Java EE servlet to create a file and show progress while creating it - ajax

I need to write a servlet that will return to the user a csv that holds some statistics.
I know how to return just the file, but how can I do it while showing a progress bar of the file creation process?
I am having trouble understanding how can I do something ajaxy to show the progress of the file creation, while creating the file at the same time - if I create a servlet that will return the completion percentage, how can it keep the same file it is creating while returning a response every x seconds to the browser to show the progress.

There's two fundamentally different approaches. One is true asynchronous delivery using an approach such as Comet. You can see some descriptions in articles such as this. I would use this approach where the data your are delivering is naturally incremental - for example live measurements from instrumentation. Some Java App Servers have nice integration between their JMS message systems and comet to the browser.
The other approach is that you have a polling mechanism. The JavaScript in the browser makes periodic calls to the server to get status (and maybe the next chunk of data). The advantage of this approach is that you are using a very standard programming model, less new stuff to learn. For many cases, such as "are there new answers for the Stack Overflow question I'm working on?" this is quite sufficient.
Your challenge may be to determine any useful progress information. How would you know how far through the generation of the CSV file you are?
If you are firing off a long running request from a servlet it's quite likely that you will effectivley spin off a worker thread to do that work. (Maybe using JMS, maybe using asynch workers) and immediately return a response to the browser saying "Understood, I'm thinking". This ensures that you are not vulnerable to and Http response timeouts. The problem then is how to determine the current progress. Unless the "worker" doing the work has some way to communicate its partial progress you have nothing useful to say. This kind of thing tend to be very application-specific. Some tasks very naturally have progress points (consider printing we know how many pages to do and how many printed) others don't (consider determining if a number is prime - yes or no, no useful intermediate stages perhaps)


Alternatives to Electron IPC for Large Messages

I have a React/Electron app split into 2 (and optionally many more) processes - a frontend, a backend, and potentially many 'inspector' windows. They are all connected via Redux using redux-electron-store which keeps all the instances in sync using IPC, with the main process being the 'master' node, renderers being sent diff actions. The backend processes lots of images and XML, potentially hundreds, and sends them to Redux for storage, resulting in the entire thing hanging. The frontend requires the thumbnails, and both other windows require the parsed XML data.
Originally, I was sending each item as its own Redux action, resulting in like, 200 actions for example, which froze it. I also tried staggering these, sending one every 2 seconds or so, which was good, until performance started degrading part way through anyway. I then changed that to a batch process, of 1 action for each type of processing - thumbnails or parsing XML - for a group of files, which resulted in 2 payloads of 48MB and 37MB or similar, which was better, but still froze everything for a good few seconds.
I put a little interval counter in the main process to see if it was a main or renderer hang, and it seems the main process is freezing, presumably while it ingests and resends these big messages (naturally this is not a very foolproof method of establishing causation here). So I'm not really sure how to restructure things to stop freezing the main process. We had two ideas:
Abstract the thumbnail and XML data to a different part of Redux that won't be synced by IPC, and instead have a small local websocket server in the backend which can communicate straight to the process that requests the data, which will put it in its own Redux, and not sync it. This might be able to be done with WebWorkers? This should circumvent sending big payloads to the main process, and the web worker should avoid freezing the renderer.
A partner's idea was to have a local database that is presumably read/written to, and other windows would somehow need to be notified, and potentially store it in component state rather than Redux. I'm not as fond of this, due to introducing more I/O operations, needing to maintain this file, and some additional patch to notify components that need it, that the writing is done, to then go read the same data.
The IPC is all done async currently, though it still blocks.
This is all under the impression that the large messages freezing the renderer is the sole problem, and not Redux doing things with it, which may also be true, however removing it from being synced as in solution 1 would cover both of these.
If anyone has any ideas with how to better structure this, I'd be very appreciative.
If sharing these actions between renderers only is a requirement and all renderers have the same origin you can try BroadcastChannel as an alternative to IPC.
Also you can try to handle the data in renderer process and send the update to other rendere without involving manin process at all.

How get a data without polling?

