IIS 7.5 under Win7 Prof. 64bit Returning Blank Page (No HTML at all) - windows

I am trying to setup my development environment in Windows7 and am having trouble getting IIS to work. I have set everything up like I have been doing since IIS6 so I have the basics down. My problem must be in something that has changed between IIS7 and IIS7.5 or in the OS.
None of my websites will return html. Not the default site and not a newly added site.
If I
telnet localhost 80
Then at the blank screen
GET / <enter>
I get nothing, not a single header or HTML element.
If I enter garbage instead of a GET request I get the following HTML:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Content-Type:
text/html; charset=us-ascii Server:
Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 Date: Thu, 17
Sep 2009 17:04:01 GMT Connection:
close Content-Length: 326
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Bad
Request</TITLE> <META
<BODY><h2>Bad Request - Invalid
Verb</h2> <hr><p>HTTP Error 400. The
request verb is invalid.</p>
So that proves IIS is there and handling requests on port 80.
In my IIS Logs path, I have no files at all. So for whatever reason logs aren't being written.
If I view the Basic Settings on the Web Site in IIS Manager then click the Test Connection button I get an error related to permissions:
The server is configured to use
pass-through authentication with a
built-in account to access the
specified physical path. However, IIS
Manager cannot verify whether the
built-in account has access. Make sure
that the application pool identity has
Read access to the physical path. If
this server is joined to a domain, and
the application pool identity is
NetworkService or LocalSystem, verify
that \$ has
Read access to the physical path. Then
test these settings again.
My AppPool is running as ApplicationPoolIdentity which doesn't seem to be a real user, so I can't give ApplicationPoolIdentity file permissions. I did as a test give IIS_IUSR and everybody else I could find full access to the path.
No matter what I have done up to this point, I have not seen IIS say the permissions are correct. However, I have also never seen an error, especially not a permissions error (300s).
So, any ideas? I have tried to completely remove IIS, c:\inetpub and then reinstall everything. I am basically doing the default setup here, so it must be something simple.
Thanks for your time...

I solved it. For anybody else having the issue, here is what I did.
First to replicate the issue: I was installing IIS by choose "ASP.NET" in the Add/Remove Windows features menus. This was selecting everything needed for IIS to run .NET apps, but interestingly it couldn't serve static pages (.html, css, js etc.) My test page was just a hello world .html page, so that is why it wasn't being served.
To fix it: To enable serving of Static content you must specifically choose "Static Content" under Common HTTP Features in the same Add/Remove Windows Features list. Once you do this my test page worked fine.
In summary: I don't understand how a typical .NET would run without static content (CSS, Images, Javascript), so I don't know why MS wouldn't include Static Content by default when choosing ASP.NET. Perhaps my workflow in installing IIS was wrong.
I'm sure there was a way to trace the flow of the request to find static content requests were getting blocked, but I don't know how to do that.

Matt Cofer's resolution is correct: in order to view static content you must have installed the Static Content feature during your initial installation. However, I found that Add/Remove features did not work for me: it only showed a subset of features and nothing to do with IIS.
So... here's another way to install Static Content:
Open Server Manager
Start Menu > type "server manager" in search field > click resulting link
Expand the Roles node
Right-click Web Server (IIS) node to view context menu
Select Add Role Services from the context menu
When the Add Role Services window opens, navigate to Web Server > Common HTTP Features
Enable Static Content
Click Next


How do I stop iisnode on Windows Server 2019 from caching my javascript files?

I have a node.js application running on iisnode running on IIS 10 running on Windows Server 2019.
At one of these layers, there seems to be some caching of javascript files. For example, in my app.js file, I had this:
fs.appendfilesync('log.txt', 'CORS set up.\n');
...which was giving me the error:
appendfilesync is not a function.
I realized I had a typo: it should be camel cased. So I changed it to:
fs.appendFileSync('log.txt', 'CORS set up.\n');
But it kept giving me the same error, even specifying the exact same line and column in the file.
I know the caching is occuring on the server because the error is logged to iisnode's logs and because I leave it for a day and try again the next day and the error no longer occurs.
It's extremely frustrating when I'm trying to fix things on the server and I can't test my fix because it stubbornly won't update the cache.
How can I force iisnode, IIS, or Windows Server 2019 (whichever one is doing the caching, if not more than one) to clear the cache or to not cache?
Thank you.
Please make sure you assigned the iis_iusrs and iusr full control permission to the log.txt file.
To disable caching in iis you could follow the below steps:
1)using output caching:
Select your site in iis.
Double click on output caching feature from the middle pane.
Click edit feature setting from the action pane.
Uncheck Enable cache and Enable kernel cache.
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager select your site.
In the Home pane, double-click HTTP Response Headers.
In the Set Common HTTP Response Headers dialog box, check the box to expire Web content, select the option to expire after a specific interval or at a specific time, and then click OK.

CRM 2016 html page 500 - internal server error

In dynamics CRM 2016 I have a custom button that opens up a HTML WebResource and runs some JavaScript.
It works perfectly in our development environment.
However, in our pre-production it gives the message:
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
F12 Debugging only provides the same message, and i cannot access the specific resources (the code) because it is a managed solution in preproduction.
Google only return very general "500 error fixes", or similar questions that have not been answered, that are very old.
Any suggestions how to go about this?
(And yes I have checked that it is actually pointing at the correct files).
It turns out that in the RibbonWorkbench in the Url command the path called, begins with /Udv/WebResources/myPage.htm, which is a hardcoded part of the development path.
The answer was to change the parameter to $webresource:myPage.htm

WordPress Website shows 403 error when accessing wp-admin/ajax.php page from front end

I am running a WordPress on an Azure Web app connecting to a MySQL server on a different Windows server. When loading the mentioned page in Chrome, it shows 2 popups 403 & Forbidden. Checking the console throws this error - ecbcc.js:2 POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 403 (Forbidden)
This works fine on FireFox & IE but not on Chrome. Any ideas why?
This is because of your cache. Minified version of JS is causing the issue in chrome browser. Check or purge the cache and check for the permissions applied to cached files as well.
I faced the same issue but it took a long time for me to fix it. Because my solution was not caused by common things like cache, .htaccess, files permissions, etc. I apply all the possible solutions as described here. When nothing worked for me, then I talked with my hosting provider and the issue was on their side. Actually, the server has black-listed my IP.
Below is the reply from the support of my hosting provider:
After checking it, it looks like the issue is caused by trigger
ModSecurity rules.
ModSecurity is an Apache module that works as a web application
firewall. It blocks known exploits and provides protection from a
range of attacks against web applications. However, sometimes,
mod_security may incorrectly determine that a certain request is
malicious, while it is actually legitimate. In such a situation, we
can whitelist the triggered mod_security rule on the server, so that
you can bypass the block.
In order to properly investigate, we need you to share your IP address
with us. You can copy it from here: https://ip.web-hosting.com/
Looking forward to your response.
This error can appear for more than one reason. Except for the accepted answer, if you are using a shared hosting solution as a server then it would be best to contact the support of the service. Also if you use Plesk or Cpanel you can check the server logs to see if there is any false positive rule that from mod_security that catches the error. Then you can find the error that could look something like that:
ModSecurity: Warning. Match of "test file" against "REQUEST_FILENAME" required. [file "/etc/httpd/conf/modsecurity.d/rules/custom/006_i360_4_custom.conf"] [line "264"] [id "77140992"]
You can apply the ID on your firewall exclusion list (if this is provided by your hosting service) and then the server will not block the request anymore.
IMPORTANT: If you are not sure what you are doing, ask your hosting provider for support. Experimenting on live servers/sites is not the best option and I would strongly recommend avoiding it.

Why am I getting error 500.0 in when using IIS Express (significant debug info included)

