What is the purpose of lambda in this example? - ruby

lambda is used in this example in both the compose and the hydrate methods. What does lambda do here?
def compose *lambdas
if lambdas.empty?
lambda { nil }
elsif lambdas.size == 1
lambda do |n|
def hydrate(modulus, printable_form)
i = 0
lambda do |n|
(i = (i + 1) % modulus) == 0 && printable_form || n
hydrate(15, 'Watermelon'),
hydrate(5, 'Melon'),
hydrate(3, 'Water'))).join(' '))
My second question is - what is the need for the ampersand in front of the word compose?

The function compose takes a list of functions and returns a newly allocated function that is the composition of all the functions on the list. It's been written to treat the empty list rather oddly; it may be that the first case should be ignored. (Normally composing the empty list of functions should produce the identity function, but that's not what your example does. I would have expected
lambda do |n| { n }
as the base case.)
It's necessary to use a lambda in order to create a new function You see that in the recursive case in compose: the lambda creates a new function which when given n returns the result of calling the composition of the remaining functions, then finally applies the first function. This is not good code to emulate, as the recursion over the list of functions is repeated every time the composition is called. In the example:
Creating the composition of functions uses constant time and space
Applying the composition of functions costs linear time and space
Whereas if the code were written properly
Creating the composition of functions should cost linear time and space
Applying the composition of functions should cost linear time and should require no allocations (zero space)
Unfortunately I don't know enough Ruby to write for you an example of compose the way it ought to be done. But others will.

As a side note, I don't know where you got this exact code, but it looks like a very lightly altered version of some code from Reginald Braithwaite's blog. (The code was a deliberately over-the-top solution to the FizzBuzz question used in a serious discussion of functional programming in Ruby and functional programming more generally.)
Here are the original posts:
Don't Overthink FizzBuzz
Closures and Higher-Order Functions

Your second question asks what the & is doing.
Looking at The unary ampersand in Ruby, the ampersand converts a proc to a block.
irb(main):001:0> def meth1
irb(main):002:1> yield "Hello"
irb(main):003:1> end
=> nil
Calling meth1 with a block, works as expected:
irb(main):004:0> meth1 { |s| puts s } # Calling meth1 with a block
=> nil
Calling with a Proc does not work:
irb(main):005:0> p = Proc.new { |s| puts "In proc: #{s}" }
=> #<Proc:0x13e5d60#(irb):5>
irb(main):006:0> meth1 p
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
from (irb):6
from C:/Ruby19/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
But it does work if you convert the Proc to a block:
irb(main):007:0> meth1 &p # Convert the proc to a block
In proc: Hello
=> nil
This is the same thing that is happening when you use the following code:
irb(main):001:0> def meth2(&block) # Block is converted to Proc
irb(main):002:1> puts block.class.to_s if block_given?
irb(main):003:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> meth2 { puts "Hi There" }
=> nil
Here is another article on the differences between blocks, block vs lambda vs proc.


