How to count duplicates in Ruby Arrays - ruby

How do you count duplicates in a ruby array?
For example, if my array had three a's, how could I count that

Another version of a hash with a key for each element in your array and value for the count of each element
a = [ 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3]
h =
a.each { | v |, h[v]+1) }
# h = { 3=>3, 2=>1, 1=>1, 4=>1 }

arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3]
My favourite way of counting elements is:
counts = arr.group_by{|i| i}.map{|k,v| [k, v.count] }
# => [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 2], [4, 1], [5, 1]]
If you need a hash instead of an array:
# => {1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>2, 4=>1, 5=>1}

This will yield the duplicate elements as a hash with the number of occurences for each duplicate item. Let the code speak:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class Array
# monkey-patched version
def dup_hash
inject( { |h,e| h[e] += 1; h }.select {
|k,v| v > 1 }.inject({}) { |r, e| r[e.first] = e.last; r }
# unmonkeey'd
def dup_hash(ary)
ary.inject( { |h,e| h[e] += 1; h }.select {
|_k,v| v > 1 }.inject({}) { |r, e| r[e.first] = e.last; r }
p dup_hash([1, 2, "a", "a", 4, "a", 2, 1])
# {"a"=>3, 1=>2, 2=>2}
p [1, 2, "Thanks", "You're welcome", "Thanks",
"You're welcome", "Thanks", "You're welcome"].dup_hash
# {"You're welcome"=>3, "Thanks"=>3}

arr = [2,3,4,3,2,67,2]
repeats = arr.length - arr.uniq.length
puts repeats

arr = %w( a b c d c b a )
# => ["a", "b", "c", "d", "c", "b", "a"]
# => 2

Another way to count array duplicates is:
arr= [2,2,3,3,2,4,2]
arr.group_by{|x| x}.map{|k,v| [k,v.count] }
result is
[[2, 4], [3, 2], [4, 1]]

requires 1.8.7+ for group_by
ary = %w{a b c d a e f g a h i b}
ary.group_by{|elem| elem}.select{|key,val| val.length > 1}.map{|key,val| key}
# => ["a", "b"]
with 1.9+ this can be slightly simplified because Hash#select will return a hash.
ary.group_by{|elem| elem}.select{|key,val| val.length > 1}.keys
# => ["a", "b"]

To count instances of a single element use inject
array.inject(0){|count,elem| elem == value ? count+1 : count}

arr = [1, 2, "a", "a", 4, "a", 2, 1]
#=> {1=>2, 2=>2, "a"=>3, 4=>1}

Ruby >= 2.7 solution here:
A new method .tally has been added.
Tallies the collection, i.e., counts the occurrences of each element. Returns a hash with the elements of the collection as keys and the corresponding counts as values.
So now, you will be able to do:
["a", "b", "c", "b"].tally #=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>1}

What about a grep?
arr = [1, 2, "Thanks", "You're welcome", "Thanks", "You're welcome", "Thanks", "You're welcome"]
arr.grep('Thanks').size # => 3

Its Easy:
words = ["aa","bb","cc","bb","bb","cc"]
One line simple solution is:
words.each_with_object( { |word,counts| counts[word] += 1 }
It works for me.

I don't think there's a built-in method. If all you need is the total count of duplicates, you could take a.length - a.uniq.length. If you're looking for the count of a single particular element, try {|e| e == my_element}.length.

Improving #Kim's answer:
arr = [1, 2, "a", "a", 4, "a", 2, 1] { |h| arr.each { |v| h[v] += 1 } }
# => {1=>2, 2=>2, "a"=>3, 4=>1}

Ruby code to get the repeated elements in the array:
numbers = [1,2,3,1,2,0,8,9,0,1,2,3]
similar = numbers.each_with_object([]) do |n, dups|
dups << n if seen.include?(n)
seen << n
print "similar --> ", similar

Another way to do it is to use each_with_object:
a = [ 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3]
hash = a.each_with_object({}) {|v, h|
h[v] ||= 0
h[v] += 1
# hash = { 3=>3, 2=>1, 1=>1, 4=>1 }
This way, calling a non-existing key such as hash[5] will return nil instead of 0 with Kim's solution.

