Google Chrome Frame (GCF) problem in IE8 with cache - caching

Maybe it has been asked somewhere, but I am trying to find my question and I am not able to find any answer.
Here's my question:
I am developing a web application and because of some major JavaScript issue in IE8, I need the user to run "Google Chrome Frame" (To enhance the speed of the web page). I was impressed that my page was working 100% fine until the time it was supposed to be refreshing and it wasn't refreshing (Ajax getJSON request using jQuery).
The problem is that it does not request the new data on the server, but it looks like it goes in the cache for the answer of that request and then return the same thing every time instead of new data.
I don't really know how to explain it, but it just does not update. Also, when I hit F5 on the page, it does not update the page, it keeps the old page (even if I hit CTRL-F5 or any other normal force-refresh button). To have the changes, I actually need to close the browser (IE8) and re-open it so it can take the new changes.
Is there anyone who know how I could disable the cache when Google Chrome Frame is active?
The meta tag I use is :
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate">
If you need any more details, don't hesitate to ask.

An old CGI trick would have been to encode the date as a parameter onto the request so the URL changes with each request. That generally stops any caching on the URL.
So you'd have url?01102010134532 if you encoded date and time down to miliseconds.
If I understand your requirement properly, you'd have to do this in JQuery / JS and would need to modify the parameter on the URL after each AJAX request was made, so the next one would be different to the previous


Pinterest URL Debugger Grabbing Old Info

Running a URL through the Pinterest URL Debugger, and it appears to be caching have old data. Is there a way to force a refresh similar to Facebook's debugger?
I would attempt to clear your browser cache (I'm assuming it's ran in browser).
Maybe it's also using an old cookie, so log out, clear your browser cache/history, then close and open it again. You could also try a different browser to access it.
You could also try changing some old data to see if there is a pinterest db process that's using old data, and an update might refresh it.
Otherwise, you may want to reach out to pinterest support.
OK so it turns out that it was NOT holding on to old information, but rather I was using the incorrect tags for price and currency.
should be og:price:amount and og:price:currency
full documentation for the product type of rich pins:
from above, minimum requirements:
<meta property="og:title" content="Name of your product" />
<meta property="og:type" content="product" />
<meta property="og:price:amount" content="1.00" />
<meta property="og:price:currency" content="USD" />

How do I correctly ENABLE browser caching using codeigniter?

Every time I do I search on this I get information about how to disable the browser cache.
Never anything about enabling it.
How do I get the back button to use the cache and not regenerate the page?
As far as I know you can control to force a browser to reload the data by means of these meta tags:
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
but you cannot force it to read from cache. The browser itself will do that for you if you don't explicitly specify to ignore the cache, and the page data are in fact cached and not expired.
This does not depend on CodeIgniter because it's client-side, but you might want to use the meta() function included in CI's html helper, which will simply output the corresponding meta tag. e.g:
echo meta('Cache-control', 'no-cache', 'http-equiv');
would generate the second code line above.
The 1st meta tag is specified for http/1.0 while the 2nd one is for http/1.1 but both are used to allow backwards compatibility.
If you're using xhtml instead of html remember to close the meta tags with />
Browser caching has nothing to do with codeigniter. You can use html meta tags to instruct the browser specifically not to cache pages or you can set a cache expiry for an individual page like so:
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Mon, 10 Dec 2001 00:00:00 GMT" />
You could use a bit of php to drop tomorrows date in there. The browser (depending on settings) will usually pull as much as it can from the cache automatically, including when clicking the back button - the cache for the back button will work the same as if you were coming in from any other link.
You could set expires headers through your htaccess using something like the following on an apache server (you would have to ask about how to do this on other server types) to tell the browser that is should cache certain types of content for a given periods of time:
ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 60 seconds"
This will tell the browser to store anything of mime type text/html for 60 seconds (this includes codeigniter output) BUT DONT DO THIS if your dealing with dynamic content It will stop any dynamic page content being loaded and will stop any changes to your content being loaded by returning visitors (Obviously this second part is not such an issue with a 60 second cache).
The key thing to realise is that Your page is not one thing, it's made up of lots of parts, some of these parts should be called from cache (js, css, images, etc.) some should not (often html will fall into this category).
The browser will automatically call all the parts of your page from the cache where the cache has not expired.
Usually you would use .htaccess (or similar method) to cache your css, images, etc. (using versioning in filenames to force a reload when they change).
You should also take advantage of server side caching - codeigniter does this for whole pages but I dont tend to find this very helpful for any kind of dynamic site so I would take a look at for using phil sturgeons partial caching library for ci if you are interested in ss caching:
This wont stop a request being sent to the server but will mean that request requires less processing and can be served as one or several pieces of static content.

