I can't add ajax controls to Visual Studio 2010 - ajax

I can't add AJAX controls to VS2010 rc. I try to drag it to design view, but nothing happens, code remains unchanged. Where is a problem here? Should I install manually ajax toolbox to make it work?

Reset the toolbox and add again all your customized server control and will be fixed

Take a look at this article:
Finally look at this: http://blogs.msdn.com/webdevtools/archive/2009/05/26/using-microsoft-ajax-control-toolkit-with-visual-studio-10-beta-1.aspx
More specifically
"The AjaxControlToolkit you can
download from the web is for 3.5 fx.
It can work with a 4.0 framework, but
you can't see some functionality such
as no smart task, or you can't drag
and drop onto a supported control, for
VS 2010 Beta2. You need to retarget
the toolkit source to use 4.0 fx and
rebuild it."

After the file has been downloaded (and extracted), you may need to UNBLOCK the AjaxControlToolKit.Dll


Which version of Visual Studio covers ActiveX?

I would like to use an ActiveX control, more exactly "Microsoft Tabstrip control, version 5.0 (SP2)" but this is not possible due to license problems.
As mentioned in the answer on this other question, this problem can be solved by installing an old version of Visual Studio (the installation of another environment, using that control, automatically handles the licensing issues of that control, also for other environments, at least that's how I understood it). I have installed the most recent version (2019, 16.8.3), which seems not to be a good idea.
So, there are three ways to proceed now:
Either I uninstall my Visual Studio and replace it by an older version. In that case, which version do I need to use?
Either I add the mentioned control (or ActiveX as a whole) to my list of "Workloads", "Individual Components" ("Tools" menu, "Get tools and features..." menu item).
Either I use the extention handling feature to add (the mentioned) ActiveX control(s) ("Extensions" menu, "Manage extensions" menu item).
Edit after more investigation
In the meantime I've installed Visual Studio 2017, version 15.0, but this seems not to solve the issue. In top of that, I have no idea on how to include an ActiveX control to a basic Windows Form.
Does anybody have an idea?
In the meantime I've managed getting the license to work, installing "Visual Basic 6 (VB6), Service Pack 6".

Making controls deployed in a NuGet package to show in Visual Studio Toolbox

Someone asked about getting the WinRT XAML Toolkit controls to show up in Visual Studio Toolbox. I can see that they do show up when I look at the sample project that uses the source code version of the WinRT XAML Toolkit and I can find them in Blend in an app project that uses NuGet-packaged version of the Toolkit - just by searching for the controls by name, but they don't automatically show up in VS Toolbox somehow. I saw in Tim Heuer's article that you can make them show up in the Toolbox if you do a VSIX deployment, but the Toolkit doesn't support that option right now.
Is it possible to get it to work with NuGet or are using the source code or building Extension SDK the only options?
I think the possible way to do this would be to allow package manager to take additional parameters which would then add them to toolbox
If the default project templates reset the toolbox items each time, this might work great otherwise we will see versioning related issues in no time.

Visual basic 6.0 missing richtextedit component option

I am running Visual Basic 6.0
never had a problem with it before but today when I tried to add the rich text edit component to a new project, it was not in the list of components. I have googled the problem to no avail. i even went to the trouble of i uninstalling and reinstalling visual studio. still didn't help.
does anyone know how to fix this?
The file must be installed and registered on your computer before you can use it.
It is called Microsoft Rich Textbox Control 6.0. Look for the file richtx32.ocx. You may need to use the browse button on the components dialog if vb cannot find the file.
If the file is missing, it may be included in VB6 service packs at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/aa718364

In visual studio 2008 all Items in toolbox are grayed out

All my controls are grayed out in the toolbox when I open a Winform Project.
I have already reinstalled VS2008 and tryed all the steps indicated here, but nothing:
If it can be related when reinstalling VS2008 I had problems with the installation of .net Framework 3.5, it was complaining about .NET 2.0SP1 missing.
I solved it installing .net Framework 3.5 SP1 and then VS2008.
At the moment I'm trying to install .NET Framework 2.0SP1 but it doesn't work: the set up stops and shows "set up error" that's it. I don't know if the issues are related.
Start from scratch and try again (starting with .NET 2.0)
.NET 2.0 (followed by SP1)
.NET 3.0 (don't remember if this is necessary before 3.5 or not)
.NET 3.5
Visual Studio 2008
I just had the same problem and resolved it by deleting *.tbd files in this folder:
open a package in the BID. Then the control flow items will show up. all other items(eg data flow tak) will be greyed out
Drag a control flow item. For eg, if you drag a data flow task, then edit it. Now the toolbox will show Data Flow destinations and transformations. This means, BID will show control flow items if the control flow tab is active. then you can drag a control flow items and edit it to add any task based on the control flow task you added

How to maintain scroll position after postback in web application created in visual studio 2003

Is there a way to maintain scroll position after a postback in visual studio 2003.
In visual studio 2005 I can achieve this by setting MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback attribute of page directive to true.
How can I do this without setting location.href property???
If you are in the 1.1 Framework, you're looking for SmartNavigation. It's deprecated for the MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback in 2.0. Don't get your hopes up, it's mediocre at best. :)
SmartNavigation will work for you. It is available in .Net 1.1.
