Is there any benefit to porting the Haskell Edison API and Core to F#? - data-structures

The Edison API and Core modules are the Haskell implementation of Purely Functional Data Structures
Do the F# and native .Net data structures cover use cases in the Edison API and Core sufficiently?
Would there be any benefit to trying to port the API and CORE Haskell modules to F#?

I haven't read the paper on edison, but if it's nothing more than the Haskell implementation of Purely Functional Data Structures, doesn't it make more sense to port the SML code that's in the book / thesis? It should be easier than porting Haskell code, which must be annotated for strictness, while F# will have to annotated for laziness.
The language used by the book is SML with syntax extensions for lazy evaluation. F# provides half of those extensions natively:
> let x = lazy 12;;
val x : Lazy<int> = <unevaluated>
> match x with
| Lazy(n) -> n;;
val it : int = 12
> x;;
val it : Lazy<int> = 12
To convert the book's fun lazy notation, change this:
fun lazy plus ($m, $n) = $m + n
To this:
let plus (m',n') = lazy (
match (m',n') with
| (Lazy(m), Lazy(n)) -> (lazy (m + n)).Force())
(See page 33 in the book). The differences from between SML and F# are minor syntax, so the translation should be easy.
As for whether it's worthwhile, most of the data structures in Okasaki's book are very specialised, so they are unlikely to exist already in .NET, even as F#'s immutable Set and Map. It would be worthwhile for the people that need those data structures.

Revisiting this question months later, I note that
someone has implemented lots of them on that blog.

I didn't follow the link, though I have at least a tiny familiarty with the work or Okasaki. So this whole answer is wildly speculative (I may be off base in my assumptions about what's in the Edison API).
I expect there is 'some benefit' in the sense that people like 'reference implementations of common FP data structures' in 'new languages' to help learn new languages.
As for the use in practice (rather than pedagogy), I expect that some of them are useful, though there are some F# and .Net APIs that may be as useful or more useful for many scenarios. The main couple 'batches' of overlapping functionality I would guess are the F# immutable collections (Set and Map), as well as the .Net 4.0 concurrent collections (like ConcurrentQueue).
Of course you'll also find some snippets on the web, like Jomo's immutable queue.


How To Use Classic Custom Data Structures As Java 8 Streams

I saw a SO question yesterday about implementing a classic linked list in Java. It was clearly an assignment from an undergraduate data structures class. It's easy to find questions and implementations for lists, trees, etc. in all languages.
I've been learning about Java lambdas and trying to use them at every opportunity to get the idiom under my fingers. This question made me wonder: How would I write a custom list or tree so I could use it in all the Java 8 lambda machinery?
All the examples I see use the built in collections. Those work for me. I'm more curious about how a professor teaching data structures ought to rethink their techniques to reflect lambdas and functional programming.
I started with an Iterator,but it doesn't appear to be fully featured.
Does anyone have any advice?
Exposing a stream view of arbitrary data structures is pretty easy. The key interface you have to implement is Spliterator, which, as the name suggests, combines two things -- sequential element access (iteration) and decomposition (splitting).
Once you have a Spliterator, you can turn that into a stream easily with In fact, here's the stream() method from AbstractCollection (which most collections just inherit):
default Stream<E> stream() {
return, false);
All the real work is in the spliterator() method -- and there's a broad range of spliterator quality (the absolute minimum you need to implement is tryAdvance, but if that's all you implement, it will work sequentially, but will lose out on most of the stream optimizations.) Look in the JDK sources, IntStream.range()) for examples of how to do better.)
I'd look at for inspiration, a library that does exactly what you want to do: Implement custom lists, trees, etc. in a Java 8 manner.
It specifically doesn't closely couple with the JDK collections outside of importing/exporting methods, but re-implements all the immutable collection semantics that a Scala (or other FP language) developer would expect.

Is Data-Structure and Algorithm same for all programming languages?

If a person learns data-structure and algorithm in one programming language does it needs to learn other language's data-structure and algorithm ?
As i am about to start a book Data-structure and algorithm in JavaScript as i also want to learn Web
will it help me for other languages too?
