Session being overridden in spring security application - spring

In a spring security application i am navigating to the login page and entering my credentials and getting logged in.Now again if i open a new tab in the same browser and navigate to the login url it shows me the login page.If I enter another users credentials and login my previous Jsession ID(ie: the one created in the previous tab) is getting overridden with the new jsession id.Upon refreshing the previous tab the session is overridden.
I want to implement that if a user is logged in already in the application, upon navigating to the url again in another tab on the same browser the homepage of the application should open.
Please advise as how I can accomplish that?

Since the server uses the cookie to map to the current session, you'd have to control how the browser sends cookies. Every time a request is sent to a website from a new tab, most browsers will send all the cookies it has for that domain. Since your server received the same session cookie, it will treat this request as being in the same session. There's no way it can tell the difference.
Therefore, as far as cookie-based web sessions go at least, you probably won't be able to force the creation of a new session upon opening a new tab.


Cross/Multiple tab communication during login

In implementation of Login, I want to make sure if a user is already logged in one tab of the browser and opens the same web site in another tab, he gets redirected to homepage rather than the log in page. It's an ideal scenario as it happens in all the web site. I am achieving the same by storing logged in unique user token in local storage. Is it the best way to achieve it? Kindly guide! is it safe? If not how to go about it?
Just consider everything on the client as tainted or possibly manipulated.
So basically you should always check on the server side if the client has a valid session and only then deliver the homepage to it.
I would use a cookie set by the server side - just a random id bound to the actual client session on the server.
So the client could mess with that, but would have a hard time to guess another (also random) session id.
The cookie should be cleared by the server if the user logs out.
Then I would check on every call if he has a valid session id and if not directly send him to the login page by a redirect. Additionally you could then send him from the login page to the homepage whenever he is already logged in.

Relationship Between Session, cookies and there behaviour

I am working on a project. After login i assign some value to session variable Like Session("userid")=XYZ. if i open any page inside application it will check for this value and if its not empty and has permission to access page i am allowing it.
Now if suppose i am accessing and close the tab and open the same link after copy paste it checks for session and it opens the same page which is absolutely fine.
But when i restart browser and try to open the page by link copy paste its throwing me back to login screen. Since Session is server side this should not happen. But i read on w3school that session is maintained using cookie, and cookie is lost after browser restart, so how can i maintain my session even after browser restart till it times out.It seems Both Session and cookie are contradicting each other. I didn't had this problem with similar code in application but in classic asp it doesn't seem to work.

User authentication and browser back/forward buttons

I am using MVC 3 in my project. I have a simple login page which takes username and password and after successful login, take me to the required page.
The problem is when I press back button from my browser and then press forward button again and again, it takes me again to the page without getting username and password from the user.
I don't know, may be it is the problem with sessions state. Because I didn't make any sessions and I don't how to make it.
Please anyone out there help me a bit to mitigate this problem.
Your session id is stored in a cookie, on successful authentication, the cookie gets stored on your machine, when you move forward in history, it doesn't get removed.
If you explicitly clear the cookie on each visit to the login page using:
this will kill the authenticated session and create a new anonymous one, which shouldn't have access to the restricted page

Spring/Tomcat 6 Session Expiration Issue

I'm using Spring MVC for a personal webpage with a local Tomcat 6 server. I'm using a default Tomcat configuration(what eclipse would setup by default).
In my controllers(using one controller for each page, and creating Session beans to pass information between them) I have two methods, one for capturing a POST and one for capturing a GET Request Method. The page logic will have the user click a submit button and will use a "redirect:abc.htm" return to send them to a new page or back to the GET method.
I'm not explicitly handling cookies, but do have all the information in Session Beans and am using Spring Security to handle security/user management.
I have a spring security configuration to redirect the user back to the login page if they are not authorized. I also have an ExceptionHandler catching HttpSessionRequiredException, though this is not what is triggering when I expire the user sessions(it's using the logic of my Spring Security configuration).
When the session is expired(I'm doing this through Tomcat manager) the user is redirected back to the login page. They are redirected after they try to do something(click a submit, or revisit any page except login.htm).
My issue is that once they get back to the initial page that their session expired at, if at the time of expiration they clicked a submit button, it is redirecting them past the initial page and handling the POST event from the submit.
User is logged in, and on the main page
User Session Expires
User, on the main page, click a submit button
User is redirected back to the login.htm page
User logs in and navigates back to the main page.
Instead of following the logic of the GET for the main page, they are treated to the POST of the main page, and I'm not sure where the POST variables are coming from.
Is there any way to trace where this error is coming from or what exactly is causing it?
This is done by spring-security. Spring security stores the request details in the session before redirecting the user to the login page. On successful login it will retrieve the request details from the session and redirect to that.
You can set the always-use-default-target attribute of the form-login configuration to override this behavior.

How are sessions maintained after login authentication?

After the username password login form is submitted (presumably with some kind of encryption through https) how does the server maintain the information that the user is logged in?
The user submits the login form and the server authenticates the user and returns a page. But when the user clicks on a link on that page how does the server know the request it is receiving is coming from someone who is authenticated and therefore the server knows its safe to send the html for that new page.
The act of logging on will usually result in the browser getting a session cookie passed back. It's this cookie that the server uses to identify which session (if any) belongs to the user.
If cookies are disabled on the clients browser, most web programming frameworks will cope by sticking a session ID onto the URL.
the username and some flag like is_logged are stored in the session.
on any page you should check those variables from the current session.
on logout you clean the session or destroy it, thus your protected page is in accessible.
good luck
