Relationships between complexity theory and software engineering? [closed] - complexity-theory

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm interested to know if there is any literature out there on the relationship of complexity theory (emergence, complex systems, evolution) and software development processes. I read somewhere that SCRUM philosophy came out of the theory of punctuated equilibrium in evolution theory. Are there any additional studies/researches on this subject?

There's a slightly tongue-in-cheek book called Systemantics. Because a software program is a type of system, its observations are applicable to software: for example,
The bigger the system, the narrower and more specialized the interface with individuals.
A complex system cannot be "made" to work. It either works or it doesn't.
A simple system, designed from scratch, sometimes works.
Some complex systems actually work.
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works.
A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.

There interesting blog posts by Jurgen Appelo of NOOP.NL fame, which are related to application of complexity theory to software engineering and project management:
Your Project Will Suffer From Power Laws
What (Else) Can Agile Learn from Complexity?
These can be helpful in researching this topic.


How do I get better at finding algorithms for problems? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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In programming, a lot of problems require you to find an efficient algorithm. So, if I want to be able to craft good algorithms that satisfy such criteria, what could I do? Is there any resources that help in training your algorithm development skills?
Help appreciated thanks!
Edit: I know that this question received hate, probably because it is not very agreeable to StackOverflow policies. Nevertheless, thanks Dylan Wright for taking the time to answer!
So most people are probably going to rip you apart for asking this question. No worries, just ignore. Algorithm go hand in hand with data structures in large amounts of data and/or some repetitive task. The key to the algorithm has a lot of different possibilities so there is no real straight forward answers. It mostly goes with what is the solution to what you are trying to improve. An algorithm is something as simple as parsing through an array of street addresses for your address application. To understand algorithms is really knowing what are common algorithms and how they work. Then you can educate yourself and maybe create one of your own. You should do some research on this.
To start look on blog sites like
Or just Google

How to prepare for Olympiad in Informatics [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a high school student who live out side of the USA.
So... please excuse any mistake.
I am planning to study for Olympiad in Informatics(I have never participated in this contest) and I am going to try on next year since it begin in April in our country I think I still have a time to prepare for it. And actually, I am kind of interested in data structure and algorithms . Although I cant get a good result from the contest, it would be worth experience to me.
However, there are no one who have ever participated in this contest in our school. So, I have no idea how to prepare.
I sure know how to code with python ,C ,C++ (but I am not good at it..)
So... If you guys know about it, please just give me some information. like books and way to prepare.
First research what the contest is about.
Learn your stuff. If it's algorithms, then I suggest something like Skiena, The Algorithm Design Manual. I think there's also a competitive programming book by Skiena.
Then practice. It looks like it might be similar to "classical" programming contest, so it would make sense to try:
- Any of the numerous online judge systems.

Where are the C++ implementations of the advanced ellipse detection algorithms? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I'm a novice in the field of ellipse detection/extraction. But I know this topic has a long history. Although there are tons of papers addressing ellipse detection, I can hardly find any C++ implementations of these advanced algorithms such as Straight Line HT (SLHT), Fast Ellipse Hough Transform (FEHT), and Randomized HT (RHT). I'm curious Why the researchers don't put their code online such that more people can benefit from them? Can anyone kindly tell me where I can find any of the C++ implementations? Thanks.
(PS: I'm familiar with OpenCV. I know OpenCV has few implementations such as fitEllipse and HoughCircle.)
A lot of image processing research is done in Matlab, there are generally implementations available in that language. The reason you don't see any C++ implementations is because they would be much more about the details of implementation (memory management, performance, etc) rather than the actual algorithm; Matlab is much more succinct about this.
If you really want to get to learn about image processing algorithms, you'll probably want to learn to read Matlab code.

Studies involving the looks of software [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Have their been any studies related to the importance of how good a software looks in terms of perception or saleability?
I have a feeling this is much more important then people give it credit for, but I would really like to see some hard data to back it up.
The keywords you are after is "Human-Computer-Interaction". There is loads of studies in that area, I even spent a full semester at uni on the subject, where it was spoken of as "HCI".
However, they do focus on the usability of a software program. The perception of a software program does impact the usability, however, under the theory that the more familiar a program is to the user, the less difficulty the user will have with using it.
The saleability, however... I doubt that's even related to the software, let alone its user interface other than that it satisfies a checklist that the consumer may have.
Donald Norman has done a bunch on this, going as far as stating that "Good looking things work better". I'm currently reading his book "Emotional Design" and I'm finding myself slowly persuaded, though on first face I disagreed vehemently.

Has anybody used a proof assistant to prove soundness of a typed process calculus? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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...And have they published the results where I can afford to read them?
There are several people doing things along those lines. Look through the papers at John Rushbie's PVS site, and look at Coq's papers.
Searching Citeseer will probably do some good too — almost everyone nowadays publishes their preprints to Citeseer, so a little looking around will usually get you the same paper, or something very very similar to the paper published in the expensive journal.
Ah, there is a proof of soundness for the process calculus underlying the Pict programming language in David N.Turner's thesis.
The Archive of Formal Proofs has several entries in the category "Process Calculi" listed in its topics, such as CCS and Pi Calculus.
