What is the best way to debug an Oracle SP? - oracle

I am sort of new with Oracle. We are having lot of issues.
We use two main clients for running queries. SqlDeveloper (provided by Oracle) and PL/SQL Developer 7.1.
We are trying to debug a stored procedure. Problems are:-
There are some Stored Procedures that are compiled with somename.SPNAME meaning they are in a different schema/or synonym? So when we login to our DB from SQLDeveloper we are not able to see the stored procs that were compiled with somename.SPNAME.
When we login to the Same DB via PL/SQL developer we ARE able to see above mentioned SP's however, we are not able to debug anything. Clicking on Debug toolbar shows everthing is grey'ed out (except setting/modifying breakpoints).
So from here, we need to resolve either of the issues. Either change something in sql developer so all the SP's are shown and then we can debug them (since we know debugger in sql developer works) OR make debugging work in PL/SQL developer.
I know the question and explanation got a little verbose but we are struggling with this problem and could really use some help.

For Oracle SQL Developer, you'll see other schema's objects by expanding the "Other Users" node.
For debugging with PL/SQL Developer, you'll need the "DEBUG CONNECT SESSION" privilege.


Create the database button is not active in Oracle SQL Developer

I don't know how to describe the problems with the Oracle SQL developer program. I am new at this. The story is here;
I downloaded Oracle SQL Developer 22.2. And I started sqldeveloper.exe. Oracle SQL Developer is started but I am not doing anything in this program. Everything freezes. The Create database button is inactive. Press the... button and press .. but nothing changes.
My computer is a gaming computer and not old. The hardware is above the minimum requirements to install the program.
I tried resetting the windows factory settings...
I tried deleting and installing it.
I tried the old version of sqldevelepor.exe...
How can I solve this problem?
SQL Developer is a GUI tool we use to access (most usually) an Oracle database.
But, to do that, you need a database. According to what you said so far, there's none so - SQL Developer itself can't do much.
I'd suggest you to visit the same site (Oracle Technology Network, OTN) from which you downloaded SQL Developer, and this time download the database. Pick the Express Edition (XE) as it is easy to install and use. Along with the installation process, the setup will create the database for you (so you won't have to create it manually).
Then, once it is done, you should be able to use SQL Developer to connect to it. At first, you'll use SYSTEM or SYS users (pay attention to connect as SYSDBA in that case). Don't use these users for anything but administration purposes - create a new user (you can call it e.g. "berfin"), grant privileges to it (most usual are create session, create table, create view, create procedure) so that you could start working with it. In that schema (i.e. user) create your own tables, insert data, do whatever you planned to do).
I believe you should read some documentation first; OTN has it all. Start with the Concepts book, see short DBA (so that you'd be able to create your own user, etc.), have a look at SQL reference book (if you don't know SQL already). That should get you started. On the other hand, you could take shortcuts and check some YouTube videos/tutorials, ask here and there, Google for problems you meet but - in a long turn, if you really want to work with Oracle - read documentation.
tools --> preferences --> environment --> look and feel: windows (not oracle)

OLEDB driver have funny performance on VS2019 SSIS Extension

I have an SSIS that using OLE DB to query oracle database.
The query is actually working well. However, I don’t know why I have following funny performance from my SSIS:
I cannot preview my query result on any data flow, it will turn up with OLEDB run into unknown error
Even clicked “save password”, it will still forgot my password as long as I run into the error from step 1.
I am pretty sure I have OLEDB installed for oracle as I can use debug mode to run the entire package. But I just cannot understand why this happens.
May I ask anyone to share any light?
Thanks in advance!

Is there an editor out there that allows me to test PL/SQL scripts without a connection?

I work at a facility that does not allow me access to a Oracle Database offsite. So I can't connect to the server through a Oracle client connection right now, because of COVID I'm forced to work from home.
I'm required right now to write a PL/SQL script that will update records across the entire database, however I don't know anything about setting up a test environment on my home computer so that I can run the script in a controlled environment to test it before I bring it back on site.
At one of my previous jobs, they had a PROD, PREPROD, and so forth copies of Oracle databases that one could run the script on before I sent it up the chain to production. The setup we're using doesn't have that, just the production database and thus we have the problem with our workflow that we have one shot to get it right.
So my question is, is there an editor out there for Oracle that will allow me to create a test database, so that I can run the script on that, see the results, edit it to make it work right, before I bring it back to work and run it on our production server? I'm opposed to installing a full Oracle database implementation on my own computer for licensing reasons and/or honestly I don't know what I'm doing setting up an Oracle server on my own (Tried it, couldn't even find documentation on it).
Oracle Express Edition (XE) is free so - no licensing reasons here.
If you want, you can download pre-configured Virtual Box machine which has the database already installed, along with SQL Developer GUI tool to access it so you're up and running in a matter of minutes.
Alternatively, create an account on https://apex.oracle.com/en/; it is also free, gives you certain quota (was 25MB, don't know how much is it now, possibly somewhat more than that) which is enough to try your queries.
Or, use https://dbfiddle.uk/
As you can see, there are various options; pick the one that suits you best.

Compilation error with procedures in Oracle SQL Developer

I am constantly facing a strange problem using Oracle SQL Developer.
I have a procedure in my schema, which is correctly compiled. However almost each time I close a database connection or restart computer, I see this procedure uncompiled althought I didn't make any changes in code...
Has anyone ever faced similar case? Thanks in advance for help.

Do I need to install oracle db before using sql developer?

do I need to install oracle db before using sql developer? I just install Oracle Sql Developer and I'm getting a message box saying: "Enter the full pathname for java.exe".
It looks to me like Oracle Sql developer is like the Sql Server Management Studio, which works on top of the Sql Server.
The first thing you'll need is a JDK installation. The message Enter "the full pathname for java.exe" refers to that. You'll need to provide the path of the 'bin' folder in the installed JDK
After that, yes you'll need a database installed on your PC or a remotely accessible DB will also suffice. SQL developer provides just a UI for running your SQL, PL/SQL queries. Its an IDE, not a database
Oracle Database includes SQL Developer but SQL Developer doesn't include a database. You have a few options for getting up and running quickly.
Technically you can use SQL Developer without any database. It has an offline editor, data modeling component, and other features which do not require a database connection.
