how to play audio object in webOS - webos

When I press a button I want to play audio object.
Would you be able to give me some advice how to achieve that ?

Have you read the documentation, or looked at the sample code? What sort of problem are you having?


OpenTok Buttons to control the video

I am trying to build something like below (dribble) using OpenTok JS on the web. The default video elements contain only the mute button. Are there any tutorials/samples or guidance on how to control a video call, add chat, sharing, etc. ?
Another e.g
Looking for pretty much all features on here
This is the required example, There is video, audio, chat, screen share.

Showing Live Camera Stream inside Xamarin.Forms App

I am working on a Xamarin.Forms App in which I need to display the current camera stream in order to shoot a photo from inside the app. Has anyone an advice on how to implement that? Is that easily possible?
I found an awesome sample project from Xamarin doing exactly what I need :)
It depends on how much integration you need. You can start with something simple like:
If that doesn't do what you need, you will need to create a custom renderer on each platform. It isn't too difficult but its more work.

Sync MediaElement to Slider in Windows Store App

Im developing an app like media player to Windows Store using c#. I use C# But I have a problem .
I want to sync MediaElement to slider. For examle the music in the mediaelement and music is playing. I want to see the position of music in the slide bar. For example if music in the 30th , Sliderbar's value is 30.
I answered a very similar question already. Please take a look at this answer and let me know if that's what you were looking for! If you need more details, please comment.
A msdn tutorial including the implementation of a slider control is provided here. Hope this helps.

If Steam can map the guide button on the Xbox 360 controller why can't I

I want to map the Xbox Guide button on the Xbox 360 controller.
I've been searching for a possible solution for some time now and from the looks of my google results it seems that the only way to do so is by using a custom driver.
However, I tried using Steam Big Picture mode today and was surprised to see that Valve has managed to achieve this to open the Steam Overlay. So how come I can't find any information on how to do this? Does anyone have any idea of how they've done it?
I've thought of possible solutions, aside from a custom driver, and I wonder if you could read the raw data from the controller? The button must send a signal so it should be possible detect when it's pressed, right?
Any help is much appreciated.
To mark as answered: #luke answered this in the comments with:
Assuming you are using XInput, it appears that use of the Guide button
is undocumented. However, people have figured out that it apparently
sets bit 0x0400 in the button bit flag. More information.

WP7: What is the easiest way to play a system sound in XNA

I just need to play some simple sounds like a simple "click" in my XNA game. What is the easiest way to do that. And any way I can find the sound file from system? Thanks!!
If I understand you correctly you want to add some sound effects to your XNA game. To do that it seems like all you need is to add it to the content pipeline. I found a couple of samples here:
