How can I stop window rendering and later resume? - user-interface

I'd like to prevent my window from being updated until I finish receiving data from the server and render it. Can I hook on the WM_PAINT event, or better still call some Win32API method to prevent the window from being updated and unfreeze it later?
More info:
In the context of an MMC snapin written in C#, our application suffers from annoying flickering and double sorting behaviour:
We use MMC's listViews, but since we subscribe to the sort event.
MMC does it's own magic and sorts the page being displayed (and we can't override that), and when we receive a reply from our server we change the listView again.
each row change is done sequentially, there's no beginUpdate etc. (AFAIK).

Normally hooking into WM_PAINT is the way to go, but make sure you also ignore all WM_ERASEBKGND notifcations, otherwise you'll still get flicker, because Windows erases the Windows area for you. (Return non-zero to prevent Windows from doing that)
One other possibility is to use the LockWindowUpdate function, but it has some drawbacks:
Only one window can be locked
Upon unlock the whole desktop and all sub-windows (i.e. everything) is repainted, resulting in short flash of the whole desktop. (It's worse on XP than on Vista)

Some controls have BeginUpdate and EndUpdate APIs for this purpose.
If you do something (e.g. hook and ignore paint events) do disable painting, then a way to force a repaint later is to call the Invalidate method.

OK, after all searching and checking I've found that LockUpdateWindow is bad idea - see for example articles of Raimond Chen OldNewThing. But even to implement the idea of SetRedrawWindow wasn't so simple - because what I had was only received from IConsole2* pConsole->GetMainWindow() HWND handler of main window. By setting it to SetRedraw = FALSE it was disappeared in very strange manner. Though to make the procedure run only for the TreeView and not for the whole application (ours left panel) I ran
EnumChildWindows(hWnd, SetChildRedraw, FALSE); //stopping redraw
//... here you do your operations
EnumChildWindows(hWnd, SetChildRedraw, TRUE); //restarting redraw
where SetChildRedraw callback was defined in next way:
#define DECLARE_STRING(str) TCHAR str[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(str, sizeof(str));
BOOL CALLBACK SetChildRedraw(HWND hwndChild, LPARAM lParam)
RECT rcChildRect; ZeroMemory(&rcChildRect, sizeof(rcChildRect));
GetClassName(hwndChild, sText, MAX_PATH);
if (wcsstr(sText, L"SysTreeView32") != NULL)
SetWindowRedraw(hwndChild, lParam);
if (lParam == TRUE)
GetWindowRect(hwndChild, &rcChildRect);
InvalidateRect(hwndChild, &rcChildRect, TRUE);
return TRUE;


WinApi capturing messages in default proc is not "definitive"?

I can disable window movement by doing this in the message loop:
GetWindowRect(hWnd, (RECT*)lParam);
This, however does not work if you remove the call to GetWindowRect(). Why ?
This looks like the message loop is only modifying the message in passing (WM_MOVING.lParam points to the destination RECT of the movement). The message still gets processed (by the system ?). Just doing a break; does not throw away the message, the window is movable.
The message is processed no matter what (even if you don't call DefWindowProc() on it), you can just set its lParam so that the window goes back to its initial position. Is there no way to discard the message completely ? And who's doing the processing ? (obviously, the system is, is there a ubiquitous DefWindowProc() up there in the sky - that you cannot turn off- ?)
What is exactly going on ?
WM_MOVING is one of calbacks done inside callig SetWindowPos. Window is moved after returnig from callback, and after finally moving window next is send WM_MOVE. There are also WM_NCCALCSIZE, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGE, WM_GETMINMAXINFO, WM_SIZING, WM_SIZE.
Some messages when routed to DefWindowProc do real work (for example WM_NCPAINT, WM_ERASEBKGND), some are used for gathering information for further processing (WM_NCHITTEST, WM_GETMINMAXINFO), some are used for notifying you about changes (WM_MOVING, WM_MOVE, WM_SETTINGCHANGE) or actions (WM_COMMAND, WM_LBUTTONDOWN). It is recommended that when you don't process message, you should route it through DefWindowProc. If you fail to do this for some messages that wouldn't have any effect, but for others you will miss essential functionality.
For modifying interactive moving or sizing of a window, WM_NCHITTEST is a good choice. You can disable default action activated by part of window, or implement selected action on any part of the window.
LRESULT r = DefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
if ( r == HTCAPTION )
return r;
Or try bellow code and see what happens when left or top border is dragged.
LRESULT r = DefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
if ( r == HTLEFT )
r = HTTOP;
else if ( r == HTTOP )
return r;
The "Window Procedures" doc says:
For example, the system defines a window procedure for the combo box
class (COMBOBOX); all combo boxes then use that window procedure
I imagine that procedure belongs with the system (the appropriate system DLL, comctl32.dll I guess, unless you subclass it), but it executes in the app thread of course (after it loads that DLL). What that excerpt, and the apparent behavior suggest is the following:
If the style you select requires a title bar, a title bar window (a
system facility) is instantiated for your app, with its own
windowProc, let's say "sysTtlBarProc".
When you try to move this window,
messages (system-created, starting from the input driver) are sent to
both your app's windowProc() and to sysTtlBarProc()
sysTtlBarProc() waits on your windowProc() (which can call DefWindowProc() or not) to return before acting on the message
This would explain the behavior: this protocol gives your windowProc() a chance to act (on its own) and/or modify the message, thus potentially modifying sysTtlBarProc's behavior. This is just a general concept, some messages I guess are purely informative (you can't change sysTtlBarProc's behavior for these), you can only monitor what's happening, and do something of your own next to what sysTtlBarProc() does.
This can easily be demonstrated by doing this :
You can then try and move/resize the window and watch the new "sluggish" behavior. Whoever is processing those two WM_SIZING/MOVING messages (you're not calling DefWinProc(), and you're not doing anything with the messages) is definitely delaying his work by a second now.

