clears session - internet-explorer-8

I have several portlets in my application. If I open a url using method, the session id changes and causes an error in other portlets. If I don't open this url, everything works fine. But once this new window is opened, the session is cleared and the rest of the portlets throws an exception since some values are missing.
In the address bar of the browser I typed in javascript:alert(document.cookie); to see the JSESSIONID. It remains constant throughout the page and changes when I click the link that launches a new url in new window. I used IE8.
Any suggestions to maintain the session state in IE would be greatly appreciated.

What URL are you passing to An easy way to get IE 8 to maintain the JSESSIONID in the popup would be to use a relative URL in the call to in the portlet markup. The critical thing is that the domain name remain exactly the same. Here's an example of a button with in the onclick event:
<button onclick="'/wps/portal')">Home Page</button>
I'm using Websphere Portal, so '/wps/portal' just links to the home page.
Also, what do you intend to be the target of the popup window? A different portal page with the same session?
Update: Given that the target of the is an independent web application hosted on the same domain...
The portal server and the application server hosting the web application have independent sessions, but they both use a cookie called JSESSIONID by default. The first time you access the web application, the application server overwrites the portal's cookie, causing every subsequent request to the portal to have the wrong session id. When this happened to me, my solution was to configure the portal to name its session cookie something else (e.g. PORTALSESSIONID) so the two do not conflict.


Spring webapp loads white page after login due to incorrect CSRF token

I have a basic Spring (v5.3.23) web app running in an Apache Tomcat container (v9), and using eclipse as IDE. It uses Spring security for processing logins.
Everything runs almost correctly, but sometimes, after a successful login, the browser shows a white page, while there is no exception logged server-side or any other message. The problem appears both in development environment and production environment, so I don't think it's eclipse-related.
I have managed to pin down the problem to the following sequence :
Start tomcat container
Open login page in browser
After login, the secured home page is displayed correctly
Re-start tomcat (the problem occurs both when changes are made to the web app or not)
Refresh the browser, which redirects to login
Login again
The blank page is shown, no exception logged, no log messages in console
In this sequence, the problem occurs most of the time. If between steps 5 and 6 I refresh the page one more, meaning the login page is reloaded, the white page problem does not occur anymore, and the proper page is displayed.
A strong possibility is that it's something related to either the CSRF token in the login form or the JSESSION cookie of the container, but short of debugging through Spring code, I can't figure it out.
I narrowed down the issue to the CSRF token; if I change the value in the login form, I always get the blank page.
I have noticed the _csrf token has one value in the login form, then a different, but single value across all form that are used while the user is connected. Seems like the _csrf token is linked to the user session somehow.
The same happens when the login page is refreshed: different tokens in login & other app forms, but somehow,, sometimes, the initial token does not match what the server expects.

Session being overridden in spring security application

In a spring security application i am navigating to the login page and entering my credentials and getting logged in.Now again if i open a new tab in the same browser and navigate to the login url it shows me the login page.If I enter another users credentials and login my previous Jsession ID(ie: the one created in the previous tab) is getting overridden with the new jsession id.Upon refreshing the previous tab the session is overridden.
I want to implement that if a user is logged in already in the application, upon navigating to the url again in another tab on the same browser the homepage of the application should open.
Please advise as how I can accomplish that?
Since the server uses the cookie to map to the current session, you'd have to control how the browser sends cookies. Every time a request is sent to a website from a new tab, most browsers will send all the cookies it has for that domain. Since your server received the same session cookie, it will treat this request as being in the same session. There's no way it can tell the difference.
Therefore, as far as cookie-based web sessions go at least, you probably won't be able to force the creation of a new session upon opening a new tab.

