calculate exponential moving average in matrix with nan values - performance

suppose I have the following matrix
a =
76 NaN 122 NaN
78 NaN 123 NaN
84 NaN 124 54
77 NaN 126 58
82 45 129 62
90 50 135 45
76 63 133 66
79 52 122 49
88 56 140 24
Is there any way to calculate exponential moving average for each column, disregarding the first NaN values? For instance, if I use a 3 days exponential factor, I would expect to get a matrix starting with 2 NaN values in the 1st column, 6 NaN values in the 2nd column,2 NaN values in the 3rd column and 4 NaN values in the 4th column. Any suggestion? Thank you in advance

Just use filter on the whole matrix, which will pass through the NaN's as appropriate. If you want to "infect" edge values with NaN as well, add some extras at the top edge, then trim the result:
kernel = [1 1 1].'; % Any 3-element kernel, as column vector
a2 = [repmat(NaN, 2, 4); a]; % Add extra NaN's at the start, to avoid partial answers
xtemp = filter(kernel, 1, a2);
x = xtemp(3:end, :);


Quickly compute `dot(a(n:end), b(1:end-n))`

Suppose we have two, one dimensional arrays of values a and b which both have length N. I want to create a new array c such that c(n)=dot(a(n:N), b(1:N-n+1)) I can of course do this using a simple loop:
for n=1:N
c(n)=dot(a(n:N), b(1:N-n+1));
but given that this is such a simple operation which resembles a convolution I was wondering if there isn't a more efficient method to do this (using Matlab).
A solution using 1D convolution conv:
out = conv(a, flip(b));
c = out(ceil(numel(out)/2):end);
In conv the first vector is multiplied by the reversed version of the second vector so we need to compute the convolution of a and the flipped b and trim the unnecessary part.
This is an interesting problem!
I am going to assume that a and b are column vectors of the same length. Let us consider a simple example:
a = [9;10;2;10;7];
b = [1;3;6;10;10];
% yields:
c = [221;146;74;31;7];
Now let's see what happens when we compute the convolution of these vectors:
>> conv(a,b)
ans =
>> conv2(a, b.')
ans =
9 27 54 90 90
10 30 60 100 100
2 6 12 20 20
10 30 60 100 100
7 21 42 70 70
We notice that c is the sum of elements along the lower diagonals of the result of conv2. To show it clearer we'll transpose to get the diagonals in the same order as values in c:
>> triu(conv2(a.', b))
ans =
9 10 2 10 7
0 30 6 30 21
0 0 12 60 42
0 0 0 100 70
0 0 0 0 70
So now it becomes a question of summing the diagonals of a matrix, which is a more common problem with existing solution, for example this one by Andrei Bobrov:
C = conv2(a.', b);
p = sum( spdiags(C, 0:size(C,2)-1) ).'; % This gives the same result as the loop.

Sum data in one column in a specific order in Spotfire

Does anyone know how to create a calculated column (in Spotfire) that will sum data in order of increasing values contained within another column?
For example, what would the expression be to Sum data in [P] in increasing order of [K], for each [Well]
Some example data:
Well Depth P K
A 85 0.191 108
A 85.5 0.192 102
A 87 0.17 49
A 88 0.184 47
A 89 0.192 50
B 298 0.215 177
B 298.5 0.2 177
B 300 .017 105
B 301 0.23 200
You can use:
Sum([P]) OVER (intersect([Well],AllPrevious([K])))
This returns the cumulative sum of P in order of K per Well in ascending order of K.
Well K P Cumulative Sum of P
A 47 0,184 0,184
A 49 0,17 0,354
A 50 0,192 0,546
A 102 0,192 0,738
A 108 0,191 0,929
B 105 0,017 0,017
B 177 0,215 0,432
B 177 0,2 0,432
B 200 0,23 0,662
Edit Based on OP's comment:
you can use to get the cumulative sum in descending order of K:
Sum([P]) OVER (intersect([Well],AllNExt([K])))

