Accessing a passed block in Ruby - ruby

I have a method that accepts a block, lets call it outer. It in turn calls a method that accepts another block, call it inner.
What I would like to have happen is for outer to call inner, passing it a new block which calls the first block.
Here's a concrete example:
class Array
def delete_if_index
self.each_with_index { |element, i| ** A function that removes the element from the array if the block passed to delete_if_index is true }
['a','b','c','d'].delete_if_index { |i| i.even? }
=> ['b','d']
the block passed to delete_if_index is called by the block passed to each_with_index.
Is this possible in Ruby, and, more broadly, how much access do we have to the block within the function that receives it?

You can wrap a block in another block:
def outer(&block)
if some_condition_is_true
wrapper = lambda {
p 'Do something crazy in this wrapper' # original block
def inner(&block)
p 'inner called'
outer do
p 'inside block'
sleep 1
I'd say opening up an existing block and changing its contents is Doing it WrongTM, maybe continuation-passing would help here? I'd also be wary of passing around blocks with side-effects; I try and keep lambdas deterministic and have actions like deleting stuff in the method body. In a complex application this will likely make debugging a lot easier.

Maybe the example is poorly chosen, but your concrete example is the same as:
[1,2,3,4].reject &:even?
Opening up and modifying a block strikes me as code smell. It'd be difficult to write it in a way that makes the side effects obvious.
Given your example, I think a combination of higher order functions will do what you're looking to solve.
Update: It's not the same, as pointed out in the comments. [1,2,3,4].reject(&:even?) looks at the contents, not the index (and returns [1,3], not [2,4] as it would in the question). The one below is equivalent to the original example, but isn't vary pretty.
[1,2,3,4].each_with_index.reject {|element, index| index.even? }.map(&:first)

So here's a solution to my own question. The passed in block is implicitly converted into a proc which can be received with the & parameter syntax. The proc then exists inside the closure of any nested block, as it is assigned to a local variable in scope, and can be called by it:
class Array
def delete_if_index(&proc)
ary = []
self.each_with_index { |a, i| ary << self[i] unless }
[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].delete_if_index {|index| index.even?}
=> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
Here the block is converted into a proc, and assigned to the variable proc, which is then available within the block passed to each_with_index.


How does Ruby Enumerators chaining work exactly?

Consider the following code:
[1,2,3].map.with_index { |x, i| x * i }
# => [0,2,6]
How does this work exactly?
My mental model of map is that it iterates and apply a function on each element. Is with_index somehow passing a function to the enumerator [1,2,3].map, in which case what would that function be?
This SO thread shows how enumerators pass data through, but doesn't answer the question. Indeed, if you replace map with each then the behaviour is different:
[1,2,3].each.with_index { |x, i| x * i }
# => [1,2,3]
map seems to carry the information that a function has to be applied, on top of carrying the data to iterate over. How does that work?
Todd's answer is excellent, but I feel like seeing some more Ruby code might be beneficial. Specifically, let's try to write each and map on Array ourselves.
I won't use any Enumerable or Enumerator methods directly, so we see how it's all working under the hood (I'll still use for loops, and those technically call #each under the hood, but that's only cheating a little)
First, there's each. each is easy. It iterates over the array and applies a function to each element, before returning the original array.
def my_each(arr, &block)
for i in 0..arr.length-1
Simple enough. Now what if we don't pass a block. Let's change it up a bit to support that. We effectively want to delay the act of doing the each to allow the Enumerator to do its thing
def my_each(arr, &block)
if block
for i in 0..arr.length-1
else do |y|
my_each(arr) { |*x| y.yield(*x) }
So if we don't pass a block, we make an Enumerator that, when consumed, calls my_each, using the enumerator yield object as a block. The y object is a funny thing but you can just think of it as basically being the block you'll eventually pass in. So, in
my_each([1, 2, 3]).with_index { |x, i| x * i }
Think of y as being like the { |x, i| x * i } bit. It's a bit more complicated than that, but that's the idea.
Incidentally, on Ruby 2.7 and later, the Enumerator::Yielder object got its own #to_proc, so if you're on a recent Ruby version, you can just do do |y|
my_each(arr, &y)
rather than do |y|
my_each(arr) { |*x| y.yield(*x) }
Now let's extend this approach to map. Writing map with a block is easy. It's just like each but we accumulate the results.
def my_map(arr, &block)
result = []
for i in 0..arr.length-1
result << block[arr[i]]
Simple enough. Now what if we don't pass a block? Let's do the exact same thing we did for my_each. That is, we're just going to make an Enumerator and, inside that Enumerator, we call my_map.
def my_map(arr, &block)
if block
result = []
for i in 0..arr.length-1
result << block[arr[i]]
else do |y|
my_map(arr) { |*x| y.yield(*x) }
Now, the Enumerator knows that, whenever it eventually gets a block, it's going to use my_map on that block at the end. We can see that these two functions actually behave, on arrays, like map and each do
my_each([1, 2, 3]).with_index { |x, i| x * i } # [1, 2, 3]
my_map ([1, 2, 3]).with_index { |x, i| x * i } # [0, 2, 6]
So your intuition was spot on
map seems to carry the information that a function has to be applied, on top of carrying the data to iterate over. How does that work?
That's exactly what it does. map creates an Enumerator whose block knows to call map at the end, whereas each does the same but with each. Of course, in reality, all of this is implemented in C for efficiency and bootstrapping reasons, but the fundamental idea is still there.
Using Array#map without a block simply returns an Enumerator, where each element is then fed to Enumerator#with_index and the results of the block are returned as a collection. It's not complicated, and is similar to (but perhaps cleaner than) the following code. Using Ruby 3.0.1:
results = []
[1, 2, 3].each_with_index { results << _1 * _2 }
#=> [0, 2, 6]
Using Array#each doesn't return a collection from the block. It just returns self or another enumerator, so the expected behavior is different by design.