Data structures and algorithms are concepts that are independent of language. Therefore once you master them in you favorite language it's relatively easy to switch to another one.
Now if you're asking about built-in methods and apis that different languages have, they do differ, but you shouldn't learn specific APIs in your data-structure and algorithms book anyways.
Yes... and no.
While the concepts behind algorithms and data structures, like space and time complexity or mutability, are language agnostic, some languages might not let you implement some of those patterns at all.
A good example would be a recursive algorithm. In some languages like haskell, recursivity is the best way to iterate over a collection of element. In other languages like C, you should avoid using recursive algorithm on unbound collections as you can easily hit the dept limit of the stack. You could also easily imagine a language that is not even stack based and in which a recursive algorithm would be completely impossible to implement. You could implement a stack on top of such a language but it would most definitely be slower than implementing the algorithm in a different fashion.
An other example would be object oriented data structures. Some languages like haskell do not let you change values. All elements in such language are immutable and must be copied to be changed. This is analog to how numbers are handled in javascript where you cannot change the value 2, but you can take the value 2, add 1 to it and then store it to a new location. Other languages like C do not have (or very poorly handle) object oriented programming. This will break down most data structure pattern you will learn about in a javascript oriented book.
In the end, it all boils down to performance. You don't write C code like you write JavaScript or F# code. They all have their quirks and thus need different implementations even though the idea behind those algorithms and structures will stay the same. You can always emulate a pattern on a language that does not supports it, like OOP in C, but it will always feel more natural to solve the problem in a different way.
That being said, as long as you stay within the same kind of language, you can probably reuse 80%+ of that book. There are many OOP languages out there. Javascript is probably the most exotic of them all with its ability to treat all objects like dictionaries and its weird concept of "this" so a lot of patterns in there will not apply in those other languages.
You need not learn data structure and algorithm when you use another language.The reason is evident, all of data structures and algorithm is a realization of some kinds of "mathmatical or logical thought".
for example,if you learn the sort algorithm, you must hear about the quick sort and merge sort and any others, the realization of different sort algotithm is based on fundamental element that almost every language has,such as varible,arrays,loop and so on. i mean you can realize it without using the language(such as JavaScript) characteristics.
although it is nothing relevant to language,i still suggest you stduy it with C.The reason is that C is a lower high-level language which means it is near the operating system.And the algorithm you write with C is faster than Java or Python.(Most cases).And C don't have so many characteristic like c++ stl or java collection. In C++ or Java, it realize hashmap itself.If you are a green hand to data structure, you'd better realize it from 0 to 1 yourself rather directly use other "tools" to lazy.
The data structure and algorithm as concepts are the same across languages, the implementation however varies greatly.
Just look at the implementation of quicksort in an imperative language like C and in a functional language like Haskell. This particular algorithm is a poster boy for functional languages as it can be implemented in just about two lines (and people are particularly fond of stressing that's it).
There is a finer point. Depending on the language, many data structures and algorithms needn't be implemented explicitly at all, other than as an academic exercise to learn about them. For example, in Python you don't really need to implement an associative container whereas in C++ you need to.
If it helps, think of using DS and algo in different programming languages as narrating a story in multiple human languages. The plot elements remain the same but the ease of expression, or the lack thereof, varies greatly depending on the language used to narrate it.
(DSA) Data structures and algorithms are like emotions in humans (in all humans emotions are same like happy, sad etc)
and, programming languages are like different languages that humans speak (like spanish, english, german, arabic etc)
all humans have same emotions (DSA) but when they express them in different languages (programming languages) , the way of expressing (implementation) of these emotions (DSA) are different.
so when you switch to using different or new language, just have a look at how those DSA are implemented in that languages.

Is functional GUI programming possible? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've recently caught the FP bug (trying to learn Haskell), and I've been really impressed with what I've seen so far (first-class functions, lazy evaluation, and all the other goodies). I'm no expert yet, but I've already begun to find it easier to reason "functionally" than imperatively for basic algorithms (and I'm having trouble going back where I have to).
