doubles floats are going to eat alot of resources so if you need that, you probably will do better on a PC.
If your algorithms can be expressed as in terms of add and subtract operations, then the general purpose logic in these can be used to implement gazillion adders. Things like Bresenham's line/circle/yadda/yadda/yadda algorithms are VERY good fits for FPGA designs.
IF you need division... EH... it's painful, and probably going to be relatively slow unless you can implement your divides as multiplies.
If you need lots of high percision trig functions, not so much... Again it CAN be done, but it's not going to be pretty or fast. (Just like it can be done on a 6502.) If you can cope with just using a lookup table over a limited range, then your golden!
Speaking of the 6502, a 6502 demo coder could make one of these things sing. Anybody who is familiar with all the old math tricks that programmers used to use on the old school machine like that will still apply. All the tricks that modern programmer tell you "let the libary do for you" are the types of things that you need to know to implement maths on these. If yo can find a book that talks about doing 3d on a 68000 based Atari or Amiga, they will discuss alot of how to implement stuff in integer only.
ACTUALLY any algorithms that can be implemented using look up tables will be VERY well suited for FPGAs. Not only do you have blockrams distributed through out the part, but the logic cells themself can be configured as various sized LUTS and mini rams.
You can view things like fixed bit manipulations as FREE! It's simply handle by routing. Fixed shifts, or bit reversals cost nothing. Dynamic bit operations like shift by a varable amount will cost a minimal amount of logic and can be done till the cows come home!
The biggest part has 3960 multipliers! And 142,200 slices which EACH one can be an 8 bit adder. (4 6Bit Luts per slice or 8 5bit Luts per slice depending on configuration.)
Pick a gnarly SW algorithm. Our company does HW acceleration of SW algo's for a living.
We've done HW implementations of regular expression engines that will do 1000's of rule-sets in parallel at speeds up to 10Gb/sec. The target market for that is routers where anti-virus and ips/ids can run real-time as the data is streaming by without it slowing down the router.
We've done HD video encoding in HW. It used to take several hours of processing time per second of film to convert it to HD. Now we can do it almost real-time...it takes almost 2 seconds of processing to convert 1 second of film. Netflix's used our HW almost exclusively for their video on demand product.
We've even done simple stuff like RSA, 3DES, and AES encryption and decryption in HW. We've done simple zip/unzip in HW. The target market for that is for security video cameras. The government has some massive amount of video cameras generating huge streams of real-time data. They zip it down in real-time before sending it over their network, and then unzip it in real-time on the other end.
Heck, another company I worked for used to do radar receivers using FPGA's. They would sample the digitized enemy radar data directly several different antennas, and from the time delta of arrival, figure out what direction and how far away the enemy transmitter is. Heck, we could even check the unintended modulation on pulse of the signals in the FPGA's to figure out the fingerprint of specific transmitters, so we could know that this signal is coming from a specific Russian SAM site that used to be stationed at a different border, so we could track weapons movements and sales.
Try doing that in software!! :-)
For pure speed:
- Paralizable ones
- DSP, e.g. video filters
- Moving data, e.g. DMA

MPI for multicore?

With the recent buzz on multicore programming is anyone exploring the possibilities of using MPI ?
I've used MPI extensively on large clusters with multi-core nodes. I'm not sure if it's the right thing for a single multi-core box, but if you anticipate that your code may one day scale larger than a single chip, you might consider implementing it in MPI. Right now, nothing scales larger than MPI. I'm not sure where the posters who mention unacceptable overheads are coming from, but I've tried to give an overview of the relevant tradeoffs below. Read on for more.
MPI is the de-facto standard for large-scale scientific computation and it's in wide use on multicore machines already. It is very fast. Take a look at the most recent Top 500 list. The top machines on that list have, in some cases, hundreds of thousands of processors, with multi-socket dual- and quad-core nodes. Many of these machines have very fast custom networks (Torus, Mesh, Tree, etc) and optimized MPI implementations that are aware of the hardware.
If you want to use MPI with a single-chip multi-core machine, it will work fine. In fact, recent versions of Mac OS X come with OpenMPI pre-installed, and you can download an install OpenMPI pretty painlessly on an ordinary multi-core Linux machine. OpenMPI is in use at Los Alamos on most of their systems. Livermore uses mvapich on their Linux clusters. What you should keep in mind before diving in is that MPI was designed for solving large-scale scientific problems on distributed-memory systems. The multi-core boxes you are dealing with probably have shared memory.
OpenMPI and other implementations use shared memory for local message passing by default, so you don't have to worry about network overhead when you're passing messages to local processes. It's pretty transparent, and I'm not sure where other posters are getting their concerns about high overhead. The caveat is that MPI is not the easiest thing you could use to get parallelism on a single multi-core box. In MPI, all the message passing is explicit. It has been called the "assembly language" of parallel programming for this reason. Explicit communication between processes isn't easy if you're not an experienced HPC person, and there are other paradigms more suited for shared memory (UPC, OpenMP, and nice languages like Erlang to name a few) that you might try first.