Child windows does not receive WM_DESTROY?

I packaged the winapi CreateWindowEx into a simple class. Since every window sharing a same wndProc(hwnd,msg,wparam,lparam), I put every window created by CreateWindowEx into a map to distribute msg, like this:
wndProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam){
And each time a window or its parent window being destroyed, remove it from the map:
case WM_DESTROY: delete(map, hwnd)
But things like buttons do not receive WM_DESTROY. I printed all msg in WM_NOTIFY and WM_COMMAND but i got noting.
So how can I remove those child windows form the map at the right time? Or a way distribute the msg without creating a hwnd map?
They certainly do get that message. But their window procedure is inside Windows, not inside your program. So you never see it. Something you can read in the MSDN documentation, note how WM_DESTROY doesn't get any special treatment. Nor generate a notification that your parent window can see.
Short from automatically removing all the child windows when you see the parent window destroyed, subclassing controls is a pretty standard requirement for C++ class library wrappers. Best to not invent your own btw, this has been done many times already.
So how can I remove those child windows form the map at the right time?
You have to subclass every window you create, either with SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_WNDPROC) or SetWindowSubClass(), then you will receive all of the WM_DESTROY messages.
Or a way distribute the msg without creating a hwnd map?
Frameworks like ATL and VCL handle that by dynamically allocating a thunk for each window and putting the object pointer right in the thunk, then use the thunk as the window procedure. That way, whenever the thunk is called, it passes the message directly to its associated object.

Win32 prevent window "snap"

How can I disable the snap feature of Windows 7 for my application (progmatically)? Or is there any way to detect if the application has been snapped, and specifically call an API function to unsnap it?
Calling SetWindowPos() or ShowWindow() does not unsnap it correctly *(SW_MAXIMIZE does). Calling SetWindowPos() actually causes strange behavior in future calls to SetWindowPos() and MoveWindow(). The same inconsistencies do not apply to a window that is maximized.
I figured out a way to unsnap, by calling ShowWindow() with SW_MAXIMIZE. This is odd since no other values unsnap with this call, even though the window can be moved away, it is still anchored to the side of the screen. Maximizing it fixes the problem, whereafter I can move the window where it needs to be.
#define WM_RESTOREORIGINALSTYLE WM_USER+... /* your first free USER message */
if(wParam==(SC_MOVE|2)) wParam=SC_SIZE|9;
if((wParam&0xFFE0)==SC_SIZE && (wParam&0x000F)) // handles MOVE and SIZE in one "if"
long int oldStyle=GetWindowLongW(hwnd,GWL_STYLE);
SetWindowLongW(hwnd,GWL_STYLE,oldStyle &0xFEFEFFFF); // disable WS_MAXIMIZE and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX
return 0;
return DefWindowProcW(hwnd,WM_SYSCOMMAND,wParam,lParam);
if((long int)wParam==GWL_STYLE)
return 0;
The PostMessage will be processed in subsequent message loop - it means ASAP after entering into move-size loop.
If you use own drawing method of frame, please do not forget to redraw your frame correctly on WM_STYLECHANGED message, internally store oldStyle in your class.
Why it works? Windows check snap condition at start of move/size action. If WS_MAXIMIZE and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX are disabled at start, the snap behaviour is disabled.
The SC_SIZE|9 is equivalent of SC_MOVE|2 without blocking redrawing for half a second.
If you don't want to enable dragging maximized windows if they are fully maximized, check state of SC_MOVE item in system menu and if it is enabled, directly return 0 in WM_SYSCOMMAND.
Verified on Windows 8.1.