This is more of a theorical question.
Well, imagine that I have two programas that work simultaneously, the main one only do something when he receives a flag marked with true from a secondary program. So, this main program has a function that will keep asking to the secondary for the value of the flag, and when it gets true, it will do something.
What I learned at college is that the polling is the simplest way of doing that. But when I started working as an developer, coworkers told me that this method generate some overhead or it's waste of computation, by asking every certain amount of time for a value.
I tried to come up with some ideas for doing this in a different way, searched on the internet for something like this, but didn't found a useful way about how to do this.
I read about interruptions and passive ways that can cause the main program to get that data only if was informed by the secondary program. But how this happen? The main program will need a function to check for interruption right? So it will not end the same way as before?
What could I do differently?
There is no magic...
no program will guess when it has new information to be read, what you can do is decide between two approaches,
A -> asks -> B
A <- is informed <- B
whenever use each? it depends in many other factors like:
1- how fast you need the data be delivered from the moment it is generated? as far as possible? or keep a while and acumulate
2- how fast the data is generated?
3- how many simoultaneuos clients are requesting data at same server
4- what type of data you deal with? persistent? fast-changing?
If you are building something like a stocks analyzer where you need to ask the price of stocks everysecond (and it will change also everysecond) the approach you mentioned may be the best
if you are writing a chat based app like whatsapp where you need to check if there is some new message to the client and most of time wont... publish subscribe may be the best
but all of this is a very superficial look into a high impact architecture decision, it is not possible to get the best by just looking one factor
what i want to show is that
coworkers told me that this method generate some overhead or it's
waste of computation
it is not a right statement, it may be in some particular scenario but overhead will always exist in distributed systems
The typical way to prevent polling is by using the Publish/Subscribe pattern.
Your client program will subscribe to the server program and when an event occurs, the server program will publish to all its subscribers for them to handle however they need to.
If you flip the order of the requests you end up with something more similar to a standard web API. Your main program (left in your example) would be a server listening for requests. The secondary program would be a client hitting an endpoint on the server to trigger an event.
There's many ways to accomplish this in every language and it doesn't have to be tied to tcp/ip requests.
I'll add a few links for you shortly.
Well, in most of languages you won't implement such a low level. But theorically speaking, there are different waiting strategies, you are talking about active waiting. Doing this you can easily eat all your memory.
Most of languages implements libraries to allow you to start a process as a service which is at passive waiting and it is triggered when a request comes.

REST API for main page - one JSON or many?

I'm providing RESTful API to my (JS) client from (Java Spring) server.
Main site page contains a number of logical blocks (news, last comments, some trending stuff), each of them has a corresponding entity on server. Which way is a right one to go, handle one request like
/api/main_page/ ->
news: {...}
comments: {...}
or let the client do a few requests like
I know in general it's better to have one large request/response, but is this an answer to this situation as well?
Ideally, you should have different API calls for fetching individual configurable content blocks of the page from the same API.
This way your content blocks are loosely bounded to each other.
can extend, port(to a new framework) and modify them independently at
anytime you want.
This comes extremely useful when application grows.
Switching off a feature is fairly easy in this
A/B testing is also easy in this case.
Writing automation is
also very easy.
Overall it helps in reducing the testing efforts.
But if you really want to fetch this in one call. Then you should add additional params in request and when the server sees that additional param it adds the additional independent JSON in the response by calling it's own method from BL layer.
And, if speed is your concern then try caching these calls on server for some time(depends on the type of application).
I think in general multiple requests can be justified, when the requested resources reflect parts of the system state. (my personal rule of thumb, still WIP).
i.e. if a news gets displayed in your client application a lot, I would request it once and reuse it wherever I can. If you aggregate here, you would need to request for it later, maybe some of them never get actually displayed, and you have some magic to do if the representation of a news differs in the aggregation and /news/{id}-resource.
This approach would increase communication if the page gets loaded for the first time, but decrease communication throughout your client application the longer it runs.
The state on the server gets copied request by request to your client or updated when needed (Etags, last-modified, etc.).
In your example it looks like /news and /comments are some sort of latest or since last visit, but not all.
If this is true, I would design them to be a resurce as well, like /comments/latest or similar.
But in any case I would them only have self-links to the /news/{id} or /comments/{id} respectively. Then you would have a request to /comments/latest, what results in a list of news-self-links, for what I would start a request only if I don't already have that news (maybe I want to check if the cached copy is still up to date).
It is also possible to trigger the request to a /news/{id} only if it gets actually displayed (scrolling, swiping).
Probably the lifespan of a news or a comment is a criterion to answer this question. Meaning the caching in the client it is not that vital to the system, in opposite of a book in an Book store app.