My advice is to go with MPI if you anticipate writing a parallel application that may need more than a single machine to solve. You'll be able to test and run fine with a regular multi-core box, and migrating to a cluster will be pretty painless once you get it working there. If you are writing an application that will only ever need a single machine, try something else. There are easier ways to exploit that kind of parallelism.
Finally, if you are feeling really adventurous, try MPI in conjunction with threads, OpenMP, or some other local shared-memory paradigm. You can use MPI for the distributed message passing and something else for on-node parallelism. This is where big machines are going; future machines with hundreds of thousands of processors or more are expected to have MPI implementations that scale to all nodes but not all cores, and HPC people will be forced to build hybrid applications. This isn't for the faint of heart, and there's a lot of work to be done before there's an accepted paradigm in this space.
I would have to agree with tgamblin. You'll probably have to roll your sleeves up and really dig into the code to use MPI, explicitly handling the organization of the message-passing yourself. If this is the sort of thing you like or don't mind doing, I would expect that MPI would work just as well on multicore machines as it would on a distributed cluster.
Speaking from personal experience... I coded up some C code in graduate school to do some large scale modeling of electrophysiologic models on a cluster where each node was itself a multicore machine. Therefore, there were a couple of different parallel methods I thought of to tackle the problem.
1) I could use MPI alone, treating every processor as it's own "node" even though some of them are grouped together on the same machine.
2) I could use MPI to handle data moving between multicore nodes, and then use threading (POSIX threads) within each multicore machine, where processors share memory.
For the specific mathematical problem I was working on, I tested two formulations first on a single multicore machine: one using MPI and one using POSIX threads. As it turned out, the MPI implementation was much more efficient, giving a speed-up of close to 2 for a dual-core machine as opposed to 1.3-1.4 for the threaded implementation. For the MPI code, I was able to organize operations so that processors were rarely idle, staying busy while messages were passed between them and masking much of the delay from transferring data. With the threaded code, I ended up with a lot of mutex bottlenecks that forced threads to often sit and wait while other threads completed their computations. Keeping the computational load balanced between threads didn't seem to help this fact.
This may have been specific to just the models I was working on, and the effectiveness of threading vs. MPI would likely vary greatly for other types of parallel problems. Nevertheless, I would disagree that MPI has an unwieldy overhead.
No, in my opinion it is unsuitable for most processing you would do on a multicore system. The overhead is too high, the objects you pass around must be deeply cloned, and passing large objects graphs around to then run a very small computation is very inefficient. It is really meant for sharing data between separate processes, most often running in separate memory spaces, and most often running long computations.
A multicore processor is a shared memory machine, so there are much more efficient ways to do parallel processing, that do not involve copying objects and where most of the threads run for a very small time. For example, think of a multithreaded Quicksort. The overhead of allocating memory and copying the data to a thread before it can be partioned will be much slower with MPI and an unlimited number of processors than Quicksort running on a single processor.
As an example, in Java, I would use a BlockingQueue (a shared memory construct), to pass object references between threads, with very little overhead.
Not that it does not have its place, see for example the Google search cluster that uses message passing. But it's probably not the problem you are trying to solve.
MPI is not inefficient. You need to break the problem down into chunks and pass the chunks around and reorganize when the result is finished per chunk. No one in the right mind would pass around the whole object via MPI when only a portion of the problem is being worked on per thread. Its not the inefficiency of the interface or design pattern thats the inefficiency of the programmers knowledge of how to break up a problem.
When you use a locking mechanism the overhead on the mutex does not scale well. this is due to the fact that the underlining runqueue does not know when you are going to lock the thread next. You will perform more kernel level thrashing using mutex's than a message passing design pattern.
MPI has a very large amount of overhead, primarily to handle inter-process communication and heterogeneous systems. I've used it in cases where a small amount of data is being passed around, and where the ratio of computation to data is large.
This is not the typical usage scenario for most consumer or business tasks, and in any case, as a previous reply mentioned, on a shared memory architecture like a multicore machine, there are vastly faster ways to handle it, such as memory pointers.
If you had some sort of problem with the properties describe above, and you want to be able to spread the job around to other machines, which must be on the same highspeed network as yourself, then maybe MPI could make sense. I have a hard time imagining such a scenario though.
I personally have taken up Erlang( and i like to so far). The messages based approach seem to fit most of the problem and i think that is going to be one of the key item for multi core programming. I never knew about the overhead of MPI and thanks for pointing it out
You have to decide if you want low level threading or high level threading. If you want low level then use pThread. You have to be careful that you don't introduce race conditions and make threading performance work against you.
I have used some OSS packages for (C and C++) that are scalable and optimize the task scheduling. TBB (threading building blocks) and Cilk Plus are good and easy to code and get applications of the ground. I also believe they are flexible enough integrate other thread technologies into it at a later point if needed (OpenMP etc.)
