why replacing a file doesn't renew its creation time? - windows

I use windows system. I have two files in two directory. One with creation time 2015/5/15 15:35, the other with creation time 2015/5/15 9:48. After I replace the second one with the first one, the modified time of the two files are the same, but why the creation time of the second file doesn't change and is still 2015/5/15 9:48?!


How to wait until a specific file arrives in a folder before NiFi's ListFile processor lists the entire contents of the floder

I need to move several hundred files from a Windows source folder to a destination folder together in one operation. The files are named sequentially (e.g. part-0001.csv, part-002.csv). It is not known what the final file in the sequence will be called. The files will arrive in the source folder over a number of weeks and it is not ascertainable when the final one will arrive. The users want to use a trigger file (i.e. the arrival of a spefic named file in the folder e.g. trigger.txt) to cause flow to start. My first two thoughts were using a first ListFile processor as an input to a second, or the input to an ExecuteProcess processor that would call a script to start the second one, however, neither of these processors accept an input, so I am a bit stumped as to how I might achieve this, or indeed if it is possible with NiFi. Has anyone encountered this use case, and if so how did you resolve it?

how to know a file's create time by others

My Dear Friends,
I have a question which puzzled me for quite a long time. It is about the create time of a file. Some one create a file on his PC. There should contain a create time for this file. Like below:
The if he copied this file to other folders or send this file to others by email. The create time will change. So this create time does not mean the time the file was initially created by the guy, but means the time the file was moved to the folder.
Here comes the question: how can i know the correct initial create time of the file(should be independent of a system)?
Thanks so much for your reply.
There is no general way to do this. The create time for a file is stored on the filesystem or in an archive (ZIP files store the last modification date and time only, for example).
Sometimes, but not always, a file's creation and modification times are updated when it is copied to another filesystem, device, or archive. This behavior depends on the tool used to do the copying. If the original date/time are not preserved during the copy, then that information is lost.

How to append current date to property file value every day in Unix?

I've got a property file which is read several times per day by an external application in order to process some files. One of the properties tells the app where to store the processed files. Application runs on Linux.
The problem is that every day several files are thrown in that path and after several months, I would have thousands of files in this plane folder.
Question: How can I append the current date to this property file so it would look like:
This would be updated every day at 12:00AM so for example today it would be
The file is /u02/oapp/configuration/oapp.properties
Thanks in advance
Instead of appending current date to the property, add additional logic to the code that stores the processed files so that:
it takes the base directory from the property file (success_path in your case)
it creates a year/month/day directory to store the files
Something like:
/u02/oapp/success/year/month/day (as in `/u02/oapp/success/2017/01/01`)
/u02/oapp/success/yearmonth/day (as in `/u02/oapp/success/201701/01`)
/u02/oapp/success/yearmonthday (as in `/u02/oapp/success/20170101`)
If you don't have the capability to change the app's behavior, you might need to write a cron job that periodically moves the files external to the app.
jq -Rr 'select(startswith("success_path="))="success_path=/u02/oapp/success/"+(now|strflocaltime("%d-%b-%Y")|ascii_upcase)' /u02/oapp/configuration/oapp.properties | sponge /u02/oapp/configuration/oapp.properties

Terminal find using download time

I was wondering if there is a way to find files using the find tool in Terminal based on file's download time. I know there are options for access (-amin), creation (-cmin), and modified (-mmin), but can't figure out a way to filter files based on time they were downloaded.
I checked and the creation time was not same as it's download time. If find can't do it, what's my other best option.
There's no creation time in Unix; ctime is the inode change time.
Your best bet is to use the time of last modification, aka mtime, which gives you the time the download ended. If you must know when the download started, you need to record the date prior to the download. If you need the download duration, you subtract the end time from the start time. There are tons of questions how to compute the length between two time stamps. Don't ask another :-)
EDIT: It appears your downloader (which one? Why didn't you specify it?) changes the time stamps to match the original. You can read its documentation if it has an option to suppress this. You could also find out if it can write the file to stdout and redirect it (e.g. wget -O - http://file > file) This will always force the mtime to be current.

How to get the folder creation time (with milliseconds)?

I need folder creation time with milliseconds in Windows.
There's a fundamental problem: the filesystem doesn't store the creation time of a file, only the time the file structure was last updated.
This is true on both Windows (read it carefully) and Unix.
