Read Unread SMS on Windows Mobile 5.0 - sms

How to read unread SMS in windows mobile 5.0?
I saw the reference link that is send and receive SMS, but I ask how to read an existing SMS in inbox for particularly "UNREAD" SMS?

This might help
You will probably need to use some native code to access the CE MAPI api to retrieve the messages from the message store.
Alternatively I think mobile in the hand .net components by Peter Foot provides managed wrappers that may do what you need:


Receiving text with C# SDK

While exploring RingCentral C# SDK, we have a requirement of receiving SMS.
I know how to use C# SDK for sending SDK, but wanted to get an idea of receiving it.
I am not sure any plugin I need to fit here.
I haven't got proper answer even searching the Internet.
Any help will be appreciated.
You can receive inbound SMS by subscribing to event notifications for new SMS or by polling the message store API.
Subscribing for Event Notifications
There are to ways to subscribe, using PubNub and using Webhooks.
Using PubNub, you can receive SMS. Check it out here:
If you want WebHook, check the reference:
The direct API of RingCentral APIs to receive SMS content is:
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store/<message id>/content/<attachment id>
Here you need to put the message id and the attachment id which you can use in your C#.

Twilio SMS Physical Phone Integration

In a perfect world, the solution I'm looking for would be an api resource tied to my physical phone, e.g. I could POST an sms message to, and this api would have the end result of sending an sms from my physical phone. This means that the sms conversation would appear natively in my phone; if the recipient replies to the sms, it would appear just as a normal conversation as if I had physically typed the original sms via my phone.
I understand that I could set the replyto/callback/caller-id via Twilio's api. This would mean that the sms gets sent out by the api, and if the recipient replies to it, I could have the reply forwarded to my phone. But what would be missing in this scenario is the original message sent via the api, that the recipient is replying to.
Is there a streamlined way to achieve this, perhaps with Zapier?
One arduous solution I have in mind is to write an on-phone-app to intermediate the sms transmission so that I essentially have an sms-controlled api on the physical phone vs. a traditional http api. (On android, the api would "listen" via DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION and then send via sendTextMessage). But this seems cumbersome and would also require updating the app code when/if android changes the underlying SmsManager library. The advantage of this is that I could avoid Twilio altogether, by using my service provider's email-to-sms to send to the on-phone-makeshift-sms-api.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I think you are looking for a feature that we just announced in preview. This is known as Hosted SMS and allows you to add SMS powered by Twilio to your existing phone number.
You need to apply to get access to Hosted SMS as it is newly in testing. You can do so with the form here:
I've set up texting to a physical phone by using Twilio's SIM cards and associating it to a phone number.

Sending SMS/Text Messages through GMail

I have done a bit of research online regarding this. I found out that Google Chat used to have this function for sending SMS/text messages. Google Hangouts can do that, however I will need to sign up for Project Fi account. Is there any existing methods that can do this (without a cost)?
Thank you in advance.
Some phone carriers have a way to send sms from email.
For example, would send an sms to that phone number.
The only catch is that you would have to know what phone company your recipient is affiliated to.

Is there a way to check for missed/unread notifications?

Is there an api in mango sdk that allows me to programatically poll the notifications/toast to at least get the count. I'd like to write background service check for missed messages.
It's not possible to get hold of the email/SMS messaging details like this in Windows Phone. The only way to interact with the email client is via the SDK Launchers and Choosers: see this link on MSDN.
About all you can do is call the EmailComposeTask or SmsComposeTask for writing a plain text email or SMS, or EmailAddressChooserTask for getting an email address from the address book.
Also bear in mind that launchers and choosers must be initiated by a user action and cannot be launched from any background agent code.

How to send email with an attachment using Windows Phone 7 API?

My WP7 application requirement is to send the email with an attachment and use device default SMTP settings.
I have tried EmailComposeTask class but it doesn't have any member for attachment.
The other idea, i am thinking is to upload the file on server and then send the email from that server.
What you think if there is no way to send the email with an attachment using WP7 API?
Your observation is correct, at this point in time EmailComposeTask doesn't support attachments and this is the only facility to send email programatically from the device at the moment.
As you note, you can communicate with a server which can perform this task on behalf of your app.
I found a wp7 and wp8 library that does it:
Try to create web service to send mail in your webserver. so, we can call the from your app to send mail.
I hope upcoming version it will be possible!
Please check this URL for more details
I've found this article, but I did not make any test yet.
From the author:
EmailComposeTask won’t allow you to send attachments, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot send files through it. .NET Framework has these two amazing methods: Convert.ToBase64String and Convert.FromBase64String. The first will allow the developer to convert a byte array (byte[]) to a Base64-encoded string, the other one will do the same operation in reverse.
Pushing the Limits of the Windows Phone SDK and Sending Files via EmailComposeTask