The one area where current FP seems to fall flat, however, is GUI programming. The Haskell approach seems to be to just wrap imperative GUI toolkits (such as GTK+ or wxWidgets) and to use "do" blocks to simulate an imperative style. I haven't used F#, but my understanding is that it does something similar using OOP with .NET classes. Obviously, there's a good reason for this--current GUI programming is all about IO and side effects, so purely functional programming isn't possible with most current frameworks.
My question is, is it possible to have a functional approach to GUI programming? I'm having trouble imagining what this would look like in practice. Does anyone know of any frameworks, experimental or otherwise, that try this sort of thing (or even any frameworks that are designed from the ground up for a functional language)? Or is the solution to just use a hybrid approach, with OOP for the GUI parts and FP for the logic? (I'm just asking out of curiosity--I'd love to think that FP is "the future," but GUI programming seems like a pretty large hole to fill.)
The Haskell approach seems to be to just wrap imperative GUI toolkits (such as GTK+ or wxWidgets) and to use "do" blocks to simulate an imperative style
That's not really the "Haskell approach" -- that's just how you bind to imperative GUI toolkits most directly -- via an imperative interface. Haskell just happens to have fairly prominent bindings.
There are several moderately mature, or more experimental purely functional/declarative approaches to GUIs, mostly in Haskell, and primarily using functional reactive programming.
Some examples are:
For those of you not familiar with Haskell, Flapjax, is an implementation of functional reactive programming on top of JavaScript.
My question is, is it possible to have a functional approach to GUI programming?
The key words you are looking for are "functional reactive programming" (FRP).
Conal Elliott and some others have made a bit of a cottage industry out of trying to find the right abstraction for FRP. There are several implementations of FRP concepts in Haskell.
You might consider starting with Conal's most recent "Push-Pull Functional Reactive Programming" paper, but there are several other (older) implementations, some linked from the site. Conal has a knack for covering the entire domain, and his paper can be read without reference to what came before.
To get a feel for how this approach can be used for GUI development, you might want to look at Fudgets, which while it is getting a bit long in the tooth these days, being designed in the mid 90s, does present a solid FRP approach to GUI design.
Windows Presentation Foundation is a proof that functional approach works very well for GUI programming. It has many functional aspects and "good" WPF code (search for MVVM pattern) emphasizes the functional approach over imperative. I could bravely claim that WPF is the most successful real-world functional GUI toolkit :-)
WPF describes the User interface in XAML (although you can rewrite it to functionally looking C# or F# too), so to create some user interface you would write:
<!-- Declarative user interface in WPF and XAML -->
<Canvas Background="Black">
<Ellipse x:Name="greenEllipse" Width="75" Height="75"
Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" Fill="LightGreen" />
Moreover, WPF also allows you to declaratively describe animations and reactions to events using another set of declarative tags (again, same thing can be written as C#/F# code):
From="0.0" To="100.0" Duration="0:0:5" />
In fact, I think that WPF has many things in common with Haskell's FRP (though I believe that WPF designers didn't know about FRP and it is a bit unfortunate - WPF sometimes feels a bit weird and unclear if you're using the functional point of view).
I would actually say that functional programming (F#) is much better tool for user interface programming than for example C#. You just need to think about the problem a little bit differently.
I discuss this topic in my functional programming book in Chapter 16, but there is a free excerpt available, which shows (IMHO) the most interesting pattern that you can use in F#. Say you want to implement drawing of rectangles (user pushes the button, moves the mouse and releases the button). In F#, you can write something like this:
let rec drawingLoop(clr, from) = async {
// Wait for the first MouseMove occurrence
let! move = Async.AwaitObservable(form.MouseMove)
if (move.Button &&& MouseButtons.Left) = MouseButtons.Left then
// Refresh the window & continue looping
drawRectangle(clr, from, (move.X, move.Y))
return! drawingLoop(clr, from)
// Return the end position of rectangle
return (move.X, move.Y) }
let waitingLoop() = async {
while true do
// Wait until the user starts drawing next rectangle
let! down = Async.AwaitObservable(form.MouseDown)
let downPos = (down.X, down.Y)
if (down.Button &&& MouseButtons.Left) = MouseButtons.Left then
// Wait for the end point of the rectangle
let! upPos = drawingLoop(Color.IndianRed, downPos)
do printfn "Drawn rectangle (%A, %A)" downPos upPos }
This is a very imperative approach (in the usual pragmatic F# style), but it avoids using mutable state for storing the current state of drawing and for storing inital location. It can be made even more functional though, I wrote a library that does that as part of my Master thesis, which should be available on my blog in the next couple of days.
