Old content appearing on site. Auto Clear Cache? - caching

I have a website that is updated regularly and I am having a problem where old content is showing up on the page. It can be fixed by refreshing a few times or clearing the cache. I am looking for a solution so no data is stored on the PC and the site is forced to refresh each time. Perhaps an auto cache clear plugin or something of the like? Any ideas?

This may sound like a good idea at first but how many users do you hope to support in the future?
I ask because if every request should be completely refreshed every time you are going to have a LOT of traffic on your web server. And, your users are going to start complaining about page load times.
With help from tools like yslow and firebug, we've tried to analyze the portions of our pages that can be cached and those that can't. Tip of the iceburg, but...
Images to support site layout - backgrounds, buttons, etc. should be cached for a very long time. They go in a folder tree flagged by IIS as cachable for a long time. They could be delivered by a CDN long-term. If these have to change, we upload new files with new names.
Script/CSS and other, possibly-changing content goes in another folder that gets a shorter cache duration. This could be a problem if we have to fix bugs, but again, upload a new file with a new name if necessary.
Anything data-driven (our app is a catalog) is localized and gets refreshed every time.
This is still a work-in-progress for us, but we're seeing MUCH less server traffic and MUCH faster page load times.
I hope this helps!

use this, my son
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">

Try putting this in your head tags
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
Edit Just a note, this doesn't force the browser not to cache it, but most browsers will listen

i suggest u to try this one , I use this way when my code still on production
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styel.css?v=<?= time(); ?>">
but when u're ready for live mode, put the latest version of ur css, or whatever u want like ?v=1.1
hope it will helps u


How to clean browser cache with the help of the code

I've made a lot of changes in the front end part of the project. But for applying them all users should clear the browser cache. Is there any way for cleaning users browsers cache from programming side?
Yes, you need to version your static files. I use this trick:
<link href="/css/style.css?v=<?php echo filemtime($basepath."/css/style.css")?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Obviously that code will need adjustment, but you get the idea. It appends the file modification time as a version number on the file. So that every time it is changed (and only when it's changed) it completely busts the cache server and client side. Saves all those "I can't see any changes" calls from the clients! :)
Of course if you don't want to go the automatic route, you need only append the css (js etc) files with ?v=1.0 for example

Pinterest URL Debugger Grabbing Old Info

Running a URL through the Pinterest URL Debugger, and it appears to be caching have old data. Is there a way to force a refresh similar to Facebook's debugger?
I would attempt to clear your browser cache (I'm assuming it's ran in browser).
Maybe it's also using an old cookie, so log out, clear your browser cache/history, then close and open it again. You could also try a different browser to access it.
You could also try changing some old data to see if there is a pinterest db process that's using old data, and an update might refresh it.
Otherwise, you may want to reach out to pinterest support.
OK so it turns out that it was NOT holding on to old information, but rather I was using the incorrect tags for price and currency.
should be og:price:amount and og:price:currency
full documentation for the product type of rich pins: https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/rich-pins/products/
from above, minimum requirements:
<meta property="og:title" content="Name of your product" />
<meta property="og:type" content="product" />
<meta property="og:price:amount" content="1.00" />
<meta property="og:price:currency" content="USD" />

Can I make my ajax website 'crawlable'?

I'm currently building a music based website and I want to build something like this template. It uses ajax and deep linking. (And it makes use of the History.js library - please notice how there's no '#' in the URLs.)
The reason I want to use these 'ajaxy' methods (or maybe use the template altogether) is so that when music is playing, it will remain un-interrupted as the user navigates the site.
My worry is that my site wont be crawlable by Google but I think I can modify code in the page source to fix that. If I look at the source code to the template, in the head I see
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="author" content="">
<meta name="keywords" content="">
Now if I add this to the head:
<meta name="fragment" content="!">
will that make the site crawlable? Is there other code I need to add on top of this? Or is it just not possible for this template?
I'm following this guide https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/getting-started, and I'm on step 3. I will of course have to complete the other steps but I don't know I'm heading in the right direction, or heading towards a dead end!
Any help would be very much appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
From what you said it sounds like your site updates the address bar with clean urls as you navigate via ajax. That's good. The next thing is you want to do is make sure those urls work. If you directly go to a url do you see the specific content it represents. And would a crawler also see the correct content without running javascript. Progressive enhancement works well for that. The final thing is you want to do is make sure bots can pick up those urls.
I've not played with the meta tag for ! But it looks like it is only for the home page and you still need to implement the escaped fragment page. Maybe it does support other pages but the article does not cover that.

