Oracle Home for Visual Studio - visual-studio

Okay. Forgive me, but I'm going to vent a little here. Visual Studio doesn't recognize my TNSnames for oracle so I can't connect to my database. I believe the problem is that I have multiple homes on my machine, one for me (In C:/app/{UserName}/product/11.1.0) and one general one which was already installed on my machine (In C:/oracle/product/11.1.0) and I don't have access to. I don't know why they can't just giv eme rights to my machine (Its not like I would abuse that power, but rather user it to cut hinderences like not being able to edit your freaking TNSNames file).
Anyway. I need to know if there is a way to change my oracle home for visual studio. I edited my PATH variable in the terminal to point first to MY oracle home (C:/app/...) but that didn't work. So is there another way to change the oracle home for visual studio so I can connect to my database. (Maybe in the .vssettings file???)
Thanks for your support. You guys here at stackoverflow are a great community and I am extremely appreciative of your assistance.

You don't need to change your Oracle HOME directory. Just make sure there's a tnsnames.ora file in the current HOME directory (the one pointed to by the system PATH) with the propery connection settings. Here's a blog post that walks through the entire process of connecting to Oracle in Visual Studio.

If you have the ability to set a user environment variable, then try setting the variable TNS_ADMIN to a directory where you can create files. Just edit a copy of the current tnsnames.ora so that it contains the entry you need, and place it in the directory pointed at by TNS_ADMIN.


How to prevent Oracle SQL Developer from creating the product.conf file in %APPDATA%

In 2022, the question asked in how-to-prevent-oracle-sql-developer-from-writing-to-appdata-roaming is still a bit of a problem. While the -Dide.user.dir option does allow you to move the SQL Developer directory from %APPDATA%, the application still creates a sqldeveloper directory in %APPDATA% that contains a <version>/product.conf file.
What option needs to be added to move this directory as well? I am using version 21.4.3 of SQL Developer. Thanks in advance for any help you all can offer.
You need to convince SQL Developer that it's not actually running on Windows, but is instead on Linux or a Mac.
Otherwise, SQL Developer is designed to do EXACTLY as you describe/observe.
The -Dide.user.dir doesn't let you move those files per se, it more accurately allows you to mirror them somewhere else.

View recent files in Management Studio

I trying to find a SQL script that a former colleague of mine used to run periodically. His instructions are to log onto his machine and go to his recent files and select the file.
He doesnt remember where the file physically exists as every time he runs it he would open the file via this method.
My question is how do I access this list? Problem is we wiped his machine and made a copy of his HD. ive tried navigating to \USERS\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell\ but there is nothing obvious I can use here.
Appreciate your comments.
I believe this is tracked in the in the following location (depending on your version of SQL) in the registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\11.0\FileMRUList
[Edit] On a side note, rather than looking for this recent list I would use a grep tool like textcrawler (free, and awesome) to search for a particular string (presumably you remember some sprocs that are called or tables that are accessed by the script) within all .sql files on the hard disk.
In SSMS version 18, the registry path to the recent file list is:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\18.0_IsoShell\MRUItems{01235aad-8f1b-429f-9d02-61a0101ea275}\Items
Keep in mind, you must restart SSMS for any changes to take effect.

Installing and creating instance of SQL Server 2012

I am running SQLManagementStudio_x86_2012_ENU.exe to install SQL Server 2012. I came across a problem and I was hunged on it too long.
I have seen the same problem in SO and they are give a solution for that. I also over come that problem but again stuck again in half way through. So I am going to ask this again(not a spam)
Problem: When I ran above mentioned exe it was installed fine, Then I tried to create a instance of the server. I used SQL Server Installation Center in configuration tools. then I selected new SQL Server and it asks me to select the SQL Server Installation Media. I selected C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server but it was invalied.
then I figured out that it is asking for the Installation media itself. So I extracted the .exe file to a folder and selected that path. that was taken as a valid media.
I refered to this link.
some have mentioned that this was a bug here.
when I clicked next it gives the following error. so that I can not proceed and create a instance. Can some one help me on this.
thanks in advance.
I have tried lot of things to come up with a solution for this. As you can see in the picture, there are only 2 check boxes which are already checked and disabled. This is not the right .exe file to run(I was unable to create a server instance using this). I downloaded the right SQL server installation file from here.
There are several .exe files that gives different functionality enhancements. I chose SQL server with tools which is about 1GB. I did not have to uninstall the existing sql server installation. I installed this and it worked fine. I will post back if I found a way to create a SQL server form the given installation. If you have the same problem as described above, most probably you are using the wrong .exe file.
Good luck with your fix.