Functional Reactive Programming is a more functional approach, but I find it somewhat harder to use as it relies on quite advanced Haskell features (such as arrows). However, it is very elegant in a large number of cases. It's limitation is that you cannot easily encode a state machine (which is a useful mental model for reactive programs). This is very easy using the F# technique above.
Whether you're in a hybrid functional/OO language like F# or OCaml, or in a purely functional language like Haskell where side-effects are relegated to the IO monad, it's mostly the case that a ton of the work required to manage a GUI is much more like a "side effect" than like a purely functional algorithm.
That said, there has been some really solid research put into functional GUIs. There are even some (mostly) functional toolkits such as Fudgets or FranTk.
You might check out the series by Don Syme on F# where he demo's creating a gui. the following link is to third part of the series (you can link from there to the other two parts).
Using F# for WPF development would be a very interesting GUI paradigm...
One of mind-opening ideas behind Functional Reactive Programming is to have an event handling function producing BOTH reaction to events AND the next event handling function. Thus an evolving system is represented as a sequence of event handling functions.
For me, learning of Yampa became a crucial poing to get that functions-producing-functions thing properly. There are some nice papers about Yampa. I recommend The Yampa Arcade: (slides, PDF) (full article, PDF)
There is a wiki page on Yampa at
Original Yampa home page: (unfortunately is broken at the moment)
Since this question was first asked, functional reactive programming has been made a bit more mainstream by Elm.
I suggest checking it out at , which also has some truly excellent interactive tutorials on how to make a fully functional in-browser GUI.
It allows you to make fully functional GUI's where the code you need to supply yourself consists only of pure functions. I personally found it a lot easier to get into than the various Haskell GUI frameworks.
Elliot's talk on FRP can be found here.
In addition, not really an answer but a remark and a few thoughts: somehow the term "functional GUI" seems a little bit like an oxymoron (pureness and IO in the same term).
But my vague understanding is that functional GUI programming is about declaratively defining a time dependent function that takes the (real)time dependent user input and produces time dependent GUI output.
In other words, this function is defined like a differential equation declaratively, instead of by an algorithm imperatively using mutable state.
So in conventional FP one uses time independent functions, while in FRP one uses time dependent functions as building blocks for describing a program.
Let us think about simulating a ball on a spring with which the user can interact. The ball's position is the graphical output (on the screen), user pushing the ball is a keypress (input).
Describing this simulation program in FRP (according to my understanding) is done by a single differential equation (declaratively): acceleration * mass = - stretch of spring * spring constant + Force exerted by the user.
Here is a video on ELM that illustrates this viewpoint.
As of 2016, there are several more, relatively mature FRP frameworks for Haskell such as Sodium and Reflex (but also Netwire).
The Manning book on Functional Reactive Programming showcases the Java version of Sodium, for working examples, and illustrates how an FRP GUI code base behaves and scales in comparison to imperative as well as Actor based approaches.
There's also a recent paper on Arrowized FRP and the prospect of incorporating side effects, IO and mutation in a law abiding, pure FRP setting:
Also worth noting is that JavaScript frameworks such as ReactJS and Angular and many others either already are or are moving towards using an FRP or otherwise functional approach to achieving scalable and composable GUI components.
Markup languages like XUL allow you to build a GUI in a declarative way.
To address this I posted some thoughts of mine in using F#,
I'm also planning to do a video tutorial to finish up the series and show how F# can contribute in UX programming.
I'm only talking in context of F# here.
All these other answers are built up upon functional programming, but make a lot of their own design decisions. One library that is built basically entirely out of functions and simple abstract data types is gloss. Here is the type for its play function from the source
-- | Play a game in a window. Like `simulate`, but you manage your own input events.
play :: Display -- ^ Display mode.
-> Color -- ^ Background color.
-> Int -- ^ Number of simulation steps to take for each second of real time.
