Hibernate with Oracle JDBC issue - oracle

I have a select query which takes 10 min to complete as it runs thru 10M records. When I run thru TOAD or program using normal JDBC connection I get the results back, but while running a Job which uses Hibernate as ORM does not return any results. It just hangs up ...even after 45 min? Please help

Are you saying you trying to retrieve 10M records using an ORM like hibernate?
If this is the case you have one big problems, you need to redesign your application because this is not going to work, and about why it hangs up, well, I bet is because it runs out of memory.

Have you enabled SQL output for Hibernate? You need to set hibernate.show_sql to true in order to do that.
Once that's done, compare the generated SQL with the one you're been running through TOAD. Are they exactly the same or not?
I'm going to venture a guess here and say they're not because once SQL is generated Hibernate does nothing fancy - connection is taken from a pool; prepared statement is created and executed - so it should be no different from JDBC.
Thus the question most likely is how can your HQL be optimized. If you need any help with that you'll have to post the HQL in question as well as appropriate mappings / table schemas. Running explain on query would help as well.


Impala query with LIMIT 0

Being production support team member, I investigate issues with various Impala queries and while researching on an issue , I see a team submits an Impala query with LIMIT 0 which obviously do not return any rows and then again without LIMIT 0 which gives them result. I guess they submit these queries from IBM Datastage. Before I question them why they do so.. wanted to check what could be a reason for someone to run with LIMIT 0. Is it just to check syntax or connection with Impala? I see a similar question discussed here in context of SQL but thought to ask anyway in Impala perspective. Thanks Neel
I think you are partially correct.
Pls note, limit will process all the data and then apply limit clause.
LIMIT 0 is mostly used to -
to check if syntax of SQL is correct. But impala do fetch all the records before applying limit. so SQL is completely validated. Some system may use this to check out the sql they generated automatically before actually applying it in server.
limit fetching lots of rows from a huge table or a data set every time you run a SQL.
sometime you want to create an empty table using structure of some other tables but do not want to copy store format, configurations etc.
dont want to burden the hue/any interface that is interacting with impala. All data will be processed but will not be returned.
performance test - this will somewhat give you an idea of run time of SQL. i used the word somewhat because its not actual time to complete but estimated time to complete a SQL.

JPA getResultList much slower than SQL query

I have a (oracle)table with about 5 million records and a quite complex query which returns about 5000 records of it in less than 5 seconds with a database tool like toad.
However when I ran the query via entityManager(eclipseLink) the query runs for minutes...
I'm probably too naive in the implementation.
I do:
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(complexQueryString, Myspecific.class);
... setParameter...
List result = query.getResultList();
The complexQueryString starts with a "SELECT *".
What kinds of optimization do I have?
May be one is only to select the fields I really need later. Some explanation would be great.
I had a similar problem (I tried to read 800000 records with 8 columns in less than one second) and the best solution was to fall back to jdbc. The ResultSet was created and read really 10 times faster than using JPA, even when doing a native query.
How to use jdbc: normally in the J2EE-Servers a JDBC-DataSource can be injected as #Resource.
An explanation: I think the OR-Mappers try to create and cache objects so that changes can easily detected later. This is a very substantial overhead, that can't be recognized if you are just working with single entities.
Query.setFetchSize(...) may help a bit. It tells the jdbc driver how many rows to return in one chunk. Just call it before getResultList();

jdbc with oracle DB - out of memory

I've written a simple code that reads a table from oracle DB.
I try to run in on a very big table and I see that it consumes a huge amount of memory.
I thought that using fetchsize will cause it to optimize memory usage (that what happens when using it on SQLSERVER), but it didn't. tried it with various values - from 10 to 100000.
Can't see how I manage to perform a simple task - export a very big oracle table to a csv file.
I use ojdbc6.jar as a driver.
also I use
Any idea?
Seems like creating the statement with ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY solved this problem.

Specifing no of records to delete in Tibco JDBC Update activity

how to specify no of records to delete in Tibco JDBC Update activity in batch update mode.
Actually I need to delete 25 million of records from the database so I wrote Tibco code to do the same and it is taking lot of time .. So I am planning to use Batch mode in Delete query so I don't know how to specify no of records in JDBC Update activity.
Help me if any one has any idea.. thanks
From the docs for the Batch Update checkbox:
This field is only meaningful if there are prepared parameters in the
SQL statement (see Prepared Parameters).
In which case the input will be an array of records. It will execute the statement once for each record.
To avoid running out of memory, you will still need to iterate over the 25mil, but you can iterate in groups of 1000 or 10000.
If this is not something you would do often (deleting 25M rows, sounds pretty one-off), an alternative is to use BW to create a file containing the delete statements and then giving the file to a DBA to execute.
please use subset feature of jdbc palette!! Let me know if you face any issues?
I would suggest two points:
If this is an one time activity then it is not adviced to use Tibco BW code for that. SQL script should be the better alternative.
When you say 25 million records- what criteria is this based on. It can be achieved through subset iteration .But there should be proper load testing in the Pre - Prod environment to check that the process is not causing any memory/DB issue.
You can also try using SQL procedure and invoking the same through BW.

Server issue when searching Oracle database

I have a JEE application searching a large Oracle databse for data. The application uses JDBC to query the database.
The issue I am having is that the results page is unable to be displayed. I get the following error:
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
This happens after 60 seconds. When I run the sql query manually using a SQL client, the results return in 3 seconds.
I have checked the logs and there are no exceptions that I can see.
Do any of you know the best way to find what is causing the connection to be reset? If I break my search date range into 2, and search both ranges individually, both return results. So it seems that it's the larger result set causing the issue.
Any help is welcome.
You are probably right about the larger result set. Often when running a query from a SQL client, you'll get the first set of records right away. If you page down to force pull of all records, then it bogs down. Perhaps your hitting the same issue with JDBC client where it takes more than 60 sec to get all the rows. I've not done JDBC in a while, but can you get it to stream the result set?
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