Compute the local mean and variance of identified pixel in image

I want to compute the mean and standard derivation of sub region that is created by a window (dashed line) and center at identified pixel-red color( called local mean and standard derivation). This is figure to describe it
We can do it by convolution image with a mask. However, it takes long time because I only care the mean and standard derivation of a server points, while convolution computes for whole point in image. Could you have a faster way to resolve it that only compute the mean and standard derivation at identified pixel? I am doing it by matlab. This is my code by convolution function
I=[18 36 70 33 64 40 62 76 71 37 5
82 49 86 45 96 29 74 7 60 56 45
25 32 55 48 25 30 12 82 95 77 8
24 18 78 74 19 57 67 59 16 46 78
28 9 59 2 29 11 7 31 75 15 25
83 26 96 8 82 26 85 12 11 28 19
81 64 78 70 26 33 17 72 81 16 54
75 39 78 34 59 31 77 31 61 81 89
89 84 29 99 79 25 26 35 65 56 76
93 90 45 7 61 13 34 24 11 34 92
88 82 91 81 100 4 88 70 85 8 19];
identified_position=[30 36 84 90] %indices of pixel 78, 48,72 60
%Mean of identified pixels
% Compute the variance
%std of identified pixels
This is the comparison code
function compare_mean(dimx,dimy)
identified_position=randi(max(I(:)),[1,5]);% Get 5 random position
function way1()
mean_out =mean_all(identified_position);
function way2()
box_size = rad; %// Edit your window size here (an odd number is preferred)
bxr = floor(box_size/2); %// box radius
%// Get neighboring indices and those elements for all identified positions
off1 = bsxfun(#plus,[-bxr:bxr]',[-bxr:bxr]*size(I,1)); %//'#neighborhood offsets
idx = bsxfun(#plus,off1(:),identified_position); %// all absolute offsets
I_selected_neigh = I(idx); %// all offsetted elements
mean_out = mean(I_selected_neigh,1); %// mean output
Sometime the way2 has error is
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in compare_mean/way2 (line 18)
I_selected_neigh = I(idx); %// all offsetted elements
Error in compare_mean (line 22)
Discussion & Solution Codes
Given I as the input image, identified_position as the linear indices of the selected points and bxsz as the window/box size, the approach listed next must be pretty efficient -
%// Get XY coordinates
[X,Y] = ind2sub(size(I),identified_position);
pts = [X(:) Y(:)];
%// Parameters
bxr = (bxsz-1)/2;
Isz = size(I);
%// XY coordinates of neighboring elements
[offx,offy] = ndgrid(-bxr:bxr,-bxr:bxr);
x_idx = bsxfun(#plus,offx(:),pts(:,1)'); %//'
y_idx = bsxfun(#plus,offy(:),pts(:,2)'); %//'
%// Outside image boundary elements
invalids = x_idx>Isz(1) | x_idx<1 | y_idx>Isz(2) | y_idx<1;
%// All neighboring indices
all_idx = (y_idx-1)*size(I,1) + x_idx;
all_idx(invalids) = 1;
%// All neighboring elements
all_vals = I(all_idx);
all_vals(invalids) = 0;
mean_out = mean(all_vals,1); %// final mean output
stdfilts = stdfilt(all_vals,ones(bxsz^2,1))
std_out = stdfilts(ceil(size(stdfilts,1)/2),:) %// final stdfilt output
Basically, it gets all the neighbouring indices for all identified positions in one go with bsxfun and thus, gets all those neighbouring elements. Those selected elements are then used to get the mean and stdfilt outputs. The whole idea is to keep the memory requirement minimum and at the same time doing everything in a vectorized fashion within those selected elements. Hopefully, this must be faster!
Benchmarking Code
dx = 10000; %// x-dimension of input image
dy = 10000; %// y-dimension of input image
npts = 1000; %// number of points
I=randi(100,[dx,dy]); %// create input image of random intensities
rad=5; %// blocksize (rad x rad)
%// Run the approaches fed with the inputs
func1 = #() way1(I,identified_position,rad); %// original approach
time1 = timeit(func1);
clear func1
func2 = #() way2(I,identified_position,rad); %// proposed approach
time2 = timeit(func2);
clear func2
disp(['Input size: ' num2str(dx) 'x' num2str(dy) ' & Points: ' num2str(npts)])
disp(['With Original Approach: Elapsed Time = ' num2str(time1) '(s)'])
disp(['With Proposed Approach: Elapsed Time = ' num2str(time2) '(s)'])
disp(['**Speedup w/ Proposed Approach : ' num2str(time1/time2) 'x!**'])
Associated function codes
%// OP's stated approach
function mean_out = way1(I,identified_position,rad)
mean_out =mean_all(identified_position);
function mean_out = way2(I,identified_position,rad)
%//.... code from proposed approach stated earlier until mean_out %//
Runtime results
Input size: 10000x10000 & Points: 1000
With Original Approach: Elapsed Time = 0.46394(s)
With Proposed Approach: Elapsed Time = 0.00049403(s)
**Speedup w/ Proposed Approach : 939.0778x!**