Win32 App (Aero): Prevent dialog move

I've a dialog based Win32-app on Win7-Aero which only displays a dialog. The dialog should have a title bar. I don't want that the user can move the dialog on the screen.
I've no luck so far... handling WM_NCHITTEST, WM_SYSCOMMAND... setting SWP_NOMOVE.
What is the best way to achieve NoMove? I think DWM changes something on Win7.
You could do this by handling WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING and when you see an attempted move, change the coordinates back to where they should be. E.g.
switch (uMsg)
if (!(reinterpret_cast<LPWINDOWPOS>(lParam)->flags & SWP_NOMOVE))
reinterpret_cast<LPWINDOWPOS>(lParam)->x = g_iMyXCoord;
reinterpret_cast<LPWINDOWPOS>(lParam)->y = g_iMyYCoord;
return 0;
You would probably need to add some intelligence to this to distinguish between attempted moves by the user, and moves that your own program makes (or that the system makes if necessary - e.g. if a monitor disappears for instance).
Even though you say it doesn't work, I would have thought you could also do this by trapping WM_NCHITTEST and returning HTBORDER whenever HTCAPTION would have been returned - however you would have to do this by sub-classing the window rather than in the DialogProc (because you would need to call the default handler first and then process/change the return value). Same for WM_SYSCOMMAND (to catch moves the user attempts via the system menu).

What Windows message is sent to repaint a partially occluded window?

I know that WM_PAINT tells a window that it needs to repaint itself entirely, but apparently that's not the message that gets sent when it's been covered partially and then the window that was in front of it is no longer in the way and it needs to repaint the dirty portion. Does anyone know what message is sent in this case?
EDIT: Found the problem:
The issue involved a Delphi control I wrote to embed a SDL rendering surface on a Delphi form. SDL has an API to build its renderer on another window's HWND, and it marks it as a "foreign window".
SDL usually handles WM_PAINT internally, so I ended up having to add some code to SDL's WindowProc to forward the message on to the external WindowProc if it's a foreign window. That was working sometimes, but it turns out there was a glitch that was stripping the foreign window flag from the window's data structure, so it was swallowing the message instead of passing it on to my app. Once I fixed that, I started getting the WM_PAINT messages all the time.
Why do you say it's apparently not? WM_PAINT should be called for partial redraws (the updated rect is returned by BeginPaint or GetUpdateRect). If it doesn't appear to be getting called, there may be a bug elsewhere in your app that's preventing it. What are you seeing that leads you to believe that it's not working?
WM_PAINT is sent to indicate that some portion (including the entirity) of the window needs to be repainted.
Call GetUpdateRect() to get a rectangle that bounds the region to be updated. This information is also included in the PAINTSTRUCT (as the rcPaint field) passed to BeginPaint().
The BeginPaint() function returns the rect that requires validation in its 2nd parameter:
case WM_PAINT:
HDC hdc = BeginPaint( hwnd, &psPaint );
// psPaint.rcPaint contains invalidated area
EndPaint (hwnd, &psPaint);
return 0;
Look at psPaint.rcPaint :
I'm pretty certain the Win32 API uses WM_PAINT even for partial repaints. From MSDN:
The WM_PAINT message is sent when the system or another application makes a request to paint a portion of an application's window. [My italics].
That link has the full detail on WM_PAINT but if, as you say, the WM_PAINT message is not being sent for partial redraws, the Spy++ is the tool you need to find out for sure.
Take a look at WM_PRINTCLIENT. There are some circumstances when WM_PAINT is not sent and a WM_PRINTCLIENT message is sent instead. (AnimateWindow for example.)
