codeigniter with flexgrid - codeigniter

I have used href link in the flexigrid rows. on Click it takes me to another page. But on click of the row its making the href link to disappear and its visible only after unselecting row.
Is there any option to stop selecting the row in flexigrid or how to make the link test visible even on selecting the rows.
Please need ur help immd.

Add this condition in flexigrid.js file
if(!p.disableSelect) on line 728 ie. inside $(this).click{
add this line in flexigrid_helper.php inside the build_grid_js
$grid_js .= "disableSelect : 'true' ,";
thats it. Its working!


MS Access trying to link a record with a page tab

I've been searching for a few days and doing every word combination I can think of to try to find the answer to my issue. I'm hoping someone can help me.
Before I begin I'd also like to say I'm very new to Access and admittedly not great with it. I'm still learning so this could be a very easy fix or I may have messed up beyond belief.
The issue I'm having is I've setup several page tab on a form and entered all the information for my records. However I cannot get the page tabs to pull up the corresponding records. Instead I have to either search through the records which doesn't always work or I have to arrow to the right record after selecting the tab I want. I'd like it so that when I click the tab it brings up the proper record automatically. If someone can point out where I'm going wrong and how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it. See below for some pics of what I mean.
As you can see in the first image. The tab name "Auto PLUS" doesn't bring up the proper record. instead I have to manually change the record using the arrows at the bottom of the form (see the arrow at the bottom of the image) in order to change the record. I need the record and the tab to match. Any help would be so greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help!!
Assuming your form is bound (if in design mode your fields do NOT say "Unbound" then your form is bound), you simply need to add some VBA code to each tab's OnClick event.
Enter design mode and select the first tab "Claims Other". Open the properties pane, click the event tab, and click the ellipsis at the end of the OnClick line. When prompted, select "Code Builder" and it should launch the Visual Basic Editor.
It will put your cursor automatically in the correct position. Copy/Paste:
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Form1, acGoTo, 1
The 1 should correspond to "Claims Other's" proper record in your table. Use the row number, not the ID number to determine what it should be.
Go back to Form View and click on the "Claims Other's" tab. The data should show the corresponding record in your table.
Repeat the steps of adding events to each tab, finding the relevant record in your table, and replacing the 1 from the above code.

How to remove jqgrid sub-grid expansion button while creating new row

I am using jQrid version 3.8.1 with subgrids. In my case, it doesn't really make sense for the user to be able to expand the subgrid while they are entering a new row. Since the parent row doesn't exist yet, there is nothing for the subgrid to show anyway. So what is the best way to disable or remove the subgrid expansion button (+ button) just for a row that is being created?
I saw this post, which could work, but seems a little hacky. Is there a more supported method?
I' mot sure that I correctly understand your scenario. I suppose that you add the row and then want to hide "+" button during inline editing of the new added row.
The exact implementation depends on how you add the row and which form of inline editing you use. In any way I would suggest you to hide the "+" button at the beginning of inline editing and to show it after the row could have subgrid information. You can use the following code for hiding the "+" icon
$("#" + rowid).find("td.ui-sgcollapsed>a").hide();
Additionally you would have to prevent expanding of the subgrid if the user do click on the "subgrid" cell (which contains the hidden "+"). You can do this by removing sgcollapsed class (or sgexpanded class):
$("#" + rowid).find("td.ui-sgcollapsed").removeClass("sgcollapsed");
To restore the original state (after saving the editing row) you need show the icon ($("#" + rowid).find("td.ui-sgcollapsed>a").show()) and to add the class sgcollapsed back to the <td> element ($("#" + rowid).find("td.ui-sgcollapsed").addClass("sgcollapsed")).
If you are sure that some row don't have any sbgrid then you can remove the "+" icon by setting empty string or as HTML content of td.ui-sgcollapsed call of the row. Additionally one can unbind the click event from the cell. See the old answer for the corresponding code example.

Kendo UI detail grid expansion on row click

I am using Kendo UI Grid master detail template like in this docs , I am able to get the template by clicking in the hierarchy cell, I want to know if there is some easy way to expand the detail template by clicking anywhere on row.
To do that you can follow these steps:
Add k-on-change="handleChange(kendoEvent)" to trigger the function when we select any row,
dont forget to add k-rebind="gridOptions.selectable",
and i also prefer <div kendo-grid="grid"></div> so later on we can
select the grid instance
create $scope.handleChange = function(kendoEvent){....}to handle the event
and finally here is a kendo dojo example from yours that i've modified
As per your comment, you simply close all expanded row first then you can open the one which is selected. Add this $scope.grid.collapseRow($scope.grid.tbody.find("tr.k-master-row")); before $scope.grid.expandRow($scope.grid.tbody.find("tr.k-master-row.k-state-selected"));. Updated dojo

Xpages link to open document view

I want to add an option to the row of the view: the possibility to open the document when clicking on the row. It is possible? How can I achieve this?
Add displayAs="link" to viewColumn. Then it is rendered as link and opens the document if you click on it. You can also choose to open it in edit or read mode.
Set the attributes in properties panel:
You can open the corresponding document clicking somewhere on a viewPanel's row (not just on a column's link) if you add a rowAttrs property.
Add the following code to your viewPanel:
value="'#{javascript:row.getOpenPageURL(null, true)}', '_self')"
rendered="#{javascript:!(row.isCategory() | row.isTotal()) }">
Set viewPanel's row variable to var="row". The attribute attr gets rendered for all rows which are represent a document. It adds an individual onclick event to those rows and executes CSJS code defined in value. This CSJS code contains a SSJS part which inserts the URL of the document as's parameter.
If you set getOpenPageURL's second parameter to false then document will be opened in edit mode.
Look here for a detailed description.
I think there is no easy way ;-) Maybe JQuery is your friend to add a on click event to the row with needed

Insert "Click for Availability" on Magento Catalog Pages

In Magento 1.7, when you click on a category, and the product catalog for that category comes up, I would like to add the words "Click for Availability" next to or below each item. Can someone please let me know how this can be done?
The file you need to edit is
But editing that file directly is not upgrade-safe, so you'll need to move it to
That will override the base file automatically. Note that there are two view modes--grid and list, both of which are indicated by a comment in the list.phtml file--so be sure to edit both for your change to be visible at all times.
It looks like you'll want to add your line inside the product <li> for grid view, which is line 94 for me. For list view, you should put it inside the the .product-shop div, which is line 52. It's hard to be more specific without knowing exactly what you have in mind. You'll just need to play around with it.
In list.phtml add a button "Check Availability" which on click triggers a JavaScript function
pass this to the function
if this is true show in a div Available else not Available
This availability code is already checked in magento
