Crystal Reports - Browse Data Shows Nothing - oracle

I just created a new table and filled it with data. When I run a simple select query, I can see all the data.
But when I try to build a report in Crystal with this table, I get no data. It doesn't matter if I have other tables included or not, so it isn't a linking issue.
If I right click a field and choose "browse data", I get nothing, which tells me that somehow Crystal can't read the data at all.
I created the table with the same user name/password that I used when connecting to the database from Crystal Reports.
Any ideas?
(If it matters, I'm using Oracle 10g Release 1 and Crystal Reports XI Release 2. We use a direct Oracle connection, not an ODBC.)

I found the problem. I hadn't yet committed the data on the database.
This taught me something about Oracle. I rarely use the "commit" command - but when I have created tables and filled them with data it's been via a "select" statement. Those tables have always worked. This time I did it via the insert all command. I needed to commit for that to work!


Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017 (ODT)

I have created an Oracle Database Project Version 2 on visual studio 2017 and imported an existing database to the project to obtain the database schema on my project, and I got an SQLfile for such object in my project. The problem is when I'm modifying a table for example and saving the changes on my oracle database project and build it, I get a create script as output instead of an alter script so this script can't be deployed to my database due to "existing object error".
I tried to do it otherwise by proceeding to schema compare option:
I launched the schema comparison by mentionning my oracle database project as source and my database as target
The result of the comparison indicated that there is an non indentical object between the source and the target which was the table (because i added a coloumn to the table)
Again the problem is when I generate the update script it gives a drop/create table script instead of an alter and I can't deploy this script because I will lose data.
Does anyone have any ideas? how can I get the alter script by building the project or launching a schema compare operation?
I've found that comparing two databases DO generate a "somewhat" correct diff script (it may need some manual adjustment). So you can run the SQL file generated by the database project against a different oracle instance, and then compare both.

Crystal reports 2013 with oracle DB

i wanna build a crystal report using crystal reports 2013 with oracle database.
i've created an odbc connection to connect to this db named "abc".
then from the database expert in the crystal reports i've created a new connection ,then i've click on odbc ,and i choose the "abc" .
the problem is that only the stored procedure are shown , cannot find any table from the database, only the stored procedure,
i don't know why .. Can any one help me please .
Right click on the connection , go to properties and find the options. Most likely tables are not selected to be shown in the tree

ODAC/Entity Framework Model Update Issues

We are looking to introduce odac into our application but I am running into a number of issues and I can't seem to find any solutions that fix our issues.
We are using an oracle database and trying to use ODAC 12c Release 1 ( with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio.
In our model we would like to have multiple schemas so we can perform cross schema queries. The schemas which we select in the filter for the database connection appear when we are creating the model. However when we try to update our model from the database only the default schema is visible. Sometimes this can be fixed by opening the relevant part of the database in Server Explorer in Visual Studio but this doesn't always work. This fix never works after we add multiple connection strings for the same model (depending on the location of the user will depend on which database the user gets directed to).
The next issue we are having is that we can't the return types of stored procedures to be auto-generate. I have tried to retrieve the column information but it is never able to retrieve the metadata. I have seen a few suggestions of modifying the stored procedures then getting the column information and reverting the stored procedures but this is something we would like to avoid. Also the suggestions don't seem to work on oracle databases (but that could be me, I don't have much experience with databases).
The final issue (this is a minor issue) is that I cannot figure out how to get the generate code to omit underscores from the classes/methods generated. This isn't a huge issue it is purely to make it easier migrating the code we have.

VS 2010 database projects and tables created by "select into"

I am trying to move an existing database into a VS 2010 database project. This database has been around for a very long time and has a lot of stored procedures. Many of those stored procedures create working tables using the SELECT ... INTO syntax. This was done at the time to reduce the amount of data going through the transaction log. When I import the database into the project I deselected the work tables. Now when I look out the warning I see all of my stored procedures are saying that they can't find the work tables. Does anyone have a way of dealing with this? I am slowing converting as much as I can to SSIS but there is some logic that will have to remind in the stored procedures.
In this case you either have to ignore the warnings or import those working tables that are absolutely required for the stored procedures to work. I don't think the project will build properly if the tables are not present, but are expected.
If those tables are already present in the database, you should be fine as they won't be re-created. You can slowly deprecate them as you clean up your stored procedures.

Crystal Reports 2008 doesn't show database tables / views that I know exist

I have a schema in an Oracle 11g R2 database that I'm trying to connect Crystal Reports.
I have two users; an admin user (where I create the views, etc.) and a reporting user that has the ability to query certain tables/views.
In any other database tool (SQL Developer, TOAD, DB Visualizer), I can see the schema along its tables and views, and can query against them and create new views, etc. as I should be able to.
However, in Crystal Reports 2008, when attempting to access the data, the proper schemas/views aren't displayed. Examples:
Creating an ODBC datasource in Crystal (which I believe connects to one I've pre-created in windows that works just fine), only a small subset of schemas are shown in Crystal (but not the one I should be able to see).
Creating an Oracle datasource in Crystal shows me the schema, and all of the tables I believe, but only one of the views (not the one I need).
NOTE: Normally I would think that it's a permissions issue on the database, except that I can access these schemas/tables/views properly from every other client I've tried.
Any ideas? Is it the drivers that Crystal 2008 uses? Is it still somehow possibly a permissions issue? I'd appreciate any insight you fine folks have.
Looks like this was indeed an error on our DBA's part. A certain level of "select" permissions in their permission model was preventing access. It appears to have been resolved.
But if anyone would like to help me gather all copies of Crystal 2008 in a warehouse and light them on fire, be my guest. :)
I've got a better one...
I was working with this for a long time today, trying to help one of our new developers. He had developed a report from a different workstation against a different data source, and we needed to swap the data source when we transferred it to the new network. Fired up CR, Showed him how to "Set Datasource Location", we get the account information, check the connection string, etc. Get ready to show him how to replace one db w/ another... find the connection, open the server, pop out the databases, open the database to show the tables and... Nothing. Hm...
Try a different account that I know works. Strange, THAT one doesn't see any tables either. Try a different database. OK, now I'm a little off-balance... Remote into the web server to see if I can run one from there. Fire up CR, Open an existing report, hit refresh, put the PW in, and voila! Data. Lots. Copy his report up, remote in, open it, get ready to Set Datasource Location, and ... nothing.
Spoke w/ the DBA, watched/walked him through the check, still nothing.
Funny thing was, if I had a report that had connected before, it would run. Wonderful! Check the available tables... nothing. Quick jump to look at the db... I can see the privileges, I can see everything set fine. Cool. Tried again, nothing.
OK, spoke to another DBA. I walk him through CR to show him the issue, he and I are going to explicitly set permissions. I open the data source in CR, right click to look at Properties, and... noticed that I hadn't check Options. Sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Open Options, and notice in the Data Explorer section, TABLES is not checked.
I remember WHY I set it... a long time ago. The DB has thousands of tables, and I knew which ones I needed. I paste a command and go, I never CHOOSE tables.
So... Check TABLES, and thousands of tables show up again. Sigh.
this will list only that schema. Crystal Report has some limit is loading all table names so select the scheme so that it will load only that schema.
