Hide controls in FlowDocumentReader - coding-style

Is it possible to hide controls at the bottom like zoom slider, page navigation etc in FlowDocumentReader? It seems that only search can be hidden through the IsFindEnabled property.

Just use a FlowDocumentScrollViewer instead and set its IsToolBarVisible property to false.

To do this, you have to edit the default template - this is easy to do in Blend but I don't know how to do it in VS. I've done this before though, it is definitely possible.


How to deactivate click event on Unity Slider UI?

In Unity, I would like to use the slider in my canvas but only the handle.
A default behaviour is that if the user clicks on a certain point in the slider , the handle will jump right to that point. I would like to disable this behaviour, allowing the user only to drag the handle to move it.
How can this be done?
Thank you.
Simply uncheck the Raycast Target property of the Image component located on the Background GameObject.
Otherwise you could always override the Slider class to fit your need but i guess this would be a bit overkill in your case.
Hope this helps,
Disable interactable checkbox in inspector. This option added with new versions.

how to create custom pop up in Xamarin forms

I am newbie to Xamarin.Forms and stuck with a situation where I want to Create up a popup box with my control details.
How can I open and create custom dialog box / popup using Xamarin.Forms?
Any example code will be appreciated?
Thanks in advance!
What I have used is a StackLayout(or any layout) within a grid (or even an absolute layout ) this main grid will have 2 children. The IsVisible property of the popup layout will be set to false and when it is needed then the IsVisible property will be set to true and it will appear, something like this:
Grid mainGrid = new Grid{};
Content = mainGrid;
if what you want is different then a custom renderer will be the way. Here are some helpful links:
There are different kind of things to achieve this, but I will say play with the layouts because it will work for all 3 platforms.
The Frame will be useful also:

Xamarin.forms - How to display tabs on the middle of a layout

I would like to add tabs just below custom header(Grid), but I am not sure how to do that. So far I have grid and tabbedPage, but how to display both in one page? Thank you for help.
That's not possible with Xamarin.Forms - at least not out of the box, of course you can write custom renderers for something like a TabView.
Note that with X.F you are limited to very basic UIs.

scroll bar vertical on c++ builder

I´m doing a bit GUI, this has a Form with a TMemo with the property ScrollBars set to ssVertical but I would like that the vertical scroll only shows when necessary, at present it's always shown. How can I disable when not necessary and enable when necessary?
Thanks you very much.
Unfortunately, TMemo's scrollbars do not work that way. If they are enbled then they are always displayed, regardless of the content. Switch to a TRichEdit instead.

WP7 Show Control on top of other control

Is it possible to show control on top of other control?
If so, how?
Especially I'm interesting in showing Border control on top of WebBrowser.
Thank you in advance!
Yes, you can show one control on top of another. Look at the Canvas.ZIndex attached property which is respected by all Panel implementations. Simply place your controls within a Panel so that they overlap then set their z-index accordingly.
You have to use canvas control. Place all of the contents inside a canvas and set elements individually by Canvas.Zindex property
