How to get the folder creation time (with milliseconds)? - windows

I need folder creation time with milliseconds in Windows.

There's a fundamental problem: the filesystem doesn't store the creation time of a file, only the time the file structure was last updated.
This is true on both Windows (read it carefully) and Unix.


how to know a file's create time by others

My Dear Friends,
I have a question which puzzled me for quite a long time. It is about the create time of a file. Some one create a file on his PC. There should contain a create time for this file. Like below:
The if he copied this file to other folders or send this file to others by email. The create time will change. So this create time does not mean the time the file was initially created by the guy, but means the time the file was moved to the folder.
Here comes the question: how can i know the correct initial create time of the file(should be independent of a system)?
Thanks so much for your reply.
There is no general way to do this. The create time for a file is stored on the filesystem or in an archive (ZIP files store the last modification date and time only, for example).
Sometimes, but not always, a file's creation and modification times are updated when it is copied to another filesystem, device, or archive. This behavior depends on the tool used to do the copying. If the original date/time are not preserved during the copy, then that information is lost.

How to append current date to property file value every day in Unix?

I've got a property file which is read several times per day by an external application in order to process some files. One of the properties tells the app where to store the processed files. Application runs on Linux.
The problem is that every day several files are thrown in that path and after several months, I would have thousands of files in this plane folder.
Question: How can I append the current date to this property file so it would look like:
This would be updated every day at 12:00AM so for example today it would be
The file is /u02/oapp/configuration/
Thanks in advance
Instead of appending current date to the property, add additional logic to the code that stores the processed files so that:
it takes the base directory from the property file (success_path in your case)
it creates a year/month/day directory to store the files
Something like:
/u02/oapp/success/year/month/day (as in `/u02/oapp/success/2017/01/01`)
/u02/oapp/success/yearmonth/day (as in `/u02/oapp/success/201701/01`)
/u02/oapp/success/yearmonthday (as in `/u02/oapp/success/20170101`)
If you don't have the capability to change the app's behavior, you might need to write a cron job that periodically moves the files external to the app.
jq -Rr 'select(startswith("success_path="))="success_path=/u02/oapp/success/"+(now|strflocaltime("%d-%b-%Y")|ascii_upcase)' /u02/oapp/configuration/ | sponge /u02/oapp/configuration/

why replacing a file doesn't renew its creation time?

I use windows system. I have two files in two directory. One with creation time 2015/5/15 15:35, the other with creation time 2015/5/15 9:48. After I replace the second one with the first one, the modified time of the two files are the same, but why the creation time of the second file doesn't change and is still 2015/5/15 9:48?!

How to check if file is being copied under macOS

Users on our network copy files on the server in a directory called "DropBox" with AFP connection, simply dragging them with the Finder.
A script running on the server checks periodically for the presence of new files inside "DropBox" and then moves them with mv into other directories.
How can the script check if a file is being copied (and wait for the process to complete before moving it away)?
I've tried with fuser filename with no success. If the file copy is issued by a remote machine fuser reports that no process is using the file.
There are two approaches to this problem:
1. flag the filename to tell the file is partial:
When a file is written (moved/copied) into the DropBox .part extension is added to the name. When the writing is over the .part extension is removed.
Other processes operate on files only if the .part extension is not present.
2. check the file size; if it's constant then the write operation is ended (maybe)
This is less accurate and more complicated that (1) but offer a good guess if option 1 is not viable for whatever reason.
For each file in the dropbox the time the size isn't changed is recorded.
When a file increases in size the time value is reset to zero.
When a file is not being written the time values remains constant.
If a file isn't grown for at least (30 seconds, 1 minute, the more time you can afford the better it is of course) then write operation are over and the file can be managed.
This approach fails when a transfer in interrupted.

Are windows file creation timestamps reliable?

I have a program that uses save files. It needs to load the newest save file, but fall back on the next newest if that one is unavailable or corrupted. Can I use the windows file creation timestamp to tell the order of when they were created, or is this unreliable? I am asking because the "changed" timestamps seem unreliable. I can embed the creation time/date in the name if I have to, but it would be easier to use the file system dates if possible.
If you have a directory full of arbitrary and randomly named files and 'time' is the only factor, it may be more pointful to establish a filename that matches the timestamp to eliminate need for using tools to view it.
Would be my recommendation for a flatfile system.
Sometimes if you have a lot of files, you may want to group them, ie:
or something larger
etc etc etc.
( Moreover, if you're not embedding the time, what is your other distinguishing characteritics, you cant have a null file name, and creating monotonically increasing sequences is way harder ? need info )
What do you mean by "reliable"? When you create a file, it gets a timestamp, and that works. Now, the resolution of that timestamp is not necessarily high -- on FAT16 it was 2 seconds, I think. On FAT32 and NTFS it probably is 1 second. So if you are saving your files at a rate of less then one per second, you should be good there. Keep in mind, that user can change the timestamp value arbitrarily. If you are concerned about that, you'll have to embed the timestamp into the file itself (although in my opinion that would be ovekill)
Of course if the user of the machine is an administrator, they can set the current time to whatever they want it to be, and the system will happily timestamp files with that time.
So it all depends on what you're trying to do with the information.
Windows timestamps are in UTC. So if your timezone changes (ie. when daylight savings starts or ends) the timestamp will move forward/back an hour. Apart from that, and the accuracy of about 2 seconds, there is no reason to think that the timestamps are invalid, and its certainly ok to use them. But I think its bad practice, when you can simply put the timestamp in the name, or in the file itself even.
What if the system time is changed for some reason? It seems handy, but perhaps some other version number counting up would be better.
Added: A similar question, but with databases, here.
I faced some issues with created time of a file after deletion and recreation under same name.
Something similar to this comment in GetFileInfoEx docs
Problem getting correct Creation Time after file was recreated
I tried to use GetFileAttributesEx and then get ftCreationTime field of
the resulting WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA structure. It works just fine
at first, but after I delete file and recreate again, it keeps giving
me the original already incorrect value until I restart the process
again. The same problem happens for FindFirstFile API, as well. I use
Window 2003.
this is said to be related to something called tunnelling
try usining this when you want to rename the file
Path.Combine(ArchivedPath, currentDate + " " + fileInfo.Name))