How to scrape ajax generated content from JSF-Site?

I am currently playing around with different scraping techniques and found out, that it can get pretty complicated quickly when a lot of javascript is involved.
I had some success with HTMLUnit which seems to interpret javascript rather well, but I am looking for a more lightweight solution.
So the problem I am facing now is: I want to retrieve the results of a specific page, which is generated by an ajax call by a click on a certain button.
The call itself is rather simple, just a HTTP Post to a certain URL with a few parameters submitted in the post body. The problem I have now is that the server complains when I submit the HTTP Post to the ajax function without really opening the containing site.
What I basically do for testing is:
curl -v -d "AJAXREQUEST=..." https://myhost/ajaxurl
An what I get is:
<html xmlns="">
<meta name="Ajax-Response" content="true" />
<meta name="Ajax-Expired" content="View state could't be restored - reload page ?" />
The server is running JSF 1.2. What do I have to do, to get the results from the AJAX call? I am not really a JSF expert...
If I had to guess, JSF doesn't have a session associated with the request being sent with curl and therefore the objects associated with the page don't exist. For curl look at section 10, cookies. You would have to pull the page, get the cookies then do the http post with the cookies (starts being a lot of work with curl).
However I would instead suggest looking at Selenium, which has a IDE that generates Java to interact with JavaScript.

GWT with Spring Security Caching Issue on GWT Page

I find this kind of odd I haven't been able to find any information on someone with a similar issue. Anyway, I've integrated Spring Security with GWT, and it appears to work correctly...for the most part. I'm having a caching issue with the main html page in IE and Chrome.
I've separated out Spring Security login to a login.jsp that redirects to my Application.html page (the GWT page), and when I first start the app and access the page, it appears to be working fine in all browsers. I get directed to the login page, because I'm not authenticated.
The issue is that in Chrome or IE, if i close the browser after a successful login, and directly browse back to that Application.html URL, it still renders as if I'm authenticated. I look in my console, and the log statements for spring security verify I am not authenticated. The moment i hit f5 to refresh the page, I get directed back to the login.jsp url.
I'm lead to believe this is some caching issue because when I close the browser and reopen to the html page, even though it renders like I'm logged in, the console log statements say I'm not, and if I run in debug mode, the OnModuleLoad() in never gets hit.
Finally, this appears to work properly in firefox...If anyone has seen this issue or has any advice of where I need to look to fix, I would greatly appreciate the assistance.
I've encountered a similar problems with a web app that I've been working on. I attempted to prevent the browser from caching the page by adding these tags to the page:
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to prevent caching for all browsers. I finally ended up converting the page to a JSP page and adding these statements to the top:
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
I haven't been able to reproduce the problem in Firefox, Chrome or Safari since I made the change. I haven't tested the page with Internet Explorer yet.

Old content appearing on site. Auto Clear Cache?

I have a website that is updated regularly and I am having a problem where old content is showing up on the page. It can be fixed by refreshing a few times or clearing the cache. I am looking for a solution so no data is stored on the PC and the site is forced to refresh each time. Perhaps an auto cache clear plugin or something of the like? Any ideas?
This may sound like a good idea at first but how many users do you hope to support in the future?
I ask because if every request should be completely refreshed every time you are going to have a LOT of traffic on your web server. And, your users are going to start complaining about page load times.
With help from tools like yslow and firebug, we've tried to analyze the portions of our pages that can be cached and those that can't. Tip of the iceburg, but...
Images to support site layout - backgrounds, buttons, etc. should be cached for a very long time. They go in a folder tree flagged by IIS as cachable for a long time. They could be delivered by a CDN long-term. If these have to change, we upload new files with new names.
Script/CSS and other, possibly-changing content goes in another folder that gets a shorter cache duration. This could be a problem if we have to fix bugs, but again, upload a new file with a new name if necessary.
Anything data-driven (our app is a catalog) is localized and gets refreshed every time.
This is still a work-in-progress for us, but we're seeing MUCH less server traffic and MUCH faster page load times.
I hope this helps!
use this, my son
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
Try putting this in your head tags
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
Edit Just a note, this doesn't force the browser not to cache it, but most browsers will listen
i suggest u to try this one , I use this way when my code still on production
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styel.css?v=<?= time(); ?>">
but when u're ready for live mode, put the latest version of ur css, or whatever u want like ?v=1.1
hope it will helps u
