drawing an image with RGB data in matlab - image

I have a text file containing RGB data for an image, how can I draw the image using this data in matlab?
data sample :
Red Green Blue
80 97 117
83 100 120
74 91 111
81 96 115
81 96 115
77 90 107
84 97 114
78 91 108
79 95 110
91 104 120
94 108 121
85 99 112

The IMAGE command takes an MxNx3 matrix and displays it as an RGB image. You can use LOAD and RESHAPE to get the data into the right format. Finally, IMAGE wants either integers between 0 and 255 or doubles between 0 and 1.0, so you need to cast or rescale your numbers. The following code snippet should show you how to put it all together.
x = load('rgbdata.txt'); % makes a 12x3 matrix
x = reshape(x, 2, 6, 3); % reshape pulls columnwise, assume 6x2 image
x = x/255; %scale the data to be between 0 and 1


Identifying DEFLATE Algorithm Variant Being Used in Proprietary File Format

Disclaimer: This problem requires a very good knowledge of the DEFLATE algorithm.
I am hoping I could solicit some ideas identifying the compression algorithm being used in a particular file format. This is a legacy proprietary format that my application needs to support, so we are trying to reverse engineer it. (Going to the original creator is not an option, for reasons I won't get into).
I'm extremely close to cracking it, but I feel like I'm living Xeno's paradox because every day I seem to get halfway closer to the finish line but never there!
Here's what I know so far:
It is definitely using something extremely similar to the DEFLATE algorithm. Similarities -
The compressed data is represented by canonical Huffman codes
(usually starting with 000, but I'm not sure that is always the
The data is preceded (I believe immediately) by a header table
which identifies the bit lenghts of each of the actual codes. Like
DEFLATE, this table ALSO comprises cannonical Huffman codes
(starting either at 0 or 00). These codes provide the bit-lenghts of
each character in the 0-255+ alphabet plus whatever distance codes
might be used.
Finally, again like DEFLATE, the header table with the
bit lenghts for the main codes is also preceded (I think immediately)
by a series of 3-bit codes used to derive the header table codes
(I'll call this the "pre-header").
At this point the similarities seem to end though.
The 3-bit codes in the pre-header do not appear go in the 16, 17, 18, 0, 8 ... optimal order as specified by DEFLATE, but rather seem to go sequentially, like 6 7 8 9....
Another difference is that each 3-bit code is not necessarily a literal bit length. For example, here's a header that I've mostly deciphered (I'm 99.99% confident it is correct):
00000001011 100 010 110 010 010 011 010 110 101 100 011 010 010 011 100 010 111
*0* skA *3* *4* *5* *6* *7* *8* *9* skB
Ignoring the unmarked bits, this results in the following code table:
00 7-bits
01 8-bits
100 6-bits
101 9-bits
1100 0-bits (skip code)
1101 skA = skip 3 + value of next 4 bits
1110 5-bits
11110 4-bits
111110 skB = skip 11? + value of next 9 bits
111111 3-bits
The most glaring problem is that there are additional bit-lenghts in the header table that are unused. And, in fact, they would not be usable at all, as there cannot be any additional 2-bit or 3-bit codes, for example, for the codes to be canonical (right?).
The author is also using non-standard codes for 16+. They don't seem to use the copy code (16 in DEFLATE) at all; the main headers all have huge strings of identical length codes (terribly inefficient...), and the skip codes use the next 4 and 9 bits to determine the number of skips, respectively, rather than 3 and 7 as in DEFLATE.