Replacing selective numbers with NaNs

I have eight columns of data. Colulmns 1,3, 5 and 7 contain 3-digit numbers. Columns 2,4,6 and 8 contain 1s and zeros and correspond to 1, 3, 5 and 7 respectively. Where there is a zero in an even column I want to change the corresponding number to NaN. More simply, if it were
155 1 345 0
328 1 288 1
884 0 145 0
326 1 332 1
159 0 186 1
then 884 would be replaced with NaN, as would 159, 345 and 145 with the other numbers remaining the same. I need to use NaN to maintain the data in matrix form.
I know I could use
data(3,1)=Nan; data(5,1)=Nan
etc but this is very time consuming. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
Approach 1
a1 = [
155 1 345 0
328 1 288 1
884 0 145 0
326 1 332 1
159 0 186 1]
t1 = a1(:,[2:2:end])
data1 = a1(:,[1:2:end])
a1(:,[1:2:end]) = t1
Output -
a1 =
155 1 NaN 0
328 1 288 1
NaN 0 NaN 0
326 1 332 1
NaN 0 186 1
Approach 2
[x1,y1] = find(~a1(:,[2:2:end]))
a1(sub2ind(size(a1),x1,2*y1-1)) = NaN
I would split the problem into two matrices, with one being a logical mask, the other holding your data.
data = your_mat(:,1:2:end);
valid = your_mat(:,2:2:end);
Then you can simply do:
You could then rebuild your data by doing:
your_mat(:,1:2:end) = data;
Here is an interesting solution, I would expect it to perform quite well, but be aware that it is a bit tricky!
Using logical indexing:
even = a1(:,2:2:end); % even columns
odd = a1(:,1:2:end); % odd columns
odd(even == 0) = NaN; % set odd columns to NaN if corresponding col is 0
a1(:,1:2:end) = odd; % assign back to a1
a1 =
155 1 NaN 0
328 1 288 1
NaN 0 NaN 0
326 1 332 1
NaN 0 186 1
Here is an alternative solution. You can use circshift, in the following manner.
First create a mask of the even columns of the same size of your input matrix A:
AM = false(size(A)); AM(:,2:2:end) = true;
Then circshift the mask (A==0)&AM one element to the left, to shift this mask on the odd columns.
A(circshift((A==0)&AM,[0 -1])) = nan;
NOTE: I've searched for a one-liner ... I don't think it's a good one, but here is one you can use, based on my solution:
A(circshift(bsxfun(#and, A==0, mod(0:size(A,2)-1,2)),[0 -1])) = nan;
The dirty thing with bsxfun is to create on-line the mask AM. I use for that the oddness test on a vector of indices, bsxfun extends it over the whole matrix A. You can do anything else to create this mask, of course.

drawing an image with RGB data in matlab

I have a text file containing RGB data for an image, how can I draw the image using this data in matlab?
data sample :
Red Green Blue
80 97 117
83 100 120
74 91 111
81 96 115
81 96 115
77 90 107
84 97 114
78 91 108
79 95 110
91 104 120
94 108 121
85 99 112
The IMAGE command takes an MxNx3 matrix and displays it as an RGB image. You can use LOAD and RESHAPE to get the data into the right format. Finally, IMAGE wants either integers between 0 and 255 or doubles between 0 and 1.0, so you need to cast or rescale your numbers. The following code snippet should show you how to put it all together.
x = load('rgbdata.txt'); % makes a 12x3 matrix
x = reshape(x, 2, 6, 3); % reshape pulls columnwise, assume 6x2 image
x = x/255; %scale the data to be between 0 and 1