I've used reduce/inject for this in the past, like the following
array = [1,5,4,3,1,5,6,8,8,8,9]
array.reduce ( {|counts, el| counts[el]+=1; counts}
=> {1=>2, 5=>2, 4=>1, 3=>1, 6=>1, 8=>3, 9=>1}


Creating a Ruby Hash Map in a Functional Way

I have an array I want to turn into a hash map keyed by the item and with an array of indices as the value. For example
arr = ["a", "b", "c", "a"]
would become
hsh = {"a": [0,3], "b": [1], "c": [2]}
I would like to do this in a functional way (rather than a big old for loop), but am a little stuck
lst = arr.collect.with_index { |item, i| [item, i] }
[["a", 0], ["b", 1], ["c", 2], ["a", 3]]
I then tried Hash[lst], but I don't get the array in the value and lose index 0
{"a"=>3, "b"=>1, "c"=>2}
How can I get my desired output in a functional way? I feel like it's something like
Hash[arr.collect.with_index { |item, i| [item, item[i] << i || [i] }]
But that doesn't yield anything.
Note: Trying to not do it this way
hsh = {}
arr.each.with_index do |item, index|
if hsh.has_key?(item)
hsh[item] << index
hsh[item] = [index]
arr = ["a", "b", "c", "a"]
.transform_values { |arr| }
{"a"=>[0, 3], "b"=>[1], "c"=>[2]}
I would like to do this in a functional way (rather than a big old for loop), but am a little stuck
lst = arr.collect.with_index { |item, i| [item, i] }
[["a", 0], ["b", 1], ["c", 2], ["a", 3]]
This is very close. The first thing I would do is change the inner arrays to hashes:
arr.collect.with_index { |item, i| { item => i }}
#=> [{ "a" => 0 }, { "b" => 1 }, { "c" => 2 }, { "a" => 3 }]
This is one step closer. Now, actually we want the indices in arrays:
arr.collect.with_index { |item, i| { item => [i] }}
#=> [{ "a" => [0] }, { "b" => [1] }, { "c" => [2] }, { "a" => [3] }]
This is even closer. Now, all we need to do is to merge those hashes into one single hash. There is a method for that, which is called Hash#merge. It takes an optional block for deconflicting duplicate keys, and all we need to do is concatenate the arrays:
arr.collect.with_index { |item, i| { item => [i] }}.inject({}) {|acc, h| acc.merge(h) {|_, a, b| a + b } }
#=> { "a" => [0, 3], "b" => [1], "c" => [2] }
And we're done!
How can I get my desired output in a functional way? I feel like it's something like
Hash[arr.collect.with_index { |item, i| [item, item[i] << i || [i] }]
But that doesn't yield anything.
Well, it has a SyntaxError, so obviously if it cannot even be parsed, then it cannot run, and if it doesn't even run, then it cannot possibly yield anything.
However, not that even if it worked, it would still violate your constraint that it should be done "in a functional way", because Array#<< mutates its receiver and is thus not functional.{}){ |(a, i), h| h[a] ? h[a] << i : (h[a] = [i]) }
#=> {"a"=>[0, 3], "b"=>[1], "c"=>[2]} => gives enumeration of each element with it's index
each_with_object => lets you reduce the enumeration on a provided object(represented by h in above)

