Golang `pions` lib example issue - go

I've just started experimenting with WebRTC with Go and downloaded pions/webrtc library but I'am stuck with it's data-channels example.
As it written in docs I opened jsfiddle client example.
Then I'am running go run main.go command in the /go/src/github.com/pions/webrtc/examples/data-channels folder on my server to launch data-channel.
After that I copy Browser base64 Session Description from jsfiddle example and paste it into my terminal where data-channels go script is running and it generates Golang base64 Session Description code which I paste into jsfiddle example and then press Sart session button.
And it fails to establish connection :(
This is my jsfiddle example for client side:
And this is my server side go script:
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for using pion-WebRTC (I am one of the developers!)
WebRTC uses a technology called ICE to allow peers to talk to each other. Two peers exchange IP addresses via the SDP (the text you pasted) then they attempt to communicate by sending small UDP packets between each other. Once two IP addresses successfully communicate via ICE the rest of the WebRTC steps can continue. For you this process is failing. I don't know how/why though. Firewalls, VPNs etc... all can cause problems.
You will have to debug and check different scenarios. I would try running the examples on your local PC. If that works then maybe try between a different server. A good tool to help here also is tcpdump that can show if UDP packets are arriving. I usually use tcpdump -i any udp and inbound
We also recently added IPv6 support, so might be worth trying from master and see if that helps at all! Hopefully this helps, but if you are still having issues feel free to ask more questions. We are also all available via our Slack Channel you can sign up here here and would be more then happy to chat!

I met similar problem, and I solved by
echo $BROWSER_SDP | ./main
BROWSER_SDP is the session description in your browser, main is the exe by go build main.go(you can rename exe by mv). This can make sure transfer SDP to the server, which is really important.
The detail


Golang chat using udp problems

I'm developing a UDP chat using golang for my University work.
It's almost done, but I have some problems. When I run my server and try to connect to it the Server dont recognize a new connection, I need to press Enter twice to make it work. How can I resolve that ?
The source code is in: https://github.com/FranciscoJLucca/T1_LabRedes

Windows 10 SNMP service not responding

I'm trying to get my head around SNMP for a project I'm working on. After I failed miserably getting it to work in my company's network, I set up a simple 3-device network to test things on, consisting of two Windows 10 PCs and a manageable switch between them.
I installed the optional feature "SNMP" on both PCs, made sure the service is running correctly and configured both services to accept SNMP queries from each other. I made sure to open up UDP port 161 in both PCs firewalls. Then I got the Net-SNMP binaries in order to use SNMPGET and SNMPWALK. As an alternative, I set up the SNMP extension for PHP through xampp (since I want to use PHP in my project once I get SNMP to work). Finally, I installed wireshark to monitor what exactly is going on and this is what I found:
When I try SNMPGET or SNMPWALK either through cmd or as a PHP command, I always get a timeout message. Wireshark is showing the get-next-request leaving one PC and arriving correctly on the other, so the network connection itself is working fine. But the receiving PC never sends a response. As I said, I'm pretty new to SNMP and I'm at a loss as to why this is happening. As I understand it, the optional feature for Windows 10 comes with its own SNMP agent, correct? If so, what could cause it to simply ignore an incoming request from a valid source IP?
The funny thing is that this even happens when I try to send an SNMP query to I have no idea what I'm doing wrong...
Thanks to the comment of Lex Li, I was able to finally figure out which step I made a mistake with:
When setting up the SNMP service, under the security tab, I had to add 'public' as an accepted community name (with READ-ONLY rights). I figured since 'public' is sort of the standard read-only community, it would be accepted by default, which apparently it is not.
Alternatively, I guess I could have added my own communtiy name, but I didn't try that since I only want to read some values through SNMP anyways and read-only access is all I need for that.
Thank you very much Lex Li, I'm off to continue my project now!

Getting ICE failed in webrtc P2P video calling when communicating in different network

I'm working to create a video calling web app using WebRTC.
The communication is working fine on same network. But when communicating in different network I'm getting ICE failed error.
Error: ICE failed, see about:webrtc for more details
In about:webrtc I' able to get local and remote SDP's, but ICE State is failed. http://imgur.com/a/nPPDr
Here is the code of my main.js file
Here is the my log file from about:webrtc
P.S: Before posting the question I've checked several posts in SO and in other sites but no one did the trick.
Looking at the log file you provided it looks like you provided a TURN server, but the communication with that TURN server simply times out. So either something like a local firewall is blocking the communication with your TURN server or your TURN server is not working.
In case your local firewall blocks UDP traffic it might help to configure and use TURN TCP additionally to get through the firewall.
your about:webrtc does not show any relay candidates gathered from a TURN server. At the risk of sounding like a broken record: you need a TURN server for the majority of connections between different networks.

SSL - Trusted mitm attack on Windows

I'm getting bit helpless with this.
I need a tool that can perform MITM on any chosen SSL stream from localhost to remotehost (not just HTTPS!). Searching for such application seems to be pretty difficult task because all apps seems to follow this trend: SSL==HTTPS. My application trusts the certificate so that's not an issue. For HTTPS I use Proxifier + Charles Debugging Proxy. However Charles can capture only HTTPS, not binary SSL crypted data.
How do I imagine the flow of data.
In best case:
I think only one working so far was this combination:
SSLSplit on virtualized Linux + virtualized Windows with the application and default gateway set to that linux. Which is as you can imagine very inconvenient. Also the SSLSplit logs both recv and send into one file, which can be problematic with binary stream (I could deal with it I guess).
Any advices?
You could also use sslsplit -L to log to a single log file or named pipe and use a simple script to parse the log format used by SSLsplit, extracting the binary payload and do whatever you like with it. -L uses log headers for each logged segment. SSLsplit comes with a simple python module for parsing its log files in extra/logreader.py.
I know its a rather old question (4 months), but as it still has not been answered i'll give it a shot and leave a direction for future searches.
Have you tried Cain&Abel or stunnel?

How to determine what URL a closed source piece of software is connecting to? (OSX)

Usually I'd use Wireshark, but is there a really super quick way to determine what URL an app is pulling data from? I need to whitelist the host so that it works through a proxy server, as the app doesn't support proxies.
Fire up terminal and type
lsof -i
this lists all open internet connections. Of course you can restrict the listing to include only connections from certain executable with -c option. Read the man page for lsof. Learn to use it, it's a great little tool.
Check out Little Snitch http://www.obdev.at/products/littlesnitch/index.html
Great little program to catch those "phone homes". Cheap too!
Give this a shot:
Charles Web Debugging Proxy
It's not quite as heavy as Wireshark so you should be able to get your results pretty quick. Short of something like Wireshark or a HTTP Debugging Proxy, I'm not sure how you'd know.