Advantages of using block, proc, lambda in Ruby

Example: LinkedList printing method.
For this object, you will find a printing method using block, proc, and lambda.
It is not clear to me what the advantages/disadvantages are (if any).
Thank you
What is a LinkedList?
A LinkedList is a node that has a specific value attached to it (which is sometimes called a payload), and a link to another node (or nil if there is no next item).
class LinkedListNode
attr_accessor :value, :next_node
def initialize(value, next_node = nil)
#value = value
#next_node = next_node
def method_print_values(list_node)
if list_node
print "#{list_node.value} --> "
print "nil\n"
node1 = LinkedListNode.new(37)
node2 = LinkedListNode.new(99, node1)
node3 = LinkedListNode.new(12, node2)
#printing the linked list through a method defined within the scope of the class
#---------------------------- Defining the printing method through a BLOCK
def block_print_value(list_node, &block)
if list_node
yield list_node
block_print_value(list_node.next_node, &block)
print "nil\n"
block_print_value(node3) { |list_node| print "#{list_node.value} --> " }
#---------------------------- Defining the printing method through a PROC
def proc_print_value(list_node, callback)
if list_node
callback.call(list_node) #this line invokes the print function defined below
proc_print_value(list_node.next_node, callback)
print "nil\n"
proc_print_value(node3, Proc.new {|list_node| print "#{list_node.value} --> "})
#---------------------------- Defining the printing method through a LAMBDA
def lambda_print_value(list_node, callback)
if list_node
callback.call(list_node) #this line invokes the print function defined below
lambda_print_value(list_node.next_node, callback)
print "nil\n"
lambda_print_value(node3, lambda {|list_node| print "#{list_node.value} --> "})
#---------------------------- Defining the printing method outside the class
def print_values(list_node)
if list_node
print "#{list_node.value} --> "
print "nil\n"
Examples display how to use different things to do the same. So, there is no principal difference between them in this context:
my_proc = Proc.new { |list_node| print "#{list_node.value} --> " }
node3.block_print_values(node3, &my_proc)
node3.proc_print_value(node3, my_proc)
node3.lambda_print_value(node3, my_proc)
Also, there is possible to define a method by using any of them:
define_method(:my_method, p, &proc { puts p })
my_method 'hello' #=> hello
define_method(:my_method, p, &-> { puts p })
my_method 'hello' #=> hello
But Proc, Lambda, block are not the same. Firstly, need a bit more display how to works magic &. The great article can help with that:
&object is evaluated in the following way:
if object is a block, it converts the block into a simple proc.
if object is a Proc, it converts the object into a block while preserving the lambda? status of the object.
if object is not a Proc, it first calls #to_proc on the object and then converts it into a block.
But this does not show the differences between them. So, now let go to the ruby source:
Proc objects are blocks of code that have been bound to a set of local variables. Once bound, the code may be called in different contexts and still access those variables.
+lambda+, +proc+ and Proc.new preserve the tricks of a Proc object given by & argument.
lambda(&lambda {}).lambda? #=> true
proc(&lambda {}).lambda? #=> true
Proc.new(&lambda {}).lambda? #=> true
lambda(&proc {}).lambda? #=> false
proc(&proc {}).lambda? #=> false
Proc.new(&proc {}).lambda? #=> false
Proc created as:
VALUE block = proc_new(klass, FALSE);
rb_obj_call_init(block, argc, argv);
return block;
When lambda:
return proc_new(rb_cProc, TRUE);
Both are Proc. In this case, the difference is just in TRUE or FALSE. TRUE, FALSE - check the number of parameters passed when called.
So, lambda is like more strict Proc:
is_proc = !proc->is_lambda;
Summary of Lambda vs Proc:
Lambdas check the number of arguments, while procs do not.
Return within the proc would exit the method from where it is called.
Return within a lambda would exit it from the lambda and the method would continue executing.
Lambdas are closer to a method.
Blocks: They are called closures in other languages, it is a way of grouping code/statements. In ruby single line blocks are written in {} and multi-line blocks are represented using do..end.
Block is not an object and can not be saved in a variable. Lambda and Proc are both an object.
So, let do small code test based on this answer:
# ruby 2.5.1
user system total real
0.016815 0.000000 0.016815 ( 0.016823)
0.023170 0.000001 0.023171 ( 0.023186)
0.117713 0.000000 0.117713 ( 0.117775)
0.217361 0.000000 0.217361 ( 0.217388)
This shows that using block.call is almost 2x slower than using yield.
Thanks, #engineersmnky, for good references in comments.
Proc is an object wrapper over block. Lambda basically is a proc with different behavior.
AFAIK pure blocks are more rational to use compared to procs.
def f
yield 123
Should be faster than
def g(&block)
But proc can be passed on further.
I guess you should find some articles with performance comparison on the toppic
IMO, your block_print_value method is poorly designed/named, which makes it impossible to answer your question directly. From the name of the method, we would expect that the method "prints" something, but the only printing is the border condition, which does a
print "nil\n"
So, while I would strongly vote against using this way to print the tree, it doesn't mean that the whole idea of using a block for the printing problem is bad.
Since your problem looks like a programming assignment, I don't post a whole solution, but give a hint:
Replace your block_print_value by a, say block_visit_value, which does the same like your current method, but doesn't do any printing. Instead, the "else" part could also invoke the block to let it do the printing.
I'm sure that you will see afterwards the advantage of this method. If not, come back here for a discussion.
At a high level, procs are methods that can be stored inside variables like so:
full_name = Proc.new { |first,last| first + " " + last }
I can call this in two ways, using the bracket syntax followed by the arguments I want to pass to it or use the call method to run the proc and pass in arguments inside of parentheses like so:
p full_name.call("Daniel","Cortes")
What I did with the first line above is create a new instance of Proc and assigned it to a variable called full_name. Procs can take a code block as a parameter so I passed it two different arguments, arguments go inside the pipes.
I can also make it print my name five times:
full_name = Proc.new { |first| first * 5 }
The block I was referring to is called a closure in other programming languages. Blocks allow you to group statements together and encapsulate behavior. You can create blocks with curly braces or do...end syntax.
Why use Procs?
The answer is Procs give you more flexibility than methods. With Procs you can store an entire set of processes inside a variable and then call the variable anywhere else in your program.
Similar to Procs, Lambdas allow you to store functions inside a variable and call the method from other parts of the program. So really the same code I had above can be used like so:
full_name = lambda { |first,last| first + " " + last }
p full_name["daniel","cortes"]
So what is the difference between the two?
There are two key differences in addition to syntax. Please note that the differences are subtle, even to the point that you may never even notice them while programming.
The first key difference is that Lambdas count the arguments you pass to them whereas Procs do not. For example:
full_name = lambda { |first,last| first + " " + last }
p full_name.call("Daniel","Cortes")
The code above works, however, if I pass it another argument:
p full_name.call("Daniel","Abram","Cortes")
The application throws an error saying that I am passing in the wrong number of arguments.
However, with Procs it will not throw an error. It simply looks at the first two arguments and ignores anything after that.
Secondly, Lambdas and Procs have different behavior when it comes to returning values from methods, for example:
def my_method
x = lambda { return }
p "Text within method"
If I run this method, it prints out Text within method. However, if we try the same exact implementation with a Proc:
def my_method
x = Proc.new { return }
p "Text within method"
This will return a nil value.
Why did this occur?
When the Proc saw the word return it exited out of the entire method and returned a nil value. However, in the case of the Lambda, it processed the remaining part of the method.