Array to hash while summing values

I have a an array as follows:
[[172, 3],
[173, 1],
[174, 2],
[174, 3],
[174, 1]]
That I'd like to convert into an array, but while summing the values for matching keys. So I'd get the following:
{172 => 3, 173 => 1, 174 => 6}
How would I go about doing this?
How would I go about doing this?
Solve one problem at a time.
Given your array:
a = [[172, 3], [173, 1], [174, 2], [174, 3], [174, 1]]
We need an additional hash:
h = {}
Then we have to traverse the pairs in the array:
a.each do |k, v|
if h.key?(k) # If the hash already contains the key
h[k] += v # we add v to the existing value
else # otherwise
h[k] = v # we use v as the initial value
h #=> {172=>3, 173=>1, 174=>6}
Now let's refactor it. The conditional looks a bit cumbersome, what if we would just add everything?
h = {}
a.each { |k, v| h[k] += v }
#=> NoMethodError: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass
Bummer, that doesn't work because the hash's values are initially nil. Let's fix that:
h = # <- hash with default values of 0
a.each { |k, v| h[k] += v }
h #=> {172=>3, 173=>1, 174=>6}
That looks good. We can even get rid of the temporary variable by using each_with_object:
a.each_with_object( { |(k, v), h| h[k] += v }
#=> {172=>3, 173=>1, 174=>6}
You can try something about:
> array
#=> [[172, 3], [173, 1], [174, 2], [174, 3], [174, 1]]
array.group_by(&:first).map { |k, v| [k,] }.to_h
#=> => {172=>3, 173=>1, 174=>6}
Ruby 2.4.0 version:
a.group_by(&:first).transform_values { |e| e.sum(&:last) }
#=> => {172=>3, 173=>1, 174=>6}
array = [[172, 3], [173, 1], [174, 2], [174, 3], [174, 1]]
You could use a hash with a default value 0 like this
hash ={|h,k| h[k] = 0 }
Then use it, and sum up values:
array.each { |a, b| hash[a] += b }
#=> {172=>3, 173=>1, 174=>6}
Another possible solution:
arr = [[172, 3], [173, 1], [174, 2], [174, 3], [174, 1]]
hash = arr.each_with_object({}) {|a,h| h[a[0]] = h[a[0]].to_i + a[1]}
p hash
# {172=>3, 173=>1, 174=>6}

get coordinates of value in 2D array

I want to get the coordinates of every occurrence of an object stored in an array of arrays. If I have an array:
array = [["foo", "bar", "lobster"], ["camel", "trombone", "foo"]]
and an object "foo", I want to get:
[[0,0], [1,2]]
The following will do this, but it's elaborate and ugly:
|row,row_index| {
|v,col_index| v=="foo" ? [row_index,col_index] : v
.flatten(1).find_all {|x| x.class==Array}
Is there a more straightforward way to do this? This was asked before, and produced a similarly inelegant solution.
Here's a slightly more elegant solution. I have:
Used flat_map instead of flattening at the end
Used instead of .map.with_index and then having to strip non-arrays at the end, which is really ugly
Added indentation
array.flat_map.with_index {|row, row_idx|{|i| row[i] == 'foo' }.map{|col_idx| [row_idx, col_idx] }
Another way:
array = [["foo", "bar", "lobster"], ["camel", "trombone", "foo"],
["goat", "car", "hog"], ["foo", "harp", "foo"]]
array.each_with_index.with_object([]) { |(a,i),b|
a.each_with_index { |s,j| b << [i,j] if s == "foo" } }
#=> [[0,0], [1,2], [3,0], [3,2]
It's better to work with flat arrays.
cycle = array.first.length
#=> 3
.select{|e, i| e == "foo"}
.map{|e, i| i.divmod(cycle)}
#=> [[0, 0], [1, 2]]
cycle = array.first.length
#=> 3
array = array.flatten{|i| array[i] == "foo"}.map{|e, i| i.divmod(cycle)}
#=> [[0, 0], [1, 2]]

