Create the database button is not active in Oracle SQL Developer - oracle

I don't know how to describe the problems with the Oracle SQL developer program. I am new at this. The story is here;
I downloaded Oracle SQL Developer 22.2. And I started sqldeveloper.exe. Oracle SQL Developer is started but I am not doing anything in this program. Everything freezes. The Create database button is inactive. Press the... button and press .. but nothing changes.
My computer is a gaming computer and not old. The hardware is above the minimum requirements to install the program.
I tried resetting the windows factory settings...
I tried deleting and installing it.
I tried the old version of sqldevelepor.exe...
How can I solve this problem?

SQL Developer is a GUI tool we use to access (most usually) an Oracle database.
But, to do that, you need a database. According to what you said so far, there's none so - SQL Developer itself can't do much.
I'd suggest you to visit the same site (Oracle Technology Network, OTN) from which you downloaded SQL Developer, and this time download the database. Pick the Express Edition (XE) as it is easy to install and use. Along with the installation process, the setup will create the database for you (so you won't have to create it manually).
Then, once it is done, you should be able to use SQL Developer to connect to it. At first, you'll use SYSTEM or SYS users (pay attention to connect as SYSDBA in that case). Don't use these users for anything but administration purposes - create a new user (you can call it e.g. "berfin"), grant privileges to it (most usual are create session, create table, create view, create procedure) so that you could start working with it. In that schema (i.e. user) create your own tables, insert data, do whatever you planned to do).
I believe you should read some documentation first; OTN has it all. Start with the Concepts book, see short DBA (so that you'd be able to create your own user, etc.), have a look at SQL reference book (if you don't know SQL already). That should get you started. On the other hand, you could take shortcuts and check some YouTube videos/tutorials, ask here and there, Google for problems you meet but - in a long turn, if you really want to work with Oracle - read documentation.

tools --> preferences --> environment --> look and feel: windows (not oracle)


What is suitable Oracle's DB XE version for practice ?, and errors in version 21c

i have some problem with the Oracle DB XE version 21c.
i use it on my laptop to follow a data lab course in my campus
at first usage i try at the campus computer and works normally. but when i download
and install on my laptop (ofc for practice and homework), i encountered some problems
like : username should use "c##" prefix (i avoid using _oracle_script=true
as others recommend)then i got problem when adding select permission to my account via system user,
like i wrote here : grant select on HR.EMPLOYEES to c##SI0x_xxx;
and cmd throws error ORA-00942: table or view does not exist but when i creating an account + schema on my campus's computer it's worked without throws any error.
i also try to drop and re-create the user using system account but nothing worked.
for detail i put the version used on this case.
my laptop uses Oracle's DB Express Edition version 21c (
the campus computer uses an Oracle's DB version 10 (sorry i forgot to write exact version).
at the end i assuming the 21c version not have "HR.EMPLOYEE" table, then i need some helpto find best version to practice.Thanks, and i'am have to say sorry if i did some mistakes and poor at english writing.
i ended to choose 10 or 11g later as my lecturer recommends.
when at version 21c i just getting more problem because this is the first time i use this program and also kinda busy to try it more.
also thanks to anyone who answer thisit's helpful to get some info to try it with newer version if needed.
Oracle 21cXE doesn't contain the HR schema, so you'll have to install it first. Because, grant you ran failed as that table (nor user) exists.
Have a look at Installation of the Sample Schemas document which contains more information.
Once you install HR, connect as HR (no need to use SYSTEM for that) and grant privileges to your newly created user.
Alternatively, why wouldn't you use HR schema directly? It is on your laptop, there's nothing you can spoil (and even if you did, just re-create it).

Is there an editor out there that allows me to test PL/SQL scripts without a connection?