Yet another key difference is in the very first bits of the header. In DEFLATE the first bits are HLIT(5), HDIST(5), and HCLEN(4). If I interpreted the above header that way using LSB packing, I'd get HLIT = 257 (correct), HDIST = 21 (unsure if correct) and HCLEN = 7 (definitely not correct). If I use MSB packing instead, I'd get HLIT=257, HDIST = 6 (more likely correct) and HCLEN = 16 (appears correct). BUT, I don't think there are actually intended to be 14 bits in the prefix because I appear to need the "100" (see above) for the bit count of the 0-bit (skip) code. And in other examples, bits 10-13 don't appear to correlate to the length of the pre-header at all.
Speaking of other examples, not every file appears to follow the same header format. Here's another header:
00000001000 100 100 110 011 010 111 010 111 011 101 010 110 100 011 101 000 100 011
In this second example, I again happen to know that the code table for the header is:
0 8-bits
10 7-bits
110 6-bits
11100 skA
11101 5-bits
111100 0-bits (skip)
111101 skB
111110 9-bits
1111110 3-bits
1111111 4-bits
However, as you can see, many of the required code lenghts are not in the header at all. For example there's no "001" to represent the 8-bit code, and they are not even close to being in sequence (neither consecutively nor by the optimal 16, 17, 18...).
And yet, if we shift the bits left by 1:
skA *0* *5* *6* *7* *8* *9*
0000000100 010 010 011 001 101 011 101 011 101 110 101 011 010 001 110 100 010 001 1
This is much better, but we still can't correctly derive the code for skB (110), or 3 or 4 (111). Shifting by another bit does not improve the situation.
Incidentally, if you're wondering how I am confident that I know the code tables in these two examples, the answer is A LOT of painstaking reverse engineering, i.e., looking at the bits in files that differ slightly or have discernable patterns, and deriving the canonical code table being used. These code tables are 99+% certainly correct.
To summarize, then, we appear to have an extremely close variant of DEFLATE, but for inexplicable reasons one that uses some kind of non-standard pre-header. Where I am getting tripped up, of course, is identifying which pre-header bits correspond to the code bit-lengths for the main header. If I had that, everything would fall into place.
I have a couple of other examples I could post, but rather than ask people to do pattern matching for me, what I'm really praying for is that someone will recognize the algorithm being used and be able to point me to it. I find it unlikely that the author, rather than use an existing standard, would have gone to the trouble of coding his own algorithm from scratch that was 99% like DEFLATE but then change the pre-header structure only slightly. It makes no sense; if they simply wanted to obfuscate the data to prevent what I'm trying to do, there are much easier and more effective ways.
The software dates back to the late 90s, early 2000s, by the way, so consider what was being done back then. This is not "middle out" or anything new and crazy. It's something old and probably obscure. I'm guessing some variant of DEFLATE that was in use in some semi-popular library around that time, but I've not been having much luck finding information on anything that isn't actually DEFLATE.
Many, many thanks for any input.
PS - As requested, here is the complete data block from the first example in the post. I don't know if it'll be of much use, but here goes. BTW, the first four bytes are the uncompressed output size. The fifth byte begins the pre-header.
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
Edit 7/11/2015
I've managed to decipher quite a bit additional information. The algorithm is definitely using LZ77 and Huffman coding. The length codes and extra bits seem to all match that used in Deflate.
I was able to learn a lot more detail about the pre-header as well. It has the following structure:
HLEN 0 SkS SkL ?? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HLIT
00000 00101110 001 0 1100 100 100 110 10 110 101 100 011 010 010 011 100010111
HLEN = the last bit-length in the pre-header - 3 (e.g. 1100 (12) means 9 is the last bit-length code)
