Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017 (ODT) - oracle

I have created an Oracle Database Project Version 2 on visual studio 2017 and imported an existing database to the project to obtain the database schema on my project, and I got an SQLfile for such object in my project. The problem is when I'm modifying a table for example and saving the changes on my oracle database project and build it, I get a create script as output instead of an alter script so this script can't be deployed to my database due to "existing object error".
I tried to do it otherwise by proceeding to schema compare option:
I launched the schema comparison by mentionning my oracle database project as source and my database as target
The result of the comparison indicated that there is an non indentical object between the source and the target which was the table (because i added a coloumn to the table)
Again the problem is when I generate the update script it gives a drop/create table script instead of an alter and I can't deploy this script because I will lose data.
Does anyone have any ideas? how can I get the alter script by building the project or launching a schema compare operation?

I've found that comparing two databases DO generate a "somewhat" correct diff script (it may need some manual adjustment). So you can run the SQL file generated by the database project against a different oracle instance, and then compare both.


Visual Studio 2013 - DB Data Compare

I know you can compare and sync data between databases in Visual Studio using SSDT. But is there a way to compare DB data in DB project vs actual DB?
We currently use RedGate to sync schema and data and normally when someone makes a data change in their local DB he syncs it with redgate project scripts and checks them in to GIT so that everyone can sync their local DBs with those redgate scripts to be up to date. RedGate became too expensive and we are looking at the alternatives and looks like Visual Studio has SSDT that allows to do these kind of things.
So I was able to create a database project in VS and import the schema from the DB so now all developers be up to date if schema changes but it doesn't have an option to do the same thing with DB data. No option to create data scripts (and add them to the database project) to compare with DB, as I said it only allows you to do data compare between DBs but not between DB and the DB project scripts, at least that's what I found so far. Is there even a way to do it so that we can include data scripts and be able to sync them with DBs?
You could check in MERGE-scripts for static tables and include them as Post Scripts.
The merge statements will ensure that your target tables have the correct rows when publishing (insert/update/delete in the merge will do this).
Make one merge script file per table, and include them all in your Post Script File.
Only difference/downside is that you can not import into the merge script, you have to type in the code to get it version controlled, or write an SP that generates the SQL Merge statement.

How to run script generated by publish for SQL Data project

I'm using SSDT (in SQL Data Project) in Visual Studio 2013. When I publish the database, I can
Do a direct publish (click the publish button)
Generate the script, then execute in Visual Studio
But the script does pretty much nothing (apparently) if I copy it to SSMS and try to execute it (in SQLCMD mode).
How would I execute a generated script outside of Visual Studio? Do I have to use sqlcmd.exe? And if so, are there certain command line parameters that I would need to use?
The comment by Peter helped me look at the issue from a new angle. It wasn't a database problem, but a table issue. The database has an auditing table for every table. I was updating the Address table (I thought), but instead updated the A_Address table. It was all working fine. The first run updated the audit table, subsequent runs didn't (of course), but I was checking the Address table for the update. Doh! New database, new technology....

Sql Server 2008 Database Project Delta Deployment

I have created a new Sql 2008 Database Project in Visual Studio 2010. I imported the database objects and only kept the stored procedures. That all worked as expected. Where I have the problem is that it tries to deploy the entire set of procedures each time. I expect it to only create the deployment script for the delta. I am pretty sure that I combed every setting, but I can't find it. So if someone could first validate that this is possible and second tell me where to look. I need to do this because we only deploy the stored procedures with each release, the database schema is not modified.
Do a Schema compare of the project (as source) with the database where you want to deploy (as target). Once shcem comparison results are shown you have a choice to select which changes you want to deploy and then click the button "Export to T-SQL Editor". It will create the delta script.

How to make Visual studio schema comparison igonore database references

We are using Visual studio 2010 and our database scripts are in a database project.
We have two databases DB1 and DB2. DB1 uses DB2.
I created a database project for each of databases and added DB2's .dbschema file as a "Database Reference" to DB1's project.
So my code for my view in DB1 is like
CREATE VIEW dbo.myView
SELECT * FROM [$(DB2Ref)].dbo.SomeTable
Until here all is fine.
But when i make a schema comparison between actual DB1 database and DB1 database project, comparison finds a difference between "myView" in project and "myView" in database.
Is there a way to make schema comparisons igonore these referenced database variables ?
Yo can set the Default for the SQL CMD Variable in the project settings to the actual database name. The schema compare in visual studio will then know that there is no change.
Unfortunately if you compare against different databases with different names, you'll need to change this Default each time to the database you're comparing to.
Setting SQL Cmd variable Default
SQL Schema Compare of View - the top is without the default defined and thus the object is marked as a change, and the bottom with the variable defined and thus marked as no-action
Sorry not enough rep to add images or more than 3 links yet

How to create incremental scripts to update database schemas using Visual Studio 2010?

I'm trying to use VS 2010 Sql Server Database Project to keep track on changes made on my database and to generate appropriate scripts when a change needs to be deployed from dev to production environment.
I have created my schema comparison between my dev database and the project schema which does a great job. However, I cannot find a way to create incremental scripts, the only things I get are scripts with CREATE statements (Export to Editor option).
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance.
As part of our auto build process, we store .dbschema files for each environment in source control. During the build, we create the .dbschema file based on the database project and then use vsdbcmd command line call to generate the change script between the project schema and each destination DB schema. If you need specific command line call, let me know.
If you're using "Data Dude" correctly, these are done for you and run when you choose Deploy. Just keep your schema (tables, stored procs, populate scripts etc) as a project item and change it as you need to. The build-and-deploy process will generate the scripts. is a not-bad starting point if you want to get these scripts and run them youself against various staging, production, etc databases.
In the .deploymentmanifest file there are two settings:
Running vsdbcmd will then generate the change scripts without affecting the target database. All you'd need is a version of the database which is the same as the production version, or access to point vsdbcmd at production to generate the script.