Securing Spring Boot Web App With Spring Security Doesn't Work

I've spent about a full day attempting to get a very basic Spring Boot app with Spring security up and running to no avail. I cannot find a single example of code that works when I run it.
This example is from Here is what I'm seeing in that example:
I start at http://localhost:8080 and see the welcome screen.
I click a link to http://localhost:8080/hello, which redirects me to http://localhost:8080/login.
I enter "user" and "password" as specified in, which redirects me back to the welcome screen. I was expecting to be redirected to http://localhost:8080/hello.
When I click the same link to http://localhost:8080/hello I get the login screen again.
I've tried debugging via #EnableWebSecurity(debug = true) but there are no errors.
The above experience is endemic of what I experience when I download every example. Admittedly I'm new to Spring, and presumably I'm making some kind of newbie configuration mistake. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I downloaded the code and ran using maven and it works perfectly fine. After logging in, for all subsequent page loads of http://localhost:8080/hello loads the page and not the login page again unless of course I log out. The problem you have mentioned may be caused by ( with quite high probability since you have mentioned it's endemic) is that your browser may be having issue with transmitting the default JSESSIONID cookie (which is set on first page visit and updated ( as good security practise by Spring security) on first login. For subsequent visits same JSESSIONID is sent to the server and it is a key for the session object stored on server which contains the now authenticated/authorized user. If some how this cookie is not transmitted back to server ( one reason could be it's disabled in browser setting) then your application (protected by spring security) would not know that you are an already authenticated user and will show you the login page again. For e.g, for Chrome you can see the cookie settings at Settings --> Content Settings --> Cookies --> Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended). You can also view the cookie header getting passed on each page load post successful login by using Developer tool in respective browser.

Relationship Between Session, cookies and there behaviour

I am working on a project. After login i assign some value to session variable Like Session("userid")=XYZ. if i open any page inside application it will check for this value and if its not empty and has permission to access page i am allowing it.
Now if suppose i am accessing and close the tab and open the same link after copy paste it checks for session and it opens the same page which is absolutely fine.
But when i restart browser and try to open the page by link copy paste its throwing me back to login screen. Since Session is server side this should not happen. But i read on w3school that session is maintained using cookie, and cookie is lost after browser restart, so how can i maintain my session even after browser restart till it times out.It seems Both Session and cookie are contradicting each other. I didn't had this problem with similar code in application but in classic asp it doesn't seem to work.

Different ways of maintaining session

What are the different ways of maintaining session in a browser?
Consider a scenario;
I am browsing a secure site in Firefox and the browser crashes. Now when I open the browser again and I do Restore tabs, my previous session is restored back ? Is that handled automatically by the browser OR is it code-based ?
Also can we control session based on tab close vs window close, etc
Is there any connect between maintaining the session at server vs having the same at client side?
What are the different ways of maintaining session in a browser?
Different ways to maintaining sessions are :-
Cookies ( Most Standard way )
Url Rewriting
Html Forms hidden fields
Consider a scenario; I am browsing a secure site in Firefox and the
browser crashes. Now when I open the browser again and I do Restore
tabs, my previous session is restored back ? Is that handled
automatically by the browser OR is it code-based ?
It is handled by browser automatically if it was cookie based, other wise you will manage that.
Also can we control session based on tab close vs window close, etc
On server you can control session just by time, mean when it will invalid, but if you want to do something that will invalid session when close tab then according to me you can bind on close event in javascript and then delete the cookie that was used to manage the session, PHPSESSION ( in php's case )
Is there any connect between maintaining the session at server vs
having the same at client side?
Yup :)
when you create a session actually you are sending a cookie.
Think you are coding in php, and you create a session, now what happens is: a file will be created on the server (file is the default way to handle session in php but you can also change that) and a unique id will also create on server that will represent that session, think you create a session so a file will created with name sjflsj3lrh324l2hjlskdjfl3hl.session and a unique id will also created ex:- sjflsj3lrh324l2hjlskdjfl3hl.
Now when you store anything in session you actually are storing that in this file, and when you will send response to browser, you will also send a cookie on browser and the cookie value will be this id. So next time when you reopen that web, browser will first check if there was any cookie received from this domain before. If yes, then send that with request, and then on server php will check if request contains any cookie with it. If so, then it will check if that name file exists, and if exists mean there was a session. It will then open that file and all variables values that was saved in it will be restored in php variables.