HLIT = the number of literal codes in the main dictionary
SkS = "skip short" - skips a # of codes determined by the next 4-bits
SkL = "skip long" - skips a # of codes determined by the next 9-bits
0 - 9 = the number of bits in the dictionary codes for the respective bit lengths
The unmarked bits I'm still unable to decipher. Also, what I'm now seeing is that the pre-header codes themselves appear to have some extra bits thrown in (note the ?? between SkL and 3, above). They're not all straight 3-bit codes.
So, the only essential information that's now missing is:
How to parse the pre-header for extra bits and whatnot; and
How many distance codes follow the literal codes
If I had that information, I could actually feed the remaining data to zlib by manually supplying the code length dictionary along with the correct number of literal vs. distance codes. Everything after this header follows DEFLATE to the letter.
Here are some more example headers, with the bit-length codes indicated along with the number of literal and length codes. Note in each one I was able to reverse engineer the the answers, but I remain unable to match the undeciphered bits to those statistics.
Sample 1
(273 literals, 35 length, 308 total)
????? ???????? ??? ? HLEN 0 SkS SkL ?? 3 ? 4 ? 5 6 7 8 9 HLIT
00000 00100010 010 0 1100 110 101 110 10 111 0 111 0 101 011 010 001 110 100010001
Sample 2
(325 literal, 23 length, 348 total)
????? ???????? ??? ? HLEN 0 SkS SkL ?? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HLIT
00000 00110110 001 0 1100 101 101 110 10 110 000 101 000 011 010 001 101000101
Sample 3
(317 literal, 23 length, 340 total)
????? ???????? ??? ? HLEN 0 SkS SkL ??? 4 5 ? 6 7 8 9 HLIT
00000 01000100 111 0 1100 000 101 111 011 110 111 0 100 011 010 001 100111101
Sample 4
(279 literals, 18 length, 297 total)
????? ???????? ??? ? HLEN 0 SkS SkL ?? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HLIT
00000 00101110 001 0 1100 100 100 110 10 110 101 100 011 010 010 011 100010111
Sample 5
(258 literals, 12 length, 270 total)
????? ???????? ??? ? HLEN 0 SkS SkL ?? 2 3 4 HLIT
00000 00000010 000 0 0111 011 000 011 01 010 000 001 100000010
I'm still hoping someone has seen a non-standard DEFLATE-style header like this before. Or maybe you'll see a pattern I'm failing to see... Many thanks for any further input.
Well I finally managed to fully crack it. It was indeed using an implementation of LZ77 and Huffman coding, but very much a non-standard DEFLATE-like method for storing and deriving the codes.
As it turns out the pre-header codes were themselves fixed-dictionary Huffman codes and not literal bit lengths. Figuring out the distance codes was similarly tricky because unlike DEFLATE, they were not using the same bit-length codes as the literals, but rather were using yet another fixed-Huffman dictionary.
The takeaway for anyone interested is that apparently, there are old file formats out there using DEFLATE-derivatives. They CAN be reverse engineered with determination. In this case, I probably spent about 100 hours total, most of which was manually reconstructing compressed data from the known decompressed samples in order to find the code patterns. Once I knew enough about what they were doing to automate that process, I was able to make a few dozen example headers and thereby find the patterns.
I still fail to understand why they did this rather than use a standard format. It must have been a fair amount of work deriving a new compression format versus just using ZLib. If they were trying to obfuscate the data, they could have done so much more effectively by encrypting it, xor'ing with other values, etc. Nope, none of that. They just decided to show off their genius to their bosses, I suppose, by coming up with something "new" even if the differences from the standard were trivial and added no value other than to make MY life difficult. :)
Thanks to those who offered their input.