Removing all elements of a column in a two-dimensional array

I have this array:
arr = [["a","b","c"],[2,3,5],[3,6,8],[1,3,1]]
which is representing a prawn-table containing columns "a", "b", and "c".
How do I remove the entire column "c" with all its values, 5, 8, 1?
Maybe there are useful hints in "Create two-dimensional arrays and access sub-arrays in Ruby" and "difficulty modifying two dimensional ruby array" but I can't transfer them to my problem.
Just out of curiosity sake here is an another approach (one-liner):
arr = [["a","b","c"],[2,3,5],[3,6,8],[1,3,1]]
i = 2 # the index of the column you want to delete
arr.each do |row|
row.delete_at i
=> [["a", "b"], [2, 3], [3, 6], [1, 3]]
class Matrix < Array
def delete_column(i)
arr.each do |row|
row.delete_at i
Since it is just the last value you can use Array#pop:
arr.each do |a|
Or find the index of "c" and delete all elements at that index:
c_index = arr[0].index "c"
arr.each do |a|
a.delete_at c_index
Or using map:
c_index = arr[0].index "c"{|a| a.delete_at c_index } { |row| row.delete_at(2) }
#=> ["c", 5, 8, 1]
That's if you really want to remove the last column so it's not in the original array anymore. If you just want to return it while leaving arr intact: { |row| row[2] }
#=> ["c", 5, 8, 1]
If you want to delete all the elements in a column corresponding to a particular heading:
if index = arr.index('c') then { |row| row[index] } # or { |row| row.delete_at(index) }
# Assuming first row are headers
arr = [["a","b","c"],[2,3,5],[3,6,8],[1,3,1]]
col = arr.first.index "c"
arr.each { |a| a.delete_at(col) }
Assuming the array's first element is always an array of column names, then you could do:
def delete_column(col, array)
index = array.first.index(col)
return unless index
array.each{ |a| a.delete_at(index) }
It will modify the passed-in array. You shouldn't assign its output to anything.
arr = [["a","b","c"],[2,3,5],[3,6,8],[1,3,1]]
p arr #=> [["a", "b"], [2, 3], [3, 6], [1, 3]]
I had a more generic need to remove one or more columns that matched a text pattern (not just delete the last column).
col_to_delete = 'b'
arr = [["a","b","c"],[2,3,5],[3,6,8],[1,3,1]]
arr.transpose.collect{|a| a if (a[0] != col_to_delete)}.reject(&:nil?).transpose
=> [["a", "c"], [2, 5], [3, 8], [1, 1]]

Reposition an element to the front of an array in Ruby

Even coming from javascript this looks atrocious to me:
>> a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
=> ["a", "b", "c"]
>> a.unshift(a.delete('c'))
=> ["c", "a", "b"]
Is there a more legible way placing an element to the front of an array?
Edit my actual code:
if #admin_users.include?(current_user)
Maybe this looks better to you:
a.insert(0, a.delete('c'))
Maybe Array#rotate would work for you:
['a', 'b', 'c'].rotate(-1)
#=> ["c", "a", "b"]
This is a trickier problem than it seems. I defined the following tests:
describe Array do
describe '.promote' do
subject(:array) { [1, 2, 3] }
it { expect(array.promote(2)).to eq [2, 1, 3] }
it { expect(array.promote(3)).to eq [3, 1, 2] }
it { expect(array.promote(4)).to eq [1, 2, 3] }
it { expect((array + array).promote(2)).to eq [2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3] }
sort_by proposed by #Duopixel is elegant but produces [3, 2, 1] for the second test.
class Array
def promote(promoted_element)
sort_by { |element| element == promoted_element ? 0 : 1 }
#tadman uses delete, but this deletes all matching elements, so the output of the fourth test is [2, 1, 3, 1, 3].
class Array
def promote(promoted_element)
if (found = delete(promoted_element))
I tried using:
class Array
def promote(promoted_element)
return self unless (found = delete_at(find_index(promoted_element)))
But that failed the third test because delete_at can't handle nil. Finally, I settled on:
class Array
def promote(promoted_element)
return self unless (found_index = find_index(promoted_element))
Who knew a simple idea like promote could be so tricky?
Adding my two cents:{ |item| <condition> } | array
Can move multiple items to front of array
This will remove all duplicates unless it's the desired outcome.
Example - Move all odd numbers to the front (and make array unique):
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 1]{ |item| item.odd? } | data
# Short version: | data
[1, 3, 5, 2, 4]
Another way:
a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
b = 3
[b] + (a - [b])
=> [3, 1, 2, 4]
If by "elegant" you mean more readable even at the expense of being non-standard, you could always write your own method that enhances Array:
class Array
def promote(value)
if (found = delete(value))
a = %w[ a b c ]
# => ["c", "a", "b"]
# => ["c", "a", "b"]
Keep in mind this would only reposition a single instance of a value. If there are several in the array, subsequent ones would probably not be moved until the first is removed.
In the end I considered this the most readable alternative to moving an element to the front:
if #admin_users.include?(current_user)
#admin_users.sort_by{|admin| admin == current_user ? 0 : 1}
If all the elements in the array are unique you can use array arithmetic:
> a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
=> ["a", "b", "c"]
> a -= "c"
=> ["a", "b"]
> a = ["c"] + a
=> ["c", "a", "b"]
Building on above:
class Array
def promote(*promoted)
self - (tail = self - promoted) + tail
=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
=> [4, 1, 2, 3]
=> [2, 4, 1, 3]