-> world -- ^ The initial world.
-> (world -> Picture) -- ^ A function to convert the world a picture.
-> (Event -> world -> world)
-- ^ A function to handle input events.
-> (Float -> world -> world)
-- ^ A function to step the world one iteration.
-- It is passed the period of time (in seconds) needing to be advanced.
-> IO ()
As you can see, it works entirely by supplying pure functions with simple abstract types, that other libraries help you with.
The most apparent innovation noticed by people new to Haskell is that there is a separation between the impure world that is concerned with communicating with the outside world, and the pure world of computation and algorithms. A frequent beginner question is "How can I get rid of IO, i.e., convert IO a into a?" The way to to it is to use monads (or other abstractions) to write code that performs IO and chains effects. This code gathers data from the outside world, creates a model of it, does some computation, possibly by employing pure code, and outputs the result.
As far as the above model is concerned, I don't see anything terribly wrong with manipulating GUIs in the IO monad. The largest problem that arises from this style is that modules are not composable anymore, i.e., I lose most of my knowledge about the global execution order of statements in my program. To recover it, I have to apply similar reasoning as in concurrent, imperative GUI code. Meanwhile, for impure, non-GUI code the execution order is obvious because of the definition of the IO monad's >== operator (at least as long as there is only one thread). For pure code, it doesn't matter at all, except in corner cases to increase performance or to avoid evaluations resulting in ⊥.
The largest philosophical difference between console and graphical IO is that programs implementing the former are usually written in synchronous style. This is possible because there is (leaving aside signals and other open file descriptors) just one source of events: the byte stream commonly called stdin. GUIs are inherently asynchronous though, and have to react to keyboard events and mouse clicks.
A popular philosophy of doing asynchronous IO in a functional way is called Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). It got a lot of traction recently in impure, non-functional languages thanks to libraries such as ReactiveX, and frameworks such as Elm. In a nutshell, it's like viewing GUI elements and other things (such as files, clocks, alarms, keyboard, mouse) as event sources, called "observables", that emit streams of events. These events are combined using familiar operators such as map, foldl, zip, filter, concat, join, etc., to produce new streams. This is useful because the program state itself can be seen as scanl . map reactToEvents $ zipN <eventStreams> of the program, where N is equal to the number of observables ever considered by the program.
Working with FRP observables makes it possible to recover composability because events in a stream are ordered in time. The reason is that the event stream abstraction makes it possible to view all observables as black boxes. Ultimately, combining event streams using operators gives back some local ordering on execution. This forces me to be much more honest about which invariants my program actually relies on, similar to the way that all functions in Haskell have to be referentially transparent: if I want to pull data from another part of my program, I have to be explicit ad declare an appropriate type for my functions. (The IO monad, being a Domain-Specific language for writing impure code, effectively circumvents this)
Functional programming may have moved on from when I was at university, but as I recall the main point of a functional programming system was to stop the programmer creating any “side effect”. However users buy software due to the side effects that are created, e.g. updating a UI.

Questions about Scala from a Rubyist

I have recently been looking around to learn a new language during my spare time and Scala seems to be very attractive.
I have a few questions regarding it:
Will not knowing Java impose a
challange in learning it? Will it be
a big disadvantage
later on? ( i.e How often do people rely on
Java-specific libraries? )
How big of a difference it is
compared to Ruby? (Apart from being
statically typed) Does it introduce
a lot of new terms, or will I be
familiar with most of the language's
What resources would you recommend?
I have my eye on Programming Scala
and Beginning Scala books
Although subjective, is Scala fun to programme in? : P
There are many concepts that are shared between Ruby and Scala. It's been a while since I've coded Ruby, so this isn't exhaustive.
Ruby <==> Scala (Approximately!)
Mixins <==> Traits
Monkey Patching <==> Pimp My Library (Implicit Conversions to a wrapper with extra methods)
Proc/Closure <==> Function/Function Literal
Duck Typing <==> Structural Types
Last Argument as a Proc <==> Curried Parameter List (see Traversable#flatMap)
Enumerable <==> Traversable
collect <==> map
inject <==> foldLeft/foldRight
Symbol.toProc <==> Placeholder syntactic sugar:
Dynamic Typing conciseness <==> Type Inference
Nil <==> null, although Option is preferable. (Not Nil, which is an empty list!)