What do c == self and yield do?

Can you help me understand what this class does and how we can make use of it?
class Integer
def myt
until c == self
Thank you.
x = Integer.new
I tried to test it but it doesn't work. Error is: "no block given (yield)"
Also, in my book it says to test like this:
5.myt (|| puts "I'm on iteration #{i}! "} but it also gives an error - not sure why or what this line of code means.
allonhadaya and PNY did a good job explaining the purpose (enumeration) of the myt method.
Regarding your two questions mentioned in the title:
1.) What does 'c == self' do?
The '==' operator checks whether the integer c and Integer object you instantiate, are equal in value. If they are, the expression evaluates to true.
2.) What does 'yield' do?
The 'yield' statement passes control from the current method to a block which has been provided to the method. Blocks are ruby's implementation of a closure which, simple put, means that a method can be "extended" by calling the method with a block of additional code as long as the method supports a block (ie. incorporates yield statements)
The method seems to be a times implementation.
Basically 5.times { |i| puts i } and 5.myt { |i| puts i } will do exactly the same thing.
First, it sets a counter to 0, c = 0. Then you have a conditional where it checks if c is equal with self which will always be the integer attached to the method myt. It, then yields the counter and return self when is done.
Looks like it enumerates the values between zero inclusively and self exclusively.
allon#ahadaya:~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> class Integer
irb(main):002:1> def myt
irb(main):003:2> c=0
irb(main):004:2> until c == self
irb(main):005:3> yield(c)
irb(main):006:3> c+=1
irb(main):007:3> end
irb(main):008:2> self
irb(main):009:2> end
irb(main):010:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):011:0> 5.myt { |i| puts i }
=> 5
Using the example your book gave --
5.myt {|i| puts "I'm on iteration #{i}! "}
#You were missing an object in the pipes and a curly bracket before the pipes (not parentheses)
Allows you to see the internal workings of your myt method. Initializing variable c with a value of 0 the method executes an until look until the condition "c == self" is satisfied. Self references the object, here 5, which the method is acting on.
Therefore ...
def myt
until c == 5 #Until this is true
yield(c) #Do this .. here yield will do whatever the block specified
c+=1 #Increment on each iteration the value of variable c by 1
end #closing the until loop
self #return self
The yield within the method passes control from your method to the parameter, a block, back to the method.
Yield therefore allows you to build methods which can have similar patterns but with block you customize it to do your particular need.
If instead of putting each number maybe all you want to do is put the odd integers between 0 and the integer you call the method on --
5.myt {|i| puts i if i.odd?} # returns I am odd: 1 and I am odd: 3
I would suggest that you write your own blocks here to see how yield works and how you can keep the same method but pass in different blocks and create different method outputs!