can somebody explain how does the following code execute?

I am following a linked tutorial from the Odin project, its about blocks and procs in ruby. I can't quite understand how does the following code work.
class Array
def eachEven(&wasABlock_nowAProc)
# We start with "true" because arrays start with 0, which is even.
isEven = true
self.each do |object|
if isEven object
isEven = (not isEven) # Toggle from even to odd, or odd to even.
['apple', 'bad apple', 'cherry', 'durian'].eachEven do |fruit|
puts 'Yum! I just love '+fruit+' pies, don\'t you?'
# Remember, we are getting the even-numbered elements
# of the array, all of which happen to be odd numbers,
# just because I like to cause problems like that.
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].eachEven do |oddBall|
puts oddBall.to_s+' is NOT an even number!'
Is ['apple', 'bad apple', 'cherry', 'durian'] a block in this context and are we calling the method isEven on that block?
Does isEven used to only return true or false and if true the following code will be executed?
do |fruit|
puts 'Yum! I just love '+fruit+' pies, don\'t you?'
Also, what is this line doing?
self.each do |object|
if isEven object
If isEven is true then call [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] with the object??? What does calling that block with object mean?
Let's do it in parts:
1)The class Array was native from ruby, which means we are adding a method to all instances of Array, the method is the eachEven.
2) This method receives as parameter a block to be executed, keep this information in mind.
3) The ["apple", "bad apple", "cherry"] is an instance from Array, which means that we can execute the method eachEven for this array:
array = ["apple", "bad apple", "cherry"]
array.eachEven do |something|
# The do/end block is the parameter passed to the method `eachEven`
# the block will be binded in `wasABlock_nowAProc` in this case
4) Inside the method eachEven we get the self (self is the array itself) and execute another method from the Array instance: each (this method iterate over the array binding the current position to the variable inside brackets: |object|)
5) If the condition returns a positive result, it will execute the block inside if, in the case: object
# We execute the block of step 2 passing the current position value as a parameter
In fact, if we execute the following code:
array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
array.eachEven do |position_value|
puts "The #{position_value} is even"
We gonna get the following result:
The 1 is even # The block `wasABlock_nowAProc` will bind the 1 to the object and print it
The 3 is even # Same here, 3 will be used as the object in the execution of `wasABlock_nowAProc`
Hope it helps
Let's break apart the code here:
['apple', 'bad apple', 'cherry', 'durian'].eachEven do |fruit|
puts 'Yum! I just love '+fruit+' pies, don\'t you?'
What we have here boils down to:
receiver.method do |block_argument_one|
# this is the _body_ of the _block_
['apple', 'bad apple', 'cherry', 'durian'] is called the receiver (or subject, or just object or instance)
eachEven is the method being called on the receiver
Everything from do to end is the block. It could also be { to } and work the same (well, mostly)
|fruit| is the block arguments list, with fruit being the only argument the block cares about.
puts … is the body of the block
What happens to the block is:
The code in the block gets interpreted, but not run
A placeholder for that code is passed to the method the block is attached to
the method runs, and can access the block while running
Now lets look at how a method that takes a block works:
class SomeClass
def some_method(regular_argument, &block_capture_argument)
# method body
# explicitly call the block:"first value passed to block")
# implicitly call the block (same as above)
yield "first value passed to block"
This shows several ways a block can be used:
When you define a method with the last argument beginning with &, a reference to the block is made available to the method by the name after the & (your wasABlock_nowAProc argument, for example). Then your method can do what is likes with the block, maybe calling it, or maybe even storing it somewhere a completely different method can use it.
Alternatively, you can use the yield keyword to call the block implicitly. In that case, you don't need a & argument to the method (but it still works if you do have that argument). Note that ruby allows you to attach a block to any method, regardless of if it uses that block. Methods can check if there was a block with the keyword block_given?, or check that the value of the & argument is present.
When you call the block, either with yield or with call, arguments you give to the call method are passed as arguments to the block.
The method can do whatever it wants with the block. It can call it once, twice, 0, or 300 times. It can call it with the same arguments each time or with different arguments each time.
In your specific example, the block gets called (with the value of object) for each item in the receiver, but only if the isEven variable is true.
Also in your specific example, you are calling the block from inside another block (which provides object for you), but don't let that confuse you.
To summarize:
blocks can be attached to any method using either do … end or {…}
blocks don't run unless the method they are attached to decides to call them
methods get called on a receiver
methods that use blocks get to decide how and when to use them
methods that use blocks can call blocks (or use yield) and pass any number of arguments to the block.
blocks can be defined to use those arguments (with the |…| syntax), and can name those arguments whatever they want (what matters is the order/position of the arguments).