I work at a facility that does not allow me access to a Oracle Database offsite. So I can't connect to the server through a Oracle client connection right now, because of COVID I'm forced to work from home.
I'm required right now to write a PL/SQL script that will update records across the entire database, however I don't know anything about setting up a test environment on my home computer so that I can run the script in a controlled environment to test it before I bring it back on site.
At one of my previous jobs, they had a PROD, PREPROD, and so forth copies of Oracle databases that one could run the script on before I sent it up the chain to production. The setup we're using doesn't have that, just the production database and thus we have the problem with our workflow that we have one shot to get it right.
So my question is, is there an editor out there for Oracle that will allow me to create a test database, so that I can run the script on that, see the results, edit it to make it work right, before I bring it back to work and run it on our production server? I'm opposed to installing a full Oracle database implementation on my own computer for licensing reasons and/or honestly I don't know what I'm doing setting up an Oracle server on my own (Tried it, couldn't even find documentation on it).
Oracle Express Edition (XE) is free so - no licensing reasons here.
If you want, you can download pre-configured Virtual Box machine which has the database already installed, along with SQL Developer GUI tool to access it so you're up and running in a matter of minutes.
Alternatively, create an account on; it is also free, gives you certain quota (was 25MB, don't know how much is it now, possibly somewhat more than that) which is enough to try your queries.
Or, use
As you can see, there are various options; pick the one that suits you best.

SQL Monitoring Window

I tried to use real time sql monitoring tool, but once I started, all the tools bar at the top of the window are grayed out, and once I run the sql query, nothing happens in the monitor window.
The tool is Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Do you know how to make it work or need some special permission?
Thanks in advance for your help.
The Real Time SQL Monitoring tool in Oracle Enterprise Manager (or SQL Developer) requires Enterprise Edition and the Diagnostics and Tuning options (chargeable extras to the EE license). Find out more.
Are you connecting as a SYSDBA account? If not, that might account for the menu items being disabled. However, you should check that your organisation has the necessary licenses before using this feature.
Make sure your database user has privileges on data dictionary views like:
If you're still having issues with EM, then SQL Developer also has an interface for RTSM on the Tools Menu:

would you like to import preferences from previous sql developer installation

First Time I am installing sql developer in my new laptop and I am being ask would you like to import preferences from previous sql developer installation. What should I need to do now?
Please suggest.
If you do not have a prior sqldev on this machine , ignore this dialog and close it.
SQL Developer is a tool which enables you to access a database. Without a database, there's no much use of it.
Therefore, as you asked which username, password and SID you should enter, make sure that there's an available database you could connect to. If there's none, you can install it on your computer.
I'd suggest you to go with Oracle 11g XE which is easy to install (requires several NEXT clicks) and use. The same (download) page contains documentation, just in case you need it.

Oracle Database 12c Installed, but no SQL developer showed up

I've been trying to use Oracle 12c and SQL Developer on a Virtual Machine running Oracle Linux for weeks now but the process gets worse and worse and this is the fifth time I do the same installation again.
I used oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall for the preinstallation process, I also added the groups DBA, OPER, BACKUPDBA, DGDBA, KMDBA, and RACDBA.
I then used the./runInstaller file that comes with the Database and went through the installation process without any issues. But when the installation finished and I closed the installer, there is no trace of SQL Developer anywhere.
I'm not even sure if the Oracle Database was actually installed correctly, I've been running this command to see if it returns me anything in order to check if the database is actually installed but I don't know if i'm correct.
Don't give up. You can do it!
The daunting part of Oracle Database is that you are installing the exact same binaries for your learning environment as the largest bank on this planet has installed in their production environment! Oracle Database is a very sophisticated RDBMS and it takes years to learn it!
Oracle Database and SQL Developer
Oracle Database and SQL Developer are two separate products. You can download both from OTN and install them separately.
Database creation
Did you create a database (datafiles) while installing the binaries? There is a checkbox in the installer for that. You can create a database using the tool dbca (Database Creation Assistant) in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin folder.
Instance not running.
pmon is a vital process for the instance (processes + memory) which indicates it hasn't started. Check /etc/oratab if there is a database added to the file. If yes, fire up!
# set the environment
$. oraenv
# login as sys and start the database
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Best of luck!