I created a blank MVC 3 application on VS2010 SP1, and set the app to use IIS Express. When I debug, I get error 500.0 (0x80070585)
I am able to succesfuly run the app using the VS dev server
I have set the app directory to Full Permissions for Everyone, just to eliminate all possibility of security issues. I have further verified that IIS express is able to hit the web.config by confirming it using SysInternals ProcMon. ProcMon does not show the IISExpress process attempting to read from any other files in my application directory.
I have followed the suggestions in the following question, but it does not give me any better information. HTTP 500 Internal Error - IIS websites
No logs are generated in the IISExpress directory in either the Logs or TraceLogs directory, but a log is created in Temp, however it is not very useful.
Successfully registered URL "http://localhost:62017/" for site "MvcApplication1" application "/"
Registration completed for site "MvcApplication1"
Request ended: http://localhost:62017/ with HTTP status 500.0
Request ended: http://localhost:62017/ with HTTP status 500.0
Request ended: http://localhost:62017/ with HTTP status 500.0
There are no messages I am able to find in the Event Viewer
**Updates : **
Disabled firewall, no change
Ran IISExpress via command line, no change
I had the same issue last week, the app running perfect in dev web server from VS Studio. But in IISExpress anytime HTTP Error 500. My solution on this time was:
close VS Studio - solution set with IISExpress
got to: /Document/IISExpress/config/ in your profile
rename or delete applicationhost.config
open your solution in VS Studio
a Dialog will fire up from IISExpress - this will set a fresh config.
try to run your web app
You may have some mime code in the Web.Config file like this:
<mimeMap fileExtension=".svg" mimeType="image/svg+xml" />
if so, you should remove mimeMap before adding like this:
<remove fileExtension=".svg" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".svg" mimeType="image/svg+xml" />
This may be related to a conflict between the IIS Express applicationhost.config and your web.config.
A mimeType was added to my local web.config that was already present in the applicationhost.config and IIS Express started serving many 500 errors.
You may also notice this error in your Windows Event Log, "The directory specified for caching compressed content is invalid. Static compression is being disabled."
More info: http://blog.degree.no/2013/04/the-directory-specified-for-caching-compressed-content-is-invalid-static-compression-is-being-disabled/
I removed the mimeTypes from the web.config and the issue was resolved.
applicationhost.config location: C:\Users\[User]\Documents\IISExpress\config
reinstalling iis express appears to have resolved this problem
Are you using any PLINQ(.AsParallel) or Parallel.For or similar methods? I've found that the AggregateExceptions they throw aren't handled well by MVC (In my case, I got a blank 500 page and nothing in Logs/Event logs).
I identified the problem by paying attention to the "First Chance" exceptions which are logged in the Debug output window in VS. Try running the site, waiting for it to error, clearing the Debug window and the reloading the page. Do you see anything useful?
There might be a problem with your config files, specifically web.config and applicationhost.config.
The only way I know how to diagnose this, is to publish a build to regular IIS, and in IIS Manager check the "Error Pages" module of the Site. If it is indeed an issue with those config files, you'll get a popup here with something along the lines: "Cannot add duplicate entry of type …". Google accordingly.
If the "duplicate entry" is of type "error", you can try adding the following element below httpErrors:
<remove statusCode="404"/>
That is, assuming you have an Error element below the HttpErrors with statusCode 404. (I had once.)
In my case the issue was caused by using windows authentication + firefox + wrong domain login with insufficient permissions.
My dev machine is using windows domain "domA", the application will run in an environment accepting logins from domain "domA" and "domB". While on the webserver both will work, on my dev machine only my account in "domA" has sufficient permissions to access all files of the application. In IE "domA" is used by default while in FF I get a login dialog where I did login with my account from "domB".
Confusing issue I know, but maybe there is someone else having the same situation. At least it will help me the next time I run into it. :)
Just in case catches someone else out, I had similar error but the issue was I had updated my web.config and there was an extra ">" character where it should be.. so malformed web.config file can cause the same behaviour.

My Working Application MVC3 Razor Unexplainably stopped working :-( IIS 7

I have the following projects within my solution.
MyWebApplication.Data --> Here i interact with my Data Repository
MyWebApplication.Services --> Here i interact with the Data Layer
MyWebApplication.Web --> The UI which relies on the Service Layer
MyWebApplication.Tests --> Unit testing project
For MONTHS i have had NO problems with IIS in my local dev environment. Ready for a long weekend of programming but all day i have been getting 500 Server Errors when simply trying to resolve the Home page. Before I went to bed all was well, the entire day thereafter i could NOT even load the home/index view.
After looking at the logs it says continually MyWebApplication.Data.System (which is a class i created called System()) does not include Web. But no where in code is this true. Then i get another error of mismatching files in the Temp Directory.
Steps I have taken:
Deleted all temp files
Created a new repository in IIS and pointed URL there, No luck
Cleaned solution
Deleted all bin folders to have regenerated... No Luck
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Without the details of the error messages, one strategy may be to create a new MVC project and copy/paste the files over to it.
A few other common causes:
Are you referencing any 64-bit libraries but compiling the project as 32-bit (or vice-versa)? Try changing the "bitness" of your application.
If your application is 32-bit and is running on a 64-bit server, you need to enable running 32-bit apps in IIS. See http://exhibita.com/blog/post/2010/03/30/IIS-75-on-x64-with-32bit-applications.aspx
If all else fails, please post the exact error messages. If all it says is "HTTP 500: Internal Server Error", you should enable debug output or run your app from the server itself (actually using a web browser on the server), which will tell IIS it's "safe" to display full debug information. The debugging messages have actually been pretty useful in my experience.
Figured it out. In
MyWebApplication.Web project, within the Shared/Site.Master I added a imported a reference to my Data Layer. (i.e., <%# Import Namespace="MyWebApplication.Data" %>
I resolved by removing the static reference to my ShoppingCart class in the Data layer and just created an ActionResult to return the same and in the MasterPage (which currently holds the javsscript to allow the user to peek into their cart from anywhere in the site without a redirect to a specific page) used the Html.RenderAction() and just returned Content(shoppingCartString).
Guess I have learned that within the Site.Master page it is complied differently than every other page in an MVC application. I can positively say this because in other pages I am doing exactly as I attempted to do here without any issues. Maybe its the build process?
Anyhow, problem solved and hopefully it can help someone else too.