How does a code block in Ruby know what variable belongs to an aspect of an object?

Consider the following:
(1..10).inject{|memo, n| memo + n}
How does n know that it is supposed to store all the values from 1..10? I'm confused how Ruby is able to understand that n can automatically be associated with (1..10) right away, and memo is just memo.
I know Ruby code blocks aren't the same as the C or Java code blocks--Ruby code blocks work a bit differently. I'm confused as to how variables that are in between the upright pipes '|' will automatically be assigned to parts of an object. For example:
hash1 = {"a" => 111, "b" => 222}
hash2 = {"b" => 333, "c" => 444}
hash1.merge(hash2) {|key, old, new| old}
How do '|key, old, new|' automatically assign themselves in such a way such that when I type 'old' in the code block, it is automatically aware that 'old' refers to the older hash value? I never assigned 'old' to anything, just declared it. Can someone explain how this works?
The parameters for the block are determined by the method definition. The definition for reduce/inject is overloaded (docs) and defined in C, but if you wanted to define it, you could do it like so (note, this doesn't cover all the overloaded cases for the actual reduce definition):
module Enumerable
def my_reduce(memo=nil, &blk)
# if a starting memo is not given, it defaults to the first element
# in the list and that element is skipped for iteration
elements = memo ? self : self[1..-1]
memo ||= self[0]
elements.each { |element| memo =, element) }
This method definition determines what values to use for memo and element and calls the blk variable (a block passed to the method) with them in a specific order.
Note, however, that blocks are not like regular methods, because they don't check the number of arguments. For example: (note, this example shows the usage of yield which is another way to pass a block parameter)
def foo
yield 1
# The b and c variables here will be nil
foo { |a, b, c| [a,b,c].compact.sum } # => 1
You can also use deconstruction to define variables at the time you run the block, for example if you wanted to reduce over a hash you could do something like this:
# this just copies the hash
{a: 1}.reduce({}) { |memo, (key, val)| memo[key] = val; memo }
How this works is, calling reduce on a hash implicitly calls to_a, which converts it to a list of tuples (e.g. {a: 1}.to_a = [[:a, 1]]). reduce passes each tuple as the second argument to the block. In the place where the block is called, the tuple is deconstructed into separate key and value variables.
A code block is just a function with no name. Like any other function, it can be called multiple times with different arguments. If you have a method
def add(a, b)
a + b
How does add know that sometimes a is 5 and sometimes a is 7?
Enumerable#inject simply calls the function once for each element, passing the element as an argument.
It looks a bit like this:
module Enumerable
def inject(memo)
each do |el|
memo = yield memo, el
And memo is just memo
what do you mean, "just memo"? memo and n take whatever values inject passes. And it is implemented to pass accumulator/memo as first argument and current collection element as second argument.
How do '|key, old, new|' automatically assign themselves
They don't "assign themselves". merge assigns them. Or rather, passes those values (key, old value, new value) in that order as block parameters.
If you instead write
hash1.merge(hash2) {|foo, bar, baz| bar}
It'll still work exactly as before. Parameter names mean nothing [here]. It's actual values that matter.
Just to simplify some of the other good answers here:
If you are struggling understanding blocks, an easy way to think of them is as a primitive and temporary method that you are creating and executing in place, and the values between the pipe characters |memo| is simply the argument signature.
There is no special special concept behind the arguments, they are simply there for the method you are invoking to pass a variable to, like calling any other method with an argument. Similar to a method, the arguments are "local" variables within the scope of the block (there are some nuances to this depending on the syntax you use to call the block, but I digress, that is another matter).
The method you pass the block to simply invokes this "temporary method" and passes the arguments to it that it is designed to do. Just like calling a method normally, with some slight differences, such as there are no "required" arguments. If you do not define any arguments to receive, it will happily just not pass them instead of raising an ArgumentError. Likewise, if you define too many arguments for the block to receive, they will simply be nil within the block, no errors for not being defined.

