MS Access trying to link a record with a page tab - performance

I've been searching for a few days and doing every word combination I can think of to try to find the answer to my issue. I'm hoping someone can help me.
Before I begin I'd also like to say I'm very new to Access and admittedly not great with it. I'm still learning so this could be a very easy fix or I may have messed up beyond belief.
The issue I'm having is I've setup several page tab on a form and entered all the information for my records. However I cannot get the page tabs to pull up the corresponding records. Instead I have to either search through the records which doesn't always work or I have to arrow to the right record after selecting the tab I want. I'd like it so that when I click the tab it brings up the proper record automatically. If someone can point out where I'm going wrong and how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it. See below for some pics of what I mean.
As you can see in the first image. The tab name "Auto PLUS" doesn't bring up the proper record. instead I have to manually change the record using the arrows at the bottom of the form (see the arrow at the bottom of the image) in order to change the record. I need the record and the tab to match. Any help would be so greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help!!

Assuming your form is bound (if in design mode your fields do NOT say "Unbound" then your form is bound), you simply need to add some VBA code to each tab's OnClick event.
Enter design mode and select the first tab "Claims Other". Open the properties pane, click the event tab, and click the ellipsis at the end of the OnClick line. When prompted, select "Code Builder" and it should launch the Visual Basic Editor.
It will put your cursor automatically in the correct position. Copy/Paste:
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Form1, acGoTo, 1
The 1 should correspond to "Claims Other's" proper record in your table. Use the row number, not the ID number to determine what it should be.
Go back to Form View and click on the "Claims Other's" tab. The data should show the corresponding record in your table.
Repeat the steps of adding events to each tab, finding the relevant record in your table, and replacing the 1 from the above code.


How do I edit a form in ServiceNow

I've been given an exercise. Add a field to the Tasks table and make sure it is visible on the incident form as a drop down list. So I've added a column to the table. But how do I then get that drop down list on to the incidents form?
Load up an incident record and then right click on the header of the form. Then go to configure and then click form layout. You can also use the form designer. In either situation, just drag the field from the left to the right. In the form designer it's a little bit easier to choose exactly where you want the field to show up.
Pro tip: you can easily get to the incident form by typing "incident.form" into the application navigator filler bar on the left and pressing enter.
If you want to learn more about ServiceNow, I humbly welcome you to check out my best-selling book: "Learning ServiceNow" at

Changing Epicor ERP10 standard system code

How can I change Epicor ERP10 standard system code for Purchase Requisition Entry in the Line pane? I would like to change the Due Date from displaying current date to blank everytime making a new line. Please help me.
You can do this using Method Directives.
Here's how to add one.
Find and open Method Directives Maintenance (System Management/Business Process Management/Method Directives Maintenance)
Click on Method Code, select your business object (Req in your case).
Click on Search and select the appropriate method from there (since it is an Add Line event that you want to work with, it should look something like GetNew...Detail). Click OK.
Go to Post Processing tab and hit New on the toolbar.
Give this directive a name you like and click on Design.
Here, in the BPM Workflow Designer, scroll to the bottom of the panel on the left and drag the Set Field icon to the right from the Setters section.
Now when this Set Field... icon is selected, it should show you a table with a column called Action. The next part should be intuitive in itself, but I have gone through the steps and written it here anyways.
Select DueDate field of the ReqDetail table (under specified field section). Set it to null for the new row here.
Save and Exit.
This should do the job, or if it doesn't do exactly what you want. There's always more options in the Method Directives Maintenance section that you can fiddle around with. Good luck.

Can I add navigation arrows to PDF output in SSRS / Report Builder 3.0?

Somebody pulled the most random question on me today and I realized I'd never even considered it. What they wanted was my PDF rendering of an SSRS report to come standard with navigation arrows, i.e., previous page, next page. This started me looking at all the options that are available, which are actually kind of cool, and I was able to add on a table of contents, including bookmarks for a new number (e.g., if you're printing 5 invoices with 2-5 pages each into one long document, those will have the invoice number and you can jump to the beginning of that invoice), but I couldn't see anything about navigation links. In fact, most of what I've seen says that PDF's only can have navigation maps, i.e., the table of contents tab. So if anyone has any ideas on how I can do this, that would be great. I know it can be added after-the-fact with something like Blubeam, but that's not practical in this case.
As I mentioned in comments you can create a bookmark in each page. A bookmark can be added using the component DocumentMapLabel property almost all SSRS Report Items (Tablix, Textbox, Charts, etc) have.
If you don't have a title or a textbox at the very top of each page, add an empty textbox, be sure place them at the top of the page in order to each bookmark jumps to the beginning of the corresponding page.
Select the first textbox and press F4 to see the extended properties window, look for DocumentMapLabel and type Page 1.
In each page set the textbox DocumentMapLabel property to the corresponding page number.
When the report is exported to PDF, your PDF client shows the bookmark menu, containing a bookmark for each page. If you click on a bookmark it jumps to the related page.
This is how it looks in Adobe Acrobar Reader:
Let me know if this helps.

How to know when NSTableView is done (re)loading its contents?

I have a UI that looks similar to the mail app. A table view along the left with a single column of items. When one of the those items on the left is selected, details about that item are shown on the right.
When some event occurs in my app that requires the data in the left table view to be reloaded, the current selection is lost and then the right detail view and left master view get out of sync.
The way i hoped to solve this problem was, when it was time to reload the table data, I would:
1. Save the current selected item
2. reload the table data
3. Handle a delegate method or notification that let me know when the reloading was done.
4. Re-select the proper item by finding it in the new list of items in the table.
Unfortunately I cannot find any way to determine when the table is done reloading. Is there a. any way to figure this out, or b. a more elegant solution to this problem?
update: In case my problem was unclear, imagine you are in the mail app and you have some message selected. That summary cell is shown as selected on the left, and the details of the message are shown on the right. Suppose new mail comes in which appear as new cells at the top of the table. How is the message you are currently viewing preserved, and not de-selected?
reloadData is something of a sledgehammer. 10.7 offers a better solution.
Instead of using reloadData, when you have new rows to add, use insertRowsAtIndexes:withAnimation: . When you have rows to delete, use removeRowsAtIndexes:withAnimation: . And, of course, if an existing row has changed, there's reloadDataForRowIndexes:columnIndexes.
These should remember the selection for you (at least, the equivalents on iOS do).
If you can't target 10.7, some of the other suggestions will probably help out. noteNumberOfRowsChanged may also be helpful but I've not actually used it.
You can save selection on tableView(_:shouldSelectRow:) then select the row right after you create the cell in tableView(_:viewFor:row:) using selectRowIndexes(_:byExtendingSelection:).
It is pretty reliable no matter how / when / how many times you reload the table.

help needed regarding a suitable GUI control in struts

hey all..
i want the user to enter a set of data such as "name" and "age" and correspondingly send it to the person bean. But the user can choose to enter any number of person's data at 1 go.
What control at GUI would be suitable for achieving this (keeping in mind i am developing the application in stuts2).
There isn't going to be anything definitive. Just hand roll the solution with your favorite JS library. Adding struts2-json-plugin will probably help.
I had created something very much like what you are looking for... It was a two column table where you typed in a user name into one field, hit tab, then typed in the second field. There was one button at the end of the table, so hitting tab once more and enter added the current fields to the DB and added a new row to the table and positioned the input into the first field. It allowed for smooth data entry.