Eventual Consistency in microservice-based architecture temporarily limits functionality

I'll illustrate my question with Twitter. For example, Twitter has microservice-based architecture which means that different processes are in different servers and have different databases.
A new tweet appears, server A stored in its own database some data, generated new events and fired them. Server B and C didn't get these events at this point and didn't store anything in their databases nor processed anything.
The user that created the tweet wants to edit that tweet. To achieve that, all three services A, B, C should have processed all events and stored to db all required data, but service B and C aren't consistent yet. That means that we are not able to provide edit functionality at the moment.
As I can see, a possible workaround could be in switching to immediate consistency, but that will take away all microservice-based architecture benefits and probably could cause problems with tight coupling.
Another workaround is to restrict user's actions for some time till data aren't consistent across all necessary services. Probably a solution, depends on customer and his business requirements.
And another workaround is to add additional logic or probably service D that will store edits as user's actions and apply them to data only when they will be consistent. Drawback is very increased complexity of the system.
And there are two-phase commits, but that's 1) not really reliable 2) slow.
I think slowness is a huge drawback in case of such loads as Twitter has. But probably it could be solved, whereas lack of reliability cannot, again, without increased complexity of a solution.
So, the questions are:
Are there any nice solutions to the illustrated situation or only things that I mentioned as workarounds? Maybe some programming platforms or databases?
Do I misunderstood something and some of workarounds aren't correct?
Is there any other approach except Eventual Consistency that will guarantee that all data will be stored and all necessary actions will be executed by other services?
Why Eventual Consistency has been picked for this use case? As I can see, right now it is the only way to guarantee that some data will be stored or some action will be performed if we are talking about event-driven approach when some of services will start their work when some event is fired, and following my example, that event would be “tweet is created”. So, in case if services B and C go down, I need to be able to perform action successfully when they will be up again.
Things I would like to achieve are: reliability, ability to bear high loads, adequate complexity of solution. Any links on any related subjects will be very much appreciated.
If there are natural limitations of this approach and what I want cannot be achieved using this paradigm, it is okay too. I just need to know that this problem really isn't solved yet.
It is all about tradeoffs. With eventual consistency in your example it may mean that the user cannot edit for maybe a few seconds since most of the eventual consistent technologies would not take too long to replicate the data across nodes. So in this use case it is absolutely acceptable since users are pretty slow in their actions.
For example :
MongoDB is consistent by default: reads and writes are issued to the
primary member of a replica set. Applications can optionally read from
secondary replicas, where data is eventually consistent by default.
from official MongoDB FAQ
Another alternative that is getting more popular is to use a streaming platform such as Apache Kafka where it is up to your architecture design how fast the stream consumer will process the data (for eventual consistency). Since the stream platform is very fast it is mostly only up to the speed of your stream processor to make the data available at the right place. So we are talking about milliseconds and not even seconds in most cases.
The key thing in these sorts of architectures is to have each service be autonomous when it comes to writes: it can take the write even if none of the other application-level services are up.
So in the example of a twitter like service, you would model it as
Service A manages the content of a post
So when a user makes a post, a write happens in Service A's DB and from that instant the post can be edited because editing is just a request to A.
If there's some other service that consumes the "post content" change events from A and after a "new post" event exposes some functionality, that functionality isn't going to be exposed until that service sees the event (yay tautologies). But that's just physics: the sun could have gone supernova five minutes ago and we can't take any action (not that we could have) until we "see the light".

Large number of concurrent ajax calls and ways to deal with it

I have a web page which, upon loading, needs to do a lot of JSON fetches from the server to populate various things dynamically. In particular, it updates parts of a large-ish data structure from which I derive a graphical representation of the data.
So it works great in Chrome; however, Safari and Firefox appear to suffer somewhat. Upon the querying of the numerous JSON requests, the browsers become sluggish and unusable. I am under the assumption that this is due to the rather expensive iteration of said data structure. Is this a valid assumption?
How can I mitigate this without changing the query language so that it's a single fetch?
I was thinking of applying a queue that could limit the number of concurrent Ajax queries (and hence also limit the number of concurrent updates to the data structure)... Any thoughts? Useful pointers? Other suggestions?
In browser-side JS, create a wrapper around (or whichever method you are using)
that appends the requests to a queue.
Also create a function 'queue_send' that will actually call passing the entire queue structure.
On server create a proxy function called 'queue_receive' that replays the JSON to your server interfaces as though it came from the browser, collects the results into a single response, sends back to browser.
Browser-side queue_send_success() (success handler for queue_send) must decode this response and populate your data structure.
With this, you should be able to reduce your initialization traffic to one actual request, and maybe consolidate some other requests on your website as well.
in particular, it updates parts of a largish data structure from which i derive a graphical representation of the data.
I'd try:
Queuing responses as they come in, then update the structure once
Hiding the representation invisible until the responses are in
Magicianeer's answer is also good - but I'm not sure if it fits your definition of "without changing the query language so that it's a single fetch" - it would avoid re-engineering existing logic.