Using yield within a select statement

If I wanted to prune an array by a given set of parameters I would write something like this:
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
a ={|i| i>=5}
puts a.inspect
which would return [5,6,7,8].
I want to write a function "filter" which accomplishes the same thing. In this case my first thought is to write something like:
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
a = filter(array) {|i| i >= 5}
puts a.inspect
What I can't figure out is how to properly call yield within the method to invoke the code block during the select statement:
a ={yield}
Doesn't seem to work since it attempts to call the code block on nil, not the array within the function. What's the proper way of doing this?
Don't know if it makes sense for you, but try:
def filter(array) { |i| yield(i) }
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
p filter(array) {|i| i >= 5}
When you write code within braces {...} to be passed to a method, this code is called a block. It is normally passed implicitly to a method (i.e. it is not a named argument). To invoke this implicit block, you call yield.
In your case, you don't want to invoke the block yourself; you want your filter method to pass the block along to select, where the actual filtering takes place.
To "pass along a block", you can make the method's block argument explicit by using the & prefix. Note that the name block in this example is just convention; there is no special block keyword. The important part is the & character:
def filter(array, &block)
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
filter(array) { |i| i >= 5 } # => [5,6,7,8]

Ruby yield example explanation?

I'm doing a SaaS course with Ruby. On an exercise, I'm asked to calculate the cartesian product of two sequences by using iterators, blocks and yield.
I ended up with this, by pure guess-and-error, and it seems to work. But I'm not sure about how. I seem to understand the basic blocks and yield usage, but this? Not at all.
class CartProd
include Enumerable
def initialize(a,b)
#a = a
#b = b
def each
yield [ae,be]
Some explanation for a noob like me, please?
(PS: I changed the required class name to CartProd so people doing the course can't find the response by googling it so easily)
Let's build this up step-by-step. We will simplify things a bit by taking it out of the class context.
For this example it is intuitive to think of an iterator as being a more-powerful replacement for a traditional for-loop.
So first here's a for-loop version:
seq1 = (0..2)
seq2 = (0..2)
for x in seq1
for y in seq2
p [x,y] # shorthand for puts [x, y].inspect
Now let's replace that with more Ruby-idiomatic iterator style, explicitly supplying blocks to be executed (i.e., the do...end blocks):
seq1.each do |x|
seq2.each do |y|
p [x,y]
So far, so good, you've printed out your cartesian product. Now your assignment asks you to use yield as well. The point of yield is to "yield execution", i.e., pass control to another block of code temporarily (optionally passing one or more arguments).
So, although it's not really necessary for this toy example, instead of directly printing the value like above, you can yield the value, and let the caller supply a block that accepts that value and prints it instead.
That could look like this:
def prod(seq1, seq2)
seq1.each do |x|
seq2.each do |y|
yield [x,y]
Callable like this:
prod (1..2), (1..2) do |prod| p prod end
The yield supplies the product for each run of the inner loop, and the yielded value is printed by the block supplied by the caller.
What exactly do you not understand here? You've made an iterator that yields all possible pairs of elements. If you pass CartProd#each a block, it will be executed a.length*b.length times. It's like having two different for cycles folded one into another in any other programming language.
yield simply passes (yields) control to a block of code that has been passed in as part of the method call. The values after the yield keyword are passed into the block as arguments. Once the block has finished execution it passes back control.
So, in your example you could call #each like this:[1, 2], [3, 4]).each do |pair|
# control is yielded to this block
p pair
# control is returned at end of block
This would output each pair of values.
