.NET IE BHO Remoting - remoting

I have a IE Browser Helper Object, which is a Toolbar addin for IE 8.
I have another .NET .EXE application (Remoting Client) that connects to this BHO (Remoting Server) using remoting via common Interface.
When I test the communication between the .EXE application and a TEMP Console application with the same code used in the Server component, it communicates fine, and runs the remote Method.
However, when i try and communicate with the BHO server with security on the TCP cahannel ON ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(tcpClientChannel, true); , I get a "FileNotFoundException" Could not load file or assembly "xxxx" which "xxxx" is the common Interface assembly that contains the Server Methods.
When i try and communicate with the BHO server with security on the TCP cahannel OFF ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(tcpClientChannel, false); , I get error "connection to the remote object was forcably closed".
If I re-test it with the simple test console app it work.
Im starting to believe the problem is with the way remoting works inside a BHO instance... Has anyone used Remoting in a BHO .NET instance, Im using the SPICIE library to create the BHO using .NET.
COMMON Interface assembly for Remoting Interface Object
namespace WWie.CommonClasses
class WWieRemote : MarshalByRefObject, WWieClassLibrary.WWieCommonClass.IGetHtmlElement
public string GetElementClicked()
return ("Returned from WWieRemote ");
public void SetElementClicked(string str)
MessageBox.Show("SetElement " + str);
static TcpChannel tcpClientChannel = new TcpChannel();
public static WWieClassLibrary.WWieCommonClass.IGetHtmlElement remoteObject;
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(tcpClientChannel, false);
remoteObject = (WWieClassLibrary.WWieCommonClass.IGetHtmlElement)Activator.GetObject(typeof(WWieClassLibrary.WWieCommonClass.IGetHtmlElement), "tcp://localhost:9002/TestWWie");
testing with remote method call
remoteObject.SetElementClicked("from Client");
TcpChannel tcpServerChannel = new TcpChannel(9002);
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(tcpServerChannel, true);
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(WWieClassLibrary.WWieCommonClass.IGetHtmlElement), "TestWWie", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton);

Since IE is running in protected mode by default, it usually doesn't have access to communicate with higher integrity processes. If your url is in the intranet zone, you can push a policy that disable protected mode for the intranet zone.
Otherwise you may want to look for other options, like shared memory, named pipe, hidden worker windows & registered messages & customized message filter for Vista's UIPI, etc.


How can I create a WCF Service Application in Visual Studio that does NOT use a Web Server

I have a simple task: A program (executable) is supposed to call a function of another program (also executable) with some parameters. Program A is supposed to be started, call the function and then terminate. Program B is legacy program that has a GUI and runs continuously. Both programs run on the same Windows PC and use the .NET Framework. I have no experience in web development and Program B is not supposed to run as a web service! Named pipes seem like a good option.
I researched what the best method would be and wanted to try WCF. The documentation claims that "A service endpoint can be part of a continuously available service hosted by IIS, or it can be a service hosted in an application". From that I understand that I can run Program B as a service without hosting a web server.
However everything I see in Visual Studio seems to presume I want to run a server. Wenn I want to create a new WCF project in Visual Studio the only options are a library or "A project for creating WCF service application that is hosted in IIS/WAS". Once I've created said project the debugger wants me to choose a browser for hosting the service.
In another StackOverflow topic a popular suggestion was using this website as a guide and simply removing the http references since the guide is for both named pipes and http. Another indication that it should be possible.
So can someone point me in the right direction? What am I missing? How can I use WCF with nothing related to Web Development involved?
You have already been on the way, it is enough to host the web service in Program B, without specifying a web server. this is called a self-hosted WCF. As the link you provided mentioned, the Service host class is used to host the WCF service, which means that we can host the service in the Console/Winform, and so on.
Here is an example of hosting the service in a Winform application.
public partial class Form1 : Form
ServiceHost serviceHost = null;
public Form1()
Uri uri = new Uri("http://localhost:9009");
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
serviceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService), uri);
serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IService), binding, "");
ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior()
HttpGetEnabled = true
System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding mexbinding = MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexHttpBinding();
serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMetadataExchange), mexbinding, "mex");
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (serviceHost.State==CommunicationState.Opened)
this.label1.Text = "Service is running";
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (serviceHost.State==CommunicationState.Opened&&serviceHost.State!=CommunicationState.Closed)
public interface IService
string Test();
public class MyService:IService
public string Test()
return DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
After that, we could consume it by using a client proxy.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Wifi WPS client start in Windows 10 in script or code