Compute the local mean and variance of identified pixel in image

I want to compute the mean and standard derivation of sub region that is created by a window (dashed line) and center at identified pixel-red color( called local mean and standard derivation). This is figure to describe it
We can do it by convolution image with a mask. However, it takes long time because I only care the mean and standard derivation of a server points, while convolution computes for whole point in image. Could you have a faster way to resolve it that only compute the mean and standard derivation at identified pixel? I am doing it by matlab. This is my code by convolution function
I=[18 36 70 33 64 40 62 76 71 37 5
82 49 86 45 96 29 74 7 60 56 45
25 32 55 48 25 30 12 82 95 77 8
24 18 78 74 19 57 67 59 16 46 78
28 9 59 2 29 11 7 31 75 15 25
83 26 96 8 82 26 85 12 11 28 19
81 64 78 70 26 33 17 72 81 16 54
75 39 78 34 59 31 77 31 61 81 89
89 84 29 99 79 25 26 35 65 56 76
93 90 45 7 61 13 34 24 11 34 92
88 82 91 81 100 4 88 70 85 8 19];
identified_position=[30 36 84 90] %indices of pixel 78, 48,72 60
%Mean of identified pixels
% Compute the variance
%std of identified pixels
This is the comparison code
function compare_mean(dimx,dimy)
identified_position=randi(max(I(:)),[1,5]);% Get 5 random position
function way1()
mean_out =mean_all(identified_position);
function way2()
box_size = rad; %// Edit your window size here (an odd number is preferred)
bxr = floor(box_size/2); %// box radius
%// Get neighboring indices and those elements for all identified positions
off1 = bsxfun(#plus,[-bxr:bxr]',[-bxr:bxr]*size(I,1)); %//'#neighborhood offsets
idx = bsxfun(#plus,off1(:),identified_position); %// all absolute offsets
I_selected_neigh = I(idx); %// all offsetted elements
mean_out = mean(I_selected_neigh,1); %// mean output
Sometime the way2 has error is
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in compare_mean/way2 (line 18)
I_selected_neigh = I(idx); %// all offsetted elements
Error in compare_mean (line 22)
Discussion & Solution Codes
Given I as the input image, identified_position as the linear indices of the selected points and bxsz as the window/box size, the approach listed next must be pretty efficient -
%// Get XY coordinates
[X,Y] = ind2sub(size(I),identified_position);
pts = [X(:) Y(:)];
%// Parameters
bxr = (bxsz-1)/2;
Isz = size(I);
%// XY coordinates of neighboring elements
[offx,offy] = ndgrid(-bxr:bxr,-bxr:bxr);
x_idx = bsxfun(#plus,offx(:),pts(:,1)'); %//'
y_idx = bsxfun(#plus,offy(:),pts(:,2)'); %//'
%// Outside image boundary elements
invalids = x_idx>Isz(1) | x_idx<1 | y_idx>Isz(2) | y_idx<1;
%// All neighboring indices
all_idx = (y_idx-1)*size(I,1) + x_idx;
all_idx(invalids) = 1;
%// All neighboring elements
all_vals = I(all_idx);
all_vals(invalids) = 0;
mean_out = mean(all_vals,1); %// final mean output
stdfilts = stdfilt(all_vals,ones(bxsz^2,1))
std_out = stdfilts(ceil(size(stdfilts,1)/2),:) %// final stdfilt output
Basically, it gets all the neighbouring indices for all identified positions in one go with bsxfun and thus, gets all those neighbouring elements. Those selected elements are then used to get the mean and stdfilt outputs. The whole idea is to keep the memory requirement minimum and at the same time doing everything in a vectorized fashion within those selected elements. Hopefully, this must be faster!
Benchmarking Code
dx = 10000; %// x-dimension of input image
dy = 10000; %// y-dimension of input image
npts = 1000; %// number of points
I=randi(100,[dx,dy]); %// create input image of random intensities
rad=5; %// blocksize (rad x rad)
%// Run the approaches fed with the inputs
func1 = #() way1(I,identified_position,rad); %// original approach
time1 = timeit(func1);
clear func1
func2 = #() way2(I,identified_position,rad); %// proposed approach
time2 = timeit(func2);
clear func2
disp(['Input size: ' num2str(dx) 'x' num2str(dy) ' & Points: ' num2str(npts)])
disp(['With Original Approach: Elapsed Time = ' num2str(time1) '(s)'])
disp(['With Proposed Approach: Elapsed Time = ' num2str(time2) '(s)'])
disp(['**Speedup w/ Proposed Approach : ' num2str(time1/time2) 'x!**'])
Associated function codes
%// OP's stated approach
function mean_out = way1(I,identified_position,rad)
mean_out =mean_all(identified_position);
function mean_out = way2(I,identified_position,rad)
%//.... code from proposed approach stated earlier until mean_out %//
Runtime results
Input size: 10000x10000 & Points: 1000
With Original Approach: Elapsed Time = 0.46394(s)
With Proposed Approach: Elapsed Time = 0.00049403(s)
**Speedup w/ Proposed Approach : 939.0778x!**

calculate exponential moving average in matrix with nan values

suppose I have the following matrix
a =
76 NaN 122 NaN
78 NaN 123 NaN
84 NaN 124 54
77 NaN 126 58
82 45 129 62
90 50 135 45
76 63 133 66
79 52 122 49
88 56 140 24
Is there any way to calculate exponential moving average for each column, disregarding the first NaN values? For instance, if I use a 3 days exponential factor, I would expect to get a matrix starting with 2 NaN values in the 1st column, 6 NaN values in the 2nd column,2 NaN values in the 3rd column and 4 NaN values in the 4th column. Any suggestion? Thank you in advance
Just use filter on the whole matrix, which will pass through the NaN's as appropriate. If you want to "infect" edge values with NaN as well, add some extras at the top edge, then trim the result:
kernel = [1 1 1].'; % Any 3-element kernel, as column vector
a2 = [repmat(NaN, 2, 4); a]; % Add extra NaN's at the start, to avoid partial answers
xtemp = filter(kernel, 1, a2);
x = xtemp(3:end, :);