Oracle/TOAD/Team Coding: Can't select a TFS Namespace when attempting to connect to TFS through TOAD

We are currently attempting to evaluate whether or not we want to use TOAD's Team Coding feature as it would seamlessly allow us to use TFS as a repository for our database objects. We currently have the newest version of TOAD (It is a TRIAL VERSION) sitting on a VM somewhere. The Team Coding feature is installed, and I can browse my TFS projects. What I can't do, however, is connect to TFS through the Logon in TOAD because it won't allow me to click 'OK' when I am attempting to select a namespace.
It was my understanding that the trial had been fixed to allow for this to happen. I couldn't find anything on their website, so I was curious if anyone knew the answer as to why I can't do this.
This only applies to Toad for Oracle.
You should be able to Log in to TFS with the Trial Version. If you can browse TFS Projects in Toad, you should be already logged in to TFS correctly.
The most likely reason that the button is disabled, is that you are attempting to logon to a remote workspace. I am assuming you can see your local WorkSpaces (Namespaces ?) in the Logon Window. Does the word (Remote) appear in parentheses next to the workspace name. If this is the case, then you are selecting a remote workspace. This workspace was set up for a different machine.
You will need to select or set up a workspace that was created for this machine. The quickest way to test this is to select 'New' from the workspace selection and create a new workspace mapped to a local folder (you can always delete later). Then you should be able to log in to TFS.
Hope this helps
We do not typically monitor postings on StackOverflow, so if you might want hop on over to the Toad Yahoo Groups with any follow up questions

Path too long error when building a windows azure service

I have been trying to publish my service to windows azure. The service consists of a single webRole, however I have added remote login functionality published it and built it a few times, and now all the sudden it will not build. The reason it gives is that
Details below:
"Error 56 The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\Cloud Service\1.0\Visual Studio 10.0\Microsoft.CloudService.targets 202 5 FileSystemCreator"
I have gone on all the forums, I have used CSPack command line for packaging the service which is fine but I'm having a really hard time configuring the certificate for remote desktop connect and I would like to take advantage of this feature as I am creating some websites in the onStart event and I would like to peek into IIS. Some microsoft employees do agree that this is a bug and the have promised a fix this issue, refer to post . I am using VS2010 and I do not know how to fix this bug.
Can anyone please help, or point me to a place where I can get any help.
I ran into the same problem with a new solution.
Note that, unlike Eugenio Pace's response suggests, the error occurs only when deploying to Azure (and not when running the project in the Azure Compute Emulator).
Try adding the following line to the first property group of your Windows Azure Visual Studio Project file (*.ccproj):
The trailing slash (for whatever path you select) appears to be required. This folder will be deleted each time you create a package if it exists.
This setting seems to redirect the working folder for the package to a shorter base path, preventing the path too long error.
Credit goes to:
Perhaps the local folder used to store temporary development fabric is too long. See Windows Azure - Resolving "The Path is too long after being fully qualified" Error Message.
I was having this problem as well when deploying a Node.js project to Azure.
To fix it, I had to change my "TEMP" and "TMP" user environment variables to something shorter than their default values.
In my case, they were pointing by default to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp, changing them to C:\Temp solved it.
Make sure you restart Windows after.
The better solution may be to create a symbolic link to your project folder. This doesn't require moving files or changing system variables. Open up the command prompt as an administrator and run this:
mklink /D C:\Dev C:\Users\danzo\Source\Workspaces
Obviously you can change "C:\Dev" to whatever you want it to be and you'll need to change the longer path above to the root directory of your soltions/projects folder.
Same problem happened to me when I try Packaging an Umbraco project for Azure (, I found the solution is to: Copy and rename the long-name path and folder to "C:\someshortname".
(solution was suggested by this: link)
I tried all the above 2 approaches:
-change TEMP and TMP enviromental variables
-<ServiceOutputDirectory> path
and didn't work.
In my case, I had to move the whole project to a shorter path C:\ and worked.
I'm using W7 and VS12.
When you run a cloud service on the development fabric, the development fabric uses a temporary folder to store a number of files including local storage locations, cached binaries, configuration, diagnostics information and cached compiled web site content.
By default this location is: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\dftmp
Credit goes to Jim Nakashima of Microsoft :
In order to change the temporary folder, a user environment variable has to be created :
Give it a value of short named directory like :
Don't forget to restart Visual Studio in order to have the environmennt variables to be read again
It fixed many compilations problem !
