How to detect the language version of Visualstudio? - visual-studio

I need to detect the language version of VS and do some action depending on it. How to detect it?

I think you want to use DTE.LocaleID, that's what other add-ins use to find their resource DLLs.

Here is the example of how to detect default C# language version in Visual Studio 2019:
With a mouse, select the required project and right click then in opened window select Properties.
In opened Properties Window Select vertical Build tab and click on Advanced button.
In the opened Advanced Build Settings window it is the row - Language version. In the example: Automatically selected based on framework version.
If the information which framework version corresponds default C# language version, is required the link (Why can't I select a different C# version? - C# language versioning) can be opened. In this page are the rules on how according to the target framework is determined default C# language version and information on how the default C# language version can be changed.
Which framework version the project uses are in the project settings file. In the example image framework version is .NET Core 3.0 version, so the default C# language version is 8.00.


Visual Studio 2019: How to edit menu

In Visual Studio versions prior to VS2019, .NET framework 4.7.2, if you wanted to design a MenuStrip, you just added the MenuStrip to the form and start typing the ToolStripMenuItems. Like this:
I've recently moved to VS2019, and started to use .NET 5. If I add a Menustrip, I get an empty strip, which seems not easy to edit (I colored the background of the main form, to clearly see the white menu strip)
My question is: how to add ToolStripMenuItems?
I see the little arrow on the right, and I can select Edit Items, but to add a menu that way is quite cumbersome.
If I open an old solution in VS2019, I can edit the menu as I used to do. So it's not VS2019.
If I create a new VS2019 project using an old .NET version, I can't edit the menu, so it's not the .NET version
If I copy paste InitializeComponents from an old project to a new .NET 5.0 VS209 solution I cannot edit the menu
So, how to edit the menu? Is edit items really the proper method to edit your menus from now on?
I believe that the MenuStrip editor experience difference comes down to .NET Core vs .NET Framework.
Edit: .NET 5 = .NET Core vNext
We covered MenuStrips while we were doing WinForms in my C# class and this exact question came up. .NET Framework solutions allow you to use the convenient editor as you have demonstrated. .NET Core solutions do not.
The easiest way I found to build out my MenuStrip items when in .NET Core was to click on the menu strip, then there is a property called "Items" which is a collection. In the properties pane, you can click the three dots button to bring up the Items Collection Editor:
Here you can create new ToolStripMenuItem objects to build your menu.
Possibly related post, others suggesting this is a Core vs Framework issue: MenuStrip not allowing to create menu
This issue has been fixed
in Visual Studio latest release v16.10: 05/25/2021 ( I have tested this both in net 5 (current) and net core 3.1 (LTS).
You might have used the option that says "Windows Forms App."
This is wrong. You should use "Windows Forms App(.NET Framework)." This will let you edit the menuStrip control the easy way.

Unable to browse to include reference in a Visual Studio C++ DLL project - any way to get around this?

I'm creating a DLL using C++ in Visual Studio 2015. I started my project by following these instructions.
I need to add a reference to my project so I can make use of an API and, unlike C# DLL projects (for example), I'm unable to access the Browse tab when clicking on Project > Add Reference.
According to this page this is because:
The number of tabs available at the top of the Add Reference dialog
box can vary, depending on the type of project open and the resources
it is using. C++ native projects contain only a Projects tab.
Why is there this restriction and is there any way to get around it?
EDIT: I've just found a solution here but I'm new to Visual Studio and I'm not sure how to set 'the CLR option' and then remove after adding my reference. If anyone can explain how to do this I would be very grateful!
I'm a little late to the party, but I recently encountered a similar problem and have a fix that might help the OP or others in the future.
Problem Overview:
Open the Visual C++ project[1] in Visual Studio[2]. In the top toolbar, click on "Project > Add Reference..." . In the window that pops up, there is no "Browse" button/option (see image No Browse option).
In the top toolbar, click on "Project > Properties"[3]. In the left navigation panel of the window that pops up, click on "Configuration Properties > General" (this will probably be selected by default). In the right panel, click on "Project Defaults > Common Language Runtime Support". The field value should read "No Common Language Runtime Support" (see image No /clr). Using the drop-down menu in the Common Language Runtime Support field (the grey down-arrow box), select "Command Language Runtime Support (/clr)". Apply the change. The Property Page should now look like this. Click "OK" to close the Property Page. Now, when you go to add a reference, the window that shows up will have a "Browse..." button and look like this. If you want to subsequently remove CLR support[4], select the "No Common Language Runtime Support" option and apply the changes.
[1] As you're probably aware, you can select from various project types when creating a new project in VS. I experimented with most of the Visual C++ project types included under the Visual C++ template. Since the problem -- lack of "Browse" option when adding references -- seems to be related to CLR support, you will encounter this problem in all Visual C++ project types that are not created as Visual C++ CLR projects. Thus, if you want avoid the problem from the get-go, consider creating a CLR project from the start.
[2] I was able to replicate the problem in Visual Studio 2015, 2017, and 2019; the same solution works for all versions.
[3] Before changing any Configuration Properties, use the Configuration drop-down list in the top-left of the Property Page to select which configuration you would like to change the properties for, e.g. Debug, Release, All.
[4] If you have added references after turning on CLR support, then turning off CLR support is dubious as suggested by #Cody Gray in the comments to the original question. I have not tried to build a project after doing something like this so I can't speak to the solution suggested here. My answer is just to tell you how to change the CLR support.
For C++ projects, you need to get all the projects into the same solution and then when you go to Add Reference you'll see the other projects listed. You then just check the box to 'add the reference'. Keep in mind that this will cause the import library of the DLL (or a static library for a non-DLL library project) to link against your target project. It will not add any include paths you might need to get to the import headers for your DLL.
DirectX Tool Kit has instructions for adding project-to-project references for a C++ project that you might find useful to read over. See here.
For some general background on C++ project-to-project references. See this Visual C++ Team blog post which was published when they were updated for Visual C++ 2010.

change .net framework after create new project

I've written a program with Visual Studio 2012 and .Net Framework 4.5.
Now I want to change the .Net Framework to .Net Framework 4.
How can I change it?
Right click on the project, choose Properties.
Under "Application" you have a dropdown called TargetFramework. Change that to 4.0
Right mouse button click on project within Solution Explorer. There is TargetFramework dropdown on Application tab.

"Show Source of Selected Element Only" in Visual Studio 2003

There is a feature in Eclipse ("Show Source of Selected Element Only") which allows to view the code of the selected method only. All other part of the code is invisible.
I remember that a similar feature was available in Visual Studio 6.0. I would like to know if this feature is available in Visual Studio 2003 and up? If yes, please point out where to find this in the IDE.
This is not available in any one of the later releases. It was called "procedure view" in VS 6. Use outlining feature instead.

How to extend project properties page?

Is it possible to add a custom tab to a project properties page in the Visual Studio 2008?
What I want to do is to be able to add a custom tab to properties page for the projects created from default project templates (WPF Application, WPF custom controls library, etc).
I'm working on VS add-in for WPF applications localization. I want to be able to manage project specific settings via "project properties" page. I did some research and it seems that it is not possible to extend existing projects in this way.
It seems that during the time this question was asked, this feature was not implemented in Visual Studio SDK.
There's answer for similar question which refers to Microsoft Documentation at Adding and Removing Property Pages. The article refers to Visual Studio 2015 (later versions should have the same feature).
