URL Rewrite with Joomla on IIS7 - mod-rewrite

I have Joomla 1.5.9 running on IIS7. I'm now experimenting with the SEO Settings from the Joomla global configuration page.
First I toyed with Search Engine Friendly URLs (that gets rid of the queries part of URLs); that works fine.
I also tried to enable the "Use Apache mod_rewrite". I installed "Microsoft URL Rewrite Module for IIS 7.0" and added the web.config as per http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/527/joomla-on-iis . When clicking on menu links, this seems to work in that I no longer see index.php in the URL. The address bar updates to what appears like the right URL, but the content shown is always that of the home page. I tried both in IE and Google Chrome with the same result. Refreshing the page after loaded made no difference.
I tried re-starting IIS7, it didn't make a difference.
Edit: After I followed the suggestion below (followed instructions at http://www.mydotnetworld.com/post/2008/10/24/URL-Rewriting-In-Joomla-15-on-IIS-7.aspx :turned on fast cgi, modified php.ini, and imported rewrite rules instead of putting them in a web.config myself), I now get 404's instead of just showing the home page's content. The URL still appears to be correctly rewritten. So, different behavior but still doesn't work. I'm not sure this is useful information, but these two fields are shown in the 404 page:
Requested URL http://localhost:80/joomla_course/seasonal-specialties
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\joomla_course\seasonal-specialties
Should the physical path be the 'non-rewritten' URL? Or is it expected that that it be like this?
Edit 2: Oho! I found someone with the same issue posted on Joomla forums: http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=543&t=364706&p=1598137#p1598137 . No answer there either, though.
Any idea on how to diagnose (or even better, fix :) ) this?

I got this to work now. The key was to make sure FastCGI is used to run php (as per http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/246/using-fastcgi-to-host-php-applications-on-iis-70 ), and making sure that the "Use Apache mod_rewrite" is enabled. If "Use Apache mod_rewrite" is turned off but the rewrite rules are present in IIS7, then the HTML shows up but none of the styling or images.
The requirement for using FastCGI is weird (and contradicts what is suggested in http://maximumpcguides.com/windows-vista/how-to-create-a-windows-vista-iis7-mysql-php-web-server , which is what I used to setup php in the first place). Everything seems to work when not using FastCGI, except for the URL rewriting.
It seems that either importing the rules (as suggested in http://www.mydotnetworld.com/post/2008/10/24/URL-Rewriting-In-Joomla-15-on-IIS-7.aspx) or manually adding them to a web.config file (as suggested in http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/527/joomla-on-iis ) will work.

It looks like there is something wrong with the rules in the web.config. Just going from a comment on the article you linked you are not the only one having this issue. I would remove the web.config and then follow the steps outlined here.


Magento Admin URL 404

I know that that similar issues and topics exist, however my issue differs slightly and none of the proposed fixes have worked.
I was accessing the Magento backend as normal. Approximately 10 minutes after that I could no longer access the Magento backend.
What I mean is that when I go to the admin url login page, I get a 404. However the 404 isn't generated by my host, it's generated by my webstore.
Everything about my webstore works as normal.
I've seen a number of fixes, mainly this one...
I have a few main issues.
Admin Custom URL had been set (but not by me). It was set over a year ago when Magento was installed. It worked entirely fine until today.
I do not even have "admin/url/custom" and "admin/url/use_custom" in my "core_config_data" PHP table. It simply does not exist so I cannot change it. I looked manually for it and did a search for it. Nothing.
I tried updating the local.xml file and clearing "var/caches" and "var/sessions" but that did not work either.
I've been working this for hours and it's beyond frustrating. It's imperative that this be fixed ASAP because we are a fairly sizeable company.
Thanks ahead for helping. Anything at all would be appreciated.
First Check your Apache configurations
I know that you said you were only in the Magento admin but I would first check that apache was configured correctly. This is the first point of contact and you need to ensure that it's working right.
You need to locate a default Magento htaccess file that you can upload to your server. There's additional configurations that you need to make if you're in a subdirectory and also check to make sure that your mod_rewrite is working properly. There's an extensive tutorial on these things here, magento htaccess.
Make sure that you have the right magento admin url
I have to assume that you know what your magento admin url is, but of course I would double check that you're getting it right. There is an option in the admin area to change the admin url, you could have adjusted that on accident.
You say that you don't have "admin/url/custom" and "admin/url/use_custom" in your core_config_data table. This actually means that you didn't set the magento admin url from the admin area. However there is a third place that you can look for your admin url. This is in app/etc/local.xml but you couldn't have changed this from the administration area.
Did you turn off search engine friendly urls?
If you had been accessing your administrative area using /admin and then accidentally turned off SEF urls, then your admin area could have just simply moved to /index.php/admin. Of course you mentioned that you have a custom admin url, but I don't know what that is, so I'm giving examples with the default.
I can't really give you any more suggestions without more information. I hope that this helps!
Found this and thought I would post here since it shows up in google.

How do i fix these wrong URL's in my broken magento deployment?

This is my first attempt at using Magento to develop a site. I have to admit the learning curve has been steep, but i have been able to navigate most of the challenges thus far. Here at the final hurdle, however, i have stumbled.
Apache version 2.2.22
PHP version 5.3.10
MySQL version 5.1.65-cll
Magento is located in a folder on the server named magento one directory down, as in http://www.mydomain.co.za/magento
No images are displayed in the front end or backend. It is as if it cannot access the stylesheets. When viewing the source, i can see that the paths are wrong. It searches for the stylesheets in http://www.mydomain.co.za/ and not in the magento folder. I can access the backend by typing in http://www.mydomain.co.za/magento/index.php/admin and that brings up the backend without any styling. After that however, every request results in 404. The URL looks like http://www.mydomain.co.za/magento/adminindex.php without a slash between admin and index. Introducing that slash manually after every 404 results in correct page being displayed (still without styling). So clearly the problem is here, but i can't seem to fix it. And YES, i do have the slash after the path in the database for both secure and unsecure.
Attempts to solve:
Changed the url’s in database link
Changed app/etc/local.xml to use correct database
Changed .htaccess to include this line: RewriteBase /magento/ (but i
removed it again)
Deleted the appropriate cache and sessions folders
Tried some of the suggestion given here link
Now, i am stuck. I have worked my way through error upon error (no fault of Magento, just the learning curve) and i am tired… :-( If someone can please give me some advice as to what to try next, it would be greatly appreciated.
I found these links of the (seemingly) similar problem. Clearly there is something happening here. The other thread never solved the issued, just found a work around. Is it possible that we have run into a bug? Something is stripping that slash out and it isn’t any of the usual suspects… dum dum dum

After moving CI from one provider to another I get white screen of death on my homepage

I have moved my CodeIgniter application from my first server provider where everything works great to another one ( because of better speed etc.) and I have now two strange problems with WSOD.
When I go to my homepage I get a WSOD.
Well, I tried to remve the index.html file in the root and it magically works.
My question is why I need to remove the index.html file if it is there as a default file in CI package?
Is this a problem of the server? What should they change so I can leave index.html in my root? Should they enable some module or?
I think it is better for security reason to have index.html in the root folder or am I wrong?
My another problem is that when there is a redirect, e.g. on login, submiting form. I get after hitting submit a WSOD. But only when the validation is successful, so I am asssuming that the redirect failed.
One thing to notice. I am not using refresh as the second parameter, bacause it causes problems WSOD on my localhost.
Could this be a problem?
Which Apache or PHP server configuration paramter could cause this problem?
EDIT: I tried redirect('admin', 'refresh'); and also redirect('admin', 'location', 301); but I am still getting WSOD :(.
EDIT 2: Could this be an issue of disabled FastCGI PHP5?
EDIT 3: My base url in config file is OK: $config['base_url'] = 'http://www.myproblematicpage.com/'; . It has the trailing slash and everything what is needed. I am not using subfolders etc.
EDIT 4: I have changed the title of this post to be clear that everything works on my first provider, but this problem emerges after moving to another
OK, so after enabling showing errors in index.php (changing production to development mode) I saw that the problem was on the first line of the form_validation_lang.php file in my application/language/english folder. But I didn't saw any whitespaces before the first UTF-8 without BOM and BANG!... the problem disappeared. Probably the BOM was the troublemaker. However, I still don't know how could it work on the previous hosting.

Moved Joomla 1.7 Site to New Server. Admin works fine. No pages display

I've just moved a Joomla 1.7 site to a new server.
Administration back-end works fine. Configuration.php seems fine. Get "The requested document was not found on this server." for every page other than Home.
Must be talking to the database OK or I'd get an error. Could this be a problem with the PHP?
Did you clear joomla cache ?
Disable page and/or module caching.
Disable any plugin that optimizes "loading speed".
Try removing SEF URLs (Joomla! and any 3rd party extension).
If you are using a custom .htacess, then use an unmodified joomla one.
Disable some system plugins.
Disable modules in the homepage.
Have you tried using another template (site) ?
You have Seach Engine Friendly URLs enabled in /administrator/ area's global configuration settings. You have probably enabled the option to use the mod_rewrite function which removes the /index.php/ portion of the urls.
It is a requirement of this mode that you have the .htaccess file in place in the root of your site. You probably had this correctly configured on your development server but perhaps forgot to move the file across when you went live. Some FTP programs hide dot files (files starting with a leading dot in the filename) so depending upon how you transferred the files (I'm guessing manually with FTP rather than Akeeba backup or similar) the file may have been missed. Look through your FTP client's options/preferences for an option to show/hide hidden files.
Failing this - the file could be correctly in place - but if you were developing in a sub-folder on your development server you would have set the RewriteBase line to your /sub-folder/
RewriteBase /sub-folder/
Now you've moved to the live server this line could be incorrect. If this is the case, edit the file to Read
RewriteBase /
Chances are it is one or other of these issues - missing .htaccess file or incorrect RewriteBase. A third and nowadays somewhat more unlikely option is that your server doesn't have mod_rewrite enabled - but I think that would result in server 500 errors.
Check whether you are using any modules that is calling database and you have not changed DB details in that module after migration. If admin panel is working fine then I think problem with some modules that are used in front-end. You can do debugging by disabling few suspected modules and check whether your site works fine or not. Else provide some more information about your site so that I can check further.

discover if mod_rewrite is working (MAMP + codeigniter)

I'm experimenting (and having problems!) with codeigniter.
In particular, links do not work.
even if they are correct (eg. http://localhost/ci-book/welcome/cat/3, where welcome is controller, cat the method), they can't be open and chrome says "Oops! This link appears to be broken...."
Someone suggested to check that mod_rewrite is working. How can I do that?
I'm using Mamp.
First, check that the basic URL without mod_rewrite works: http://localhost/ci-book/index.php?welcome/cat/3
Then setup mod_rewrite, restart httpd, and attempt to navigate back to your URL. If it works (or at least, if part of the page loads with errors), then mod_rewrite is working.
