Sending image from server to client - image

How to send image from server to client through bluetooth in j2me?

If you are in control of both the server and client, then you don't need to worry about the complexities of OBEX. You can create your own lightweight protocol that does only what you need.
If you are new to Bluetooth on J2ME, start by reading about JSR 82. You'll want to create an RFCOMM/SPP connection between your client and server.
Next is the matter of sending an image over a serial connection in J2ME. If you have the image loaded as a javax.microedition.lcdui.Image, you'll need to obtain the ARGB pixel data using Image.getRGB().
This gives you an int array, which you'll need to send over the SPP connection (look at DataOutputStream.writeInt()), and rebuild at the other end using Image.createRGBImage().

I've found the avetana Bluetooth libraries to be a bit unstable, and found BlueCove to be a better proposition. As mentioned, OBEX is the OBject EXchange protocol to use, and the docs are all over the internet.

If you look into "apps\BluetoothDemo\src\example\bluetooth\demo" folder of Sun WTK 2.5.x installation folder, you can find and source codes.
It uses serial profile to send image data from server to client. I think you can easily understand by looking it.

If you mean OBEX, try avetana (obex implementation on JSR-82) - it includes some example.


How to read RREQ message header from MAC layer

I am considering a multihop sensor network scenario with AODV routing protocol and X-MAC protocol. I want to read the message type field of RREQ message from MAC layer. Would anyone please suggest me the code for that?
Thank you.
Link layer protocols (like X-MAC) should NOT depend on any protocol that is above them. Just like an ethernet device driver should not contain any code dealing with TCP window size. You should consider to have a software architecture which reflects how services are working in real life.

Golang `pions` lib example issue

I've just started experimenting with WebRTC with Go and downloaded pions/webrtc library but I'am stuck with it's data-channels example.
As it written in docs I opened jsfiddle client example.
Then I'am running go run main.go command in the /go/src/ folder on my server to launch data-channel.
After that I copy Browser base64 Session Description from jsfiddle example and paste it into my terminal where data-channels go script is running and it generates Golang base64 Session Description code which I paste into jsfiddle example and then press Sart session button.
And it fails to establish connection :(
This is my jsfiddle example for client side:
And this is my server side go script:
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for using pion-WebRTC (I am one of the developers!)
WebRTC uses a technology called ICE to allow peers to talk to each other. Two peers exchange IP addresses via the SDP (the text you pasted) then they attempt to communicate by sending small UDP packets between each other. Once two IP addresses successfully communicate via ICE the rest of the WebRTC steps can continue. For you this process is failing. I don't know how/why though. Firewalls, VPNs etc... all can cause problems.
You will have to debug and check different scenarios. I would try running the examples on your local PC. If that works then maybe try between a different server. A good tool to help here also is tcpdump that can show if UDP packets are arriving. I usually use tcpdump -i any udp and inbound
We also recently added IPv6 support, so might be worth trying from master and see if that helps at all! Hopefully this helps, but if you are still having issues feel free to ask more questions. We are also all available via our Slack Channel you can sign up here here and would be more then happy to chat!
I met similar problem, and I solved by
echo $BROWSER_SDP | ./main
BROWSER_SDP is the session description in your browser, main is the exe by go build main.go(you can rename exe by mv). This can make sure transfer SDP to the server, which is really important.
The detail

Connecting Arduino Uno with Ethernet shield to database

Hey I'm new to Arduino programming, I was wondering how i can connect my device to store data to
I know the REST API Key but not sure one what to do. Any help would be appreciated, and if possible can you provide source code or examples.
This is now possible. An Arduino Uno + ethernet shied still can't make HTTP requests, and still needs HTTPs, but Temboo makes it possible. Here's what you need to do:
Create an account at
Go to the Parse bundle
Find the Choreo you're interested in e.g., UploadFile, and test it out from the Temboo website
Turn on IoT Mode, set up your shield, and use the generated Arduino sketch code to connect your board to Parse.
Here's a blog post about Temboo's Iot Mode - the feature makes all of this possible:
I hope this helps.

Packet filtering in Windows (XP, 7 etc)

How can i filter (allow, deny etc) outgoing packets in Windows? I want to search in TCP or UDP packet types to find in the data segment for example this "387602304fd236e048125453b1fa10c980e9dad4fa7f3f5dd2497c2e8b2b" and drop/block/deny the packet, if it matches the search hex string.
I have already tried WIPFW and PKTFILTER but they only serve IP source, dest, port etc filtering. They don't inspect the packet's data.
I think Berkeley Packet Filter doe's that job, but it's for unix...
Here is some to filter packet in windows:
WinDivert Free open source project work on Windows 7, 2008 or upper. network layer.
WinpkFilter 3.0 Commercial, Windows XP and upper. datalink layer
pcausa, Commercial. datalink layer
Windows Filtering Platform Packet Modification Sample
A sample to create callout driver that WinDivert use, you should now to implement kernel driver. network layer.
you can use SmartSniff in windows.
Starting from version 1.10, you can filter unwanted TCP/IP activity during the capture process (Capture Filter), or when displaying the captured TCP/IP data (Display Filter)
You want application level filtering then, (just changing the payload). If you want to be able to drop, I know you can hook into Winsock, which will allow you to capture packets as they go out and set up a filter there. Windows seven also added to their firewall, so you could use that API to grab outbound packets; I'm not sure if it will allow you to specifically alter the payload data, though.

bluetooth device to windows API via com port

So I have a bluetooth device, this device uses SPP to transfer data between the PC and itself. It connects fine through Windows as a bluetooth device. I can find it, enter the paring code and assign it to a COM port. Now I want to be able to send data through the com port using Windows API but it is refusing to do so.
I suspect that I need to setup the COMMCONFIG Structure correctly (see below)
Unfortunately I have no idea what is the proper setting. I know SPP is supposed to emulate the RS-232 communication... so maybe I have to study up on that to figure out the right setting? Or is there some automatic way to set the COMMCONFIG structure.
I seriously doubt it. If it would be used then you'll have no chance at guessing at the custom provider data without docs from the driver author. Pay attention to the handshake signals, serial port devices routinely ignore anything sent to them when the DTR signal is turned off. And not send anything back with DTR off. A driver would emulate that. Use EscapeCommFunction() to turn them on. Also try a serial comm program like HyperTerminal or Putty to test this so you can isolate the source of the problem.
Why not use the Bluetooth sockets API? No need for troublesome (virtual) COM ports then.
If you're using managed code then see my library 32feet.NET
If using native code, use SOCKADDR_BTH with Winsock connect etc, see e.g. Bluetooth and connect (Windows) Then you can use the standard Winsock send/recv API
Ok, I found that you can use the
GetCommConfig and GetCommState functions to figure out the settings.