I can not find how to start WPS client in Windows 10 from command prompt or powershell. When I used Linux, everything was really ease with wla_supplicant (wpa_cli wps_pbc). Is there something similar in Windows?
Does anyone know how to set up Wi-Fi network (over WPS) key without human input in Windows?
I also tried WCN (Windows Connect Now) from Microsoft as it implements WPS features. I got also samples from Windows SDK on WCN, but they could not get key by WPS (it faild). But if I use Windows user interface to connect wiothout PIN, everyting seems to be pretty fine.
I am sure that there is possibility to do that, it is very important to perform Wifi Protected Setup by button start from the command prompt or app (C++/C#) without human intrusion or input (once WPS is on air, Windows should automatically get the network key and connect then).
I don't know if it's too late to answer, just put what I know in here and hope it can help.
First, if your system has updated to 16299(Fall Creator Update), you can just simply use new wifi api from UWP.
Install newest Windows SDK, create a C# console project, target C# version to at least 7.1, then add two reference to the project.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETCore\v4.5\System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\UnionMetadata\10.0.16299.0\Windows.winmd
After all of that , code in below should work.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.Devices.Enumeration;
using Windows.Devices.WiFi;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var dic = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(WiFiAdapter.GetDeviceSelector());
if (dic.Count > 0)
var adapter = await WiFiAdapter.FromIdAsync(dic[0].Id);
foreach (var an in adapter.NetworkReport.AvailableNetworks)
if (an.Ssid == "Ssid which you want to connect to.")
// Fouth parameter which is ssid can not be set to null even if we provided
// first one, or an exception will be thrown.
await adapter.ConnectAsync(an, WiFiReconnectionKind.Manual, null, "",
Build and run the exe, then push your router's button, your pc will be connect to the router.
But if you can not update to 16299, WCN will be your only choice. You may already notice that if call IWCNDevic::Connect frist with push-button method, the WSC(Wifi Simple Configuration) session will fail. That's because WNC would not start a push-button session as a enrollee, but only as a registrar. That means you have to ensure that router's button has been pushed before you call IWCNDevic::Connect. The way to do that is using Native Wifi api to scan your router repeatedly, analyse the newest WSC information element from the scan result, confirm that Selected Registrar attribute has been set to true and Device Password Id attribute has been set to 4. After that, query the IWCNDevice and call Connect function will succeed. Then you can call IWCNDevice::GetNetworkProfile to get a profile that can use to connect to the router. Because it's too much of code, I will only list the main wifi api that will be used.
WlanEnuminterfaces: Use to get a available wifi interface.
WlanRegisterNotification: Use to register a callback to handle scan an connect results.
WlanScan: Use to scan a specified wifi BSS.
WlanGetNetworkBsslist: Use to get newest BSS information after scan.
WlanSetProfile: Use to save profile for a BSS.
WlanConnect: Use to connect to a BSS.
And about the WSC information element and it's attributes, you can find all the information from Wi-Fi Simple Configuration Technical Specification v2.0.5.
For Krisz. About timeout.
You can't cast IAsyncOperation to Task directly. The right way to do that is using AsTask method. And also, you should cancel ConnectAsync after timeout.
Sample code:
var t = adapter.ConnectAsync(an, WiFiReconnectionKind.Manual, null, "",
if (!t.Wait(10000))

When self-hosting what exactly causes AddressAccessDeniedException : HTTP could not register URL

I am writing a bdd test for a component that will startup phantomjs and hit a specific route on my site and do processing on that. Because the component is fundamentally about automating a phantom instance there is no way to easily stub out the http requests.
So I want to stub out a self-hosted endpoint that will stub out the data I'm after. Because this is a unit test I think its really important for it to run in isolation so I do something like this:
async Task can_render_html_for_slide_async() {
var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:54331");
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("Controller", "{controller}", new {});
using (var server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config)) {
var client = new HttpClient();
var resp = await client.GetStringAsync(config.BaseAddress+"/Stub");
public class StubController : ApiController
public string Get() {
return "Booyah";
Which gets me
AddressAccessDeniedException : HTTP could not register URL http://+:54331/
I understand that netsh or Admin mode is required for this but I don't understand why. Nodejs for example runs perfectly fine on windows but has no such requirement.
Also using OWIN directly needs no netsh-ing. So....what's going on?
I wrote an article about it on codeproject, it was done to make it possible for multiple application to share the same port.
You can have both, IIS and Apache (or OWIN in your case) listenening port 80. The routing to the right application is done thanks to the path of the url.
IIS and Apache both would use this driver (http.sys). But you need permission to "reserve" a path.
Administrators are always authorized. For other users, use netsh or my GUI tool HttpSysManager to set ACL.
Any method that requires giving permission via netsh uses a Windows kernel driver to provide http access.
If a library opens a socket itself and handles the http communication that way, no netsh use is needed.
So to answer your question, some methods are using the kernel driver and some are handling the protocol themselves.