Everything is an expression <==> ditto
symbols/hashes as arguments <==> Named and Default Parameters
Singleton <==> object Foo {}
Everthing is an object <==> Everthing is a type or an object (including functions)
No Primitives <==> Unified type system, Any is supertype for primitives and objects.
Everything is a message <==> Operators are just method calls
Ruby's Features you might miss
define_method etc
Scala Features you should learn
Pattern Matching
Immutable Classes, in particular Case Classes
Implicit Views and Implicit Parameters
Types, Types, and more Types: Generics, Variance, Abstract Type Members
Unification of Objects and Functions, special meaning of apply and update methods.
Here is my take on it:
Never mind not knowing Java.
Scala relies a lot on Java libraries. That doesn't matter at all. You might have trouble reading some examples, sure, but not enough to be a hindrance. With little time, you won't even notice the difference between reading a Java API doc and a Scala API doc (well, except for the completely different style of the newest scaladoc).
Familiarity with the JVM environment, however, is often assumed. If I can make one advise here, it is to avoid Maven at first, and use SBT as a build tool. It will be unnecessary for small programs, but it will make much of the kinks in the Java-lang world easier to deal with. As soon as you want an external library, get to know SBT. With it, you won't have to deal with any XML: you write your build rules in Scala itself.
You may find it hard to get the type concepts and terms. Scala not only is statically typed, but it has one of the most powerful type systems on non-academic languages out there. I'm betting this will be the source of most difficulty for you. Other concepts have different terminology, but you'll quickly draw parallels with Ruby.
This is not that big of a hurdle, though -- you can overcome it if you want to. The major downside is that you'll probably feel any other statically typed language you learn afterwards to be clumsy and limited.
You didn't mention which Programming Scala you had your eyes on. There are two, plus one Programming in Scala. That latter one was written, among others, by the language creator, and is widely considered to be an excellent book, though, perhaps, a bit slow. One of the Programming Scala was written by a Twitter guy -- Alex Payne -- and by ex-Object Mentor's Dean Wampler. It's a very good book too. Beginning Scala was written by Lift's creator, David Pollack, and people have said good things about it to. I haven't heard anyone complain about any of the Scala books, in fact.
One of these books would certainly be helpful. Also, support on Stack Overflow for Scala questions is pretty good -- I do my best to ensure so! :-) There's the scala-users mailing list, where one can get answers too (as long as people aren't very busy), and there's the #scala IRC channel on Freenode, where you'll get good support as well. Sometimes people are just not around, but, if they are, they'll help you.
Finally, there are blogs. The best one for beginners is probably Daily Scala. You can find many, many others are Planet Scala. Among them, my own Algorithmically Challenged, which isn't getting much love of late, but I'll get back to it. :-)
Scala has restored fun in programming for me. Of course, I was doing Java, which is booooring, imho. One reason I spend so much time answering Stack Overflow questions, is that I enjoy working out solutions for the questions asked.
I'm going to introduce a note of caution about how much Java knowledge is required because I disagree that it isn't an issue at all. There are things about Java that are directly relevant to scala and which you should understand.
The Java Memory Model and what mechanisms the platform provides for concurrency. I'm talking about synchronization, threads etc
The difference between primitive types (double, float etc) and reference types (i.e. subclasses of Object). Scala provides some nice mechanisms to hide this from the developer but it is very important, if writing code which must be performant, to know how these work
This goes both ways: the Java runtime provides features that (I suspect, although I may be wrong) are not available in Ruby and will be of enormous benefit to you:
Management Extensions (MBeans)
JConsole (for runtime monitoring of memory, CPU, debugging concurrency problems)
JVisualVM (for runtime instrumentation of code to debug memory and performance problems)
These points #1 and #2 are not insurmountable obstacles and I think that the other similarities mentioned here will work strongly in your favour. Oh, and Scala is most certainly a lot of fun!
I do not have a Ruby background but nevertheless, I might be able to help you out.
