CRM 2016 html page 500 - internal server error - dynamics-crm

In dynamics CRM 2016 I have a custom button that opens up a HTML WebResource and runs some JavaScript.
It works perfectly in our development environment.
However, in our pre-production it gives the message:
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
F12 Debugging only provides the same message, and i cannot access the specific resources (the code) because it is a managed solution in preproduction.
Google only return very general "500 error fixes", or similar questions that have not been answered, that are very old.
Any suggestions how to go about this?
(And yes I have checked that it is actually pointing at the correct files).

It turns out that in the RibbonWorkbench in the Url command the path called, begins with /Udv/WebResources/myPage.htm, which is a hardcoded part of the development path.
The answer was to change the parameter to $webresource:myPage.htm


Version 4.0 localhost testing getting 3228 : The ThreeDSNotificationURL field format is invalid

I am currently testing the changes for version 4.0 of the protocol for PSD2 using Direct Integration.
I am running under Visual Studio using a localhost website address.
When calling the SagePay payment endpoint with ThreeDSNotificationURL set as a localhost address (http://localhost:15536/Payments/ThreeDResponse) I receive the following error '3228 : The ThreeDSNotificationURL field format is invalid.'
If I change this field to a fully qualified domain ( I no longer receive the error, but can't complete my testing.
Using localhost for the termurl in version 3.0 of the protocol works as expected.
I was attempting to work locally like your self and receiving the same issue. After speaking with support they confirmed that they will not accept "localhost". Also, the documentation suggests that HTTPS is a requirement, so this might also be a blocking factor.
I think someone suggested using ngrok as a means of tunneling external requests into your localhost, which is a good method to continue development locally whilst also being visible externally to services like SagePay.
Once I got passed the above issue, I got several more errors for other missing required fields as listed here; (note that if BrowserJavascriptEnabled is true all conditional fields are then required)
Did you URL encode the ThreeDSNotificationURL in your post?
I send it like that and it is ok:
I run the site on my local IIS for development.
I recently had this issue and I wanted to document it here, because searching for this issue gives very little in terms of results.
I was getting this error code when i switched my Opayo/SagePay extension (MageNest SagePay for Magento) to 3ds2.
As it turns out, the full URL wasn't being sent. It was trying to send sagepay/direct/postBack?form_key=HZuYxgiEq9w2CNFB and NOT It's partly my fault because there was a domain field in the config which was empty (it's not like the domain can't be retrieved automatically, huh) and partly the vendors fault because it was very badly documented.
So while this is a different problem for a different platform, I hope this helps someone.

Web API 404 File or Directory not Found for "root" routes

I am developing a RESTful web api service. It's web api v.1, not v.2. Also I am developing on Visual Studio 2010 SP1. I have installed the MVC 4 for VS2010 SP1.
Please understand and keep in mind that Upgrading to newer versions of VS or Web Api 2 is not an option.
I have the following problem after a Windows Update ocurred.
When I try to use my RESTful api this way.... (get all the documents) I get the following error...
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Here is the stack trace.
[HttpException]: File does not exist. at System.Web.StaticFileHandler.GetFileInfo(String virtualPathWithPathInfo, String physicalPath, HttpResponse response) at System.Web.StaticFileHandler.ProcessRequestInternal(HttpContext context, String overrideVirtualPath) at System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback callback, Object state) at system.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
If I specify the action name directly, it works. For example... (gets all the documents) or (gets document id=7.
It only fails when you call it by its default name. I have already read similar situations here and I have tried to follow their solutions but they are not working for me properly.
Now, I know this is not a "web api routing" issue because I actually get the .net default exception page html markup (I am using Postman to test my webservice). When I force a "routing issue", then I get a JSON error description, which means that the Controller actually got created in the pipeline and returned a response.
Also, I have a custom file (SecurityHandler) that inherits from DelegatingHandler. This file gets executed almost first in the pipeline with each call to the api. Even before the actual Controller. Well, this file is never called when I get the error, which confirms to me that the "webserver" (either VS Development Server or IIS 7) is the one throwing the exception.
I have exhausted every single solution that I have found here. Change my web.config to multiple handlers configurations, re-installed MVC 4 for VS2010, created an entire new project... all these efforts have shown no results whatsoever.
Like I said, this was working perfectly fine until my pc restarted from a Windows Update BUT... why does it fail in the server as well? I did deploy my api to the server after the error started to occur.
The issue is not in Web API (and has nothing to do with it's version or Visual Studio 2010), it's the static file handler trying to serve and failing.
0. Do you have a documents folder in your site? Get rid of it.
1. Remove the static file handler for directory browsing and re-add it.
2. Use RAMMFAR (less recommended)

500 - Internal server error. IIS 7 using classic asp

500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
Now showing error res-one. Please, how can I debug this asp classic language in PC?
Try to restart ISS, check paths, full reload page (Ctlr+F5)...
If you can, turn on logging in IIS and then check the log after you receive the 500 server error. Also, you can try using the FireFox browser, sometimes it will tell you which line of your code is having a problem.