Algorithm to find average of group of numbers

I have a quite small list of numbers (a few hundred max) like for example this one:
117 99 91 93 95 95 91 97 89 99 89 99
91 95 89 99 89 99 89 95 95 95 89 948
189 99 89 189 189 95 186 95 93 189 95
189 89 193 189 93 91 193 89 193 185 95
89 194 185 99 89 189 95 189 189 95 89
189 189 95 189 95 89 193 101 180 189
95 89 195 185 95 89 193 89 193 185 99
185 95 189 95 89 193 91 190 94 190 185
99 89 189 95 189 189 95 185 95 185 99
89 189 95 189 186 99 89 189 191 95 185
99 89 189 189 96 89 193 189 95 185 95
89 193 95 189 185 95 93 189 189 95 186
97 185 95 189 95 185 99 185 95 185 99
185 95 190 95 185 95 95 189 185 95 189
If you create a graph with X=the number and Y=number of times we see the number, we'll have something like this:
What I want is to know the average number of each group of numbers. In the example, there's 4 groups and the resulting numbers are 92, 187, 948 and 2451
The number of groups of number is not known.
Do you have any idea of how to create a (simple if possible) algorithm do extract these resulting numbers (if possible in c or pseudo code or English :)
What you want to do is called clustering. If the data you've shown is typical, a gready approach, such as neighbor joining, should be sufficient. So the procedure is:
1) Apply neighbor joining
2) Apply an (empirically identified) threshold to define the clusters
3) Calculate average of each cluster
Using a package that already has clustering algorithms, such as R, would probably be the easiest course, though neighbor joining is not a particularly hard algorithm.
I think std::map<int,int> can easily solve this problem. The key of the map would be the number, and value would be the times/frequency the number occurs.
So the average can be calculated as,
int average = (m[key] * key) / count;
Where count is total number of numbers, so it calculates the average of each group over all numbers, as you didn't clearly mention what you mean by average. I'm also assuming that each distinct number forms its own group!
Here's a way:
Decide what width your bins will be. Let's say 10 (i.e. e.g. numbers > -5 and <= 5 go into bin 0, numbers > 5 and <= 15 go into bin 1, ...).
Create a list which holds lists to the number in each bin. I'd go with something like map<unsigned int, vector<unsigned int> * > in C++.
Now iterate over the numbers, decide what bin they belong to. Check if there's already a vector for this bin in your map, if not create one. Add the number to the vector.
After iterating over all the numbers, simply calculate the average of each vector.
So you are looking for "spikes" in the graph. I'm guessing you are interested in the size and position of each group?
You might use something like this:
Sort the numbers
Take the highest number you have
Investigate more numbers until you find a number that is too small to belong to the group (maybe 5% smaller)
Calculate the average of the selected numbers
Let the discarded number be the last number
End loop
In PHP you could do it like this:
$array = array(//an array of numbers);
$average = array_sum($array) / count($array);
With multiple groups of numbers you can do something like:
$array = array(
array(array of numbers, group1),
array(array of numbers, group2),
foreach($array as $numbers)
$average[] = array_sum($numbers) / count($numbers);
Unless you're looking for the median or mode.
Ah, I see what you're asking now, you're not asking how to find the average, you're asking how to group the numbers up and find the average of each group.
Lets see, you'd have to find the mode, $counts = array_count_values($array)); array_keys(max($counts)); will do that and the keys in $counts will be the values of the original array, with the values in $counts being the number of times that each number shows up. Then you need to figure out where the bigger gaps in the keys in $counts are. You could also array_unique() the array original array and find the gaps in the values.
Wish my statistics teacher had done a bit more than play poker with us, or I could probably figure out the exact statistical method to determine how big the range checked to determine the groups should be.

How can I plot the frequency spectrum of noise?

I wish to plot the EMI noise generated by high frequency switching circuits in simulink. The spectrum scope shows a plot in dB vs frequency. I want to plot this in log frequency scale.
If I understand correctly, you have data containing Frequency -> dB and you want to plot it using the log of the frequency?
For example if you have the following:
Freq dB
63 70
125 75
250 71
500 75
1000 65
2000 77
4000 79
8000 74
You want the log of the freq:
Freq dB Log(Freq)
63 70 1.8
125 75 2.1
250 71 2.4
500 75 2.7
1000 65 3.0
2000 77 3.3
4000 79 3.6
8000 74 3.9
And plot it in a graph:
80 |
- | x
76 | x
- | x x x
72 |
- | x x
68 |
- | x
64 |
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
If so, you can just take the data and convert each frequency to the log of the frequency.