Communication between C# running on Windows and C running on linux with protobuf

I have a server application running on Linux. This application was
developed using protobuf c and protobuf.rpc.c files for RPC communication.
I have a client application which was running on windows.It was developed in c# using protobuf-net.dll and ProtobufRemote.dll for RPC communication.Both application using the same proto file having same service methods.
I can able to create a proxy from C# client application with the below code.
using System.Configuration;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using ProtoBufRemote; // rpc reference
using StarCall; // proto file
#region Create client connection
Int32 port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PORT"]);
TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SERVERIP"].ToString(), port);
var controller = new RpcController();
var client = new RpcClient(controller);
var channel = new NetworkStreamRpcChannel(controller, tcpClient.GetStream());
var service = client.GetProxy<Istarcall_services>();
if (service == null)
Console.WriteLine("error creating client..");
//now calls can be made, they will block until a result is received
Console.WriteLine("Client connected to Server....\n");
But whenever I am trying to invoke a service method from C# client application as shown below, the application is hanging and not getting any response from Linux c server application.
Room_Config room = new Room_Config();
room.Room_Dial_Num = 1;
Room_Config roomRet = service.read_room(room); // service method
catch (Exception)
The application is hanging in the below code.
protected RpcMessage.Parameter EndAsyncCallHelper(string methodName, IAsyncResult asyncResult)
PendingCall pendingCall = (PendingCall)asyncResult;
pendingCall.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); // application hanging here
if (pendingCall.IsFailed)
throw new InvalidRpcCallException(serviceName, methodName,
String.Format("Server failed to process call, returned error message: \"{0}\".",
return pendingCall.Result;
According to above mentioned scenarios, I have the following queries.
Whether this protobuf remote c# dll can help to create a communicatgion from the linux c code. If not please help me how to create a communication channel with the linux c code.
Please provide if any alternative rpc dll for c# client application to communicate to linux protobuf c and protobuf rpc.c file.
Please tell me if my above approach is wrong and rectify with the suitable solution.
Please help me out. If not clear please send to mail mentioned below.
Have you implemented your server in Linux with ProtoBufRemote cpp available at https://code.google.com/p/protobuf-remote/ ??
If yes, then you must have replaced or modified SocketRpcChannel.cpp class as it is using WinSock2 that is not applicable on Linux.
Have you done so? If yes, please share modified SocketRpcChannel class that you have used in your server.
Thank you.

bits , sharpBits.net

I using in my project BITS - Background Intelligent Transfer Service for send file with larg size. Using SharpBITS.NET in C# code.
I want to upload file from server to client. I now note the sides.
-------------client side---------------
static void Main(string[] args)
string local = #"I:\a.mp3";
string destination = "";
string remoteFile = #destination;
string localFile = local;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localFile) && System.IO.File.Exists(localFile))
var bitsManager = new BitsManager();
var job = bitsManager.CreateJob("uploading file", JobType.Upload);
job.NotificationFlags = NotificationFlags.JobErrorOccured | NotificationFlags.JobModified |
job.AddFile(remoteFile, localFile);
job.OnJobError += new EventHandler<JobErrorNotificationEventArgs>(job_OnJobError);
This is a simple console application. the local -- path the file that I want to send, destination -- the path is receiver it is remote server.
When I run program the job.Error take mi follow --- "The server's response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again. -- BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_200 .-2145845048, 0x801900C8"
For Client (receiver) i have the follow code: It is Mvs 3 small project and I View only action
where to go by our destination path.
public ActionResult FileUpload()
HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[0];
file.SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/BitsTest/"), file.FileName));
{ }
/*System.IO.File.Move(Server.MapPath("/BitsTest/bin/aa.png"), Server.MapPath("/BitsTest/Content/aa.png"));*/
But FileUpload action thas not recevie file. I don't know how I can receive file in client Side.
As you can see, I used HttpPostedFileBase for recive file but that is not working.
My host server is Windows server 2008 r2 and I done needed steps for BITS. For more information you can visit the follow site http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc431377.aspx ---- How to Configure Windows Server 2008 for Configuration Manager 2007 Site Systems.
So I don't know what doing that I can receive file in host server.You can tell me what you can do.
With a stateless methdology like the one web applications use, there is no connection to the server once the response is completed. You can poll the server from the client side, but the client is not listening for the server to send additional bits.
In "the past" you could set up ActiveX controls, Java applets, etc (Silverlight today?) to continue to listen, but this is not straight web style development.
HTML5 expands your options, if you are willing to use the websocketAPI. As with all parts of HTML5, you have some risk using these bits for implementation as not all browsers have adopted the "standard" yet (adoption expected to be complete in the next 10-12 years:->).