I don't thing not knowing Java is a disadvantage, but it might help. In my opinion, Java libraries are used relatively often, but even a trained Java coder don't know them all, so no disadvantage here. You will learn some parts of the Java library by learning Scala because even the Scala libraries use them.
I started out by reading Programming Scala and turned over to read the source of the Scala library. The latter helped a lot to understand the language. And as always: Code, Code, Code. Reading without coding wont get you anywhere, but I'm sure you know that already. :-)
Another helpful resources are blogs, see for a compilation of good Scala blogs.
It is! As you stated, this is very subjective. But for me, coming from a Java background, It is a lot of fun.
This is very late, but I agree to some extent with what oxbow_lakes said. I have recently transitioned from Python to Scala, and knowing how Java works -- especially Java limitations regarding generic types -- has helped me understand certain aspects of Scala.
Most noticeably:
Java has a horribly broken misfeature known as "type erasure". This brokenness is unfortunately present in the JVM as well. This particularly affects programming with generic types -- an issue that simply doesn't come up at all in dynamically-typed languages like Ruby and Python but is very big in statically typed languages. Scala does about as good a job as it can working around this, but the magnitude of the breakage means that some of it inevitably bleeds through into Scala. In addition, some of the fixes in Scala for this issue (e.g. manifests) are recent and hackish, and really require an understanding of what's going in underneath. Note that this problem will probably not affect your understanding of Scala at first, but you'll run up against it when you start writing real programs that use generic types, as there are things you'll try to do that just won't work, and you won't know why unless/until you understand the limitations forced by type erasure.
Sooner or later you'll also run up against issues related to another Java misfeature, which is the division of types into objects (classes) vs. primitive types (ints, floats, booleans) -- and in particular, the fact that primitive types aren't part of the object system. Scala actually does an awesome job hiding this from you, but it can be helpful to know about what Java is doing in certain corner cases that otherwise may be tricky -- particularly involving generic types, largely because of the type-erasure brokenness described in #1. (Type erasure also results in a major performance hit when using arrays, hash tables, and similar generic types over primitives; this is one area where knowing Java will help a lot.)
Misfeature #3 -- arrays are also handled specially and non-orthogonally in Java. Scala's hiding of this is not quite as seamless as for primitives, but much better than for type erasure. The hiding mechanism sometimes gets exposed (e.g. the ArrayWrapper type), which may occasionally lead to issues -- but the biggest problem in practice, not surprisingly, is again with generic types.
Scala class parameters and the way that Scala handles class constructors. In this case, Java isn't broken. Arguably, Scala isn't either, but the way it handles class constructors is rather unusual, and in practice I've had a hard time understanding it. I've only really been able to make sense of Scala's behavior by figuring out how the relevant Scala code gets translated into Java (or more correctly, into compiled Java), and then reasoning over what Java would do. Since I assume that Ruby works much like Java in this respect, I don't think you'll run into too many problems, although you might have to do the same mental conversion.
I/O. This is actually a library issue rather than a language issue. In most cases, Scala provides its own libraries, but Scala doesn't really have an I/O library, so you pretty much have no choice but to use Java's I/O library directly. For a Python or Ruby programmer, this transition is a bit painful, since Java's I/O library is big and bulky, and not terribly easy to use for doing simple tasks, e.g. iterating over all the lines in a file.
Note that besides I/O, you also need to use Java libraries directly for other cases where you interact with the OS or related tasks, e.g. working with times and dates or getting environment variables, but usually this isn't too hard to figure out. The other main Java libraries you might need to use are
Subprocess invocation, also somewhat big and bulky
Networking -- but this is always somewhat painful
Reflection, i.e. dynamically examining the methods and/or fields on a class, or dynamically invoking a method by name when the name isn't known at compile time. This is somewhat esoteric stuff that most people don't need to deal with. Apparently Scala 2.10 will have its own reflection library, but currently you have to use the Java reflection API's, which means you need to know a fair amount about how Scala gets converted to Java. (Thankfully, there's a -print option to the Scala compiler to show exactly how this conversion happens.)