My Working Application MVC3 Razor Unexplainably stopped working :-( IIS 7

I have the following projects within my solution.
MyWebApplication.Data --> Here i interact with my Data Repository
MyWebApplication.Services --> Here i interact with the Data Layer
MyWebApplication.Web --> The UI which relies on the Service Layer
MyWebApplication.Tests --> Unit testing project
For MONTHS i have had NO problems with IIS in my local dev environment. Ready for a long weekend of programming but all day i have been getting 500 Server Errors when simply trying to resolve the Home page. Before I went to bed all was well, the entire day thereafter i could NOT even load the home/index view.
After looking at the logs it says continually MyWebApplication.Data.System (which is a class i created called System()) does not include Web. But no where in code is this true. Then i get another error of mismatching files in the Temp Directory.
Steps I have taken:
Deleted all temp files
Created a new repository in IIS and pointed URL there, No luck
Cleaned solution
Deleted all bin folders to have regenerated... No Luck
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Without the details of the error messages, one strategy may be to create a new MVC project and copy/paste the files over to it.
A few other common causes:
Are you referencing any 64-bit libraries but compiling the project as 32-bit (or vice-versa)? Try changing the "bitness" of your application.
If your application is 32-bit and is running on a 64-bit server, you need to enable running 32-bit apps in IIS. See
If all else fails, please post the exact error messages. If all it says is "HTTP 500: Internal Server Error", you should enable debug output or run your app from the server itself (actually using a web browser on the server), which will tell IIS it's "safe" to display full debug information. The debugging messages have actually been pretty useful in my experience.
Figured it out. In
MyWebApplication.Web project, within the Shared/Site.Master I added a imported a reference to my Data Layer. (i.e., <%# Import Namespace="MyWebApplication.Data" %>
I resolved by removing the static reference to my ShoppingCart class in the Data layer and just created an ActionResult to return the same and in the MasterPage (which currently holds the javsscript to allow the user to peek into their cart from anywhere in the site without a redirect to a specific page) used the Html.RenderAction() and just returned Content(shoppingCartString).
Guess I have learned that within the Site.Master page it is complied differently than every other page in an MVC application. I can positively say this because in other pages I am doing exactly as I attempted to do here without any issues. Maybe its the build process?
Anyhow, problem solved and hopefully it can help someone else too.

Team test: Failing load. Request failed: The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR must be followed by LF

The folk in the QA department use visual studio team test (2008 IIRC) to run load tests against our web application.
The latest set of tests have failed on several pages. The error reported is
Request failed: The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR must be followed by LF
Searching for this using google yields quite a few results. it would appear that this error message is generated from the .Net framework WebRequest class (i.e. it is not a visual studio specific message). The most useful result is this one, which details my exact problem and how to suppress the error.
But of course, I want to get to the bottom of why this error occurs in the first place. Here are some more facts: -
This error never used to occur when the tests were run against an older version of the web app. The web app. host OS and web server (Win 2003 and IIS 6) are identical in both cases.
Not all the pages generate this error - only some.
The only significant change to these pages (that I can think of) is that they now use some AJAX whereas before they did not (IIRC)
In order to narrow down the problem, I created the simplest page that I could to replicate the problem. Luckily, that was not too hard. I then inspected the bytes in the header using Fiddler but I could not find an occurrence of a CR (0x0D) that was not followed by a LF (0x0A).
The raw HTTP response (as stored from Fiddler by response saving bytes - so its encoding should not have been altered during the save) is here as text if you don't believe me!
So now I am left thinking that the supposed error might be a false alarm. Does anyone else have experience of this/can help shed light?
This is definitely not a false alarm - I've been getting this error in my app a lot while trying to communicate with Facebook API.
I've just stumbled upon this response from Steven Cheng - - and let me quote him:
From your description, you're using
the HttpWebRequest component to send
some http request to some external web
resource in your ASP.NET web
application. However, you're always
getting the "The server committed a
protocol violation.
Section=ResponseStatusLine" error
unless you set the following section
in the web.config file:
<httpWebRequest useUnsafeHeaderParsing="true" />
And you're wondering the cause of this behavior, correct?
As for this issue, I've performed some
research on this and found that the
problem is actually caused by the
critical http header
parsing/validating of the
HttpWebRequest component. According to
the Http Specification(http1.1), the
HTTP header keys shoud specifically
not include any spaces in their names.
However, some web servers do not fully
respect standards they're meant to.
Applications running on the Dotnet
framework and making heavy use of http
requests usually use the
httpWebRequest class, which
encapsulates everything a web oriented
developer could dream of. With all the
recently issues related to security,
the "httpWebRequest" class provides a
self protection mechanism preventing
it to accept HTTP answers which not
fully qualify to the specifications.
The common case is having a space in
the "content-length" header key. The
server actually returns a "content
length" key, which, assuming no spaces
are allowed, is considered as an
attack vector (HTTP response split
attack), thus, triggering a "HTTP
protocol violation error" exception.
Will try if this helps right now and post results later
