How to determine the folder where extension is executed from? - visual-studio

I'm writing some extension and I need to pull out data from the file that is included into vsix. But if I'll use Environment.CurrentDirectory I will not have this file because this folder points to VS folder not on the extension's one. How can I define it in a run-time?

System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase get the path to the executing dll.


How to identify and rename project folders in an SSIS solution

This is related to How to find a folder with Visual Studio project
I have a SSIS solution in Visual Studio 2012. It has a handful of projects under it, and each project has its own folder. But I renamed the projects within VS. I thought that would rename the directory folders too. It apparently did not. Under my main folder, I have a handful of solutions, and dozens of folders in this one directory.
How do I identify which folder belongs to which project?
Some folders need to be discarded before adding my code to git, and I do need the folder names to match the project names. So I guess I also need to know how to rename the folder (once I identify it), so it matches the project name.
Example - a solution structure:
Solution DIM_Inspect
Project Export_Inspect
Project Extract_InspectType1
Project Extract_InspectType2
Project Load_Inspect
Project Transform_Inspect
And my directory structure (along with a lot of other files and folders)
Dir Export_InspectType
Dir Export_InspectType1
Dir Export_InspectType2
Dir Extract_InspectType1
Dir Extract_InspectType2
Dir Load_InspectType1
Dir Load_InspectType2
Dir Transform_Inspect
File DIM_Inspect.sln
I can identify the two extracts and the transform directory because they match. But one of those export directories should be called Export_Inspect. One of the load directories should be called Load_Inspect.
(In other words, there was a bit of renaming and figuring things out as I created the solution. Now, how do I figure it out and clean it up?)
I know all but the last folder for each project. I can look at the files within each folder, and I see my Export_InspectType1 folder has the following files (so it's probably the right folder)
And the dates for the Export_Inspect.dproj.user indicate an active file (changed today). So I've found the folder (for one project). Is that the only way? And how do I change the folder name (and the .database file name) without messing everything up?
Is the only way to fix this to drop all the projects, fix the names, and then add the projects again? (Once I've manually inspected file name and dates in each subdirectory?)
There may not be an easy way from within VS. But there is a way.
First, do a rebuild all on the solution. The output will show each file and the directory it is in. If the directory and files have a mismatch, then those are the ones that will need to be fixed.
Find a mismatch, and remove the project from the solution.
Go to the file explorer and rename the folder. In my case, there were often some files in the folder that were kruft as well, and I put an x in front of the name (I'll remove all of those at the end).
Then, back in VS, add the existing project, browsing to the now correct folder name.
Do a rebuild all again, which will make sure no mistakes were made, and also allow checking that all folder and file names now match.

Where is the DropLocation variable in TFS build 2013?

TFS 2013 using the DefaultTemplate11.1.xaml.
Inside the BeforeCompile Target.
I'm trying to copy files in my .proj file to the droplocation but the variable, $(TF_BUILD_DROPLOCATION) does not seem to work.
I've tried evaluation it from inside the .proj but it with $(TF_BUILD_DROPLOCATION) but it evaluated to empty.
I've tried passing it in as a parameter from the msbuild arguments with DropLocation=$(TF_BUILD_DROPLOCATION); but it doesnt evaluate and appears in the script as $(TF_BUILD_DROPLOCATION).
The drop location should be our share with the build number appended.
I don't think it is possible to use the TF_BUILD_DROPLOCATION variable in the .proj file.
For your requirement to copy files to TFS build drop location, here are some options:
Just as Dave mentioned above, you can first use Copy task to copy files to one specific folder, then customize the TFS build process template via adding the CopyDirectory build activity to copy contents in source folder to destination folder. You can set the Destination to be: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Activities.Extensions.WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.DropLocation
Customize your build process template via adding InvokeProcess activity to call xcopy command to copy files. Please check Ewald's blog. (The blog was written for TFS2010, it applies to TFS2013 as well)
I should have been more specific. We're working with VSO, hence the process can not be edited.
So the answer is no, the drop location is not available.
I've had to construct the droplocation myself using $(MyDropLocationRootParam)\$(BuildDefinition)\$(BuildNumber)

How can I store System.Data.SQLite.dll in subfolder?

I'm using Visual Studio to create C# application which uses SQLite database.
What I want to do is save DLL file in subfolder named 'config'. I've created config folder inside bin/debug folder and copied System.Data.SQLite.dll file into it.
Then I added Reference to my solution using bin/debug/config/Systtem.Data.SQLite.dll file.
The problem is that every time I build solution VS creates new System.Data.SQLite.dll file directly inside bin/debug and when I try to use my application (after deleting bin/debug/System.Data.SQLite.dll) it throws an exception = it cannot load dll from inside config folder...
How can I solve it?
You ought to use the default behavior of loading from the EXE's directory.
If you really don't want to, set Copy Local to false on the reference and load the DLL yourself by calling Assembly.Load.
Note that you'll need to load the DLL before calling any methods that use its types so that the DLL is already loaded when the runtime JITs the methods.
Here's some more info on the topic:

Store developer-defined build parameters in Visual Studio user files?

We have different dev environments between developers here. When I build, I want my compiled files to be copied to a bin folder located in C:\Web\bin\. Another developer may want those files dropped in C:\Web_2011\bin\.
Using Visual Studio 2010, the way we work this now is to run a BAT file with the directories defined as parameters that need to be changed if pulling from another developer's branch.
Is it possible to store a solution-wide parameter, (in a .user or .suo file maybe,) to define where a developer wants to drop his builds?
You could do it through the project file (.vcxproj for C++ project for example).
The simplest solution would be to add a Custom Build Step that runs some batch file. This batch file could check the current user name and copy the files based on that.
(An even simpler solution would be to run a user specific batch file from his local disk)
If you really want the fully fledged solution that will allow you to save this data to the user file, you can do it by editing the project file and adding a PropertyPageSchema element that extends VS property pages with another parameter (your destination directory). You can define the Persistence attribute of DataSource element as "UserFile" and the data will be saved on your .user file. You will need to add some target that actually uses this data (copies files to the directory specified).
For more information, read about msbuild and PropertyPageSchema.

Where are the files in publish?

If I use the publish feature in VS2008 (I think it's called ClickOnce install), and then install the published application in another computer, where are the files copied?
In other words: If I need an auxiliary file (a .txt file) in the same path of the assembly, where do I have to create it?
Thank you.
You should have specified the location when you published the application. Just note down that folder.
If you run the wizard again for the same project it should have remembered the location and the folder will be pre-filled on the form.
I've used this and I specified a location on my hard drive for the Publishing Folder Location. This folder contains the following files:
It also contains a folder called Application Files which contains the files needed to build the installation - the exe, the manifest, other dlls and external resources.
I then copy the three files and the folder to the web location specified by the Installation Folder URL.
If you're talking about where the files get installed to then they're in:
C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\H165QZM1.QBE\0OAEZTRX.Y3N\[some truncated version of the exe name followed by a GUID]
Which isn't the most obvious place. I should also point out that the folders H165QZM1.QBE and 0OAEZTRX.Y3N will probably be different on different machines, but the only other folder under C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Local Settings\Apps\2.0 is called Data so they should be easy to spot.
Is the application available offline or online only? My experience is online only and in that case I believe it installs into a temp directory. Can you include your auxiliary file as part of the application files? This may help as well it talks about including data files which can be of any type.