Accessing a passed block in Ruby

I have a method that accepts a block, lets call it outer. It in turn calls a method that accepts another block, call it inner.
What I would like to have happen is for outer to call inner, passing it a new block which calls the first block.
Here's a concrete example:
class Array
def delete_if_index
self.each_with_index { |element, i| ** A function that removes the element from the array if the block passed to delete_if_index is true }
['a','b','c','d'].delete_if_index { |i| i.even? }
=> ['b','d']
the block passed to delete_if_index is called by the block passed to each_with_index.
Is this possible in Ruby, and, more broadly, how much access do we have to the block within the function that receives it?
You can wrap a block in another block:
def outer(&block)
if some_condition_is_true
wrapper = lambda {
p 'Do something crazy in this wrapper'
block.call # original block
def inner(&block)
p 'inner called'
outer do
p 'inside block'
sleep 1
I'd say opening up an existing block and changing its contents is Doing it WrongTM, maybe continuation-passing would help here? I'd also be wary of passing around blocks with side-effects; I try and keep lambdas deterministic and have actions like deleting stuff in the method body. In a complex application this will likely make debugging a lot easier.
Maybe the example is poorly chosen, but your concrete example is the same as:
[1,2,3,4].reject &:even?
Opening up and modifying a block strikes me as code smell. It'd be difficult to write it in a way that makes the side effects obvious.
Given your example, I think a combination of higher order functions will do what you're looking to solve.
Update: It's not the same, as pointed out in the comments. [1,2,3,4].reject(&:even?) looks at the contents, not the index (and returns [1,3], not [2,4] as it would in the question). The one below is equivalent to the original example, but isn't vary pretty.
[1,2,3,4].each_with_index.reject {|element, index| index.even? }.map(&:first)
So here's a solution to my own question. The passed in block is implicitly converted into a proc which can be received with the & parameter syntax. The proc then exists inside the closure of any nested block, as it is assigned to a local variable in scope, and can be called by it:
class Array
def delete_if_index(&proc)
ary = []
self.each_with_index { |a, i| ary << self[i] unless proc.call(i) }
[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].delete_if_index {|index| index.even?}
=> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
Here the block is converted into a proc, and assigned to the variable proc, which is then available within the block passed to each_with_index.

"for" vs "each" in Ruby

I just had a quick question regarding loops in Ruby. Is there a difference between these two ways of iterating through a collection?
# way 1
#collection.each do |item|
# do whatever
# way 2
for item in #collection
# do whatever
Just wondering if these are exactly the same or if maybe there's a subtle difference (possibly when #collection is nil).
This is the only difference:
irb> [1,2,3].each { |x| }
=> [1, 2, 3]
irb> x
NameError: undefined local variable or method `x' for main:Object
from (irb):2
from :0
irb> for x in [1,2,3]; end
=> [1, 2, 3]
irb> x
=> 3
With the for loop, the iterator variable still lives after the block is done. With the each loop, it doesn't, unless it was already defined as a local variable before the loop started.
Other than that, for is just syntax sugar for the each method.
When #collection is nil both loops throw an exception:
Exception: undefined local variable or method `#collection' for main:Object
See "The Evils of the For Loop" for a good explanation (there's one small difference considering variable scoping).
Using each is considered more idiomatic use of Ruby.
Your first example,
#collection.each do |item|
# do whatever
is more idiomatic. While Ruby supports looping constructs like for and while, the block syntax is generally preferred.
Another subtle difference is that any variable you declare within a for loop will be available outside the loop, whereas those within an iterator block are effectively private.
One more different..
number = ["one", "two", "three"]
=> ["one", "two", "three"]
loop1 = []
loop2 = []
number.each do |c|
loop1 << Proc.new { puts c }
=> ["one", "two", "three"]
for c in number
loop2 << Proc.new { puts c }
=> ["one", "two", "three"]
=> nil
=> nil
source: http://paulphilippov.com/articles/enumerable-each-vs-for-loops-in-ruby
for more clear: http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/179264#784884
Never ever use for it may cause almost untraceable bugs.
Don't be fooled, this is not about idiomatic code or style issues. Ruby's implementation of for has a serious flaw and should not be used.
Here is an example where for introduces a bug,
class Library
def initialize
#ary = []
def method_with_block(&block)
#ary << block
def method_that_uses_these_blocks
lib = Library.new
for n in %w{foo bar quz}
lib.method_with_block { n }
puts lib.method_that_uses_these_blocks
Using %w{foo bar quz}.each { |n| ... } prints
In a for loop the variable n is defined once and only and then that one definition is use for all iterations. Hence each blocks refer to the same n which has a value of quz by the time the loop ends. Bug!
In an each loop a fresh variable n is defined for each iteration, for example above the variable n is defined three separate times. Hence each block refer to a separate n with the correct values.
It looks like there is no difference, for uses each underneath.
$ irb
>> for x in nil
>> puts x
>> end
NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
from (irb):1
>> nil.each {|x| puts x}
NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
from (irb):4
Like Bayard says, each is more idiomatic. It hides more from you and doesn't require special language features.
Per Telemachus's Comment
for .. in .. sets the iterator outside the scope of the loop, so
for a in [1,2]
puts a
leaves a defined after the loop is finished. Where as each doesn't. Which is another reason in favor of using each, because the temp variable lives a shorter period.
(1..4).each { |i|
a = 9 if i==3
puts a
for i in 1..4
a = 9 if i==3
puts a
In 'for' loop, local variable is still lives after each loop. In 'each' loop, local variable refreshes after each loop.
As far as I know, using blocks instead of in-language control structures is more idiomatic.
I just want to make a specific point about the for in loop in Ruby. It might seem like a construct similar to other languages, but in fact it is an expression like every other looping construct in Ruby. In fact, the for in works with Enumerable objects just as the each iterator.
The collection passed to for in can be any object that has an each iterator method. Arrays and hashes define the each method, and many other Ruby objects do, too. The for/in loop calls the each method of the specified object. As that iterator yields values, the for loop assigns each value (or each set of values) to the specified variable (or variables) and then executes the code in body.
This is a silly example, but illustrates the point that the for in loop works with ANY object that has an each method, just like how the each iterator does:
class Apple
TYPES = %w(red green yellow)
def each
yield TYPES.pop until TYPES.empty?
a = Apple.new
for i in a do
puts i
=> nil
And now the each iterator:
a = Apple.new
a.each do |i|
puts i
=> nil
As you can see, both are responding to the each method which yields values back to the block. As everyone here stated, it is definitely preferable to use the each iterator over the for in loop. I just wanted to drive home the point that there is nothing magical about the for in loop. It is an expression that invokes the each method of a collection and then passes it to its block of code. Hence, it is a very rare case you would need to use for in. Use the each iterator almost always (with the added benefit of block scope).