Re. point 1. Not being familiar with Java the language is not necessarily a problem. 3rd party libraries integrate largely seamlessly into Scala. However some awareness of the differences in collections may be good (e.g. a Scala list is not a traditional Java list, and APIs may expect the latter).
The Java-related skills that carry over are related to Java the platform. i.e. you're still working with a JVM that performs class-loading, garbage collection, JIT compilation etc. So experience in this is useful. But not at all necessary.
Note that Scala 2.8 is imminent, and there are some incompatible changes wrt. 2.7. So any book etc. you buy should be aware of such differences.
This is another late answer, having recently come to Scala myself, but I can answer 1, 3, and 4:
1) I ported a large, multifaceted F# project to Scala without any use of either Java or .NET libraries. So for many projects, one can stick totally to native Scala. Java ecosystem knowledge would be a plus, but it can be acquired gradually during and after learning Scala.
3) Programming in Scala is not only great for learning Scala, it's one of the few truly readable computer books on any language. And it's handy for later reference.
4) I've used close to a dozen different programming languages, from assembly languages to Prolog, but Scala and F# are the two most fun programming languages I've ever used -- by a wide margin. (Scala and F# are very similar, an example of "convergent evolution" in two different ecosystems -- JVM and .NET.)

Which event-driven applications are implemented in Haskell?

I've been looking at Haskell lately and it seems like a very nice way to watch programming problems from an alternative point of view - alternative to my usual imperative (I have a strong C++ background) view, at least.
However, all the articles I see seem to deal with the same kinds of programming problems:
Numeric computation problems
I'd like to give Haskell a try myself, by writing some GUI application. Hence, I'm wondering: does it make sense to write event-driven systems like GUIs in a functional programming language like Haskell? Or is that a problem domain at which imperative languages excel? Unfortunately it still takes quite some time for me to switch my mind to 'functional' mode, so I have a hard time deciding argueing against or in favor of using a functional programming language for an event-driven system.
I'd also be interested in examples of GUI applications (or event-driven systems, in general) which are implemented in Haskell.
Here's a couple of Google keywords for you:
Functional Reactive Programming (FRP), a programming paradigm for, well reactive (aka event-driven) programming in purely functional languages,
Leksah, a Haskell IDE written in Haskell,
Yi, an Emacs-like editor which replaces Lisp with Haskell as the implementation, configuration, customization and scripting language,
Super Monao Bros. (yes, you guessed it, a Jump&Run game)
Frag (First-Person Shooter)
Purely Functional Retrogames is a 4-part series of blog articles about how to write games in a purely functional language, explained using Pacman as the example. (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.)
xmonad is an X11 window manager written in Haskell.
Also, looking at how the various Haskell GUI Libraries are implemented may give some ideas of how interactive programs are made in Haskell.
Here's an example using epoll to implement an event driven web server:
Take a look at this wikibooks article, it's a basic wxHaskell tutorial. In particular see the Events section.
I recommend spending some quality time with Haskell and FP in general before jumping in to develop a fully-fledged application so you can get more familiarized with Haskell, since it's quite different from C++
xmonad is event-driven -- see the main event handling loop, which takes messages from the X server, and dispatches to purely functional code, which in turn renders state out to the screen.
"Functional reactive programming" was already mentioned, but it may seem complicated if you're looking at it for the first time (and if you're looking at some advanced articles, it will look complicated no matter how long have you studied it :-)). However, there are some very nice articles that will help you understand it:
Composing Reactive Animations by Conal Elliott shows a "combinator library" (a common programming style in functional languages) for describing animations. It starts with very simple examples, but shows also more interesting "reactive" bit in the second part.
Yampa Arcade is a more evolved demo of Functional Reactive Programming. It uses some advanced Haskell features (such as Arrows), but is still very readable. Getting it to actually run may be more complicated, but it is an excellent reading.
Haskell School of Expression by Paul Hudak is a book which teaches Haskell using multimedia and graphics (including some animations etc.). It is an excellent reading, but it takes more time as it is an entire book :-).
I find my way to functional programming through F#, which is a bit less "pure" compared to Haskell, but it gives you a full access to .NET libraries, so it is easy to use "real-world" technologies from a functional language. In case you were interested, there are a couple of examples on my blog.