Facebook share doesn't show images

I code a news PHP script. End of each news I have a Facebook share button. The problem is I can't display thumbnail images with Facebook share.
I tried Meta OG
<link rel="image_src" href="" />
element without any success. Interesting thing is, some of the domains which is using my news PHP Script, has no problem with it but some has.
Domain without any problems:
http://www.yenialanya.com/manset/vergi-denetmenine-itiraz.htm (please check the bottom of the news)
Domains with problems:
I also tried addThis and it didn't solve the problem.
All of the domain names above are using the same system. I thought it might be because of the system so I tried clean HTML page:
As you can see in the last example, I used 2 different kind of sharing options. First with popup. I sent all parameters over URL but some domains display images, some don't. I also added addThis option.
I also thought about .htaccess and cleaned everything in it since I thought .htaccess might block something. I took every step very carefully which I could think of.
This issue started to be annoying, I would be glad if anyone could help me out.
Use Open Graph protocol
<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="movie"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="http://ia.media-imdb.com/rock.jpg"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="IMDb"/>
<meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/>
<meta property="og:description"
content="A group of U.S. Marines, under command of
a renegade general, take over Alcatraz and
threaten San Francisco Bay with biological
To test each links use URL Linter
Look at this forum, most of them will ask same questions, why OG image is not working on like button. It's a bug maybe? Bug 16580
Are you using a public server or a local one? Facebook share doesn't show pictures if the URLs are coming from localhost.
Facebook seems to want images that are at least 200px in both directions, whether supplied in the OG metadata, or just embedded on the page. They have updated their URL linter to show this error for the OG metadata recently. I can't find sources now, but I thought they used to have a maximum pixel dimension of less than 200px previously...
Also, I've seen problems displaying thumbnail images for Chrome on OS X, where on Windows browsers there is no problem. Really strange.
Go to http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug and fill in your url
If the Responscode is 503 then your website is not accessible. It could be that your website is under construction…

Google Chrome Frame (GCF) problem in IE8 with cache

Maybe it has been asked somewhere, but I am trying to find my question and I am not able to find any answer.
Here's my question:
I am developing a web application and because of some major JavaScript issue in IE8, I need the user to run "Google Chrome Frame" (To enhance the speed of the web page). I was impressed that my page was working 100% fine until the time it was supposed to be refreshing and it wasn't refreshing (Ajax getJSON request using jQuery).
The problem is that it does not request the new data on the server, but it looks like it goes in the cache for the answer of that request and then return the same thing every time instead of new data.
I don't really know how to explain it, but it just does not update. Also, when I hit F5 on the page, it does not update the page, it keeps the old page (even if I hit CTRL-F5 or any other normal force-refresh button). To have the changes, I actually need to close the browser (IE8) and re-open it so it can take the new changes.
Is there anyone who know how I could disable the cache when Google Chrome Frame is active?
The meta tag I use is :
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate">
If you need any more details, don't hesitate to ask.
An old CGI trick would have been to encode the date as a parameter onto the request so the URL changes with each request. That generally stops any caching on the URL.
So you'd have url?01102010134532 if you encoded date and time down to miliseconds.
If I understand your requirement properly, you'd have to do this in JQuery / JS and would need to modify the parameter on the URL after each AJAX request was made, so the next one would be different to the previous