Understanding Ruby Enumerable#map (with more complex blocks)

Let's say I have a function
def odd_or_even n
if n%2 == 0
return :even
return :odd
And I had a simple enumerable array
simple = [1,2,3,4,5]
And I ran it through map, with my function, using a do-end block:
simple.map do
|n| odd_or_even(n)
# => [:odd,:even,:odd,:even,:odd]
How could I do this without, say, defining the function in the first place? For example,
# does not work
simple.map do |n|
if n%2 == 0
return :even
return :odd
# Desired result:
# => [:odd,:even,:odd,:even,:odd]
is not valid ruby, and the compiler gets mad at me for even thinking about it. But how would I implement an equivalent sort of thing, that works?
In reality, the solution to my problem matters to me a lot less than the motivation/reasoning behind it, to help me understand more how ruby blocks work :)
You're so close. Just remove the returns and you're golden.
This is because the block passed to map is a proc (i.e. created with Proc.new), and not a lambda. A return within a proc doesn't just jump out of the proc- it jumps out of the method that executed (i.e. called call on) the proc. A return within a lambda, on the other hand, jumps out of only the lambda.
The proc method returns a lambda in Ruby 1.8, and a Proc in Ruby 1.9. It's probably best to just not use this method and be explicit with which construct you want to use.
I'm guessing you were either in IRB or a plain ruby script when you were trying this out.
a = Proc.new { return }
a.call # fails. Nothing to return from.
def foobar
a = Proc.new { return }
puts 'hello' # not reached. The return within the proc causes execution to jump out of the foobar method.
foobar # succeeds, but does not print 'hello'. The return within the proc jumps out of the foobar method.
b = lambda { return }
b.call # succeeds. The return only returns from the lambda itself.
def bazquux
b = lambda { return }
puts 'hello' # this is reached. The lambda only returned from itself.
bazquux # succeeds, and prints 'hello'
The lesson to learn from this is to use implicit returns unless you can't, I guess.
I suspect this may be a duplicate question, but to give a value out of a block, use next
simple.map do |n|
if n%2 == 0
next :even
next :odd
Shortest variant using Andrew's answer:
simple.map { |n| next :even if n % 2 == 0; :odd }
